// Copyright (c) 2016 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef KJ_COMPAT_TLS_H_ #define KJ_COMPAT_TLS_H_ // This file implements TLS (aka SSL) encrypted networking. It is actually a wrapper, currently // around OpenSSL / BoringSSL / LibreSSL, but the interface is intended to remain // implementation-agnostic. // // Unlike OpenSSL's API, the API defined in this file is intended to be hard to use wrong. Good // ciphers and settings are used by default. Certificates validation is performed automatically // and cannot be bypassed. #include <kj/async-io.h> namespace kj { class TlsPrivateKey; class TlsCertificate; struct TlsKeypair; class TlsSniCallback; enum class TlsVersion { SSL_3, // avoid; cryptographically broken TLS_1_0, TLS_1_1, TLS_1_2 }; class TlsContext { // TLS system. Allocate one of these, configure it with the proper keys and certificates (or // use the defaults), and then use it to wrap the standard KJ network interfaces in // implementations that transparently use TLS. public: struct Options { Options(); // Initializes all values to reasonable defaults. bool useSystemTrustStore; // Whether or not to trust the system's default trust store. Default: true. kj::ArrayPtr<const TlsCertificate> trustedCertificates; // Additional certificates which should be trusted. Default: none. TlsVersion minVersion; // Minimum version. Defaults to minimum version that hasn't been cryptographically broken. // If you override this, consider doing: // // options.minVersion = kj::max(myVersion, options.minVersion); kj::StringPtr cipherList; // OpenSSL cipher list string. The default is a curated list designed to be compatible with // almost all software in curent use (specifically, based on Mozilla's "intermediate" // recommendations). The defaults will change in future versions of this library to account // for the latest cryptanalysis. // // Generally you should only specify your own `cipherList` if: // - You have extreme backwards-compatibility needs and wish to enable obsolete and/or broken // algorithms. // - You need quickly to disable an algorithm recently discovered to be broken. kj::Maybe<const TlsKeypair&> defaultKeypair; // Default keypair to use for all connections. Required for servers; optional for clients. kj::Maybe<TlsSniCallback&> sniCallback; // Callback that can be used to choose a different key/certificate based on the specific // hostname requested by the client. }; TlsContext(Options options = Options()); ~TlsContext() noexcept(false); KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(TlsContext); kj::Promise<kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream>> wrapServer(kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream> stream); // Upgrade a regular network stream to TLS and begin the initial handshake as the server. The // returned promise resolves when the handshake has completed successfully. kj::Promise<kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream>> wrapClient( kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream> stream, kj::StringPtr expectedServerHostname); // Upgrade a regular network stream to TLS and begin the initial handshake as a client. The // returned promise resolves when the handshake has completed successfully, including validating // the server's certificate. // // You must specify the server's hostname. This is used for two purposes: // 1. It is sent to the server in the initial handshake via the TLS SNI extension, so that a // server serving multiple hosts knows which certificate to use. // 2. The server's certificate is validated against this hostname. If validation fails, the // promise returned by wrapClient() will be broken; you'll never get a stream. kj::Own<kj::ConnectionReceiver> wrapPort(kj::Own<kj::ConnectionReceiver> port); // Upgrade a ConnectionReceiver to one that automatically upgrades all accepted connections to // TLS (acting as the server). kj::Own<kj::Network> wrapNetwork(kj::Network& network); // Upgrade a Network to one that automatically upgrades all connections to TLS. The network will // only accept addresses of the form "hostname" and "hostname:port" (it does not accept raw IP // addresses). It will automatically use SNI and verify certificates based on these hostnames. private: void* ctx; // actually type SSL_CTX, but we don't want to #include the OpenSSL headers here static int sniCallback(void* ssl, int* ad, void* arg); }; class TlsPrivateKey { // A private key suitable for use in a TLS server. public: TlsPrivateKey(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> asn1); // Parse a single binary (ASN1) private key. Supports PKCS8 keys as well as "traditional format" // RSA and DSA keys. Does not accept encrypted keys; it is the caller's responsibility to // decrypt. TlsPrivateKey(kj::StringPtr pem); // Parse a single PEM-encoded private key. Supports PKCS8 keys as well as "traditional format" // RSA and DSA keys. Does not accept encrypted keys; it is the caller's responsibility to // decrypt. ~TlsPrivateKey() noexcept(false); TlsPrivateKey(const TlsPrivateKey& other); TlsPrivateKey& operator=(const TlsPrivateKey& other); // Copy-by-refcount. inline TlsPrivateKey(TlsPrivateKey&& other): pkey(other.pkey) { other.pkey = nullptr; } inline TlsPrivateKey& operator=(TlsPrivateKey&& other) { pkey = other.pkey; other.pkey = nullptr; return *this; } private: void* pkey; // actually type EVP_PKEY* friend class TlsContext; }; class TlsCertificate { // A TLS certificate, possibly with chained intermediate certificates. public: TlsCertificate(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> asn1); // Parse a single binary (ASN1) X509 certificate. TlsCertificate(kj::ArrayPtr<const kj::ArrayPtr<const byte>> asn1); // Parse a chain of binary (ASN1) X509 certificates. TlsCertificate(kj::StringPtr pem); // Parse a PEM-encode X509 certificate or certificate chain. A chain can be constructed by // concatenating multiple PEM-encoded certificates, starting with the leaf certificate. ~TlsCertificate() noexcept(false); TlsCertificate(const TlsCertificate& other); TlsCertificate& operator=(const TlsCertificate& other); // Copy-by-refcount. inline TlsCertificate(TlsCertificate&& other) { memcpy(chain, other.chain, sizeof(chain)); memset(other.chain, 0, sizeof(chain)); } inline TlsCertificate& operator=(TlsCertificate&& other) { memcpy(chain, other.chain, sizeof(chain)); memset(other.chain, 0, sizeof(chain)); return *this; } private: void* chain[10]; // Actually type X509*[10]. // // Note that OpenSSL has a default maximum cert chain length of 10. Although configurable at // runtime, you'd actually have to convince the _peer_ to reconfigure, which is unlikely except // in specific use cases. So to avoid excess allocations we just assume a max of 10 certs. // // If this proves to be a problem, we should maybe use STACK_OF(X509) here, but stacks are not // refcounted -- the X509_chain_up_ref() function actually allocates a new stack and uprefs all // the certs. friend class TlsContext; }; struct TlsKeypair { // A pair of a private key and a certificate, for use by a server. TlsPrivateKey privateKey; TlsCertificate certificate; }; class TlsSniCallback { // Callback object to implement Server Name Indication, in which the server is able to decide // what key and certificate to use based on the hostname that the client is requesting. // // TODO(someday): Currently this callback is synchronous, because the OpenSSL API seems to be // synchronous. Other people (e.g. Node) have figured out how to do it asynchronously, but // it's unclear to me if and how this is possible while using the OpenSSL APIs. It looks like // Node may be manually parsing the ClientHello message rather than relying on OpenSSL. We // could do that but it's too much work for today. public: virtual kj::Maybe<TlsKeypair> getKey(kj::StringPtr hostname) = 0; // Get the key to use for `hostname`. Null return means use the default from // TlsContext::Options::defaultKeypair. }; } // namespace kj #endif // KJ_COMPAT_TLS_H_