// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "lexer.h" #include <kj/parse/char.h> #include <kj/debug.h> namespace capnp { namespace compiler { namespace p = kj::parse; bool lex(kj::ArrayPtr<const char> input, LexedStatements::Builder result, ErrorReporter& errorReporter) { Lexer lexer(Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(result), errorReporter); auto parser = p::sequence(lexer.getParsers().statementSequence, p::endOfInput); Lexer::ParserInput parserInput(input.begin(), input.end()); kj::Maybe<kj::Array<Orphan<Statement>>> parseOutput = parser(parserInput); KJ_IF_MAYBE(output, parseOutput) { auto l = result.initStatements(output->size()); for (uint i = 0; i < output->size(); i++) { l.adoptWithCaveats(i, kj::mv((*output)[i])); } return true; } else { uint32_t best = parserInput.getBest(); errorReporter.addError(best, best, kj::str("Parse error.")); return false; } } bool lex(kj::ArrayPtr<const char> input, LexedTokens::Builder result, ErrorReporter& errorReporter) { Lexer lexer(Orphanage::getForMessageContaining(result), errorReporter); auto parser = p::sequence(lexer.getParsers().tokenSequence, p::endOfInput); Lexer::ParserInput parserInput(input.begin(), input.end()); kj::Maybe<kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>> parseOutput = parser(parserInput); KJ_IF_MAYBE(output, parseOutput) { auto l = result.initTokens(output->size()); for (uint i = 0; i < output->size(); i++) { l.adoptWithCaveats(i, kj::mv((*output)[i])); } return true; } else { uint32_t best = parserInput.getBest(); errorReporter.addError(best, best, kj::str("Parse error.")); return false; } } namespace { typedef p::Span<uint32_t> Location; Token::Builder initTok(Orphan<Token>& t, const Location& loc) { auto builder = t.get(); builder.setStartByte(loc.begin()); builder.setEndByte(loc.end()); return builder; } void buildTokenSequenceList(List<List<Token>>::Builder builder, kj::Array<kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>>&& items) { for (uint i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { auto& item = items[i]; auto itemBuilder = builder.init(i, item.size()); for (uint j = 0; j < item.size(); j++) { itemBuilder.adoptWithCaveats(j, kj::mv(item[j])); } } } void attachDocComment(Statement::Builder statement, kj::Array<kj::String>&& comment) { size_t size = 0; for (auto& line: comment) { size += line.size() + 1; // include newline } Text::Builder builder = statement.initDocComment(size); char* pos = builder.begin(); for (auto& line: comment) { memcpy(pos, line.begin(), line.size()); pos += line.size(); *pos++ = '\n'; } KJ_ASSERT(pos == builder.end()); } constexpr auto discardComment = sequence(p::exactChar<'#'>(), p::discard(p::many(p::discard(p::anyOfChars("\n").invert()))), p::oneOf(p::exactChar<'\n'>(), p::endOfInput)); constexpr auto saveComment = sequence(p::exactChar<'#'>(), p::discard(p::optional(p::exactChar<' '>())), p::charsToString(p::many(p::anyOfChars("\n").invert())), p::oneOf(p::exactChar<'\n'>(), p::endOfInput)); constexpr auto utf8Bom = sequence(p::exactChar<'\xef'>(), p::exactChar<'\xbb'>(), p::exactChar<'\xbf'>()); constexpr auto bomsAndWhitespace = sequence(p::discardWhitespace, p::discard(p::many(sequence(utf8Bom, p::discardWhitespace)))); constexpr auto commentsAndWhitespace = sequence(bomsAndWhitespace, p::discard(p::many(sequence(discardComment, bomsAndWhitespace)))); constexpr auto discardLineWhitespace = p::discard(p::many(p::discard(p::whitespaceChar.invert().orAny("\r\n").invert()))); constexpr auto newline = p::oneOf( p::exactChar<'\n'>(), sequence(p::exactChar<'\r'>(), p::discard(p::optional(p::exactChar<'\n'>())))); constexpr auto docComment = p::optional(p::sequence( discardLineWhitespace, p::discard(p::optional(newline)), p::oneOrMore(p::sequence(discardLineWhitespace, saveComment)))); // Parses a set of comment lines preceded by at most one newline and with no intervening blank // lines. } // namespace Lexer::Lexer(Orphanage orphanageParam, ErrorReporter& errorReporter) : orphanage(orphanageParam) { // Note that because passing an lvalue to a parser constructor uses it by-referencee, it's safe // for us to use parsers.tokenSequence even though we haven't yet constructed it. auto& tokenSequence = parsers.tokenSequence; auto& commaDelimitedList = arena.copy(p::transform( p::sequence(tokenSequence, p::many(p::sequence(p::exactChar<','>(), tokenSequence))), [this](kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>&& first, kj::Array<kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>>&& rest) -> kj::Array<kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>> { if (first == nullptr && rest == nullptr) { // Completely empty list. return nullptr; } else { uint restSize = rest.size(); if (restSize > 0 && rest[restSize - 1] == nullptr) { // Allow for trailing commas by shortening the list by one item if the final token is // nullptr restSize--; } auto result = kj::heapArrayBuilder<kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>>(1 + restSize); // first+rest result.add(kj::mv(first)); for (uint i = 0; i < restSize ; i++) { result.add(kj::mv(rest[i])); } return result.finish(); } })); auto& token = arena.copy(p::oneOf( p::transformWithLocation(p::identifier, [this](Location loc, kj::String name) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); initTok(t, loc).setIdentifier(name); return t; }), p::transformWithLocation(p::doubleQuotedString, [this](Location loc, kj::String text) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); initTok(t, loc).setStringLiteral(text); return t; }), p::transformWithLocation(p::doubleQuotedHexBinary, [this](Location loc, kj::Array<byte> data) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); initTok(t, loc).setBinaryLiteral(data); return t; }), p::transformWithLocation(p::integer, [this](Location loc, uint64_t i) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); initTok(t, loc).setIntegerLiteral(i); return t; }), p::transformWithLocation(p::number, [this](Location loc, double x) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); initTok(t, loc).setFloatLiteral(x); return t; }), p::transformWithLocation( p::charsToString(p::oneOrMore(p::anyOfChars("!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^|~"))), [this](Location loc, kj::String text) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); initTok(t, loc).setOperator(text); return t; }), p::transformWithLocation( sequence(p::exactChar<'('>(), commaDelimitedList, p::exactChar<')'>()), [this](Location loc, kj::Array<kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>>&& items) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); buildTokenSequenceList( initTok(t, loc).initParenthesizedList(items.size()), kj::mv(items)); return t; }), p::transformWithLocation( sequence(p::exactChar<'['>(), commaDelimitedList, p::exactChar<']'>()), [this](Location loc, kj::Array<kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>>&& items) -> Orphan<Token> { auto t = orphanage.newOrphan<Token>(); buildTokenSequenceList( initTok(t, loc).initBracketedList(items.size()), kj::mv(items)); return t; }), p::transformOrReject(p::transformWithLocation( p::oneOf(sequence(p::exactChar<'\xff'>(), p::exactChar<'\xfe'>()), sequence(p::exactChar<'\xfe'>(), p::exactChar<'\xff'>()), sequence(p::exactChar<'\x00'>())), [this, &errorReporter](Location loc) -> kj::Maybe<Orphan<Token>> { errorReporter.addError(loc.begin(), loc.end(), "Non-UTF-8 input detected. Cap'n Proto schema files must be UTF-8 text."); return nullptr; }), [](kj::Maybe<Orphan<Token>> param) { return param; }))); parsers.tokenSequence = arena.copy(p::sequence( commentsAndWhitespace, p::many(p::sequence(token, commentsAndWhitespace)))); auto& statementSequence = parsers.statementSequence; auto& statementEnd = arena.copy(p::oneOf( transform(p::sequence(p::exactChar<';'>(), docComment), [this](kj::Maybe<kj::Array<kj::String>>&& comment) -> Orphan<Statement> { auto result = orphanage.newOrphan<Statement>(); auto builder = result.get(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, comment) { attachDocComment(builder, kj::mv(*c)); } builder.setLine(); return result; }), transform( p::sequence(p::exactChar<'{'>(), docComment, statementSequence, p::exactChar<'}'>(), docComment), [this](kj::Maybe<kj::Array<kj::String>>&& comment, kj::Array<Orphan<Statement>>&& statements, kj::Maybe<kj::Array<kj::String>>&& lateComment) -> Orphan<Statement> { auto result = orphanage.newOrphan<Statement>(); auto builder = result.get(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, comment) { attachDocComment(builder, kj::mv(*c)); } else KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, lateComment) { attachDocComment(builder, kj::mv(*c)); } auto list = builder.initBlock(statements.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < statements.size(); i++) { list.adoptWithCaveats(i, kj::mv(statements[i])); } return result; }) )); auto& statement = arena.copy(p::transformWithLocation(p::sequence(tokenSequence, statementEnd), [this](Location loc, kj::Array<Orphan<Token>>&& tokens, Orphan<Statement>&& statement) { auto builder = statement.get(); auto tokensBuilder = builder.initTokens(tokens.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) { tokensBuilder.adoptWithCaveats(i, kj::mv(tokens[i])); } builder.setStartByte(loc.begin()); builder.setEndByte(loc.end()); return kj::mv(statement); })); parsers.statementSequence = arena.copy(sequence( commentsAndWhitespace, many(sequence(statement, commentsAndWhitespace)))); parsers.token = token; parsers.statement = statement; parsers.emptySpace = commentsAndWhitespace; } Lexer::~Lexer() noexcept(false) {} } // namespace compiler } // namespace capnp