Commit f93ea92c authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Fix RPC oversized message handling with -fno-exceptions.

parent 41c15b12
......@@ -351,13 +351,14 @@ TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, HugeMessage) {
auto req = client.methodWithDefaultsRequest();
req.initA(100000000); // 100 MB
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("larger than the single-message size limit",
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_RECOVERABLE_MESSAGE("larger than the single-message size limit",
// Oversized response fails.
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("larger than the single-message size limit",
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_RECOVERABLE_MESSAGE("larger than the single-message size limit",
// Connection is still up.
......@@ -448,6 +448,9 @@ private:
bool isTailCall = false;
// Is this a tail call? If so, we don't expect to receive results in the `Return`.
bool skipFinish = false;
// If true, don't send a Finish message.
inline bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const {
return !isAwaitingReturn && selfRef == nullptr;
......@@ -1331,7 +1334,7 @@ private:
connectionState->questions.find(id), "Question ID no longer on table?");
// Send the "Finish" message (if the connection is not already broken).
if (connectionState-><Connected>()) {
if (connectionState-><Connected>() && !question.skipFinish) {
auto message = connectionState->connection.get<Connected>()->newOutgoingMessage(
auto builder = message->getBody().getAs<rpc::Message>().initFinish();
......@@ -1504,6 +1507,14 @@ private:
question.paramExports = kj::mv(exports);
question.isTailCall = isTailCall;
// Make the QuentionRef and result promise.
SendInternalResult result;
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>();
result.questionRef = kj::refcounted<QuestionRef>(
*connectionState, questionId, kj::mv(paf.fulfiller));
question.selfRef = *result.questionRef;
result.promise = paf.promise.attach(kj::addRef(*result.questionRef));
// Finish and send.
if (isTailCall) {
......@@ -1514,18 +1525,13 @@ private:
callBuilder.getInterfaceId(), callBuilder.getMethodId());
})) {
KJ_LOG(WARNING, *exception);
// We can't safely throw the exception from here since we've already modified the question
// table state. We'll have to reject the promise instead.
question.isAwaitingReturn = false;
question.skipFinish = true;
// Make the result promise.
SendInternalResult result;
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>();
result.questionRef = kj::refcounted<QuestionRef>(
*connectionState, questionId, kj::mv(paf.fulfiller));
question.selfRef = *result.questionRef;
result.promise = paf.promise.attach(kj::addRef(*result.questionRef));
// Send and return.
return kj::mv(result);
......@@ -1819,7 +1825,6 @@ private:
KJ_CONTEXT("returning from RPC call", interfaceId, methodId);
exports = kj::downcast<RpcServerResponseImpl>(*KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(response)).send();
})) {
KJ_LOG(WARNING, *exception);
responseSent = false;
......@@ -2268,7 +2273,7 @@ private:
// Add the answer to the answer table for pipelining and send the response.
auto& answer = answers[answerId];
KJ_REQUIRE(!, "questionId is already in use") {
KJ_REQUIRE(!, "questionId is already in use", answerId) {
......@@ -869,6 +869,26 @@ T Promise<T>::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) {
template <>
inline void Promise<void>::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) {
// Override <void> case to use throwRecoverableException().
_::ExceptionOr<_::Void> result;
waitImpl(kj::mv(node), result, waitScope);
if (result.value != nullptr) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else {
// Result contained neither a value nor an exception?
template <typename T>
ForkedPromise<T> Promise<T>::fork() {
return ForkedPromise<T>(false, refcounted<_::ForkHub<_::FixVoid<T>>>(kj::mv(node)));
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