// Generated by Cap'n Proto compiler, DO NOT EDIT
// source: stream.capnp

#pragma once

#include <capnp/generated-header-support.h>
#include <kj/windows-sanity.h>

#if CAPNP_VERSION != 8000
#error "Version mismatch between generated code and library headers.  You must use the same version of the Cap'n Proto compiler and library."

namespace capnp {
namespace schemas {


}  // namespace schemas
}  // namespace capnp

namespace capnp {

struct StreamResult {
  StreamResult() = delete;

  class Reader;
  class Builder;
  class Pipeline;

  struct _capnpPrivate {
    CAPNP_DECLARE_STRUCT_HEADER(995f9a3377c0b16e, 0, 0)
    #if !CAPNP_LITE
    static constexpr ::capnp::_::RawBrandedSchema const* brand() { return &schema->defaultBrand; }
    #endif  // !CAPNP_LITE

// =======================================================================================

class StreamResult::Reader {
  typedef StreamResult Reads;

  Reader() = default;
  inline explicit Reader(::capnp::_::StructReader base): _reader(base) {}

  inline ::capnp::MessageSize totalSize() const {
    return _reader.totalSize().asPublic();

  inline ::kj::StringTree toString() const {
    return ::capnp::_::structString(_reader, *_capnpPrivate::brand());
#endif  // !CAPNP_LITE

  ::capnp::_::StructReader _reader;
  template <typename, ::capnp::Kind>
  friend struct ::capnp::ToDynamic_;
  template <typename, ::capnp::Kind>
  friend struct ::capnp::_::PointerHelpers;
  template <typename, ::capnp::Kind>
  friend struct ::capnp::List;
  friend class ::capnp::MessageBuilder;
  friend class ::capnp::Orphanage;

class StreamResult::Builder {
  typedef StreamResult Builds;

  Builder() = delete;  // Deleted to discourage incorrect usage.
                       // You can explicitly initialize to nullptr instead.
  inline Builder(decltype(nullptr)) {}
  inline explicit Builder(::capnp::_::StructBuilder base): _builder(base) {}
  inline operator Reader() const { return Reader(_builder.asReader()); }
  inline Reader asReader() const { return *this; }

  inline ::capnp::MessageSize totalSize() const { return asReader().totalSize(); }
  inline ::kj::StringTree toString() const { return asReader().toString(); }
#endif  // !CAPNP_LITE

  ::capnp::_::StructBuilder _builder;
  template <typename, ::capnp::Kind>
  friend struct ::capnp::ToDynamic_;
  friend class ::capnp::Orphanage;
  template <typename, ::capnp::Kind>
  friend struct ::capnp::_::PointerHelpers;

class StreamResult::Pipeline {
  typedef StreamResult Pipelines;

  inline Pipeline(decltype(nullptr)): _typeless(nullptr) {}
  inline explicit Pipeline(::capnp::AnyPointer::Pipeline&& typeless)
      : _typeless(kj::mv(typeless)) {}

  ::capnp::AnyPointer::Pipeline _typeless;
  friend class ::capnp::PipelineHook;
  template <typename, ::capnp::Kind>
  friend struct ::capnp::ToDynamic_;
#endif  // !CAPNP_LITE

// =======================================================================================

}  // namespace