// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // This file is included form all generated headers. #ifndef CAPNP_GENERATED_HEADER_SUPPORT_H_ #define CAPNP_GENERATED_HEADER_SUPPORT_H_ #if defined(__GNUC__) && !CAPNP_HEADER_WARNINGS #pragma GCC system_header #endif #include "layout.h" #include "list.h" #include "orphan.h" #include "pointer-helpers.h" #include "any.h" #include <kj/string.h> #include <kj/string-tree.h> namespace capnp { class MessageBuilder; // So that it can be declared a friend. template <typename T, Kind k = CAPNP_KIND(T)> struct ToDynamic_; // Defined in dynamic.h, needs to be declared as everyone's friend. struct DynamicStruct; // So that it can be declared a friend. namespace _ { // private #if !CAPNP_LITE struct RawSchema; struct RawBrandedSchema { // Represents a combination of a schema and bindings for its generic parameters. // // Note that while we generate one `RawSchema` per type, we generate a `RawBrandedSchema` for // every _instance_ of a generic type -- or, at least, every instance that is actually used. For // generated-code types, we use template magic to initialize these. const RawSchema* generic; // Generic type which we're branding. struct Binding { uint8_t which; // Numeric value of one of schema::Type::Which. bool isImplicitParameter; // For AnyPointer, true if it's an implicit method parameter. uint16_t listDepth; // Number of times to wrap the base type in List(). uint16_t paramIndex; // for AnyPointer, if it's a type parameter. union { const RawBrandedSchema* schema; // for struct, enum, interface uint64_t scopeId; // for AnyPointer, if it's a type parameter }; Binding() = default; inline constexpr Binding(uint8_t which, uint16_t listDepth, const RawBrandedSchema* schema) : which(which), isImplicitParameter(false), listDepth(listDepth), paramIndex(0), schema(schema) {} inline constexpr Binding(uint8_t which, uint16_t listDepth, uint64_t scopeId, uint16_t paramIndex) : which(which), isImplicitParameter(false), listDepth(listDepth), paramIndex(paramIndex), scopeId(scopeId) {} inline constexpr Binding(uint8_t which, uint16_t listDepth, uint16_t implicitParamIndex) : which(which), isImplicitParameter(true), listDepth(listDepth), paramIndex(implicitParamIndex), scopeId(0) {} }; struct Scope { uint64_t typeId; // Type ID whose parameters are being bound. const Binding* bindings; uint bindingCount; // Bindings for those parameters. bool isUnbound; // This scope is unbound, in the sense of SchemaLoader::getUnbound(). }; const Scope* scopes; // Array of enclosing scopes for which generic variables have been bound, sorted by type ID. struct Dependency { uint location; const RawBrandedSchema* schema; }; const Dependency* dependencies; // Map of branded schemas for dependencies of this type, given our brand. Only dependencies that // are branded are included in this map; if a dependency is missing, use its `defaultBrand`. uint32_t scopeCount; uint32_t dependencyCount; enum class DepKind { // Component of a Dependency::location. Specifies what sort of dependency this is. INVALID, // Mostly defined to ensure that zero is not a valid location. FIELD, // Binding needed for a field's type. The index is the field index (NOT ordinal!). METHOD_PARAMS, // Bindings needed for a method's params type. The index is the method number. METHOD_RESULTS, // Bindings needed for a method's results type. The index is the method ordinal. SUPERCLASS, // Bindings needed for a superclass type. The index is the superclass's index in the // "extends" list. CONST_TYPE // Bindings needed for the type of a constant. The index is zero. }; static inline uint makeDepLocation(DepKind kind, uint index) { // Make a number representing the location of a particular dependency within its parent // schema. return (static_cast<uint>(kind) << 24) | index; } class Initializer { public: virtual void init(const RawBrandedSchema* generic) const = 0; }; const Initializer* lazyInitializer; // Lazy initializer, invoked by ensureInitialized(). inline void ensureInitialized() const { // Lazy initialization support. Invoke to ensure that initialization has taken place. This // is required in particular when traversing the dependency list. RawSchemas for compiled-in // types are always initialized; only dynamically-loaded schemas may be lazy. const Initializer* i = __atomic_load_n(&lazyInitializer, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE); if (i != nullptr) i->init(this); } inline bool isUnbound() const; // Checks if this schema is the result of calling SchemaLoader::getUnbound(), in which case // binding lookups need to be handled specially. }; struct RawSchema { // The generated code defines a constant RawSchema for every compiled declaration. // // This is an internal structure which could change in the future. uint64_t id; const word* encodedNode; // Encoded SchemaNode, readable via readMessageUnchecked<schema::Node>(encodedNode). uint32_t encodedSize; // Size of encodedNode, in words. const RawSchema* const* dependencies; // Pointers to other types on which this one depends, sorted by ID. The schemas in this table // may be uninitialized -- you must call ensureInitialized() on the one you wish to use before // using it. // // TODO(someday): Make this a hashtable. const uint16_t* membersByName; // Indexes of members sorted by name. Used to implement name lookup. // TODO(someday): Make this a hashtable. uint32_t dependencyCount; uint32_t memberCount; // Sizes of above tables. const uint16_t* membersByDiscriminant; // List of all member indexes ordered by discriminant value. Those which don't have a // discriminant value are listed at the end, in order by ordinal. const RawSchema* canCastTo; // Points to the RawSchema of a compiled-in type to which it is safe to cast any DynamicValue // with this schema. This is null for all compiled-in types; it is only set by SchemaLoader on // dynamically-loaded types. class Initializer { public: virtual void init(const RawSchema* schema) const = 0; }; const Initializer* lazyInitializer; // Lazy initializer, invoked by ensureInitialized(). inline void ensureInitialized() const { // Lazy initialization support. Invoke to ensure that initialization has taken place. This // is required in particular when traversing the dependency list. RawSchemas for compiled-in // types are always initialized; only dynamically-loaded schemas may be lazy. const Initializer* i = __atomic_load_n(&lazyInitializer, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE); if (i != nullptr) i->init(this); } RawBrandedSchema defaultBrand; // Specifies the brand to use for this schema if no generic parameters have been bound to // anything. Generally, in the default brand, all generic parameters are treated as if they were // bound to `AnyPointer`. }; inline bool RawBrandedSchema::isUnbound() const { // The unbound schema is the only one that has no scopes but is not the default schema. return scopeCount == 0 && this != &generic->defaultBrand; } template <typename T, typename CapnpPrivate = typename T::_capnpPrivate, bool = false> inline const RawSchema& rawSchema() { return *CapnpPrivate::schema; } template <typename T, uint64_t id = schemas::EnumInfo<T>::typeId> inline const RawSchema& rawSchema() { return *schemas::EnumInfo<T>::schema; } template <typename T, typename CapnpPrivate = typename T::_capnpPrivate> inline const RawBrandedSchema& rawBrandedSchema() { return *CapnpPrivate::brand; } template <typename T, uint64_t id = schemas::EnumInfo<T>::typeId> inline const RawBrandedSchema& rawBrandedSchema() { return schemas::EnumInfo<T>::schema->defaultBrand; } template <typename TypeTag, typename... Params> struct ChooseBrand; // If all of `Params` are `AnyPointer`, return the type's default brand. Otherwise, return a // specific brand instance. TypeTag is the _capnpPrivate struct for the type in question. template <typename TypeTag> struct ChooseBrand<TypeTag> { // All params were AnyPointer. No specific brand needed. static constexpr _::RawBrandedSchema const* brand = &TypeTag::schema->defaultBrand; }; template <typename TypeTag, typename... Rest> struct ChooseBrand<TypeTag, AnyPointer, Rest...>: public ChooseBrand<TypeTag, Rest...> {}; // The first parameter is AnyPointer, so recurse to check the rest. template <typename TypeTag, typename First, typename... Rest> struct ChooseBrand<TypeTag, First, Rest...> { // At least one parameter is not AnyPointer, so use the specificBrand constant. static constexpr _::RawBrandedSchema const* brand = &TypeTag::specificBrand; }; template <typename T, Kind k = kind<T>()> struct BrandBindingFor_; #define HANDLE_TYPE(Type, which) \ template <> \ struct BrandBindingFor_<Type, Kind::PRIMITIVE> { \ static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { \ return { which, listDepth, nullptr }; \ } \ } HANDLE_TYPE(Void, 0); HANDLE_TYPE(bool, 1); HANDLE_TYPE(int8_t, 2); HANDLE_TYPE(int16_t, 3); HANDLE_TYPE(int32_t, 4); HANDLE_TYPE(int64_t, 5); HANDLE_TYPE(uint8_t, 6); HANDLE_TYPE(uint16_t, 7); HANDLE_TYPE(uint32_t, 8); HANDLE_TYPE(uint64_t, 9); HANDLE_TYPE(float, 10); HANDLE_TYPE(double, 11); #undef HANDLE_TYPE template <> struct BrandBindingFor_<Text, Kind::BLOB> { static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { return { 12, listDepth, nullptr }; } }; template <> struct BrandBindingFor_<Data, Kind::BLOB> { static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { return { 13, listDepth, nullptr }; } }; template <typename T> struct BrandBindingFor_<List<T>, Kind::LIST> { static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { return BrandBindingFor_<T>::get(listDepth + 1); } }; template <typename T> struct BrandBindingFor_<T, Kind::ENUM> { static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { return { 15, listDepth, nullptr }; } }; template <typename T> struct BrandBindingFor_<T, Kind::STRUCT> { static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { return { 16, listDepth, T::_capnpPrivate::brand }; } }; template <typename T> struct BrandBindingFor_<T, Kind::INTERFACE> { static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { return { 17, listDepth, T::_capnpPrivate::brand }; } }; template <> struct BrandBindingFor_<AnyPointer, Kind::OTHER> { static constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding get(uint16_t listDepth) { return { 18, listDepth, 0, 0 }; } }; template <typename T> constexpr RawBrandedSchema::Binding brandBindingFor() { return BrandBindingFor_<T>::get(0); } kj::StringTree structString(StructReader reader, const RawBrandedSchema& schema); // Declared here so that we can declare inline stringify methods on generated types. // Defined in stringify.c++, which depends on dynamic.c++, which is allowed not to be linked in. template <typename T> inline kj::StringTree structString(StructReader reader) { return structString(reader, rawBrandedSchema<T>()); } #endif // !CAPNP_LITE // TODO(cleanup): Unify ConstStruct and ConstList. template <typename T> class ConstStruct { public: ConstStruct() = delete; KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(ConstStruct); inline explicit constexpr ConstStruct(const word* ptr): ptr(ptr) {} inline typename T::Reader get() const { return AnyPointer::Reader(PointerReader::getRootUnchecked(ptr)).getAs<T>(); } inline operator typename T::Reader() const { return get(); } inline typename T::Reader operator*() const { return get(); } inline TemporaryPointer<typename T::Reader> operator->() const { return get(); } private: const word* ptr; }; template <typename T> class ConstList { public: ConstList() = delete; KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(ConstList); inline explicit constexpr ConstList(const word* ptr): ptr(ptr) {} inline typename List<T>::Reader get() const { return AnyPointer::Reader(PointerReader::getRootUnchecked(ptr)).getAs<List<T>>(); } inline operator typename List<T>::Reader() const { return get(); } inline typename List<T>::Reader operator*() const { return get(); } inline TemporaryPointer<typename List<T>::Reader> operator->() const { return get(); } private: const word* ptr; }; template <size_t size> class ConstText { public: ConstText() = delete; KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(ConstText); inline explicit constexpr ConstText(const word* ptr): ptr(ptr) {} inline Text::Reader get() const { return Text::Reader(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr), size); } inline operator Text::Reader() const { return get(); } inline Text::Reader operator*() const { return get(); } inline TemporaryPointer<Text::Reader> operator->() const { return get(); } private: const word* ptr; }; template <size_t size> class ConstData { public: ConstData() = delete; KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(ConstData); inline explicit constexpr ConstData(const word* ptr): ptr(ptr) {} inline Data::Reader get() const { return Data::Reader(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(ptr), size); } inline operator Data::Reader() const { return get(); } inline Data::Reader operator*() const { return get(); } inline TemporaryPointer<Data::Reader> operator->() const { return get(); } private: const word* ptr; }; } // namespace _ (private) template <typename T, typename CapnpPrivate = typename T::_capnpPrivate> inline constexpr uint64_t typeId() { return CapnpPrivate::typeId; } template <typename T, uint64_t id = schemas::EnumInfo<T>::typeId> inline constexpr uint64_t typeId() { return id; } // typeId<MyType>() returns the type ID as defined in the schema. Works with structs, enums, and // interfaces. template <typename T> inline constexpr uint sizeInWords() { // Return the size, in words, of a Struct type, if allocated free-standing (not in a list). // May be useful for pre-computing space needed in order to precisely allocate messages. return (WordCount32(_::structSize<T>().data) + _::structSize<T>().pointers * WORDS_PER_POINTER) / WORDS; } } // namespace capnp #if _MSC_VER // MSVC doesn't understand floating-point constexpr yet. // // TODO(msvc): Remove this hack when MSVC is fixed. #define CAPNP_NON_INT_CONSTEXPR_DECL_INIT(value) #define CAPNP_NON_INT_CONSTEXPR_DEF_INIT(value) = value #else #define CAPNP_NON_INT_CONSTEXPR_DECL_INIT(value) = value #define CAPNP_NON_INT_CONSTEXPR_DEF_INIT(value) #endif #if CAPNP_LITE #define CAPNP_DECLARE_SCHEMA(id) \ extern ::capnp::word const* const bp_##id #define CAPNP_DECLARE_ENUM(type, id) \ template <> struct EnumInfo<type##_##id> { \ struct IsEnum; \ static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; \ static inline ::capnp::word const* encodedSchema() { return bp_##id; } \ } #if _MSC_VER // TODO(msvc): MSVC dosen't expect constexprs to have definitions. #define CAPNP_DEFINE_ENUM(type, id) #else #define CAPNP_DEFINE_ENUM(type, id) \ constexpr uint64_t EnumInfo<type>::typeId #endif #define CAPNP_DECLARE_STRUCT_HEADER(id, dataWordSize_, pointerCount_) \ struct IsStruct; \ static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; \ static constexpr uint16_t dataWordSize = dataWordSize_; \ static constexpr uint16_t pointerCount = pointerCount_; \ static inline ::capnp::word const* encodedSchema() { return ::capnp::schemas::bp_##id; } #else // CAPNP_LITE #define CAPNP_DECLARE_SCHEMA(id) \ extern ::capnp::word const* const bp_##id; \ extern const ::capnp::_::RawSchema s_##id #define CAPNP_DECLARE_ENUM(type, id) \ template <> struct EnumInfo<type##_##id> { \ struct IsEnum; \ static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; \ static inline ::capnp::word const* encodedSchema() { return bp_##id; } \ static constexpr ::capnp::_::RawSchema const* schema = &s_##id; \ } #define CAPNP_DEFINE_ENUM(type, id) \ constexpr uint64_t EnumInfo<type>::typeId; \ constexpr ::capnp::_::RawSchema const* EnumInfo<type>::schema #define CAPNP_DECLARE_STRUCT_HEADER(id, dataWordSize_, pointerCount_) \ struct IsStruct; \ static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; \ static constexpr ::capnp::Kind kind = ::capnp::Kind::STRUCT; \ static constexpr uint16_t dataWordSize = dataWordSize_; \ static constexpr uint16_t pointerCount = pointerCount_; \ static inline ::capnp::word const* encodedSchema() { return ::capnp::schemas::bp_##id; } \ static constexpr ::capnp::_::RawSchema const* schema = &::capnp::schemas::s_##id; #define CAPNP_DECLARE_INTERFACE_HEADER(id) \ struct IsInterface; \ static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; \ static constexpr ::capnp::Kind kind = ::capnp::Kind::INTERFACE; \ static inline ::capnp::word const* encodedSchema() { return ::capnp::schemas::bp_##id; } \ static constexpr ::capnp::_::RawSchema const* schema = &::capnp::schemas::s_##id; #endif // CAPNP_LITE, else #endif // CAPNP_GENERATED_HEADER_SUPPORT_H_