Commit fe457524 authored by Harris Hancock's avatar Harris Hancock

Fix deeply-nested-generic build failure (1/2)

Although bootstrap regeneration will basically be a no-op (no bootstraps
have deeply nested generics which this commit fixes), one will follow this
commit for completeness.
parent 814ce248
......@@ -2301,8 +2301,8 @@ private:
return kj::strTree(",\n public virtual ", s.typeName.strNoTypename(), "::Client");
}, " {\n"
" typedef ", fullName, " Calls;\n"
" typedef ", fullName, " Reads;\n"
" typedef ", name, " Calls;\n"
" typedef ", name, " Reads;\n"
" Client(decltype(nullptr));\n"
" explicit Client(::kj::Own< ::capnp::ClientHook>&& hook);\n"
......@@ -2330,7 +2330,7 @@ private:
return kj::strTree(",\n public virtual ", s.typeName.strNoTypename(), "::Server");
}, " {\n"
" typedef ", fullName, " Serves;\n"
" typedef ", name, " Serves;\n"
" ::kj::Promise<void> dispatchCall(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId,\n"
" ::capnp::CallContext< ::capnp::AnyPointer, ::capnp::AnyPointer> context)\n"
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