Commit fddbce4d authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Implement imports.

parent 525d723b
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include "test.capnp.h"
#include "test-import.capnp.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
......@@ -301,6 +301,15 @@ TEST(Encoding, NestedTypes) {
EXPECT_EQ(TestNestedTypes::NestedStruct::NestedEnum::QUUX, nested.getInnerNestedEnum());
TEST(Encoding, Imports) {
// Also just testing the generated code.
MallocMessageBuilder builder;
TestImport::Builder root = builder.getRoot<TestImport>();
} // namespace
} // namespace internal
} // namespace capnproto
......@@ -721,6 +721,20 @@ compileFile name decls importMap =
dedup :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
dedup = Set.toList . Set.fromList
emptyFileDesc filename = FileDesc
{ fileName = filename
, fileImports = []
, fileAliases = []
, fileConstants = []
, fileEnums = []
, fileStructs = []
, fileInterfaces = []
, fileOptions = Map.empty
, fileMemberMap = Map.empty
, fileImportMap = Map.empty
, fileStatements = []
parseAndCompileFile :: Monad m
=> FilePath -- Name of this file.
-> String -- Content of this file.
......@@ -733,7 +747,7 @@ parseAndCompileFile filename text importCallback = do
result <- importCallback name
case result of
Left desc -> return (succeed (name, desc))
Right err -> return
Right err -> return $ recover (name, emptyFileDesc name)
(makeError pos (printf "Couldn't import \"%s\": %s" name err))
importStatuses <- mapM doImport importNames
......@@ -294,6 +294,15 @@ typeContext parent desc = mkStrContext context where
_ -> muNull
context s = parent s
importContext parent ('/':filename) = mkStrContext context where
context "importFilename" = MuVariable filename
context "importIsSystem" = MuBool True
context s = parent s
importContext parent filename = mkStrContext context where
context "importFilename" = MuVariable filename
context "importIsSystem" = MuBool False
context s = parent s
fileContext desc = mkStrContext context where
flattenedMembers = flattenTypes $ catMaybes $ Map.elems $ fileMemberMap desc
......@@ -304,6 +313,7 @@ fileContext desc = mkStrContext context where
context "fileNamespaces" = MuList [] -- TODO
context "fileEnums" = MuList $ map (enumContext context) $ fileEnums desc
context "fileTypes" = MuList $ map (typeContext context) flattenedMembers
context "fileImports" = MuList $ map (importContext context) $ Map.keys $ fileImportMap desc
context s = error ("Template variable not defined: " ++ s)
headerTemplate :: String
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import System.Environment
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Exit(exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.IO(hPutStr, stderr)
import System.FilePath(takeDirectory, combine)
import System.Directory(createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath(takeDirectory)
import System.Directory(createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Control.Exception(IOException, catch)
......@@ -50,14 +50,17 @@ type GeneratorFn = FileDesc -> IO [(FilePath, LZ.ByteString)]
generatorFns = Map.fromList [ ("c++", generateCxx) ]
data Opt = OutputOpt String (Maybe GeneratorFn) FilePath
data Opt = SearchPathOpt FilePath
| OutputOpt String (Maybe GeneratorFn) FilePath
| VerboseOpt
| HelpOpt
main :: IO ()
main = do
let optionDescs =
[ Option "o" ["output"] (ReqArg parseOutputArg "LANG[:DIR]")
[ Option "I" ["import-path"] (ReqArg SearchPathOpt "DIR")
"Search DIR for absolute imports."
, Option "o" ["output"] (ReqArg parseOutputArg "LANG[:DIR]")
("Generate output for language LANG\n\
\to directory DIR (default: current\n\
\directory). LANG may be any of:\n\
......@@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ main = do
let isVerbose = not $ null [opt | opt@VerboseOpt <- options]
let outputs = [(fn, dir) | OutputOpt _ (Just fn) dir <- options]
let searchPath = [dir | SearchPathOpt dir <- options]
let verifyDirectoryExists dir = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
......@@ -101,7 +105,8 @@ main = do
mapM_ verifyDirectoryExists [dir | (_, dir) <- outputs]
CompilerState failed _ <-
execStateT (mapM_ (handleFile outputs isVerbose) files) (CompilerState False Map.empty)
execStateT (mapM_ (handleFile outputs isVerbose searchPath) files)
(CompilerState False Map.empty)
when failed exitFailure
parseOutputArg :: String -> Opt
......@@ -109,13 +114,56 @@ parseOutputArg str = case List.elemIndex ':' str of
Just i -> let (lang, _:dir) = splitAt i str in OutputOpt lang (Map.lookup lang generatorFns) dir
Nothing -> OutputOpt str (Map.lookup str generatorFns) "."
-- As always, here I am, writing my own path manipulation routines, because the ones in the
-- standard lib don't do what I want.
canonicalizePath :: [String] -> [String]
-- An empty string anywhere other than the beginning must be caused by multiple consecutive /'s.
canonicalizePath (a:"":rest) = canonicalizePath (a:rest)
-- An empty string at the beginning means this is an absolute path.
canonicalizePath ("":rest) = "":canonicalizePath rest
-- "." is redundant.
canonicalizePath (".":rest) = canonicalizePath rest
-- ".." at the beginning of the path refers to the parent of the root directory. Arguably this
-- is illegal but let's at least make sure that "../../foo" doesn't canonicalize to "foo"!
canonicalizePath ("..":rest) = "..":canonicalizePath rest
-- ".." cancels out the previous path component. Technically this does NOT match what the OS would
-- do in the presence of symlinks: `foo/bar/..` is NOT `foo` if `bar` is a symlink. But, in
-- practice, the user almost certainly wants symlinks to behave exactly the same as if the
-- directory had been copied into place.
canonicalizePath (_:"..":rest) = canonicalizePath rest
-- In all other cases, just proceed on.
canonicalizePath (a:rest) = a:canonicalizePath rest
-- All done.
canonicalizePath [] = []
splitPath = loop [] where
loop part ('/':text) = List.reverse part : loop [] text
loop part (c:text) = loop (c:part) text
loop part [] = [List.reverse part]
relativePath from searchPath relative = let
splitFrom = canonicalizePath $ splitPath from
splitRelative = canonicalizePath $ splitPath relative
splitSearchPath = map splitPath searchPath
-- TODO: Should we explicitly disallow "/../foo"?
resultPath = if head splitRelative == ""
then map (++ tail splitRelative) splitSearchPath
else [canonicalizePath (init splitFrom ++ splitRelative)]
in map (List.intercalate "/") resultPath
firstExisting :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
firstExisting paths = do
bools <- mapM doesFileExist paths
let existing = [path | (True, path) <- zip bools paths]
return (if null existing then Nothing else Just (head existing))
data ImportState = ImportInProgress | ImportFailed | ImportSucceeded FileDesc
type ImportStateMap = Map.Map String ImportState
data CompilerState = CompilerState Bool ImportStateMap
type CompilerMonad a = StateT CompilerState IO a
importFile :: Bool -> FilePath -> CompilerMonad (Either FileDesc String)
importFile isVerbose filename = do
importFile :: Bool -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> CompilerMonad (Either FileDesc String)
importFile isVerbose searchPath filename = do
fileState <- state (\s@(CompilerState f m) -> case Map.lookup filename m of
d@Nothing -> (d, CompilerState f (Map.insert filename ImportInProgress m))
d -> (d, s))
......@@ -125,24 +173,27 @@ importFile isVerbose filename = do
Just ImportInProgress -> return $ Right "File cyclically imports itself."
Just (ImportSucceeded d) -> return $ Left d
Nothing -> do
result <- readAndParseFile isVerbose filename
result <- readAndParseFile isVerbose searchPath filename
modify (\(CompilerState f m) -> case result of
Left desc -> CompilerState f (Map.insert filename (ImportSucceeded desc) m)
Right _ -> CompilerState True (Map.insert filename ImportFailed m))
return result
readAndParseFile isVerbose filename = do
readAndParseFile isVerbose searchPath filename = do
textOrError <- liftIO $ catch (fmap Left $ readFile filename)
(\ex -> return $ Right $ show (ex :: IOException))
case textOrError of
Right err -> return $ Right err
Left text -> parseFile isVerbose filename text
Left text -> parseFile isVerbose searchPath filename text
parseFile isVerbose filename text = do
parseFile isVerbose searchPath filename text = do
let importCallback name = do
let path = tail $ combine ('/':filename) name
importFile isVerbose path
let candidates = relativePath filename searchPath name
maybePath <- liftIO $ firstExisting candidates
case maybePath of
Nothing -> return $ Right "File not found."
Just path -> importFile isVerbose searchPath path
status <- parseAndCompileFile filename text importCallback
case status of
......@@ -156,9 +207,9 @@ parseFile isVerbose filename text = do
liftIO $ mapM_ printError (List.sortBy compareErrors e)
return $ Right "File contained errors."
handleFile :: [(GeneratorFn, FilePath)] -> Bool -> FilePath -> CompilerMonad ()
handleFile outputs isVerbose filename = do
result <- importFile isVerbose filename
handleFile :: [(GeneratorFn, FilePath)] -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> CompilerMonad ()
handleFile outputs isVerbose searchPath filename = do
result <- importFile isVerbose searchPath filename
case result of
Right _ -> return ()
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ module Parser (parseFile) where
import Data.Generics
import Text.Parsec hiding (tokens)
import Text.Parsec.Error(newErrorMessage, Message(Message))
import Token
import Grammar
import Lexer (lexer)
......@@ -290,10 +289,6 @@ extractErrors :: Either ParseError (a, [ParseError]) -> [ParseError]
extractErrors (Left err) = [err]
extractErrors (Right (_, errors)) = errors
failNonFatal :: SourcePos -> String -> TokenParser ()
failNonFatal pos msg = modifyState (newError:) where
newError = newErrorMessage (Message msg) pos
parseList parser items = do
let results = map (parseCollectingErrors parser) items
modifyState (\old -> concat (old:map extractErrors results))
......@@ -25,10 +25,19 @@
Template for generated C++ header files.
}}// Generated code, DO NOT EDIT
#include <capnproto/generated-header-support.h>
#ifndef {{fileIncludeGuard}}
#define {{fileIncludeGuard}}
#include <capnproto/generated-header-support.h>
#include <{{importFilename}}.h>
#include "{{importFilename}}.h"
namespace {{namespaceName}} {
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