// Copyright (c) 2013, Kenton Varda <temporal@gmail.com> // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // This is a fuzz test which randomly generates a schema for a struct one change at a time. // Each modification is known a priori to be compatible or incompatible. The type is compiled // before and after the change and both versions are loaded into a SchemaLoader with the // expectation that this will succeed if they are compatible and fail if they are not. If // the types are expected to be compatible, the test also constructs an instance of the old // type and reads it as the new type, and vice versa. #include <capnp/compiler/grammar.capnp.h> #include <capnp/schema-loader.h> #include <capnp/message.h> #include <capnp/pretty-print.h> #include "compiler.h" #include <kj/function.h> #include <kj/debug.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <kj/main.h> #include <kj/io.h> #include <unistd.h> namespace capnp { namespace compiler { namespace { static const kj::StringPtr RFC3092[] = {"foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"}; template <typename T, size_t size> T& chooseFrom(T (&arr)[size]) { return arr[rand() % size]; } template <typename T> auto chooseFrom(T arr) -> decltype(arr[0]) { return arr[rand() % arr.size()]; } static Declaration::Builder addNested(Declaration::Builder parent) { auto oldNestedOrphan = parent.disownNestedDecls(); auto oldNested = oldNestedOrphan.get(); auto newNested = parent.initNestedDecls(oldNested.size() + 1); uint index = rand() % (oldNested.size() + 1); for (uint i = 0; i < index; i++) { newNested.setWithCaveats(i, oldNested[i]); } for (uint i = index + 1; i < newNested.size(); i++) { newNested.setWithCaveats(i, oldNested[i - 1]); } return newNested[index]; } struct TypeOption { kj::StringPtr name; kj::ConstFunction<void(ValueExpression::Builder)> makeValue; }; static const TypeOption TYPE_OPTIONS[] = { { "Int32", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { builder.setPositiveInt(rand() % (1 << 24)); }}, { "Float64", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { builder.setPositiveInt(rand()); }}, { "Int8", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { builder.setPositiveInt(rand() % 128); }}, { "UInt16", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { builder.setPositiveInt(rand() % (1 << 16)); }}, { "Bool", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { builder.initName().getBase().initRelativeName().setValue("true"); }}, { "Text", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { builder.setString(chooseFrom(RFC3092)); }}, { "StructType", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { auto assignment = builder.initStruct(1)[0]; assignment.initFieldName().setValue("i"); assignment.initValue().setPositiveInt(rand() % (1 << 24)); }}, { "EnumType", [](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { builder.initName().getBase().initRelativeName().setValue(chooseFrom(RFC3092)); }}, }; void setDeclName(DeclName::Builder decl, kj::StringPtr name) { decl.getBase().initRelativeName().setValue(name); } static kj::ConstFunction<void(ValueExpression::Builder)> randomizeType( TypeExpression::Builder type) { auto option = &chooseFrom(TYPE_OPTIONS); if (rand() % 4 == 0) { setDeclName(type.initName(), "List"); setDeclName(type.initParams(1)[0].initName(), option->name); return [option](ValueExpression::Builder builder) { for (auto element: builder.initList(rand() % 4 + 1)) { option->makeValue(element); } }; } else { setDeclName(type.initName(), option->name); return option->makeValue.reference(); } } enum ChangeKind { NO_CHANGE, COMPATIBLE, INCOMPATIBLE, SUBTLY_COMPATIBLE // The change is technically compatible on the wire, but SchemaLoader will complain. }; struct ChangeInfo { ChangeKind kind; kj::String description; ChangeInfo(): kind(NO_CHANGE) {} ChangeInfo(ChangeKind kind, kj::StringPtr description) : kind(kind), description(kj::str(description)) {} ChangeInfo(ChangeKind kind, kj::String&& description) : kind(kind), description(kj::mv(description)) {} }; extern kj::ArrayPtr<kj::ConstFunction<ChangeInfo(Declaration::Builder, uint&, bool)>> STRUCT_MODS; extern kj::ArrayPtr<kj::ConstFunction<ChangeInfo(Declaration::Builder, uint&, bool)>> FIELD_MODS; // ================================================================================ static ChangeInfo declChangeName(Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { auto name = decl.getName(); if (name.getValue().size() == 0) { // Naming an unnamed union. name.setValue(kj::str("unUnnamed", nextOrdinal)); return { SUBTLY_COMPATIBLE, "Assign name to unnamed union." }; } else { name.setValue(kj::str(name.getValue(), "Xx")); return { COMPATIBLE, "Rename declaration." }; } } static ChangeInfo structAddField(Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { auto fieldDecl = addNested(decl); uint ordinal = nextOrdinal++; fieldDecl.initName().setValue(kj::str("f", ordinal)); fieldDecl.getId().initOrdinal().setValue(ordinal); auto field = fieldDecl.initField(); auto makeValue = randomizeType(field.initType()); if (rand() % 4 == 0) { makeValue(field.getDefaultValue().initValue()); } else { field.getDefaultValue().setNone(); } return { COMPATIBLE, "Add field." }; } static ChangeInfo structModifyField(Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { auto nested = decl.getNestedDecls(); if (nested.size() == 0) { return { NO_CHANGE, "Modify field, but there were none to modify." }; } auto field = chooseFrom(nested); bool hasUnion = false; if (decl.isUnion()) { hasUnion = true; } else { for (auto n: nested) { if (n.isUnion() && n.getName().getValue().size() == 0) { hasUnion = true; break; } } } if (field.isGroup() || field.isUnion()) { return chooseFrom(STRUCT_MODS)(field, nextOrdinal, hasUnion); } else { return chooseFrom(FIELD_MODS)(field, nextOrdinal, hasUnion); } } static ChangeInfo structGroupifyFields( Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { // Place a random subset of the fields into a group. if (decl.isUnion()) { return { NO_CHANGE, "Randomly make a group out of some fields, but I can't do this to a union." }; } kj::Vector<Orphan<Declaration>> groupified; kj::Vector<Orphan<Declaration>> notGroupified; auto orphanage = Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(decl); for (auto nested: decl.getNestedDecls()) { if (rand() % 2) { groupified.add(orphanage.newOrphanCopy(nested.asReader())); } else { notGroupified.add(orphanage.newOrphanCopy(nested.asReader())); } } if (groupified.size() == 0) { return { NO_CHANGE, "Randomly make a group out of some fields, but I ended up choosing none of them." }; } auto newNested = decl.initNestedDecls(notGroupified.size() + 1); uint index = rand() % (notGroupified.size() + 1); for (uint i = 0; i < index; i++) { newNested.adoptWithCaveats(i, kj::mv(notGroupified[i])); } for (uint i = index; i < notGroupified.size(); i++) { newNested.adoptWithCaveats(i + 1, kj::mv(notGroupified[i])); } auto newGroup = newNested[index]; auto groupNested = newGroup.initNestedDecls(groupified.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < groupified.size(); i++) { groupNested.adoptWithCaveats(i, kj::mv(groupified[i])); } newGroup.initName().setValue(kj::str("g", nextOrdinal, "x", groupNested[0].getName().getValue())); newGroup.getId().setUnspecified(); newGroup.setGroup(); return { SUBTLY_COMPATIBLE, "Randomly group some set of existing fields." }; } static ChangeInfo structPermuteFields( Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { if (decl.getNestedDecls().size() == 0) { return { NO_CHANGE, "Permute field code order, but there were none." }; } auto oldOrphan = decl.disownNestedDecls(); auto old = oldOrphan.get(); KJ_STACK_ARRAY(uint, mapping, old.size(), 16, 64); for (uint i = 0; i < mapping.size(); i++) { mapping[i] = i; } for (uint i = mapping.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { uint j = rand() % i; uint temp = mapping[j]; mapping[j] = mapping[i]; mapping[i] = temp; } auto newNested = decl.initNestedDecls(old.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < old.size(); i++) { newNested.setWithCaveats(i, old[mapping[i]]); } return { COMPATIBLE, "Permute field code order." }; } kj::ConstFunction<ChangeInfo(Declaration::Builder, uint&, bool)> STRUCT_MODS_[] = { structAddField, structAddField, structAddField, structModifyField, structModifyField, structModifyField, structPermuteFields, declChangeName, structGroupifyFields // do more rarely because it creates slowness }; kj::ArrayPtr<kj::ConstFunction<ChangeInfo(Declaration::Builder, uint&, bool)>> STRUCT_MODS = STRUCT_MODS_; // ================================================================================ static ChangeInfo fieldUpgradeList(Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { // Upgrades a non-struct list to a struct list. auto field = decl.getField(); if (field.getDefaultValue().isValue()) { return { NO_CHANGE, "Upgrade primitive list to struct list, but it had a default value." }; } auto typeParams = field.getType().getParams(); if (typeParams.size() != 1) { return { NO_CHANGE, "Upgrade primitive list to struct list, but it wasn't a list." }; } auto elementType = typeParams[0]; auto relativeName = elementType.getName().getBase().getRelativeName(); auto nameText = relativeName.asReader().getValue(); if (nameText == "StructType" || nameText.endsWith("Struct")) { return { NO_CHANGE, "Upgrade primitive list to struct list, but it was already a struct list."}; } relativeName.setValue(kj::str(nameText, "Struct")); return { COMPATIBLE, "Upgrade primitive list to struct list" }; } static ChangeInfo fieldExpandGroup(Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { Declaration::Builder newDecl = decl.initNestedDecls(1)[0]; newDecl.adoptName(decl.disownName()); newDecl.getId().adoptOrdinal(decl.getId().disownOrdinal()); auto field = decl.getField(); auto newField = newDecl.initField(); newField.adoptType(field.disownType()); if (field.getDefaultValue().isValue()) { newField.getDefaultValue().adoptValue(field.getDefaultValue().disownValue()); } else { newField.getDefaultValue().setNone(); } decl.initName().setValue(kj::str("g", newDecl.getName().getValue())); decl.getId().setUnspecified(); if (rand() % 2 == 0) { decl.setGroup(); } else { decl.setUnion(); if (!scopeHasUnion && rand() % 2 == 0) { // Make it an unnamed union. decl.getName().setValue(""); } structAddField(decl, nextOrdinal, scopeHasUnion); // union must have two members } return { COMPATIBLE, "Wrap a field in a singleton group." }; } static ChangeInfo fieldChangeType(Declaration::Builder decl, uint& nextOrdinal, bool scopeHasUnion) { auto field = decl.getField(); if (field.getDefaultValue().isNone()) { // Change the type. auto type = field.getType(); while (type.getParams().size() > 0) { // Either change the list parameter, or revert to a non-list. if (rand() % 2) { type = type.getParams()[0]; } else { type.disownParams(); } } auto typeName = type.getName().getBase().getRelativeName(); if (typeName.asReader().getValue().startsWith("Text")) { typeName.setValue("Int32"); } else { typeName.setValue("Text"); } return { INCOMPATIBLE, "Change the type of a field." }; } else { // Change the default value. auto dval = field.getDefaultValue().getValue(); switch (dval.which()) { case ValueExpression::UNKNOWN: KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("unknown value expression?"); case ValueExpression::POSITIVE_INT: dval.setPositiveInt(dval.getPositiveInt() ^ 1); break; case ValueExpression::NEGATIVE_INT: dval.setNegativeInt(dval.getNegativeInt() ^ 1); break; case ValueExpression::FLOAT: dval.setFloat(-dval.getFloat()); break; case ValueExpression::NAME: { auto name = dval.getName().getBase().getRelativeName(); auto nameText = name.asReader().getValue(); if (nameText == "true") { name.setValue("false"); } else if (nameText == "false") { name.setValue("true"); } else if (nameText == "foo") { name.setValue("bar"); } else { name.setValue("foo"); } break; } case ValueExpression::STRING: case ValueExpression::LIST: case ValueExpression::STRUCT: return { NO_CHANGE, "Change the default value of a field, but it's a pointer field." }; } return { INCOMPATIBLE, "Change the default value of a pritimive field." }; } } kj::ConstFunction<ChangeInfo(Declaration::Builder, uint&, bool)> FIELD_MODS_[] = { fieldUpgradeList, fieldExpandGroup, fieldChangeType, declChangeName }; kj::ArrayPtr<kj::ConstFunction<ChangeInfo(Declaration::Builder, uint&, bool)>> FIELD_MODS = FIELD_MODS_; // ================================================================================ uint getOrdinal(StructSchema::Field field) { auto proto = field.getProto(); if (proto.getOrdinal().isExplicit()) { return proto.getOrdinal().getExplicit(); } KJ_ASSERT(proto.isGroup()); auto group = field.getContainingStruct().getDependency(proto.getGroup().getTypeId()).asStruct(); return getOrdinal(group.getFields()[0]); } Orphan<DynamicStruct> makeExampleStruct( Orphanage orphanage, StructSchema schema, uint sharedOrdinalCount); void checkExampleStruct(DynamicStruct::Reader reader, uint sharedOrdinalCount); Orphan<DynamicValue> makeExampleValue( Orphanage orphanage, Schema scope, uint ordinal, schema::Type::Reader type, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { switch (type.which()) { case schema::Type::INT32: return ordinal * 47327; case schema::Type::FLOAT64: return ordinal * 313.25; case schema::Type::INT8: return int(ordinal % 256) - 128; case schema::Type::UINT16: return ordinal * 13; case schema::Type::BOOL: return ordinal % 2 == 0; case schema::Type::TEXT: return orphanage.newOrphanCopy(Text::Reader(kj::str(ordinal))); case schema::Type::STRUCT: { auto structType = scope.getDependency(type.getStruct().getTypeId()).asStruct(); auto result = orphanage.newOrphan(structType); auto builder = result.get(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(fieldI, structType.findFieldByName("i")) { // Type is "StructType" builder.set(*fieldI, ordinal); } else { // Type is "Int32Struct" or the like. auto field = structType.getFieldByName("f0"); builder.adopt(field, makeExampleValue(orphanage, structType, ordinal, field.getProto().getSlot().getType(), sharedOrdinalCount)); } return kj::mv(result); } case schema::Type::ENUM: { auto enumerants = scope.getDependency(type.getEnum().getTypeId()).asEnum().getEnumerants(); return DynamicEnum(enumerants[ordinal %enumerants.size()]); } case schema::Type::LIST: { auto elementType = type.getList().getElementType(); auto listType = ListSchema::of(elementType, scope); auto result = orphanage.newOrphan(listType, 1); result.get().adopt(0, makeExampleValue( orphanage, scope, ordinal, elementType, sharedOrdinalCount)); return kj::mv(result); } default: KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("You added a new possible field type!"); } } void checkExampleValue(DynamicValue::Reader value, uint ordinal, schema::Type::Reader type, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { switch (type.which()) { case schema::Type::INT32: KJ_ASSERT(value.as<int32_t>() == ordinal * 47327); break; case schema::Type::FLOAT64: KJ_ASSERT(value.as<double>() == ordinal * 313.25); break; case schema::Type::INT8: KJ_ASSERT(value.as<int8_t>() == int(ordinal % 256) - 128); break; case schema::Type::UINT16: KJ_ASSERT(value.as<uint16_t>() == ordinal * 13); break; case schema::Type::BOOL: KJ_ASSERT(value.as<bool>() == (ordinal % 2 == 0)); break; case schema::Type::TEXT: KJ_ASSERT(value.as<Text>() == kj::str(ordinal)); break; case schema::Type::STRUCT: { auto structValue = value.as<DynamicStruct>(); auto structType = structValue.getSchema(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(fieldI, structType.findFieldByName("i")) { // Type is "StructType" KJ_ASSERT(structValue.get(*fieldI).as<uint32_t>() == ordinal); } else { // Type is "Int32Struct" or the like. auto field = structType.getFieldByName("f0"); checkExampleValue(structValue.get(field), ordinal, field.getProto().getSlot().getType(), sharedOrdinalCount); } break; } case schema::Type::ENUM: { auto enumerant = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(value.as<DynamicEnum>().getEnumerant()); KJ_ASSERT(enumerant.getIndex() == ordinal % enumerant.getContainingEnum().getEnumerants().size()); break; } case schema::Type::LIST: checkExampleValue(value.as<DynamicList>()[0], ordinal, type.getList().getElementType(), sharedOrdinalCount); break; default: KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("You added a new possible field type!"); } } void setExampleField(DynamicStruct::Builder builder, StructSchema::Field field, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { auto fieldProto = field.getProto(); switch (fieldProto.which()) { case schema::Field::SLOT: builder.adopt(field, makeExampleValue( Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(builder), field.getContainingStruct(), getOrdinal(field), fieldProto.getSlot().getType(), sharedOrdinalCount)); break; case schema::Field::GROUP: builder.adopt(field, makeExampleStruct( Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(builder), field.getContainingStruct().getDependency(fieldProto.getGroup().getTypeId()).asStruct(), sharedOrdinalCount)); break; } } void checkExampleField(DynamicStruct::Reader reader, StructSchema::Field field, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { auto fieldProto = field.getProto(); switch (fieldProto.which()) { case schema::Field::SLOT: { uint ordinal = getOrdinal(field); if (ordinal < sharedOrdinalCount) { checkExampleValue(reader.get(field), ordinal, fieldProto.getSlot().getType(), sharedOrdinalCount); } break; } case schema::Field::GROUP: checkExampleStruct(reader.get(field).as<DynamicStruct>(), sharedOrdinalCount); break; } } Orphan<DynamicStruct> makeExampleStruct( Orphanage orphanage, StructSchema schema, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { // Initialize all fields of the struct via reflection, such that they can be verified using // a different version of the struct. sharedOrdinalCount is the number of ordinals shared by // the two versions. This is used mainly to avoid setting union members that the other version // doesn't have. Orphan<DynamicStruct> result = orphanage.newOrphan(schema); auto builder = result.get(); for (auto field: schema.getNonUnionFields()) { setExampleField(builder, field, sharedOrdinalCount); } auto unionFields = schema.getUnionFields(); // Pretend the union doesn't have any fields that aren't in the shared ordinal range. uint range = unionFields.size(); while (range > 0 && getOrdinal(unionFields[range - 1]) >= sharedOrdinalCount) { --range; } if (range > 0) { auto field = unionFields[getOrdinal(unionFields[0]) % range]; setExampleField(builder, field, sharedOrdinalCount); } return kj::mv(result); } void checkExampleStruct(DynamicStruct::Reader reader, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { auto schema = reader.getSchema(); for (auto field: schema.getNonUnionFields()) { checkExampleField(reader, field, sharedOrdinalCount); } auto unionFields = schema.getUnionFields(); // Pretend the union doesn't have any fields that aren't in the shared ordinal range. uint range = unionFields.size(); while (range > 0 && getOrdinal(unionFields[range - 1]) >= sharedOrdinalCount) { --range; } if (range > 0) { auto field = unionFields[getOrdinal(unionFields[0]) % range]; checkExampleField(reader, field, sharedOrdinalCount); } } // ================================================================================ class ModuleImpl final: public Module { public: explicit ModuleImpl(ParsedFile::Reader content): content(content) {} kj::StringPtr getSourceName() override { return "evolving-schema.capnp"; } Orphan<ParsedFile> loadContent(Orphanage orphanage) override { return orphanage.newOrphanCopy(content); } kj::Maybe<Module&> importRelative(kj::StringPtr importPath) override { return nullptr; } void addError(uint32_t startByte, uint32_t endByte, kj::StringPtr message) override { KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("Unexpected parse error.", startByte, endByte, message); } bool hadErrors() override { return false; } private: ParsedFile::Reader content; }; static void loadStructAndGroups(const SchemaLoader& src, SchemaLoader& dst, uint64_t id) { auto proto = src.get(id).getProto(); dst.load(proto); for (auto field: proto.getStruct().getFields()) { if (field.isGroup()) { loadStructAndGroups(src, dst, field.getGroup().getTypeId()); } } } static kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> loadFile( ParsedFile::Reader file, SchemaLoader& loader, bool allNodes, kj::Maybe<kj::Own<MallocMessageBuilder>>& messageBuilder, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { Compiler compiler; ModuleImpl module(file); KJ_ASSERT(compiler.add(module) == 0x8123456789abcdefllu); if (allNodes) { // Eagerly compile and load the whole thing. compiler.eagerlyCompile(0x8123456789abcdefllu, Compiler::ALL_RELATED_NODES); KJ_IF_MAYBE(m, messageBuilder) { // Build an example struct using the compiled schema. m->get()->adoptRoot(makeExampleStruct( m->get()->getOrphanage(), compiler.getLoader().get(0x823456789abcdef1llu).asStruct(), sharedOrdinalCount)); } for (auto schema: compiler.getLoader().getAllLoaded()) { loader.load(schema.getProto()); } return nullptr; } else { // Compile the file root so that the children are findable, then load the specific child // we want. compiler.eagerlyCompile(0x8123456789abcdefllu, Compiler::NODE); KJ_IF_MAYBE(m, messageBuilder) { // Check that the example struct matches the compiled schema. auto root = m->get()->getRoot<DynamicStruct>( compiler.getLoader().get(0x823456789abcdef1llu).asStruct()).asReader(); KJ_CONTEXT(root); checkExampleStruct(root, sharedOrdinalCount); } return kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { loadStructAndGroups(compiler.getLoader(), loader, 0x823456789abcdef1llu); }); } } bool checkChange(ParsedFile::Reader file1, ParsedFile::Reader file2, ChangeKind changeKind, uint sharedOrdinalCount) { // Try loading file1 followed by file2 into the same SchemaLoader, expecting it to behave // according to changeKind. Returns true if the files are both expected to be compatible and // actually are -- the main loop uses this to decide which version to keep kj::Maybe<kj::Own<MallocMessageBuilder>> exampleBuilder; if (changeKind != INCOMPATIBLE) { // For COMPATIBLE and SUBTLY_COMPATIBLE changes, build an example message with one schema // and check it with the other. exampleBuilder = kj::heap<MallocMessageBuilder>(); } SchemaLoader loader; loadFile(file1, loader, true, exampleBuilder, sharedOrdinalCount); auto exception = loadFile(file2, loader, false, exampleBuilder, sharedOrdinalCount); if (changeKind == COMPATIBLE) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, exception) { kj::getExceptionCallback().onFatalException(kj::mv(*e)); return false; } else { return true; } } else if (changeKind == INCOMPATIBLE) { KJ_ASSERT(exception != nullptr, file1, file2); return false; } else { KJ_ASSERT(changeKind == SUBTLY_COMPATIBLE); // SchemaLoader is allowed to throw an exception in this case, but we ignore it. return true; } } void doTest() { auto builder = kj::heap<MallocMessageBuilder>(); { // Set up the basic file decl. auto parsedFile = builder->initRoot<ParsedFile>(); auto file = parsedFile.initRoot(); file.setFile(); file.initId().initUid().setValue(0x8123456789abcdefllu); auto decls = file.initNestedDecls(3 + kj::size(TYPE_OPTIONS)); { auto decl = decls[0]; decl.initName().setValue("EvolvingStruct"); decl.initId().initUid().setValue(0x823456789abcdef1llu); decl.setStruct(); } { auto decl = decls[1]; decl.initName().setValue("StructType"); decl.setStruct(); auto fieldDecl = decl.initNestedDecls(1)[0]; fieldDecl.initName().setValue("i"); fieldDecl.getId().initOrdinal().setValue(0); auto field = fieldDecl.initField(); setDeclName(field.initType().initName(), "UInt32"); } { auto decl = decls[2]; decl.initName().setValue("EnumType"); decl.setEnum(); auto enumerants = decl.initNestedDecls(4); for (uint i = 0; i < kj::size(RFC3092); i++) { auto enumerantDecl = enumerants[i]; enumerantDecl.initName().setValue(RFC3092[i]); enumerantDecl.getId().initOrdinal().setValue(i); enumerantDecl.setEnumerant(); } } // For each of TYPE_OPTIONS, declare a struct type that contains that type as its @0 field. for (uint i = 0; i < kj::size(TYPE_OPTIONS); i++) { auto decl = decls[3 + i]; auto& option = TYPE_OPTIONS[i]; decl.initName().setValue(kj::str(option.name, "Struct")); decl.setStruct(); auto fieldDecl = decl.initNestedDecls(1)[0]; fieldDecl.initName().setValue("f0"); fieldDecl.getId().initOrdinal().setValue(0); auto field = fieldDecl.initField(); setDeclName(field.initType().initName(), option.name); uint ordinal = 1; for (auto j: kj::range(0, rand() % 4)) { (void)j; structAddField(decl, ordinal, false); } } } uint nextOrdinal = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < 96; i++) { uint oldOrdinalCount = nextOrdinal; auto newBuilder = kj::heap<MallocMessageBuilder>(); newBuilder->setRoot(builder->getRoot<ParsedFile>().asReader()); auto parsedFile = newBuilder->getRoot<ParsedFile>(); Declaration::Builder decl = parsedFile.getRoot().getNestedDecls()[0]; // Apply a random modification. ChangeInfo changeInfo; while (changeInfo.kind == NO_CHANGE) { auto& mod = chooseFrom(STRUCT_MODS); changeInfo = mod(decl, nextOrdinal, false); } KJ_CONTEXT(changeInfo.description); if (checkChange(builder->getRoot<ParsedFile>(), parsedFile, changeInfo.kind, oldOrdinalCount) && checkChange(parsedFile, builder->getRoot<ParsedFile>(), changeInfo.kind, oldOrdinalCount)) { builder = kj::mv(newBuilder); } } } class EvolutionTestMain { public: explicit EvolutionTestMain(kj::ProcessContext& context) : context(context) {} kj::MainFunc getMain() { return kj::MainBuilder(context, "(unknown version)", "Integration test / fuzzer which randomly modifies schemas is backwards-compatible ways " "and verifies that they do actually remain compatible.") .addOptionWithArg({"seed"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, setSeed), "<num>", "Set random number seed to <num>. By default, time() is used.") .callAfterParsing(KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, run)) .build(); } kj::MainBuilder::Validity setSeed(kj::StringPtr value) { char* end; seed = strtol(value.cStr(), &end, 0); if (value.size() == 0 || *end != '\0') { return "not an integer"; } else { return true; } } kj::MainBuilder::Validity run() { srand(seed); { kj::String text = kj::str( "Randomly testing backwards-compatibility scenarios with seed: ", seed, "\n"); kj::FdOutputStream(STDOUT_FILENO).write(text.begin(), text.size()); } KJ_CONTEXT(seed, "PLEASE REPORT THIS FAILURE AND INCLUDE THE SEED"); doTest(); return true; } private: kj::ProcessContext& context; uint seed = time(nullptr); }; } // namespace } // namespace compiler } // namespace capnp KJ_MAIN(capnp::compiler::EvolutionTestMain);