Commit fab81527 authored by Harris Hancock's avatar Harris Hancock

Reimplement FromAny_ using VoidSfinae

parent 057946f0
......@@ -250,18 +250,42 @@ template <typename T>
using FromServer = typename kj::Decay<T>::Serves;
// FromBuilder<MyType::Server> = MyType (for any Cap'n Proto interface type).
struct FromAny_ {
template <typename T, typename X = FromReader<T>> static X apply(T*, int);
template <typename T, typename X = FromBuilder<T>> static X apply(T*, char);
template <typename T, typename X = FromPipeline<T>> static X apply(T*, long);
// note that ::Client is covered by FromReader
template <typename T, typename X = FromServer<T>> static X apply(kj::Own<T>*, short);
template <typename T, typename = kj::EnableIf<style<T>() == Style::PRIMITIVE>>
static T apply(T*, unsigned int);
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct FromAny_;
template <typename T>
struct FromAny_<T, kj::VoidSfinae<FromReader<T>>> {
using Type = FromReader<T>;
template <typename T>
struct FromAny_<T, kj::VoidSfinae<FromBuilder<T>>> {
using Type = FromBuilder<T>;
template <typename T>
struct FromAny_<T, kj::VoidSfinae<FromPipeline<T>>> {
using Type = FromPipeline<T>;
// Note that T::Client is covered by FromReader
template <typename T>
struct FromAny_<kj::Own<T>, kj::VoidSfinae<FromServer<T>>> {
using Type = FromServer<T>;
template <typename T>
struct FromAny_<T,
kj::EnableIf<_::Kind_<T>::kind == Kind::PRIMITIVE || _::Kind_<T>::kind == Kind::ENUM>> {
// TODO(msvc): Ideally the EnableIf condition would be `style<T>() == Style::PRIMITIVE`, but MSVC
// cannot yet use style<T>() in this constexpr context.
using Type = kj::Decay<T>;
template <typename T>
using FromAny = kj::Decay<decltype(FromAny_::apply(kj::instance<T*>(), 0))>;
using FromAny = typename FromAny_<T>::Type;
// Given any Cap'n Proto value type as an input, return the Cap'n Proto base type. That is:
// Foo::Reader -> Foo
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