Commit fe0a24dd authored by David Renshaw's avatar David Renshaw

more typos

parent 19b53520
......@@ -604,12 +604,12 @@ private:
class NodeTranslator::BrandScope: public kj::Refcounted {
// Tracks the brand parameter bindings affecting the current scope. For example, if we are
// interpreting the type expression "Foo(Text).Bar", we would start with the curernt scopes
// interpreting the type expression "Foo(Text).Bar", we would start with the current scopes
// BrandScope, create a new child BrandScope representing "Foo", add the "(Text)" parameter
// bindings to it, then create a further child scope for "Bar". Thus the BrandScope for Bar
// knows that Foo's parameter list has been bound to "(Text)".
// TODO(cleaup): This is too complicated to live here. We should refactor this class and
// TODO(cleanup): This is too complicated to live here. We should refactor this class and
// BrandedDecl out into their own file, independent of NodeTranslator.
......@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ public:
// value pointer itself can be treated as the root of an unchecked message -- if you know where
// to find it, which is what this method helps you with.
// For blobs, returns the offset of the begging of the blob's content within the first segment of
// the struct's schema.
// For blobs, returns the offset of the beginning of the blob's content within the first segment
// of the struct's schema.
// This is primarily useful for code generators. The C++ code generator, for example, embeds
// the entire schema as a raw word array within the generated code. Of course, to implement
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