Commit fb31458e authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Disallow retroactive unionization.

parent 3c418b99
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import Text.Parsec.Pos(SourcePos, newPos)
import Text.Parsec.Error(ParseError, newErrorMessage, Message(Message, Expect))
import Text.Printf(printf)
import Util(delimit)
-- Error helpers
......@@ -289,7 +290,17 @@ requireNoDuplicateNames decls = Active () (loop (List.sort locatedNames)) where
fieldInUnion name f = case fieldUnion f of
Nothing -> False
Just x -> (unionName x) == name
Just x -> unionName x == name
requireNoMoreThanOneFieldNumberLessThan name pos num fields = Active () errors where
retroFields = [fieldName f | f <- fields, fieldNumber f < num]
message = printf "No more than one field in a union may have a number less than the \
\union's number, as it is not possible to retroactively unionize fields that \
\had been separate. The following fields of union '%s' have lower numbers: %s"
name (delimit ", " retroFields)
errors = if length retroFields <= 1
then []
else [newErrorMessage (Message message) pos]
......@@ -378,6 +389,7 @@ compileDecl scope (StructDecl (Located _ name) decls) =
{ structName = name
, structParent = scope
, structFields = [d | DescField d <- members]
, structUnions = [d | DescUnion d <- members]
, structNestedAliases = [d | DescAlias d <- members]
, structNestedConstants = [d | DescConstant d <- members]
, structNestedEnums = [d | DescEnum d <- members]
......@@ -388,14 +400,16 @@ compileDecl scope (StructDecl (Located _ name) decls) =
, structStatements = statements
compileDecl (DescStruct parent) (UnionDecl (Located _ name) (Located _ number) decls) =
compileDecl (DescStruct parent) (UnionDecl (Located _ name) (Located numPos number) decls) =
CompiledMemberStatus name (feedback (\desc -> do
(_, _, options, statements) <- compileChildDecls desc decls
fields <- return [f | f <- structFields parent, fieldInUnion name f]
requireNoMoreThanOneFieldNumberLessThan name numPos number fields
return (DescUnion UnionDesc
{ unionName = name
, unionParent = parent
, unionNumber = number
, unionFields = [f | f <- structFields parent, fieldInUnion name f]
, unionFields = fields
, unionOptions = options
, unionStatements = statements
......@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ data StructDesc = StructDesc
{ structName :: String
, structParent :: Desc
, structFields :: [FieldDesc]
, structUnions :: [UnionDesc]
, structNestedAliases :: [AliasDesc]
, structNestedConstants :: [ConstantDesc]
, structNestedEnums :: [EnumDesc]
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