// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "lexer.h" #include "parser.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "module-loader.h" #include "node-translator.h" #include <capnp/pretty-print.h> #include <capnp/schema.capnp.h> #include <kj/vector.h> #include <kj/io.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <kj/debug.h> #include "../message.h" #include <iostream> #include <kj/main.h> #include <kj/parse/char.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <capnp/serialize.h> #include <capnp/serialize-packed.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "(unknown)" #endif namespace capnp { namespace compiler { static const char VERSION_STRING[] = "Cap'n Proto version " VERSION; class CompilerMain final: public GlobalErrorReporter { public: explicit CompilerMain(kj::ProcessContext& context) : context(context), loader(*this) {} kj::MainFunc getMain() { if (context.getProgramName().endsWith("capnpc")) { kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING, "Compiles Cap'n Proto schema files and generates corresponding source code in one or " "more languages."); addGlobalOptions(builder); addCompileOptions(builder); builder.addOption({'i', "generate-id"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, generateId), "Generate a new 64-bit unique ID for use in a Cap'n Proto schema."); return builder.build(); } else { kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING, "Command-line tool for Cap'n Proto development and debugging."); builder.addSubCommand("compile", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getCompileMain), "Generate source code from schema files.") .addSubCommand("id", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getGenIdMain), "Generate a new unique ID.") .addSubCommand("decode", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getDecodeMain), "Decode binary Cap'n Proto message to text.") .addSubCommand("encode", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getEncodeMain), "Encode text Cap'n Proto message to binary.") .addSubCommand("eval", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getEvalMain), "Evaluate a const from a schema file."); addGlobalOptions(builder); return builder.build(); } } kj::MainFunc getCompileMain() { kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING, "Compiles Cap'n Proto schema files and generates corresponding source code in one or " "more languages."); addGlobalOptions(builder); addCompileOptions(builder); return builder.build(); } kj::MainFunc getGenIdMain() { return kj::MainBuilder( context, "Cap'n Proto multi-tool 0.2", "Generates a new 64-bit unique ID for use in a Cap'n Proto schema.") .callAfterParsing(KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, generateId)) .build(); } kj::MainFunc getDecodeMain() { // Only parse the schemas we actually need for decoding. compileEagerness = Compiler::NODE; // Drop annotations since we don't need them. This avoids importing files like c++.capnp. annotationFlag = Compiler::DROP_ANNOTATIONS; kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING, "Decodes one or more encoded Cap'n Proto messages as text. The messages have root " "type <type> defined in <schema-file>. Messages are read from standard input and " "by default are expected to be in standard Cap'n Proto serialization format."); addGlobalOptions(builder); builder.addOption({"flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat), "Interpret the input as one large single-segment message rather than a " "stream in standard serialization format. (Rarely used.)") .addOption({'p', "packed"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codePacked), "Expect the input to be packed using standard Cap'n Proto packing, which " "deflates zero-valued bytes. (This reads messages written with " "capnp::writePackedMessage*() from <capnp/serialize-packed.h>. Do not use " "this for messages written with capnp::writeMessage*() from " "<capnp/serialize.h>.)") .addOption({"short"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, printShort), "Print in short (non-pretty) format. Each message will be printed on one " "line, without using whitespace to improve readability.") .addOption({"quiet"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, setQuiet), "Do not print warning messages about the input being in the wrong format. " "Use this if you find the warnings are wrong (but also let us know so " "we can improve them).") .expectArg("<schema-file>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addSource)) .expectArg("<type>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, setRootType)) .callAfterParsing(KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, decode)); return builder.build(); } kj::MainFunc getEncodeMain() { // Only parse the schemas we actually need for decoding. compileEagerness = Compiler::NODE; // Drop annotations since we don't need them. This avoids importing files like c++.capnp. annotationFlag = Compiler::DROP_ANNOTATIONS; kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING, "Encodes one or more textual Cap'n Proto messages to binary. The messages have root " "type <type> defined in <schema-file>. Messages are read from standard input. Each " "mesage is a parenthesized struct literal, like the format used to specify constants " "and default values of struct type in the schema language. For example:\n" " (foo = 123, bar = \"hello\", baz = [true, false, true])\n" "The input may contain any number of such values; each will be encoded as a separate " "message.", "Note that the current implementation reads the entire input into memory before " "beginning to encode. A better implementation would read and encode one message at " "a time."); addGlobalOptions(builder); builder.addOption({"flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat), "Expect only one input value, serializing it as a single-segment message " "with no framing.") .addOption({'p', "packed"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codePacked), "Pack the output message with standard Cap'n Proto packing, which " "deflates zero-valued bytes. (This writes messages using " "capnp::writePackedMessage() from <capnp/serialize-packed.h>. Without " "this, capnp::writeMessage() from <capnp/serialize.h> is used.)") .addOptionWithArg({"segment-size"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, setSegmentSize), "<n>", "Sets the preferred segment size on the MallocMessageBuilder to <n> " "words and turns off heuristic growth. This flag is mainly useful " "for testing. Without it, each message will be written as a single " "segment.") .expectArg("<schema-file>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addSource)) .expectArg("<type>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, setRootType)) .callAfterParsing(KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, encode)); return builder.build(); } kj::MainFunc getEvalMain() { // Only parse the schemas we actually need for decoding. compileEagerness = Compiler::NODE; // Drop annotations since we don't need them. This avoids importing files like c++.capnp. annotationFlag = Compiler::DROP_ANNOTATIONS; kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING, "Prints (or encodes) the value of <name>, which must be defined in <schema-file>. " "<name> must refer to a const declaration, a field of a struct type (prints the default " "value), or a field or list element nested within some other value. Examples:\n" " capnp eval myschema.capnp MyType.someField\n" " capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant\n" " capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant.someField\n" " capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant.someList[4]\n" " capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant.someList[4].anotherField[1][2][3]\n" "Since consts can have complex struct types, and since you can define a const using " "import and variable substitution, this can be a convenient way to write text-format " "config files which are compiled to binary before deployment.", "By default the value is written in text format and can have any type. The -b, -p, " "and --flat flags specify binary output, in which case the const must be of struct " "type."); addGlobalOptions(builder); builder.addOption({'b', "binary"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeBinary), "Write the output as binary instead of text, using standard Cap'n Proto " "serialization. (This writes the message using capnp::writeMessage() " "from <capnp/serialize.h>.)") .addOption({"flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat), "Write the output as a flat single-segment binary message, with no framing.") .addOption({'p', "packed"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codePacked), "Write the output as packed binary instead of text, using standard Cap'n " "Proto packing, which deflates zero-valued bytes. (This writes the " "message using capnp::writePackedMessage() from " "<capnp/serialize-packed.h>.)") .addOption({"short"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, printShort), "Print in short (non-pretty) text format. The message will be printed on " "one line, without using whitespace to improve readability.") .expectArg("<schema-file>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addSource)) .expectArg("<name>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, evalConst)); return builder.build(); } void addGlobalOptions(kj::MainBuilder& builder) { builder.addOptionWithArg({'I', "import-path"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addImportPath), "<dir>", "Add <dir> to the list of directories searched for non-relative " "imports (ones that start with a '/').") .addOption({"no-standard-import"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, noStandardImport), "Do not add any default import paths; use only those specified by -I. " "Otherwise, typically /usr/include and /usr/local/include are added by " "default."); } void addCompileOptions(kj::MainBuilder& builder) { builder.addOptionWithArg({'o', "output"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addOutput), "<lang>[:<dir>]", "Generate source code for language <lang> in directory <dir> " "(default: current directory). <lang> actually specifies a plugin " "to use. If <lang> is a simple word, the compiler for a plugin " "called 'capnpc-<lang>' in $PATH. If <lang> is a file path " "containing slashes, it is interpreted as the exact plugin " "executable file name, and $PATH is not searched.") .addOptionWithArg({"src-prefix"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addSourcePrefix), "<prefix>", "If a file specified for compilation starts with <prefix>, remove " "the prefix for the purpose of deciding the names of output files. " "For example, the following command:\n" " capnp compile --src-prefix=foo/bar -oc++:corge foo/bar/baz/qux.capnp\n" "would generate the files corge/baz/qux.capnp.{h,c++}.") .expectOneOrMoreArgs("<source>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addSource)) .callAfterParsing(KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, generateOutput)); } // ===================================================================================== // shared options kj::MainBuilder::Validity addImportPath(kj::StringPtr path) { loader.addImportPath(kj::heapString(path)); return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity noStandardImport() { addStandardImportPaths = false; return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity addSource(kj::StringPtr file) { // Strip redundant "./" prefixes to make src-prefix matching more lenient. while (file.startsWith("./")) { file = file.slice(2); // Remove redundant slashes as well (e.g. ".////foo" -> "foo"). while (file.startsWith("/")) { file = file.slice(1); } } if (!compilerConstructed) { compiler = compilerSpace.construct(annotationFlag); compilerConstructed = true; } if (addStandardImportPaths) { loader.addImportPath(kj::heapString("/usr/local/include")); loader.addImportPath(kj::heapString("/usr/include")); #ifdef CAPNP_INCLUDE_DIR loader.addImportPath(kj::heapString(CAPNP_INCLUDE_DIR)); #endif addStandardImportPaths = false; } KJ_IF_MAYBE(module, loadModule(file)) { uint64_t id = compiler->add(*module); compiler->eagerlyCompile(id, compileEagerness); sourceFiles.add(SourceFile { id, module->getSourceName(), &*module }); } else { return "no such file"; } return true; } private: kj::Maybe<Module&> loadModule(kj::StringPtr file) { size_t longestPrefix = 0; for (auto& prefix: sourcePrefixes) { if (file.startsWith(prefix)) { longestPrefix = kj::max(longestPrefix, prefix.size()); } } kj::StringPtr canonicalName = file.slice(longestPrefix); return loader.loadModule(file, canonicalName); } public: // ===================================================================================== // "id" command kj::MainBuilder::Validity generateId() { context.exitInfo(kj::str("@0x", kj::hex(generateRandomId()))); KJ_CLANG_KNOWS_THIS_IS_UNREACHABLE_BUT_GCC_DOESNT; } // ===================================================================================== // "compile" command kj::MainBuilder::Validity addOutput(kj::StringPtr spec) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(split, spec.findFirst(':')) { kj::StringPtr dir = spec.slice(*split + 1); struct stat stats; if (stat(dir.cStr(), &stats) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode)) { return "output location is inaccessible or is not a directory"; } outputs.add(OutputDirective { spec.slice(0, *split), dir }); } else { outputs.add(OutputDirective { spec.asArray(), nullptr }); } return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity addSourcePrefix(kj::StringPtr prefix) { // Strip redundant "./" prefixes to make src-prefix matching more lenient. while (prefix.startsWith("./")) { prefix = prefix.slice(2); } if (prefix == "" || prefix == ".") { // Irrelevant prefix. return true; } if (prefix.endsWith("/")) { sourcePrefixes.add(kj::heapString(prefix)); } else { sourcePrefixes.add(kj::str(prefix, '/')); } return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity generateOutput() { if (hadErrors()) { // Skip output if we had any errors. return true; } // We require one or more sources and if they failed to compile we quit above, so this should // pass. (This assertion also guarantees that `compiler` has been initialized.) KJ_ASSERT(sourceFiles.size() > 0, "Shouldn't have gotten here without sources."); if (outputs.size() == 0) { return "no outputs specified"; } MallocMessageBuilder message; auto request = message.initRoot<schema::CodeGeneratorRequest>(); auto schemas = compiler->getLoader().getAllLoaded(); auto nodes = request.initNodes(schemas.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < schemas.size(); i++) { nodes.setWithCaveats(i, schemas[i].getProto()); } auto requestedFiles = request.initRequestedFiles(sourceFiles.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < sourceFiles.size(); i++) { auto requestedFile = requestedFiles[i]; requestedFile.setId(sourceFiles[i].id); requestedFile.setFilename(sourceFiles[i].name); requestedFile.adoptImports(compiler->getFileImportTable( *sourceFiles[i].module, Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(requestedFile))); } for (auto& output: outputs) { int pipeFds[2]; KJ_SYSCALL(pipe(pipeFds)); kj::String exeName; bool shouldSearchPath = true; for (char c: output.name) { if (c == '/') { shouldSearchPath = false; break; } } if (shouldSearchPath) { exeName = kj::str("capnpc-", output.name); } else { exeName = kj::heapString(output.name); } pid_t child; KJ_SYSCALL(child = fork()); if (child == 0) { // I am the child! KJ_SYSCALL(close(pipeFds[1])); KJ_SYSCALL(dup2(pipeFds[0], STDIN_FILENO)); KJ_SYSCALL(close(pipeFds[0])); kj::Array<char> pwd = kj::heapArray<char>(256); while (getcwd(pwd.begin(), pwd.size()) == nullptr) { KJ_REQUIRE(pwd.size() < 8192, "WTF your working directory path is more than 8k?"); pwd = kj::heapArray<char>(pwd.size() * 2); } if (output.dir != nullptr) { KJ_SYSCALL(chdir(output.dir.cStr()), output.dir); } if (shouldSearchPath) { execlp(exeName.cStr(), exeName.cStr(), nullptr); } else { if (!exeName.startsWith("/")) { // The name is relative. Prefix it with our original working directory path. exeName = kj::str(pwd.begin(), "/", exeName); } execl(exeName.cStr(), exeName.cStr(), nullptr); } int error = errno; if (error == ENOENT) { context.exitError(kj::str(output.name, ": no such plugin (executable should be '", exeName, "')")); } else { KJ_FAIL_SYSCALL("exec()", error); } } KJ_SYSCALL(close(pipeFds[0])); writeMessageToFd(pipeFds[1], message); KJ_SYSCALL(close(pipeFds[1])); int status; KJ_SYSCALL(waitpid(child, &status, 0)); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { context.error(kj::str(output.name, ": plugin failed: ", strsignal(WTERMSIG(status)))); } else if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { context.error(kj::str(output.name, ": plugin failed: exit code ", WEXITSTATUS(status))); } } return true; } // ===================================================================================== // "decode" command kj::MainBuilder::Validity codeBinary() { if (packed) return "cannot be used with --packed"; if (flat) return "cannot be used with --flat"; binary = true; return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity codeFlat() { if (binary) return "cannot be used with --binary"; if (packed) return "cannot be used with --packed"; flat = true; return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity codePacked() { if (binary) return "cannot be used with --binary"; if (flat) return "cannot be used with --flat"; packed = true; return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity printShort() { pretty = false; return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity setQuiet() { quiet = true; return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity setSegmentSize(kj::StringPtr size) { if (flat) return "cannot be used with --flat"; char* end; segmentSize = strtol(size.cStr(), &end, 0); if (size.size() == 0 || *end != '\0') { return "not an integer"; } return true; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity setRootType(kj::StringPtr type) { KJ_ASSERT(sourceFiles.size() == 1); KJ_IF_MAYBE(schema, resolveName(sourceFiles[0].id, type)) { if (schema->getProto().which() != schema::Node::STRUCT) { return "not a struct type"; } rootType = schema->asStruct(); return true; } else { return "no such type"; } } private: kj::Maybe<Schema> resolveName(uint64_t scopeId, kj::StringPtr name) { while (name.size() > 0) { kj::String temp; kj::StringPtr part; KJ_IF_MAYBE(dotpos, name.findFirst('.')) { temp = kj::heapString(name.slice(0, *dotpos)); part = temp; name = name.slice(*dotpos + 1); } else { part = name; name = nullptr; } KJ_IF_MAYBE(childId, compiler->lookup(scopeId, part)) { scopeId = *childId; } else { return nullptr; } } return compiler->getLoader().get(scopeId); } public: kj::MainBuilder::Validity decode() { kj::FdInputStream rawInput(STDIN_FILENO); kj::BufferedInputStreamWrapper input(rawInput); if (!quiet) { auto result = checkPlausibility(input.getReadBuffer()); if (result.getError() != nullptr) { return kj::mv(result); } } if (flat) { // Read in the whole input to decode as one segment. kj::Array<word> words; { kj::Vector<byte> allBytes; for (;;) { auto buffer = input.tryGetReadBuffer(); if (buffer.size() == 0) break; allBytes.addAll(buffer); input.skip(buffer.size()); } // Technically we don't know if the bytes are aligned so we'd better copy them to a new // array. Note that if we have a non-whole number of words we chop off the straggler bytes. // This is fine because if those bytes are actually part of the message we will hit an error // later and if they are not then who cares? words = kj::heapArray<word>(allBytes.size() / sizeof(word)); memcpy(words.begin(), allBytes.begin(), words.size() * sizeof(word)); } kj::ArrayPtr<const word> segments = words; decodeInner<SegmentArrayMessageReader>(arrayPtr(&segments, 1)); } else { while (input.tryGetReadBuffer().size() > 0) { if (packed) { decodeInner<PackedMessageReader>(input); } else { decodeInner<InputStreamMessageReader>(input); } } } context.exit(); KJ_CLANG_KNOWS_THIS_IS_UNREACHABLE_BUT_GCC_DOESNT; } private: struct ParseErrorCatcher: public kj::ExceptionCallback { void onRecoverableException(kj::Exception&& e) { if (e.getNature() == kj::Exception::Nature::PRECONDITION) { // This is probably a problem with the input. Let's try to report it more nicely. // Only capture the first exception, on the assumption that later exceptions are probably // just cascading problems. if (exception == nullptr) { exception = kj::mv(e); } } else { // This is probably a bug, not a problem with the input. ExceptionCallback::onRecoverableException(kj::mv(e)); } } kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> exception; }; template <typename MessageReaderType, typename Input> void decodeInner(Input&& input) { // Since this is a debug tool, lift the usual security limits. Worse case is the process // crashes or has to be killed. ReaderOptions options; options.nestingLimit = kj::maxValue; options.traversalLimitInWords = kj::maxValue; MessageReaderType reader(input, options); kj::String text; kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> exception; { ParseErrorCatcher catcher; auto root = reader.template getRoot<DynamicStruct>(rootType); if (pretty) { text = kj::str(prettyPrint(root), '\n'); } else { text = kj::str(root, '\n'); } exception = kj::mv(catcher.exception); } kj::FdOutputStream(STDOUT_FILENO).write(text.begin(), text.size()); KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, exception) { context.error(kj::str( "*** ERROR DECODING PREVIOUS MESSAGE ***\n" "The following error occurred while decoding the message above.\n" "This probably means the input data is invalid/corrupted.\n", "Exception description: ", e->getDescription(), "\n" "Code location: ", e->getFile(), ":", e->getLine(), "\n" "*** END ERROR ***")); } } enum Plausibility { IMPOSSIBLE, IMPLAUSIBLE, WRONG_TYPE, PLAUSIBLE }; bool plausibleOrWrongType(Plausibility p) { return p == PLAUSIBLE || p == WRONG_TYPE; } Plausibility isPlausiblyFlat(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix, uint segmentCount = 1) { if (prefix.size() < 8) { // Not enough prefix to say. return PLAUSIBLE; } if ((prefix[0] & 3) == 2) { // Far pointer. Verify the segment ID. uint32_t segmentId = prefix[4] | (prefix[5] << 8) | (prefix[6] << 16) | (prefix[7] << 24); if (segmentId == 0 || segmentId >= segmentCount) { return IMPOSSIBLE; } else { return PLAUSIBLE; } } if ((prefix[0] & 3) != 0) { // Not a struct pointer. return IMPOSSIBLE; } if ((prefix[3] & 0x80) != 0) { // Offset is negative (invalid). return IMPOSSIBLE; } if ((prefix[3] & 0xe0) != 0) { // Offset is over a gigabyte (implausible). return IMPLAUSIBLE; } uint data = prefix[4] | (prefix[5] << 8); uint pointers = prefix[6] | (prefix[7] << 8); if (data + pointers > 2048) { // Root struct is huge (over 16 KiB). return IMPLAUSIBLE; } auto structSchema = rootType.getProto().getStruct(); if ((data < structSchema.getDataWordCount() && pointers > structSchema.getPointerCount()) || (data > structSchema.getDataWordCount() && pointers < structSchema.getPointerCount())) { // Struct is neither older nor newer than the schema. return WRONG_TYPE; } if (data > structSchema.getDataWordCount() && data - structSchema.getDataWordCount() > 128) { // Data section appears to have grown by 1k (128 words). This seems implausible. return WRONG_TYPE; } if (pointers > structSchema.getPointerCount() && pointers - structSchema.getPointerCount() > 128) { // Pointer section appears to have grown by 1k (128 words). This seems implausible. return WRONG_TYPE; } return PLAUSIBLE; } Plausibility isPlausiblyBinary(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix) { if (prefix.size() < 8) { // Not enough prefix to say. return PLAUSIBLE; } uint32_t segmentCount = prefix[0] | (prefix[1] << 8) | (prefix[2] << 16) | (prefix[3] << 24); // Actually, the bytes store segmentCount - 1. ++segmentCount; if (segmentCount > 65536) { // While technically possible, this is so implausible that we should mark it impossible. // This helps to make sure we fail fast on packed input. return IMPOSSIBLE; } else if (segmentCount > 256) { // Implausible segment count. return IMPLAUSIBLE; } uint32_t segment0Size = prefix[4] | (prefix[5] << 8) | (prefix[6] << 16) | (prefix[7] << 24); if (segment0Size > (1 << 27)) { // Segment larger than 1G seems implausible. return IMPLAUSIBLE; } uint32_t segment0Offset = 4 + segmentCount * 4; if (segment0Offset % 8 != 0) { segment0Offset += 4; } KJ_ASSERT(segment0Offset % 8 == 0); if (prefix.size() < segment0Offset + 8) { // Segment 0 is past our prefix, so we can't check it. return PLAUSIBLE; } return isPlausiblyFlat(prefix.slice(segment0Offset, prefix.size()), segmentCount); } Plausibility isPlausiblyPacked(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix) { kj::Vector<byte> unpacked; // Try to unpack a prefix so that we can check it. const byte* pos = prefix.begin(); const byte* end = prefix.end(); if (end - pos > 1024) { // Don't bother unpacking more than 1k. end = pos + 1024; } while (pos < end) { byte tag = *pos++; for (uint i = 0; i < 8 && pos < end; i++) { if (tag & (1 << i)) { byte b = *pos++; if (b == 0) { // A zero byte should have been deflated away. return IMPOSSIBLE; } unpacked.add(b); } else { unpacked.add(0); } } if (pos == end) { break; } if (tag == 0) { uint count = *pos++ * 8; unpacked.addAll(kj::repeat(byte(0), count)); } else if (tag == 0xff) { uint count = *pos++ * 8; size_t available = end - pos; uint n = kj::min(count, available); unpacked.addAll(pos, pos + n); pos += n; } } return isPlausiblyBinary(unpacked); } kj::MainBuilder::Validity checkPlausibility(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix) { if (flat) { switch (isPlausiblyFlat(prefix)) { case PLAUSIBLE: break; case IMPOSSIBLE: if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) { return "The input is not in --flat format. It looks like it is in --packed format. " "Try that instead."; } else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) { return "The input is not in --flat format. It looks like it is in regular binary " "format. Try removing the --flat flag."; } else { return "The input is not a Cap'n Proto message."; } case IMPLAUSIBLE: if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be in --flat format. It looks like it may\n" "be in --packed format. I'll try to parse it in --flat format as you\n" "requested, but if it doesn't work, try --packed instead. Use --quiet to\n" "suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be in --flat format. It looks like it may\n" "be in regular binary format. I'll try to parse it in --flat format as you\n" "requested, but if it doesn't work, try removing --flat. Use --quiet to\n" "suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } else { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be a Cap'n Proto message in any known\n" "binary format. I'll try to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please\n" "check your input. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } break; case WRONG_TYPE: if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n" "to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n" "have the right type. This could also be because the input is not in --flat\n" "format; indeed, it looks like this input may be in regular binary format,\n" "so you might want to try removing --flat. Use --quiet to suppress this\n" "warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } else { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n" "to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n" "have the right type. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } break; } } else if (packed) { switch (isPlausiblyPacked(prefix)) { case PLAUSIBLE: break; case IMPOSSIBLE: if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) { return "The input is not in --packed format. It looks like it is in regular binary " "format. Try removing the --packed flag."; } else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) { return "The input is not in --packed format, nor does it look like it is in regular " "binary format. It looks like it could be in --flat format, although that " "is unusual so I could be wrong."; } else { return "The input is not a Cap'n Proto message."; } case IMPLAUSIBLE: if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be in --packed format. It looks like it\n" "may be in regular binary format. I'll try to parse it in --packed format as\n" "you requested, but if it doesn't work, try removing --packed. Use --quiet to\n" "suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be in --packed format, nor does it look\n" "like it's in regular binary format. It looks like it could be in --flat\n" "format, although that is unusual so I could be wrong. I'll try to parse\n" "it in --flat format as you requested, but if it doesn't work, you might\n" "want to try --flat, or the data may not be Cap'n Proto at all. Use\n" "--quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } else { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be a Cap'n Proto message in any known\n" "binary format. I'll try to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please\n" "check your input. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } break; case WRONG_TYPE: context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n" "to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n" "have the right type. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); break; } } else { switch (isPlausiblyBinary(prefix)) { case PLAUSIBLE: break; case IMPOSSIBLE: if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) { return "The input is not in regular binary format. It looks like it is in --packed " "format. Try adding the --packed flag."; } else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) { return "The input is not in regular binary format, nor does it look like it is in " "--packed format. It looks like it could be in --flat format, although that " "is unusual so I could be wrong."; } else { return "The input is not a Cap'n Proto message."; } case IMPLAUSIBLE: if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be in regular binary format. It looks like\n" "it may be in --packed format. I'll try to parse it in regular format as you\n" "requested, but if it doesn't work, try adding --packed. Use --quiet to\n" "suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be in regular binary format, nor does it\n" "look like it's in --packed format. It looks like it could be in --flat\n" "format, although that is unusual so I could be wrong. I'll try to parse\n" "it in regular format as you requested, but if it doesn't work, you might\n" "want to try --flat, or the data may not be Cap'n Proto at all. Use\n" "--quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } else { context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be a Cap'n Proto message in any known\n" "binary format. I'll try to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please\n" "check your input. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); } break; case WRONG_TYPE: context.warning( "*** WARNING ***\n" "The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n" "to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n" "have the right type. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n" "*** END WARNING ***\n"); break; } } return true; } public: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- kj::MainBuilder::Validity encode() { kj::Vector<char> allText; { kj::FdInputStream rawInput(STDIN_FILENO); kj::BufferedInputStreamWrapper input(rawInput); for (;;) { auto buf = input.tryGetReadBuffer(); if (buf.size() == 0) break; allText.addAll(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf.begin()), reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf.end())); input.skip(buf.size()); } } EncoderErrorReporter errorReporter(*this, allText); MallocMessageBuilder arena; // Lex the input. auto lexedTokens = arena.initRoot<LexedTokens>(); lex(allText, lexedTokens, errorReporter); // Set up the parser. CapnpParser parser(arena.getOrphanage(), errorReporter); auto tokens = lexedTokens.asReader().getTokens(); CapnpParser::ParserInput parserInput(tokens.begin(), tokens.end()); // Set up stuff for the ValueTranslator. ValueResolverGlue resolver(compiler->getLoader(), errorReporter); // Set up output stream. kj::FdOutputStream rawOutput(STDOUT_FILENO); kj::BufferedOutputStreamWrapper output(rawOutput); while (parserInput.getPosition() != tokens.end()) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(expression, parser.getParsers().expression(parserInput)) { MallocMessageBuilder item( segmentSize == 0 ? SUGGESTED_FIRST_SEGMENT_WORDS : segmentSize, segmentSize == 0 ? SUGGESTED_ALLOCATION_STRATEGY : AllocationStrategy::FIXED_SIZE); ValueTranslator translator(resolver, errorReporter, item.getOrphanage()); KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, translator.compileValue(expression->getReader(), rootType)) { if (segmentSize == 0) { writeFlat(value->getReader().as<DynamicStruct>(), output); } else { item.adoptRoot(value->releaseAs<DynamicStruct>()); if (packed) { writePackedMessage(output, item); } else { writeMessage(output, item); } } } else { // Errors were reported, so we'll exit with a failure status later. } } else { auto best = parserInput.getBest(); if (best == tokens.end()) { context.exitError("Premature EOF."); } else { errorReporter.addErrorOn(*best, "Parse error."); context.exit(); } } } output.flush(); context.exit(); KJ_CLANG_KNOWS_THIS_IS_UNREACHABLE_BUT_GCC_DOESNT; } kj::MainBuilder::Validity evalConst(kj::StringPtr name) { KJ_ASSERT(sourceFiles.size() == 1); auto parser = kj::parse::sequence( kj::parse::many( kj::parse::sequence( kj::parse::identifier, kj::parse::many( kj::parse::sequence( kj::parse::exactChar<'['>(), kj::parse::integer, kj::parse::exactChar<']'>())), kj::parse::oneOf( kj::parse::endOfInput, kj::parse::sequence( kj::parse::exactChar<'.'>(), kj::parse::notLookingAt(kj::parse::endOfInput))))), kj::parse::endOfInput); kj::parse::IteratorInput<char, const char*> input(name.begin(), name.end()); kj::Array<kj::Tuple<kj::String, kj::Array<uint64_t>>> nameParts; KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, parser(input)) { nameParts = kj::mv(*p); } else { return "invalid syntax"; } auto pos = nameParts.begin(); // Traverse the path to find a schema. uint64_t scopeId = sourceFiles[0].id; bool stoppedAtSubscript = false; for (; pos != nameParts.end(); ++pos) { kj::StringPtr part = kj::get<0>(*pos); KJ_IF_MAYBE(childId, compiler->lookup(scopeId, part)) { scopeId = *childId; if (kj::get<1>(*pos).size() > 0) { stoppedAtSubscript = true; break; } } else { break; } } Schema schema = compiler->getLoader().get(scopeId); // Evaluate this schema to a DynamicValue. DynamicValue::Reader value; word zeroWord[1]; memset(&zeroWord, 0, sizeof(zeroWord)); kj::ArrayPtr<const word> segments[1] = { kj::arrayPtr(zeroWord, 1) }; SegmentArrayMessageReader emptyMessage(segments); switch (schema.getProto().which()) { case schema::Node::CONST: value = schema.asConst(); break; case schema::Node::STRUCT: if (pos == nameParts.end()) { return kj::str("'", schema.getShortDisplayName(), "' cannot be evaluated."); } // Use the struct's default value. value = emptyMessage.getRoot<DynamicStruct>(schema.asStruct()); break; default: if (stoppedAtSubscript) { return kj::str("'", schema.getShortDisplayName(), "' is not a list."); } else if (pos != nameParts.end()) { return kj::str("'", kj::get<0>(*pos), "' is not defined."); } else { return kj::str("'", schema.getShortDisplayName(), "' cannot be evaluated."); } } // Traverse the rest of the path as struct fields. for (; pos != nameParts.end(); ++pos) { kj::StringPtr partName = kj::get<0>(*pos); if (!stoppedAtSubscript) { if (value.getType() == DynamicValue::STRUCT) { auto structValue = value.as<DynamicStruct>(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(field, structValue.getSchema().findFieldByName(partName)) { value = structValue.get(*field); } else { return kj::str("'", kj::get<0>(pos[-1]), "' has no member '", partName, "'."); } } else { return kj::str("'", kj::get<0>(pos[-1]), "' is not a struct."); } } auto& subscripts = kj::get<1>(*pos); for (uint i = 0; i < subscripts.size(); i++) { uint64_t subscript = subscripts[i]; if (value.getType() == DynamicValue::LIST) { auto listValue = value.as<DynamicList>(); if (subscript < listValue.size()) { value = listValue[subscript]; } else { return kj::str("'", partName, "[", kj::strArray(subscripts.slice(0, i + 1), "]["), "]' is out-of-bounds."); } } else { if (i > 0) { return kj::str("'", partName, "[", kj::strArray(subscripts.slice(0, i), "]["), "]' is not a list."); } else { return kj::str("'", partName, "' is not a list."); } } } stoppedAtSubscript = false; } // OK, we have a value. Print it. if (binary || packed || flat) { if (value.getType() != DynamicValue::STRUCT) { return "not a struct; binary output is only available on structs"; } kj::FdOutputStream rawOutput(STDOUT_FILENO); kj::BufferedOutputStreamWrapper output(rawOutput); writeFlat(value.as<DynamicStruct>(), output); output.flush(); context.exit(); } else { if (pretty && value.getType() == DynamicValue::STRUCT) { context.exitInfo(prettyPrint(value.as<DynamicStruct>()).flatten()); } else if (pretty && value.getType() == DynamicValue::LIST) { context.exitInfo(prettyPrint(value.as<DynamicList>()).flatten()); } else { context.exitInfo(kj::str(value)); } } KJ_CLANG_KNOWS_THIS_IS_UNREACHABLE_BUT_GCC_DOESNT; } private: void writeFlat(DynamicStruct::Reader value, kj::BufferedOutputStream& output) { // Always copy the message to a flat array so that the output is predictable (one segment, // in canonical order). size_t size = value.totalSize().wordCount + 1; kj::Array<word> space = kj::heapArray<word>(size); memset(space.begin(), 0, size * sizeof(word)); FlatMessageBuilder flatMessage(space); flatMessage.setRoot(value); flatMessage.requireFilled(); if (flat) { output.write(space.begin(), space.size() * sizeof(word)); } else if (packed) { writePackedMessage(output, flatMessage); } else { writeMessage(output, flatMessage); } } class EncoderErrorReporter final: public ErrorReporter { public: EncoderErrorReporter(GlobalErrorReporter& globalReporter, kj::ArrayPtr<const char> content) : globalReporter(globalReporter), lineBreaks(content) {} void addError(uint32_t startByte, uint32_t endByte, kj::StringPtr message) override { globalReporter.addError("<stdin>", lineBreaks.toSourcePos(startByte), lineBreaks.toSourcePos(endByte), message); } bool hadErrors() override { return globalReporter.hadErrors(); } private: GlobalErrorReporter& globalReporter; LineBreakTable lineBreaks; }; class ValueResolverGlue final: public ValueTranslator::Resolver { public: ValueResolverGlue(const SchemaLoader& loader, ErrorReporter& errorReporter) : loader(loader), errorReporter(errorReporter) {} kj::Maybe<Schema> resolveType(uint64_t id) { // Don't use tryGet() here because we shouldn't even be here if there were compile errors. return loader.get(id); } kj::Maybe<DynamicValue::Reader> resolveConstant(Expression::Reader name) { errorReporter.addErrorOn(name, kj::str("External constants not allowed in encode input.")); return nullptr; } private: const SchemaLoader& loader; ErrorReporter& errorReporter; }; public: // ===================================================================================== void addError(kj::StringPtr file, SourcePos start, SourcePos end, kj::StringPtr message) override { kj::String wholeMessage; if (end.line == start.line) { if (end.column == start.column) { wholeMessage = kj::str(file, ":", start.line + 1, ":", start.column + 1, ": error: ", message, "\n"); } else { wholeMessage = kj::str(file, ":", start.line + 1, ":", start.column + 1, "-", end.column + 1, ": error: ", message, "\n"); } } else { // The error spans multiple lines, so just report it on the first such line. wholeMessage = kj::str(file, ":", start.line + 1, ": error: ", message, "\n"); } context.error(wholeMessage); hadErrors_ = true; } bool hadErrors() override { return hadErrors_; } private: kj::ProcessContext& context; ModuleLoader loader; kj::SpaceFor<Compiler> compilerSpace; bool compilerConstructed = false; kj::Own<Compiler> compiler; Compiler::AnnotationFlag annotationFlag = Compiler::COMPILE_ANNOTATIONS; uint compileEagerness = Compiler::NODE | Compiler::CHILDREN | Compiler::DEPENDENCIES | Compiler::DEPENDENCY_PARENTS; // By default we compile each explicitly listed schema in full, plus first-level dependencies // of those schemas, plus the parent nodes of any dependencies. This is what most code generators // require to function. kj::Vector<kj::String> sourcePrefixes; bool addStandardImportPaths = true; bool binary = false; bool flat = false; bool packed = false; bool pretty = true; bool quiet = false; uint segmentSize = 0; StructSchema rootType; // For the "decode" and "encode" commands. struct SourceFile { uint64_t id; kj::StringPtr name; Module* module; }; kj::Vector<SourceFile> sourceFiles; struct OutputDirective { kj::ArrayPtr<const char> name; kj::StringPtr dir; }; kj::Vector<OutputDirective> outputs; bool hadErrors_ = false; }; } // namespace compiler } // namespace capnp KJ_MAIN(capnp::compiler::CompilerMain);