Commit fe29fa08 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Better Arena design. Allows incremental reads.

parent 6a72d324
......@@ -34,85 +34,161 @@ Arena::~Arena() {}
// =======================================================================================
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
ErrorReporter* errorReporter,
WordCount64 readLimit)
: segments(segments),
readLimiter(readLimit) {
uint i = 0;
for (auto segment: segments) {
segmentReaders.emplace_back(new SegmentReader(this, SegmentId(i++), segment, &readLimiter));
ReaderArena::ReaderArena(std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context)
: context(std::move(context)),
readLimiter(this->context->getReadLimit() * WORDS),
segment0(this, SegmentId(0), this->context->getSegment(0), &readLimiter) {}
ReaderArena::~ReaderArena() {}
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> ReaderArena::getSegmentsForOutput() {
return segments;
SegmentReader* ReaderArena::tryGetSegment(SegmentId id) {
if (id.value >= segments.size()) {
if (id == SegmentId(0)) {
if (segment0.getArray() == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return segmentReaders[id.value].get();
return &segment0;
// TODO: Lock a mutex so that reading is thread-safe. Take a reader lock during the first
// lookup, unlock it before calling getSegment(), then take a writer lock to update the map.
// Bleh, lazy initialization is sad.
if (moreSegments != nullptr) {
auto iter = moreSegments->find(id.value);
if (iter != moreSegments->end()) {
return iter->second.get();
ArrayPtr<const word> newSegment = context->getSegment(id.value);
if (newSegment == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (moreSegments == nullptr) {
// OK, the segment exists, so allocate the map.
moreSegments = std::unique_ptr<SegmentMap>(new SegmentMap);
std::unique_ptr<SegmentReader>* slot = &(*moreSegments)[id.value];
*slot = std::unique_ptr<SegmentReader>(new SegmentReader(this, id, newSegment, &readLimiter));
return slot->get();
void ReaderArena::reportInvalidData(const char* description) {
void ReaderArena::reportReadLimitReached() {
errorReporter->reportError("Exceeded read limit.");
context->reportError("Exceeded read limit.");
// =======================================================================================
BuilderArena::BuilderArena(Allocator* allocator): allocator(allocator) {}
BuilderArena::~BuilderArena() {
// TODO: This is wrong because we aren't taking into account how much of each segment is actually
// allocated.
uint i = 0;
for (ArrayPtr<word> ptr: memory) {
// The memory array contains Array<const word> only to ease implementation of getSegmentsForOutput().
// We actually own this space and can de-constify it.
allocator->free(SegmentId(i++), ptr);
BuilderArena::BuilderArena(std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context)
: context(std::move(context)), segment0(nullptr, SegmentId(0), nullptr, nullptr) {}
BuilderArena::~BuilderArena() {}
SegmentBuilder* BuilderArena::getSegment(SegmentId id) {
return segments[id.value].get();
// This method is allowed to crash if the segment ID is not valid.
if (id == SegmentId(0)) {
return &segment0;
} else {
return moreSegments->builders[id.value - 1].get();
SegmentBuilder* BuilderArena::getSegmentWithAvailable(WordCount minimumAvailable) {
if (segments.empty() || segments.back()->available() < minimumAvailable) {
ArrayPtr<word> array = allocator->allocate(
SegmentId(segments.size()), minimumAvailable / WORDS);
segments.push_back(std::unique_ptr<SegmentBuilder>(new SegmentBuilder(
this, SegmentId(segments.size()), array, &dummyLimiter)));
return segments.back().get();
// TODO: Mutex-locking? Do we want to allow people to build different parts of the same message
// in different threads?
if (segment0.getArena() == nullptr) {
// We're allocating the first segment.
ArrayPtr<word> ptr = context->allocateSegment(minimumAvailable / WORDS);
// Re-allocate segment0 in-place. This is a bit of a hack, but we have not returned any
// pointers to this segment yet, so it should be fine.
return new (&segment0) SegmentBuilder(this, SegmentId(0), ptr, &this->dummyLimiter);
} else {
if (segment0.available() >= minimumAvailable) {
return &segment0;
if (moreSegments == nullptr) {
moreSegments = std::unique_ptr<MultiSegmentState>(new MultiSegmentState());
} else {
// TODO: Check for available space in more than just the last segment. We don't want this
// to be O(n), though, so we'll need to maintain some sort of table. Complicating matters,
// we want SegmentBuilders::allocate() to be fast, so we can't update any such table when
// allocation actually happens. Instead, we could have a priority queue based on the
// last-known available size, and then re-check the size when we pop segments off it and
// shove them to the back of the queue if they have become too small.
if (moreSegments->builders.back()->available() >= minimumAvailable) {
return moreSegments->builders.back().get();
std::unique_ptr<SegmentBuilder> newBuilder = std::unique_ptr<SegmentBuilder>(
new SegmentBuilder(this, SegmentId(moreSegments->builders.size() + 1),
context->allocateSegment(minimumAvailable / WORDS), &this->dummyLimiter));
SegmentBuilder* result = newBuilder.get();
// Keep forOutput the right size so that we don't have to re-allocate during
// getSegmentsForOutput(), which callers might reasonably expect is a thread-safe method.
moreSegments->forOutput.resize(moreSegments->builders.size() + 1);
return result;
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> BuilderArena::getSegmentsForOutput() {
for (uint i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
segmentsForOutput[i] = segments[i]->currentlyAllocated();
// We shouldn't need to lock a mutex here because if this is called multiple times simultaneously,
// we should only be overwriting the array with the exact same data. If the number or size of
// segments is actually changing due to an activity in another thread, then the caller has a
// problem regardless of locking here.
if (moreSegments == nullptr) {
if (segment0.getArena() == nullptr) {
// We haven't actually allocated any segments yet.
return nullptr;
} else {
// We have only one segment so far.
segment0ForOutput = segment0.currentlyAllocated();
return arrayPtr(&segment0ForOutput, 1);
} else {
CAPNPROTO_DEBUG_ASSERT(moreSegments->forOutput.size() == moreSegments->builders.size() + 1,
"Bug in capnproto::internal::BuilderArena: moreSegments->forOutput wasn't resized "
"correctly when the last builder was added.");
return arrayPtr(&*segmentsForOutput.begin(), segmentsForOutput.size());
ArrayPtr<ArrayPtr<const word>> result(
&moreSegments->forOutput[0], moreSegments->forOutput.size());
uint i = 0;
result[i++] = segment0.currentlyAllocated();
for (auto& builder: moreSegments->builders) {
result[i++] = builder->currentlyAllocated();
return result;
SegmentReader* BuilderArena::tryGetSegment(SegmentId id) {
if (id.value >= segments.size()) {
if (id == SegmentId(0)) {
if (segment0.getArena() == nullptr) {
// We haven't allocated any segments yet.
return nullptr;
} else {
return segments[id.value].get();
return &segment0;
} else {
if (moreSegments == nullptr || id.value > moreSegments->builders.size()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return moreSegments->builders[id.value - 1].get();
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "macros.h"
#include "type-safety.h"
#include "message.h"
......@@ -70,15 +71,59 @@ private:
class SegmentReader {
inline SegmentReader(Arena* arena, SegmentId id, ArrayPtr<const word> ptr,
ReadLimiter* readLimiter);
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(bool containsInterval(const word* from, const word* to));
inline Arena* getArena();
inline SegmentId getSegmentId();
inline const word* getStartPtr();
inline WordCount getOffsetTo(const word* ptr);
inline WordCount getSize();
inline ArrayPtr<const word> getArray();
Arena* arena;
SegmentId id;
ArrayPtr<const word> ptr;
ReadLimiter* readLimiter;
friend class SegmentBuilder;
class SegmentBuilder: public SegmentReader {
inline SegmentBuilder(BuilderArena* arena, SegmentId id, ArrayPtr<word> ptr,
ReadLimiter* readLimiter);
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(word* allocate(WordCount amount));
inline word* getPtrUnchecked(WordCount offset);
inline BuilderArena* getArena();
inline WordCount available();
inline ArrayPtr<const word> currentlyAllocated();
word* pos;
// TODO: Do we need mutex locking?
class Arena {
virtual ~Arena();
virtual ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> getSegmentsForOutput() = 0;
// Get an array of all the segments, suitable for writing out. For BuilderArena, this only
// returns the allocated portion of each segment, whereas tryGetSegment() returns something that
// includes not-yet-allocated space.
virtual SegmentReader* tryGetSegment(SegmentId id) = 0;
// Gets the segment with the given ID, or return nullptr if no such segment exists.
......@@ -113,27 +158,31 @@ public:
class ReaderArena final: public Arena {
ReaderArena(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments, ErrorReporter* errorReporter,
WordCount64 readLimit);
ReaderArena(std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context);
// implements Arena ------------------------------------------------
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> getSegmentsForOutput() override;
SegmentReader* tryGetSegment(SegmentId id) override;
void reportInvalidData(const char* description) override;
void reportReadLimitReached() override;
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments;
ErrorReporter* errorReporter;
std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context;
ReadLimiter readLimiter;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SegmentReader>> segmentReaders;
// Optimize for single-segment messages so that small messages are handled quickly.
SegmentReader segment0;
typedef std::unordered_map<uint, std::unique_ptr<SegmentReader>> SegmentMap;
std::unique_ptr<SegmentMap> moreSegments;
class BuilderArena final: public Arena {
BuilderArena(Allocator* allocator);
BuilderArena(std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context);
SegmentBuilder* getSegment(SegmentId id);
// Get the segment with the given id. Crashes or throws an exception if no such segment exists.
......@@ -142,67 +191,30 @@ public:
// Get a segment which has at least the given amount of space available, allocating it if
// necessary. Crashes or throws an exception if there is not enough memory.
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> getSegmentsForOutput();
// Get an array of all the segments, suitable for writing out. This only returns the allocated
// portion of each segment, whereas tryGetSegment() returns something that includes
// not-yet-allocated space.
// TODO: Methods to deal with bundled capabilities.
// implements Arena ------------------------------------------------
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> getSegmentsForOutput() override;
SegmentReader* tryGetSegment(SegmentId id) override;
void reportInvalidData(const char* description) override;
void reportReadLimitReached() override;
Allocator* allocator;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SegmentBuilder>> segments;
std::vector<ArrayPtr<word>> memory;
std::vector<ArrayPtr<const word>> segmentsForOutput;
std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context;
ReadLimiter dummyLimiter;
class SegmentReader {
inline SegmentReader(Arena* arena, SegmentId id, ArrayPtr<const word> ptr,
ReadLimiter* readLimiter);
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(bool containsInterval(const word* from, const word* to));
inline Arena* getArena();
inline SegmentId getSegmentId();
inline const word* getStartPtr();
inline WordCount getOffsetTo(const word* ptr);
inline WordCount getSize();
Arena* arena;
SegmentId id;
ArrayPtr<const word> ptr;
ReadLimiter* readLimiter;
friend class SegmentBuilder;
class SegmentBuilder: public SegmentReader {
inline SegmentBuilder(BuilderArena* arena, SegmentId id, ArrayPtr<word> ptr,
ReadLimiter* readLimiter);
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(word* allocate(WordCount amount));
inline word* getPtrUnchecked(WordCount offset);
SegmentBuilder segment0;
ArrayPtr<const word> segment0ForOutput;
inline BuilderArena* getArena();
inline WordCount available();
inline ArrayPtr<const word> currentlyAllocated();
word* pos;
// TODO: Do we need mutex locking?
struct MultiSegmentState {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SegmentBuilder>> builders;
std::vector<ArrayPtr<const word>> forOutput;
std::unique_ptr<MultiSegmentState> moreSegments;
// =======================================================================================
......@@ -241,6 +253,7 @@ inline WordCount SegmentReader::getOffsetTo(const word* ptr) {
return intervalLength(this->ptr.begin(), ptr);
inline WordCount SegmentReader::getSize() { return ptr.size() * WORDS; }
inline ArrayPtr<const word> SegmentReader::getArray() { return ptr; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -233,8 +233,7 @@ TEST(Encoding, AllTypes) {
Message<TestAllTypes>::Reader reader(
builder.getSegmentsForOutput(), 64, 1 << 30, ThrowingErrorReporter::getDefaultInstance());
Message<TestAllTypes>::Reader reader(builder.getSegmentsForOutput());
......@@ -244,15 +243,13 @@ TEST(Encoding, AllTypes) {
TEST(Encoding, AllTypesMultiSegment) {
MallocAllocator allocator(0);
Message<TestAllTypes>::Builder builder(&allocator);
Message<TestAllTypes>::Builder builder(newFixedWidthBuilderContext(0));
Message<TestAllTypes>::Reader reader(
builder.getSegmentsForOutput(), 64, 1 << 30, ThrowingErrorReporter::getDefaultInstance());
Message<TestAllTypes>::Reader reader(builder.getSegmentsForOutput());
......@@ -260,8 +257,7 @@ TEST(Encoding, AllTypesMultiSegment) {
TEST(Encoding, Defaults) {
AlignedData<1> nullRoot = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
ArrayPtr<const word> segments[1] = {arrayPtr(nullRoot.words, 1)};
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(arrayPtr(segments, 1), 64, 1 << 30,
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(arrayPtr(segments, 1));
......@@ -276,15 +272,13 @@ TEST(Encoding, DefaultInitialization) {
checkMessage(builder.getRoot()); // second pass just reads the initialized structure
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(
builder.getSegmentsForOutput(), 64, 1 << 30, ThrowingErrorReporter::getDefaultInstance());
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(builder.getSegmentsForOutput());
TEST(Encoding, DefaultInitializationMultiSegment) {
MallocAllocator allocator(0);
Message<TestDefaults>::Builder builder(&allocator);
Message<TestDefaults>::Builder builder(newFixedWidthBuilderContext(0));
checkMessage(builder.getRoot()); // first pass initializes to defaults
......@@ -292,8 +286,7 @@ TEST(Encoding, DefaultInitializationMultiSegment) {
checkMessage(builder.getRoot()); // second pass just reads the initialized structure
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(
builder.getSegmentsForOutput(), 64, 1 << 30, ThrowingErrorReporter::getDefaultInstance());
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(builder.getSegmentsForOutput());
......@@ -302,8 +295,7 @@ TEST(Encoding, DefaultsFromEmptyMessage) {
AlignedData<1> emptyMessage = {{4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
ArrayPtr<const word> segments[1] = {arrayPtr(emptyMessage.words, 1)};
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(arrayPtr(segments, 1), 64, 1 << 30,
Message<TestDefaults>::Reader reader(arrayPtr(segments, 1));
......@@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ template <typename T, bool b> struct FieldSizeForType<List<T, b>> {
static constexpr FieldSize value = FieldSize::REFERENCE;
template<typename T> constexpr T&& move(T& t) noexcept { return static_cast<T&&>(t); }
// Like std::move. Unfortunately, #including <utility> brings in tons of unnecessary stuff.
template <typename T>
class TemporaryPointer {
// This class is a little hack which lets us define operator->() in cases where it needs to
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace capnproto {
namespace internal {
......@@ -47,7 +48,9 @@ Exception::Exception(
description = "Captain Proto debug assertion failed:\n ";
description += file;
description += ':';
description += line;
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%d", line);
description += buf;
description += ": ";
description += expectation;
description += "\n ";
......@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
#include "wire-format.h"
namespace capnproto {
class Allocator;
class ErrorReporter;
class ReaderContext;
class BuilderContext;
namespace capnproto {
namespace internal {
// TODO: Move to message-internal.h so that this header looks nicer?
class Arena;
class ReaderArena;
class BuilderArena;
struct MessageImpl {
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ struct MessageImpl {
class Reader {
Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
uint recursionLimit, uint64_t readLimit, ErrorReporter* errorReporter);
Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments);
Reader(std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context);
Reader(Reader&& other) = default;
......@@ -65,15 +65,22 @@ struct MessageImpl {
StructReader getRoot(const word* defaultValue);
std::unique_ptr<Arena> arena;
uint recursionLimit;
// Space in which we can construct a ReaderArena. We don't use ReaderArena directly here
// because we don't want clients to have to #include arena.h, which itself includes a bunch of
// big STL headers. We don't use a pointer to a ReaderArena because that would require an
// extra malloc on every message which could be expensive when processing small messages,
// particularly when the context itself is freelisted and so no other allocation is necessary.
void* arenaSpace[15];
ReaderArena* arena() { return reinterpret_cast<ReaderArena*>(arenaSpace); }
class Builder {
Builder(Allocator* allocator);
Builder(std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context);
Builder(Builder&& other) = default;
......@@ -84,9 +91,17 @@ struct MessageImpl {
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> getSegmentsForOutput();
std::unique_ptr<BuilderArena> arena;
SegmentBuilder* rootSegment;
// Space in which we can construct a BuilderArena. We don't use BuilderArena directly here
// because we don't want clients to have to #include arena.h, which itself includes a bunch of
// big STL headers. We don't use a pointer to a BuilderArena because that would require an
// extra malloc on every message which could be expensive when processing small messages,
// particularly when the context itself is freelisted and so no other allocation is necessary.
void* arenaSpace[15];
BuilderArena* arena() { return reinterpret_cast<BuilderArena*>(arenaSpace); }
static SegmentBuilder* allocateRoot(BuilderArena* arena);
......@@ -26,87 +26,160 @@
#include "stdlib.h"
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace capnproto {
Allocator::~Allocator() {}
ErrorReporter::~ErrorReporter() {}
ReaderContext::~ReaderContext() {}
BuilderContext::~BuilderContext() {}
MallocAllocator::MallocAllocator(uint preferredSegmentSizeWords)
: preferredSegmentSizeWords(preferredSegmentSizeWords) {}
MallocAllocator::~MallocAllocator() {}
class ParseException: public std::exception {
ParseException(std::string message)
: message(message) {}
~ParseException() noexcept {}
MallocAllocator* MallocAllocator::getDefaultInstance() {
static MallocAllocator defaultInstance(1024);
return &defaultInstance;
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return message.c_str();
ArrayPtr<word> MallocAllocator::allocate(SegmentId id, uint minimumSize) {
uint size = std::max(minimumSize, preferredSegmentSizeWords);
return arrayPtr(reinterpret_cast<word*>(calloc(size, sizeof(word))), size);
void MallocAllocator::free(SegmentId id, ArrayPtr<word> ptr) {
std::string message;
class DefaultReaderContext: public ReaderContext {
DefaultReaderContext(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
ErrorBehavior errorBehavior, uint64_t readLimit, uint nestingLimit)
: segments(segments), errorBehavior(errorBehavior), readLimit(readLimit),
nestingLimit(nestingLimit) {}
~DefaultReaderContext() {}
ArrayPtr<const word> getSegment(uint id) override {
if (id < segments.size()) {
return segments[id];
} else {
return nullptr;
StderrErrorReporter::~StderrErrorReporter() {}
uint64_t getReadLimit() override {
return readLimit;
StderrErrorReporter* StderrErrorReporter::getDefaultInstance() {
static StderrErrorReporter defaultInstance;
return &defaultInstance;
uint getNestingLimit() override {
return nestingLimit;
void StderrErrorReporter::reportError(const char* description) {
void reportError(const char* description) override {
std::string message("ERROR: Cap'n Proto parse error: ");
message += description;
message += '\n';
switch (errorBehavior) {
case ErrorBehavior::THROW_EXCEPTION:
throw ParseException(std::move(message));
write(STDERR_FILENO,, message.size());
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments;
ErrorBehavior errorBehavior;
uint64_t readLimit;
uint nestingLimit;
std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> newReaderContext(
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
ErrorBehavior errorBehavior, uint64_t readLimit, uint nestingLimit) {
return std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext>(new DefaultReaderContext(
segments, errorBehavior, readLimit, nestingLimit));
class ParseException: public std::exception {
class DefaultBuilderContext: public BuilderContext {
ParseException(const char* description);
~ParseException() noexcept;
DefaultBuilderContext(uint firstSegmentWords, bool enableGrowthHeursitic)
: nextSize(firstSegmentWords), enableGrowthHeursitic(enableGrowthHeursitic),
firstSegment(nullptr) {}
~DefaultBuilderContext() {
for (void* ptr: moreSegments) {
const char* what() const noexcept override;
ArrayPtr<word> allocateSegment(uint minimumSize) override {
uint size = std::max(minimumSize, nextSize);
std::string description;
void* result = calloc(size, sizeof(word));
if (result == nullptr) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
ParseException::ParseException(const char* description)
: description(description) {}
if (firstSegment == nullptr) {
firstSegment = result;
if (enableGrowthHeursitic) nextSize = size;
} else {
if (enableGrowthHeursitic) nextSize += size;
ParseException::~ParseException() noexcept {}
return arrayPtr(reinterpret_cast<word*>(result), size);
const char* ParseException::what() const noexcept {
return description.c_str();
uint nextSize;
bool enableGrowthHeursitic;
ThrowingErrorReporter::~ThrowingErrorReporter() {}
// Avoid allocating the vector if there is only one segment.
void* firstSegment;
std::vector<void*> moreSegments;
ThrowingErrorReporter* ThrowingErrorReporter::getDefaultInstance() {
static ThrowingErrorReporter defaultInstance;
return &defaultInstance;
std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> newBuilderContext(uint firstSegmentWords) {
return std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext>(new DefaultBuilderContext(firstSegmentWords, true));
void ThrowingErrorReporter::reportError(const char* description) {
throw ParseException(description);
std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> newFixedWidthBuilderContext(uint firstSegmentWords) {
return std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext>(new DefaultBuilderContext(firstSegmentWords, false));
// =======================================================================================
namespace internal {
MessageImpl::Reader::Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
uint recursionLimit, uint64_t readLimit, ErrorReporter* errorReporter)
: arena(new ReaderArena(segments, errorReporter, readLimit * WORDS)),
recursionLimit(recursionLimit) {}
MessageImpl::Reader::~Reader() {}
MessageImpl::Reader::Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments) {
std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context = newReaderContext(segments);
recursionLimit = context->getNestingLimit();
static_assert(sizeof(ReaderArena) <= sizeof(arenaSpace),
"arenaSpace is too small to hold a ReaderArena. Please increase it. This will break "
"ABI compatibility.");
new(arena()) ReaderArena(std::move(context));
MessageImpl::Reader::Reader(std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context)
: recursionLimit(context->getNestingLimit()) {
static_assert(sizeof(ReaderArena) <= sizeof(arenaSpace),
"arenaSpace is too small to hold a ReaderArena. Please increase it. This will break "
"ABI compatibility.");
new(arena()) ReaderArena(std::move(context));
MessageImpl::Reader::~Reader() {
StructReader MessageImpl::Reader::getRoot(const word* defaultValue) {
SegmentReader* segment = arena->tryGetSegment(SegmentId(0));
SegmentReader* segment = arena()->tryGetSegment(SegmentId(0));
if (segment == nullptr ||
!segment->containsInterval(segment->getStartPtr(), segment->getStartPtr() + 1)) {
segment->getArena()->reportInvalidData("Message did not contain a root pointer.");
......@@ -116,25 +189,39 @@ StructReader MessageImpl::Reader::getRoot(const word* defaultValue) {
: arena(new BuilderArena(MallocAllocator::getDefaultInstance())),
rootSegment(allocateRoot(arena.get())) {}
MessageImpl::Builder::Builder(Allocator* allocator)
: arena(new BuilderArena(allocator)),
rootSegment(allocateRoot(arena.get())) {}
MessageImpl::Builder::~Builder() {}
MessageImpl::Builder::Builder(): rootSegment(nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context = newBuilderContext();
static_assert(sizeof(BuilderArena) <= sizeof(arenaSpace),
"arenaSpace is too small to hold a BuilderArena. Please increase it. This will break "
"ABI compatibility.");
new(arena()) BuilderArena(std::move(context));
MessageImpl::Builder::Builder(std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context): rootSegment(nullptr) {
static_assert(sizeof(BuilderArena) <= sizeof(arenaSpace),
"arenaSpace is too small to hold a BuilderArena. Please increase it. This will break "
"ABI compatibility.");
new(arena()) BuilderArena(std::move(context));
MessageImpl::Builder::~Builder() {
StructBuilder MessageImpl::Builder::initRoot(const word* defaultValue) {
if (rootSegment == nullptr) rootSegment = allocateRoot(arena());
return StructBuilder::initRoot(
rootSegment, rootSegment->getPtrUnchecked(0 * WORDS), defaultValue);
StructBuilder MessageImpl::Builder::getRoot(const word* defaultValue) {
if (rootSegment == nullptr) rootSegment = allocateRoot(arena());
return StructBuilder::getRoot(rootSegment, rootSegment->getPtrUnchecked(0 * WORDS), defaultValue);
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> MessageImpl::Builder::getSegmentsForOutput() {
return arena->getSegmentsForOutput();
return arena()->getSegmentsForOutput();
SegmentBuilder* MessageImpl::Builder::allocateRoot(BuilderArena* arena) {
......@@ -38,21 +38,66 @@ typedef Id<uint32_t, Segment> SegmentId;
// =======================================================================================
class Allocator {
class ReaderContext {
virtual ~Allocator();
virtual ~ReaderContext();
virtual ArrayPtr<word> allocate(SegmentId id, uint minimumSize) = 0;
virtual void free(SegmentId id, ArrayPtr<word> ptr) = 0;
virtual ArrayPtr<const word> getSegment(uint id) = 0;
// Gets the segment with the given ID, or returns null if no such segment exists.
virtual uint64_t getReadLimit() = 0;
virtual uint getNestingLimit() = 0;
virtual void reportError(const char* description) = 0;
enum class ErrorBehavior {
class ErrorReporter {
std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> newReaderContext(
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
ErrorBehavior errorBehavior = ErrorBehavior::THROW_EXCEPTION,
uint64_t readLimit = 64 * 1024 * 1024, uint nestingLimit = 64);
// Creates a ReaderContext pointing at the given segment list, without taking ownership of the
// segments. All arrays passed in must remain valid until the context is destroyed.
class BuilderContext {
virtual ~ErrorReporter();
virtual ~BuilderContext();
virtual void reportError(const char* description) = 0;
virtual ArrayPtr<word> allocateSegment(uint minimumSize) = 0;
// Allocates an array of at least the given number of words, throwing an exception or crashing if
// this is not possible. It is expected that this method will usually return more space than
// requested, and the caller should use that extra space as much as possible before allocating
// more. All returned space is deleted when the context is destroyed.
std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> newBuilderContext(uint firstSegmentWords = 1024);
// Creates a BuilderContext which allocates at least the given number of words for the first
// segment, and then heuristically decides how much to allocate for subsequent segments. This
// should work well for most use cases that do not require writing messages to specific locations
// in memory. When choosing a value for firstSegmentWords, consider that:
// 1) Reading and writing messages gets slower when multiple segments are involved, so it's good
// if most messages fit in a single segment.
// 2) Unused bytes will not be written to the wire, so generally it is not a big deal to allocate
// more space than you need. It only becomes problematic if you are allocating many messages
// in parallel and thus use lots of memory, or if you allocate so much extra space that just
// zeroing it out becomes a bottleneck.
// The default has been chosen to be reasonable for most people, so don't change it unless you have
// reason to believe you need to.
std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> newFixedWidthBuilderContext(uint preferredSegmentWords = 1024);
// Creates a BuilderContext which will always prefer to allocate segments with the given size with
// no heuristic growth. It will still allocate larger segments when the preferred size is too small
// for some single object. You can force every single object to be located in a separate segment by
// passing zero for the parameter to this function, but this isn't a good idea. This context
// implementation is probably most useful for testing purposes, where you want to verify that your
// serializer works when a message is split across segments and you want those segments to be
// somewhat predictable.
// =======================================================================================
template <typename RootType>
......@@ -61,12 +106,17 @@ struct Message {
class Reader {
Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
uint recursionLimit, uint64_t readLimit, ErrorReporter* errorReporter);
Reader(Reader&& other) = default;
Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments);
// Make a Reader that reads from the given segments, as if the context were created using
// newReaderContext(segments).
Reader(std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context);
Reader(Reader&& other) = default;
typename RootType::Reader getRoot();
// Get a reader pointing to the message root.
internal::MessageImpl::Reader internal;
......@@ -75,16 +125,19 @@ struct Message {
class Builder {
// Make a Builder that allocates using malloc, using the default segment size.
// Make a Builder as if with a context created by newBuilderContext().
Builder(Allocator* allocator);
// Make a Builder that allocates memory using the given allocator.
Builder(std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context);
Builder(Builder&& other) = default;
Builder(Builder&& other) = default;
typename RootType::Builder initRoot();
// Allocate and initialize the message root. If already initialized, the old data is discarded.
typename RootType::Builder getRoot();
// Get the message root, initializing it to the type's default value if it isn't initialized
// already.
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> getSegmentsForOutput();
......@@ -115,51 +168,16 @@ struct Message {
// MyMessage::Reader reader = Message<MyMessage>::ReadTrusted(MyMessage::DEFAULT.words);
// =======================================================================================
// Standard implementations of allocators and error reporters.
class MallocAllocator: public Allocator {
explicit MallocAllocator(uint preferredSegmentSizeWords);
static MallocAllocator* getDefaultInstance();
// implements Allocator --------------------------------------------
ArrayPtr<word> allocate(SegmentId id, uint minimumSize) override;
void free(SegmentId id, ArrayPtr<word> ptr) override;
uint preferredSegmentSizeWords;
class StderrErrorReporter: public ErrorReporter {
static StderrErrorReporter* getDefaultInstance();
// implements ErrorReporter ----------------------------------------
void reportError(const char* description) override;
class ThrowingErrorReporter: public ErrorReporter {
static ThrowingErrorReporter* getDefaultInstance();
// implements ErrorReporter ----------------------------------------
void reportError(const char* description) override;
// =======================================================================================
// implementation details
template <typename RootType>
inline Message<RootType>::Reader::Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments,
uint recursionLimit, uint64_t readLimit, ErrorReporter* errorReporter)
: internal(segments, recursionLimit, readLimit, errorReporter) {}
inline Message<RootType>::Reader::Reader(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const word>> segments)
: internal(segments) {}
template <typename RootType>
inline Message<RootType>::Reader::Reader(std::unique_ptr<ReaderContext> context)
: internal(std::move(context)) {}
template <typename RootType>
inline typename RootType::Reader Message<RootType>::Reader::getRoot() {
......@@ -171,8 +189,8 @@ inline Message<RootType>::Builder::Builder()
: internal() {}
template <typename RootType>
inline Message<RootType>::Builder::Builder(Allocator* allocator)
: internal(allocator) {}
inline Message<RootType>::Builder::Builder(std::unique_ptr<BuilderContext> context)
: internal(std::move(context)) {}
template <typename RootType>
inline typename RootType::Builder Message<RootType>::Builder::initRoot() {
......@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ struct NoInfer {
typedef T Type;
template<typename T> constexpr T&& move(T& t) noexcept { return static_cast<T&&>(t); }
// Like std::move. Unfortunately, #including <utility> brings in tons of unnecessary stuff.
// =======================================================================================
// ArrayPtr
......@@ -83,6 +86,9 @@ public:
return ArrayPtr(ptr + start, end - start);
inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) { return ptr == nullptr; }
inline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) { return ptr != nullptr; }
T* ptr;
std::size_t size_;
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ static void checkStruct(StructReader reader) {
TEST(WireFormat, StructRoundTrip_OneSegment) {
BuilderArena arena(MallocAllocator::getDefaultInstance());
BuilderArena arena(newBuilderContext());
SegmentBuilder* segment = arena.getSegmentWithAvailable(1 * WORDS);
word* rootLocation = segment->allocate(1 * WORDS);
......@@ -298,8 +298,7 @@ TEST(WireFormat, StructRoundTrip_OneSegment) {
TEST(WireFormat, StructRoundTrip_OneSegmentPerAllocation) {
MallocAllocator allocator(1);
BuilderArena arena(&allocator);
BuilderArena arena(newFixedWidthBuilderContext(0));
SegmentBuilder* segment = arena.getSegmentWithAvailable(1 * WORDS);
word* rootLocation = segment->allocate(1 * WORDS);
......@@ -334,8 +333,7 @@ TEST(WireFormat, StructRoundTrip_OneSegmentPerAllocation) {
TEST(WireFormat, StructRoundTrip_MultipleSegmentsWithMultipleAllocations) {
MallocAllocator allocator(8);
BuilderArena arena(&allocator);
BuilderArena arena(newFixedWidthBuilderContext(8));
SegmentBuilder* segment = arena.getSegmentWithAvailable(1 * WORDS);
word* rootLocation = segment->allocate(1 * WORDS);
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