// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors // Licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // This file contains extended inline implementation details that are required along with async.h. // We move this all into a separate file to make async.h more readable. // // Non-inline declarations here are defined in async.c++. #pragma once #if defined(__GNUC__) && !KJ_HEADER_WARNINGS #pragma GCC system_header #endif #ifndef KJ_ASYNC_H_INCLUDED #error "Do not include this directly; include kj/async.h." #include "async.h" // help IDE parse this file #endif namespace kj { namespace _ { // private template <typename T> class ExceptionOr; class ExceptionOrValue { public: ExceptionOrValue(bool, Exception&& exception): exception(kj::mv(exception)) {} KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(ExceptionOrValue); void addException(Exception&& exception) { if (this->exception == nullptr) { this->exception = kj::mv(exception); } } template <typename T> ExceptionOr<T>& as() { return *static_cast<ExceptionOr<T>*>(this); } template <typename T> const ExceptionOr<T>& as() const { return *static_cast<const ExceptionOr<T>*>(this); } Maybe<Exception> exception; protected: // Allow subclasses to have move constructor / assignment. ExceptionOrValue() = default; ExceptionOrValue(ExceptionOrValue&& other) = default; ExceptionOrValue& operator=(ExceptionOrValue&& other) = default; }; template <typename T> class ExceptionOr: public ExceptionOrValue { public: ExceptionOr() = default; ExceptionOr(T&& value): value(kj::mv(value)) {} ExceptionOr(bool, Exception&& exception): ExceptionOrValue(false, kj::mv(exception)) {} ExceptionOr(ExceptionOr&&) = default; ExceptionOr& operator=(ExceptionOr&&) = default; Maybe<T> value; }; class Event { // An event waiting to be executed. Not for direct use by applications -- promises use this // internally. public: Event(); ~Event() noexcept(false); KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(Event); void armDepthFirst(); // Enqueue this event so that `fire()` will be called from the event loop soon. // // Events scheduled in this way are executed in depth-first order: if an event callback arms // more events, those events are placed at the front of the queue (in the order in which they // were armed), so that they run immediately after the first event's callback returns. // // Depth-first event scheduling is appropriate for events that represent simple continuations // of a previous event that should be globbed together for performance. Depth-first scheduling // can lead to starvation, so any long-running task must occasionally yield with // `armBreadthFirst()`. (Promise::then() uses depth-first whereas evalLater() uses // breadth-first.) // // To use breadth-first scheduling instead, use `armBreadthFirst()`. void armBreadthFirst(); // Like `armDepthFirst()` except that the event is placed at the end of the queue. kj::String trace(); // Dump debug info about this event. virtual _::PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace(); // If this event wraps a PromiseNode, get that node. Used for debug tracing. // Default implementation returns nullptr. protected: virtual Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() = 0; // Fire the event. Possibly returns a pointer to itself, which will be discarded by the // caller. This is the only way that an event can delete itself as a result of firing, as // doing so from within fire() will throw an exception. private: friend class kj::EventLoop; EventLoop& loop; Event* next; Event** prev; bool firing = false; }; class PromiseNode { // A Promise<T> contains a chain of PromiseNodes tracking the pending transformations. // // To reduce generated code bloat, PromiseNode is not a template. Instead, it makes very hacky // use of pointers to ExceptionOrValue which actually point to ExceptionOr<T>, but are only // so down-cast in the few places that really need to be templated. Luckily this is all // internal implementation details. public: virtual void onReady(Event* event) noexcept = 0; // Arms the given event when ready. // // May be called multiple times. If called again before the event was armed, the old event will // never be armed, only the new one. If called again after the event was armed, the new event // will be armed immediately. Can be called with nullptr to un-register the existing event. virtual void setSelfPointer(Own<PromiseNode>* selfPtr) noexcept; // Tells the node that `selfPtr` is the pointer that owns this node, and will continue to own // this node until it is destroyed or setSelfPointer() is called again. ChainPromiseNode uses // this to shorten redundant chains. The default implementation does nothing; only // ChainPromiseNode should implement this. virtual void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept = 0; // Get the result. `output` points to an ExceptionOr<T> into which the result will be written. // Can only be called once, and only after the node is ready. Must be called directly from the // event loop, with no application code on the stack. virtual PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace(); // If this node wraps some other PromiseNode, get the wrapped node. Used for debug tracing. // Default implementation returns nullptr. protected: class OnReadyEvent { // Helper class for implementing onReady(). public: void init(Event* newEvent); void arm(); // Arms the event if init() has already been called and makes future calls to init() // automatically arm the event. private: Event* event = nullptr; }; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImmediatePromiseNodeBase: public PromiseNode { public: ImmediatePromiseNodeBase(); ~ImmediatePromiseNodeBase() noexcept(false); void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; }; template <typename T> class ImmediatePromiseNode final: public ImmediatePromiseNodeBase { // A promise that has already been resolved to an immediate value or exception. public: ImmediatePromiseNode(ExceptionOr<T>&& result): result(kj::mv(result)) {} void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { output.as<T>() = kj::mv(result); } private: ExceptionOr<T> result; }; class ImmediateBrokenPromiseNode final: public ImmediatePromiseNodeBase { public: ImmediateBrokenPromiseNode(Exception&& exception); void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override; private: Exception exception; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class AttachmentPromiseNodeBase: public PromiseNode { public: AttachmentPromiseNodeBase(Own<PromiseNode>&& dependency); void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override; PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; private: Own<PromiseNode> dependency; void dropDependency(); template <typename> friend class AttachmentPromiseNode; }; template <typename Attachment> class AttachmentPromiseNode final: public AttachmentPromiseNodeBase { // A PromiseNode that holds on to some object (usually, an Own<T>, but could be any movable // object) until the promise resolves. public: AttachmentPromiseNode(Own<PromiseNode>&& dependency, Attachment&& attachment) : AttachmentPromiseNodeBase(kj::mv(dependency)), attachment(kj::mv<Attachment>(attachment)) {} ~AttachmentPromiseNode() noexcept(false) { // We need to make sure the dependency is deleted before we delete the attachment because the // dependency may be using the attachment. dropDependency(); } private: Attachment attachment; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class PtmfHelper { // This class is a private helper for GetFunctorStartAddress. The class represents the internal // representation of a pointer-to-member-function. template <typename... ParamTypes> friend struct GetFunctorStartAddress; #if __GNUG__ void* ptr; ptrdiff_t adj; // Layout of a pointer-to-member-function used by GCC and compatible compilers. void* apply(void* obj) { #if defined(__arm__) || defined(__mips__) || defined(__aarch64__) if (adj & 1) { ptrdiff_t voff = (ptrdiff_t)ptr; #else ptrdiff_t voff = (ptrdiff_t)ptr; if (voff & 1) { voff &= ~1; #endif return *(void**)(*(char**)obj + voff); } else { return ptr; } } #define BODY \ PtmfHelper result; \ static_assert(sizeof(p) == sizeof(result), "unknown ptmf layout"); \ memcpy(&result, &p, sizeof(result)); \ return result #else // __GNUG__ void* apply(void* obj) { return nullptr; } // TODO(port): PTMF instruction address extraction #define BODY return PtmfHelper{} #endif // __GNUG__, else template <typename R, typename C, typename... P, typename F> static PtmfHelper from(F p) { BODY; } // Create a PtmfHelper from some arbitrary pointer-to-member-function which is not // overloaded nor a template. In this case the compiler is able to deduce the full function // signature directly given the name since there is only one function with that name. template <typename R, typename C, typename... P> static PtmfHelper from(R (C::*p)(NoInfer<P>...)) { BODY; } template <typename R, typename C, typename... P> static PtmfHelper from(R (C::*p)(NoInfer<P>...) const) { BODY; } // Create a PtmfHelper from some poniter-to-member-function which is a template. In this case // the function must match exactly the containing type C, return type R, and parameter types P... // GetFunctorStartAddress normally specifies exactly the correct C and R, but can only make a // guess at P. Luckily, if the function parameters are template parameters then it's not // necessary to be precise about P. #undef BODY }; template <typename... ParamTypes> struct GetFunctorStartAddress { // Given a functor (any object defining operator()), return the start address of the function, // suitable for passing to addr2line to obtain a source file/line for debugging purposes. // // This turns out to be incredibly hard to implement in the presence of overloaded or templated // functors. Therefore, we impose these specific restrictions, specific to our use case: // - Overloading is not allowed, but templating is. (Generally we only intend to support lambdas // anyway.) // - The template parameters to GetFunctorStartAddress specify a hint as to the expected // parameter types. If the functor is templated, its parameters must match exactly these types. // (If it's not templated, ParamTypes are ignored.) template <typename Func> static void* apply(Func&& func) { typedef decltype(func(instance<ParamTypes>()...)) ReturnType; return PtmfHelper::from<ReturnType, Decay<Func>, ParamTypes...>( &Decay<Func>::operator()).apply(&func); } }; template <> struct GetFunctorStartAddress<Void&&>: public GetFunctorStartAddress<> {}; // Hack for TransformPromiseNode use case: an input type of `Void` indicates that the function // actually has no parameters. class TransformPromiseNodeBase: public PromiseNode { public: TransformPromiseNodeBase(Own<PromiseNode>&& dependency, void* continuationTracePtr); void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override; PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; private: Own<PromiseNode> dependency; void* continuationTracePtr; void dropDependency(); void getDepResult(ExceptionOrValue& output); virtual void getImpl(ExceptionOrValue& output) = 0; template <typename, typename, typename, typename> friend class TransformPromiseNode; }; template <typename T, typename DepT, typename Func, typename ErrorFunc> class TransformPromiseNode final: public TransformPromiseNodeBase { // A PromiseNode that transforms the result of another PromiseNode through an application-provided // function (implements `then()`). public: TransformPromiseNode(Own<PromiseNode>&& dependency, Func&& func, ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) : TransformPromiseNodeBase(kj::mv(dependency), GetFunctorStartAddress<DepT&&>::apply(func)), func(kj::fwd<Func>(func)), errorHandler(kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)) {} ~TransformPromiseNode() noexcept(false) { // We need to make sure the dependency is deleted before we delete the continuations because it // is a common pattern for the continuations to hold ownership of objects that might be in-use // by the dependency. dropDependency(); } private: Func func; ErrorFunc errorHandler; void getImpl(ExceptionOrValue& output) override { ExceptionOr<DepT> depResult; getDepResult(depResult); KJ_IF_MAYBE(depException, depResult.exception) { output.as<T>() = handle( MaybeVoidCaller<Exception, FixVoid<ReturnType<ErrorFunc, Exception>>>::apply( errorHandler, kj::mv(*depException))); } else KJ_IF_MAYBE(depValue, depResult.value) { output.as<T>() = handle(MaybeVoidCaller<DepT, T>::apply(func, kj::mv(*depValue))); } } ExceptionOr<T> handle(T&& value) { return kj::mv(value); } ExceptionOr<T> handle(PropagateException::Bottom&& value) { return ExceptionOr<T>(false, value.asException()); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ForkHubBase; class ForkBranchBase: public PromiseNode { public: ForkBranchBase(Own<ForkHubBase>&& hub); ~ForkBranchBase() noexcept(false); void hubReady() noexcept; // Called by the hub to indicate that it is ready. // implements PromiseNode ------------------------------------------ void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; protected: inline ExceptionOrValue& getHubResultRef(); void releaseHub(ExceptionOrValue& output); // Release the hub. If an exception is thrown, add it to `output`. private: OnReadyEvent onReadyEvent; Own<ForkHubBase> hub; ForkBranchBase* next = nullptr; ForkBranchBase** prevPtr = nullptr; friend class ForkHubBase; }; template <typename T> T copyOrAddRef(T& t) { return t; } template <typename T> Own<T> copyOrAddRef(Own<T>& t) { return t->addRef(); } template <typename T> class ForkBranch final: public ForkBranchBase { // A PromiseNode that implements one branch of a fork -- i.e. one of the branches that receives // a const reference. public: ForkBranch(Own<ForkHubBase>&& hub): ForkBranchBase(kj::mv(hub)) {} void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { ExceptionOr<T>& hubResult = getHubResultRef().template as<T>(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, hubResult.value) { output.as<T>().value = copyOrAddRef(*value); } else { output.as<T>().value = nullptr; } output.exception = hubResult.exception; releaseHub(output); } }; template <typename T, size_t index> class SplitBranch final: public ForkBranchBase { // A PromiseNode that implements one branch of a fork -- i.e. one of the branches that receives // a const reference. public: SplitBranch(Own<ForkHubBase>&& hub): ForkBranchBase(kj::mv(hub)) {} typedef kj::Decay<decltype(kj::get<index>(kj::instance<T>()))> Element; void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { ExceptionOr<T>& hubResult = getHubResultRef().template as<T>(); KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, hubResult.value) { output.as<Element>().value = kj::mv(kj::get<index>(*value)); } else { output.as<Element>().value = nullptr; } output.exception = hubResult.exception; releaseHub(output); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ForkHubBase: public Refcounted, protected Event { public: ForkHubBase(Own<PromiseNode>&& inner, ExceptionOrValue& resultRef); inline ExceptionOrValue& getResultRef() { return resultRef; } private: Own<PromiseNode> inner; ExceptionOrValue& resultRef; ForkBranchBase* headBranch = nullptr; ForkBranchBase** tailBranch = &headBranch; // Tail becomes null once the inner promise is ready and all branches have been notified. Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override; _::PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; friend class ForkBranchBase; }; template <typename T> class ForkHub final: public ForkHubBase { // A PromiseNode that implements the hub of a fork. The first call to Promise::fork() replaces // the promise's outer node with a ForkHub, and subsequent calls add branches to that hub (if // possible). public: ForkHub(Own<PromiseNode>&& inner): ForkHubBase(kj::mv(inner), result) {} Promise<_::UnfixVoid<T>> addBranch() { return Promise<_::UnfixVoid<T>>(false, kj::heap<ForkBranch<T>>(addRef(*this))); } _::SplitTuplePromise<T> split() { return splitImpl(MakeIndexes<tupleSize<T>()>()); } private: ExceptionOr<T> result; template <size_t... indexes> _::SplitTuplePromise<T> splitImpl(Indexes<indexes...>) { return kj::tuple(addSplit<indexes>()...); } template <size_t index> ReducePromises<typename SplitBranch<T, index>::Element> addSplit() { return ReducePromises<typename SplitBranch<T, index>::Element>( false, maybeChain(kj::heap<SplitBranch<T, index>>(addRef(*this)), implicitCast<typename SplitBranch<T, index>::Element*>(nullptr))); } }; inline ExceptionOrValue& ForkBranchBase::getHubResultRef() { return hub->getResultRef(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ChainPromiseNode final: public PromiseNode, public Event { // Promise node which reduces Promise<Promise<T>> to Promise<T>. // // `Event` is only a public base class because otherwise we can't cast Own<ChainPromiseNode> to // Own<Event>. Ugh, templates and private... public: explicit ChainPromiseNode(Own<PromiseNode> inner); ~ChainPromiseNode() noexcept(false); void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; void setSelfPointer(Own<PromiseNode>* selfPtr) noexcept override; void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override; PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; private: enum State { STEP1, STEP2 }; State state; Own<PromiseNode> inner; // In STEP1, a PromiseNode for a Promise<T>. // In STEP2, a PromiseNode for a T. Event* onReadyEvent = nullptr; Own<PromiseNode>* selfPtr = nullptr; Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override; }; template <typename T> Own<PromiseNode> maybeChain(Own<PromiseNode>&& node, Promise<T>*) { return heap<ChainPromiseNode>(kj::mv(node)); } template <typename T> Own<PromiseNode>&& maybeChain(Own<PromiseNode>&& node, T*) { return kj::mv(node); } template <typename T, typename Result = decltype(T::reducePromise(instance<Promise<T>>()))> inline Result maybeReduce(Promise<T>&& promise, bool) { return T::reducePromise(kj::mv(promise)); } template <typename T> inline Promise<T> maybeReduce(Promise<T>&& promise, ...) { return kj::mv(promise); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode final: public PromiseNode { public: ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode(Own<PromiseNode> left, Own<PromiseNode> right); ~ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode() noexcept(false); void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override; PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; private: class Branch: public Event { public: Branch(ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode& joinNode, Own<PromiseNode> dependency); ~Branch() noexcept(false); bool get(ExceptionOrValue& output); // Returns true if this is the side that finished. Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override; _::PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; private: ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode& joinNode; Own<PromiseNode> dependency; }; Branch left; Branch right; OnReadyEvent onReadyEvent; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase: public PromiseNode { public: ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase(Array<Own<PromiseNode>> promises, ExceptionOrValue* resultParts, size_t partSize); ~ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase() noexcept(false); void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override final; void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override final; PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override final; protected: virtual void getNoError(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept = 0; // Called to compile the result only in the case where there were no errors. private: uint countLeft; OnReadyEvent onReadyEvent; class Branch final: public Event { public: Branch(ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase& joinNode, Own<PromiseNode> dependency, ExceptionOrValue& output); ~Branch() noexcept(false); Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override; _::PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; Maybe<Exception> getPart(); // Calls dependency->get(output). If there was an exception, return it. private: ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase& joinNode; Own<PromiseNode> dependency; ExceptionOrValue& output; }; Array<Branch> branches; }; template <typename T> class ArrayJoinPromiseNode final: public ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase { public: ArrayJoinPromiseNode(Array<Own<PromiseNode>> promises, Array<ExceptionOr<T>> resultParts) : ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase(kj::mv(promises), resultParts.begin(), sizeof(ExceptionOr<T>)), resultParts(kj::mv(resultParts)) {} protected: void getNoError(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { auto builder = heapArrayBuilder<T>(resultParts.size()); for (auto& part: resultParts) { KJ_IASSERT(part.value != nullptr, "Bug in KJ promise framework: Promise result had neither value no exception."); builder.add(kj::mv(*_::readMaybe(part.value))); } output.as<Array<T>>() = builder.finish(); } private: Array<ExceptionOr<T>> resultParts; }; template <> class ArrayJoinPromiseNode<void> final: public ArrayJoinPromiseNodeBase { public: ArrayJoinPromiseNode(Array<Own<PromiseNode>> promises, Array<ExceptionOr<_::Void>> resultParts); ~ArrayJoinPromiseNode(); protected: void getNoError(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override; private: Array<ExceptionOr<_::Void>> resultParts; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class EagerPromiseNodeBase: public PromiseNode, protected Event { // A PromiseNode that eagerly evaluates its dependency even if its dependent does not eagerly // evaluate it. public: EagerPromiseNodeBase(Own<PromiseNode>&& dependency, ExceptionOrValue& resultRef); void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override; private: Own<PromiseNode> dependency; OnReadyEvent onReadyEvent; ExceptionOrValue& resultRef; Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override; }; template <typename T> class EagerPromiseNode final: public EagerPromiseNodeBase { public: EagerPromiseNode(Own<PromiseNode>&& dependency) : EagerPromiseNodeBase(kj::mv(dependency), result) {} void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { output.as<T>() = kj::mv(result); } private: ExceptionOr<T> result; }; template <typename T> Own<PromiseNode> spark(Own<PromiseNode>&& node) { // Forces evaluation of the given node to begin as soon as possible, even if no one is waiting // on it. return heap<EagerPromiseNode<T>>(kj::mv(node)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class AdapterPromiseNodeBase: public PromiseNode { public: void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override; protected: inline void setReady() { onReadyEvent.arm(); } private: OnReadyEvent onReadyEvent; }; template <typename T, typename Adapter> class AdapterPromiseNode final: public AdapterPromiseNodeBase, private PromiseFulfiller<UnfixVoid<T>> { // A PromiseNode that wraps a PromiseAdapter. public: template <typename... Params> AdapterPromiseNode(Params&&... params) : adapter(static_cast<PromiseFulfiller<UnfixVoid<T>>&>(*this), kj::fwd<Params>(params)...) {} void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override { KJ_IREQUIRE(!isWaiting()); output.as<T>() = kj::mv(result); } private: ExceptionOr<T> result; bool waiting = true; Adapter adapter; void fulfill(T&& value) override { if (waiting) { waiting = false; result = ExceptionOr<T>(kj::mv(value)); setReady(); } } void reject(Exception&& exception) override { if (waiting) { waiting = false; result = ExceptionOr<T>(false, kj::mv(exception)); setReady(); } } bool isWaiting() override { return waiting; } }; } // namespace _ (private) // ======================================================================================= template <typename T> Promise<T>::Promise(_::FixVoid<T> value) : PromiseBase(heap<_::ImmediatePromiseNode<_::FixVoid<T>>>(kj::mv(value))) {} template <typename T> Promise<T>::Promise(kj::Exception&& exception) : PromiseBase(heap<_::ImmediateBrokenPromiseNode>(kj::mv(exception))) {} template <typename T> template <typename Func, typename ErrorFunc> PromiseForResult<Func, T> Promise<T>::then(Func&& func, ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) { typedef _::FixVoid<_::ReturnType<Func, T>> ResultT; Own<_::PromiseNode> intermediate = heap<_::TransformPromiseNode<ResultT, _::FixVoid<T>, Func, ErrorFunc>>( kj::mv(node), kj::fwd<Func>(func), kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)); auto result = _::ChainPromises<_::ReturnType<Func, T>>(false, _::maybeChain(kj::mv(intermediate), implicitCast<ResultT*>(nullptr))); return _::maybeReduce(kj::mv(result), false); } namespace _ { // private template <typename T> struct IdentityFunc { inline T operator()(T&& value) const { return kj::mv(value); } }; template <typename T> struct IdentityFunc<Promise<T>> { inline Promise<T> operator()(T&& value) const { return kj::mv(value); } }; template <> struct IdentityFunc<void> { inline void operator()() const {} }; template <> struct IdentityFunc<Promise<void>> { Promise<void> operator()() const; // This can't be inline because it will make the translation unit depend on kj-async. Awkwardly, // Cap'n Proto relies on being able to include this header without creating such a link-time // dependency. }; } // namespace _ (private) template <typename T> template <typename ErrorFunc> Promise<T> Promise<T>::catch_(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) { // then()'s ErrorFunc can only return a Promise if Func also returns a Promise. In this case, // Func is being filled in automatically. We want to make sure ErrorFunc can return a Promise, // but we don't want the extra overhead of promise chaining if ErrorFunc doesn't actually // return a promise. So we make our Func return match ErrorFunc. return then(_::IdentityFunc<decltype(errorHandler(instance<Exception&&>()))>(), kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)); } template <typename T> T Promise<T>::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) { _::ExceptionOr<_::FixVoid<T>> result; _::waitImpl(kj::mv(node), result, waitScope); KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result.value) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) { throwRecoverableException(kj::mv(*exception)); } return _::returnMaybeVoid(kj::mv(*value)); } else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) { throwFatalException(kj::mv(*exception)); } else { // Result contained neither a value nor an exception? KJ_UNREACHABLE; } } template <> inline void Promise<void>::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) { // Override <void> case to use throwRecoverableException(). _::ExceptionOr<_::Void> result; _::waitImpl(kj::mv(node), result, waitScope); if (result.value != nullptr) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) { throwRecoverableException(kj::mv(*exception)); } } else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) { throwRecoverableException(kj::mv(*exception)); } else { // Result contained neither a value nor an exception? KJ_UNREACHABLE; } } template <typename T> bool Promise<T>::poll(WaitScope& waitScope) { return _::pollImpl(*node, waitScope); } template <typename T> ForkedPromise<T> Promise<T>::fork() { return ForkedPromise<T>(false, refcounted<_::ForkHub<_::FixVoid<T>>>(kj::mv(node))); } template <typename T> Promise<T> ForkedPromise<T>::addBranch() { return hub->addBranch(); } template <typename T> _::SplitTuplePromise<T> Promise<T>::split() { return refcounted<_::ForkHub<_::FixVoid<T>>>(kj::mv(node))->split(); } template <typename T> Promise<T> Promise<T>::exclusiveJoin(Promise<T>&& other) { return Promise(false, heap<_::ExclusiveJoinPromiseNode>(kj::mv(node), kj::mv(other.node))); } template <typename T> template <typename... Attachments> Promise<T> Promise<T>::attach(Attachments&&... attachments) { return Promise(false, kj::heap<_::AttachmentPromiseNode<Tuple<Attachments...>>>( kj::mv(node), kj::tuple(kj::fwd<Attachments>(attachments)...))); } template <typename T> template <typename ErrorFunc> Promise<T> Promise<T>::eagerlyEvaluate(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) { // See catch_() for commentary. return Promise(false, _::spark<_::FixVoid<T>>(then( _::IdentityFunc<decltype(errorHandler(instance<Exception&&>()))>(), kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)).node)); } template <typename T> Promise<T> Promise<T>::eagerlyEvaluate(decltype(nullptr)) { return Promise(false, _::spark<_::FixVoid<T>>(kj::mv(node))); } template <typename T> kj::String Promise<T>::trace() { return PromiseBase::trace(); } template <typename Func> inline PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLater(Func&& func) { return _::yield().then(kj::fwd<Func>(func), _::PropagateException()); } template <typename Func> inline PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalNow(Func&& func) { PromiseForResult<Func, void> result = nullptr; KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() { result = func(); })) { result = kj::mv(*e); } return result; } template <typename T> template <typename ErrorFunc> void Promise<T>::detach(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) { return _::detach(then([](T&&) {}, kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler))); } template <> template <typename ErrorFunc> void Promise<void>::detach(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) { return _::detach(then([]() {}, kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler))); } template <typename T> Promise<Array<T>> joinPromises(Array<Promise<T>>&& promises) { return Promise<Array<T>>(false, kj::heap<_::ArrayJoinPromiseNode<T>>( KJ_MAP(p, promises) { return kj::mv(p.node); }, heapArray<_::ExceptionOr<T>>(promises.size()))); } // ======================================================================================= namespace _ { // private template <typename T> class WeakFulfiller final: public PromiseFulfiller<T>, private kj::Disposer { // A wrapper around PromiseFulfiller which can be detached. // // There are a couple non-trivialities here: // - If the WeakFulfiller is discarded, we want the promise it fulfills to be implicitly // rejected. // - We cannot destroy the WeakFulfiller until the application has discarded it *and* it has been // detached from the underlying fulfiller, because otherwise the later detach() call will go // to a dangling pointer. Essentially, WeakFulfiller is reference counted, although the // refcount never goes over 2 and we manually implement the refcounting because we need to do // other special things when each side detaches anyway. To this end, WeakFulfiller is its own // Disposer -- dispose() is called when the application discards its owned pointer to the // fulfiller and detach() is called when the promise is destroyed. public: KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(WeakFulfiller); static kj::Own<WeakFulfiller> make() { WeakFulfiller* ptr = new WeakFulfiller; return Own<WeakFulfiller>(ptr, *ptr); } void fulfill(FixVoid<T>&& value) override { if (inner != nullptr) { inner->fulfill(kj::mv(value)); } } void reject(Exception&& exception) override { if (inner != nullptr) { inner->reject(kj::mv(exception)); } } bool isWaiting() override { return inner != nullptr && inner->isWaiting(); } void attach(PromiseFulfiller<T>& newInner) { inner = &newInner; } void detach(PromiseFulfiller<T>& from) { if (inner == nullptr) { // Already disposed. delete this; } else { KJ_IREQUIRE(inner == &from); inner = nullptr; } } private: mutable PromiseFulfiller<T>* inner; WeakFulfiller(): inner(nullptr) {} void disposeImpl(void* pointer) const override { // TODO(perf): Factor some of this out so it isn't regenerated for every fulfiller type? if (inner == nullptr) { // Already detached. delete this; } else { if (inner->isWaiting()) { inner->reject(kj::Exception(kj::Exception::Type::FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__, kj::heapString("PromiseFulfiller was destroyed without fulfilling the promise."))); } inner = nullptr; } } }; template <typename T> class PromiseAndFulfillerAdapter { public: PromiseAndFulfillerAdapter(PromiseFulfiller<T>& fulfiller, WeakFulfiller<T>& wrapper) : fulfiller(fulfiller), wrapper(wrapper) { wrapper.attach(fulfiller); } ~PromiseAndFulfillerAdapter() noexcept(false) { wrapper.detach(fulfiller); } private: PromiseFulfiller<T>& fulfiller; WeakFulfiller<T>& wrapper; }; } // namespace _ (private) template <typename T> template <typename Func> bool PromiseFulfiller<T>::rejectIfThrows(Func&& func) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions(kj::mv(func))) { reject(kj::mv(*exception)); return false; } else { return true; } } template <typename Func> bool PromiseFulfiller<void>::rejectIfThrows(Func&& func) { KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions(kj::mv(func))) { reject(kj::mv(*exception)); return false; } else { return true; } } template <typename T, typename Adapter, typename... Params> Promise<T> newAdaptedPromise(Params&&... adapterConstructorParams) { return Promise<T>(false, heap<_::AdapterPromiseNode<_::FixVoid<T>, Adapter>>( kj::fwd<Params>(adapterConstructorParams)...)); } template <typename T> PromiseFulfillerPair<T> newPromiseAndFulfiller() { auto wrapper = _::WeakFulfiller<T>::make(); Own<_::PromiseNode> intermediate( heap<_::AdapterPromiseNode<_::FixVoid<T>, _::PromiseAndFulfillerAdapter<T>>>(*wrapper)); _::ReducePromises<T> promise(false, _::maybeChain(kj::mv(intermediate), implicitCast<T*>(nullptr))); return PromiseFulfillerPair<T> { kj::mv(promise), kj::mv(wrapper) }; } } // namespace kj