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Sep 16, 2013
Kenton Varda
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Initial RPC protocol definition.
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# Copyright (c) 2013, Kenton Varda <>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# This file defines the "network-specific parameters" in rpc.proto to support a network consisting
# of two vats: a container, and the vat it contains. The container may actually be a full sandbox
# that confines the inner app. The contained app can only speak to the outside world through the
# container. Therefore, from the point of view of the containee, the container represents the
# whole world and all capabilities in the rest of the world appear "hosted" by the container.
# Meanwhile, the container proxies any capabilities exported by the containee, and thus the rest of
# the world only sees the container, and treats it as if it were itself the host of all of the
# containee's objects.
# Since there are only two vats in this network, there is never a need for three-way introductions.
# Joins _could_ be needed in cases where the container itself participates in a network that uses
# joins, as the container may export two objects to the containee which, unbeknownst to it, are
# actually proxies of the same remote object. However, from the containee's point of view, such
# a join is trivial to request, and the containee never needs to receive join requests.
# Therefore, a level 3 implementation of the confined network is barely more complicated than a
# level 1 implementation. However, such an implementation is able to make use of the container's
# implementation of whatever network it lives in. Thus, if you have an application that implements
# the confined network at level 3, your application can participate in _any_ network at level 3 so
# long as you pair it with the appropriate container.
# The "confined" network protocol may also be a reasonable basis for simple two-party client-server
# interactions, where the server plays the part of the container.
using Cxx = import "c++.capnp";
struct SturdyRef {
union {
external @0 :Object;
# The object lives outside the container. The container can handle `Restore` requests for this
# ref. The content of the ref is defined by the container implementation and opaque to the
# containee. The container ensures that the ref is encoded in such a way that the containee
# cannot possibly derive the original bits of the external-world reference, probably by storing
# the external ref on a table somewhere. See:
confined @1 :Object;
# The object lives inside the container -- it is implemented by the contained app. That app
# handles `Restore` requests for this ref. The content of the ref is defined by the app
# and opaque to the container. The container shall ensure that the raw bits of this ref are
# not revealed to the outside world, so as long as the app trusts the container, it need not
# worry about encrypting or signing the ref.
struct ProvisionId {
# Only used for joins, since three-way introductions never happen on a two-party network.
joinId @0 :UInt32;
# The ID from `JoinKeyPart`.
struct RecipientId {}
# Never used, because there are only two parties.
struct ThirdPartyCapId {}
# Never used, because there is no third party.
struct JoinKeyPart {
joinId @0 :UInt32;
# A number identifying this join, chosen by the contained app. Since the container will never
# issue a join _to_ the contained app, all ongoing joins across the whole (two-vat) network are
# uniquely identified by this ID.
partCount @1 :UInt16;
# The number of capabilities to be joined.
partNum @2 :UInt16;
# Which part this request targets -- a number in the range [0, partCount).
struct JoinHostId {
joinId @0 :UInt32;
# Matches `JoinKeyPart`.
succeeded @1 :Bool;
# All JoinHostIds in the set will have the same value for `succeeded`. The container actually
# implements the join by waiting for all the `JoinKeyParts` and then performing its own join on
# them, then going back and answering all the join requests afterwards.
0 → 100644
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# Copyright (c) 2013, Kenton Varda <>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Recall that Cap'n Proto RPC allows messages to contain references to remote objects that
# implement interfaces. These references are called "capabilities", because they both designate
# the remote object to use and confer permission to use it.
# Recall also that Cap'n Proto RPC has the feature that when a method call itself returns a
# capability, the caller can begin calling methods on that capability _before the first call has
# returned_. The caller essentially sends a message saying "Hey server, as soon as you finish
# that previous call, do this with the result!". Cap'n Proto's RPC protocol makes this possible.
# As a result, it is more complicated than most.
# Cap'n Proto RPC is based heavily on CapTP:
# Cap'n Proto RPC takes place between "vats". A vat hosts some set of capabilities and talks to
# other vats through direct bilateral connections. Typically, there is a 1:1 correspondence
# between vats and processes (in the unix sense of the word), although this is not strictly always
# true (one process could run multiple vats, or a distributed vat might live across many processes).
# Cap'n Proto does not distinguish between "clients" and "servers" -- this is up to the application.
# Either end of any connection can potentially hold capabilities pointing to the other end, and
# can call methods on those capabilities. In the doc comments below, we user the words "sender"
# and "receiver". These refer to the sender and receiver of an instance of the struct or field
# being documented. Sometimes we refer to a "third-party" which is neither the sender nor the
# receiver.
# It is generally up to the vat network implementation to securely verify that connections are made
# to the intended vat as well as to encrypt transmitted data for privacy and integrity. See the
# `VatNetwork` example interface near the end of this file.
# Once a connection is formed, nothing interesting can happen until one side sends a Restore frame
# to obtain a persistent capability.
# Unless otherwise specified, messages must be delivered to the receiving application in the same
# order in which they were initiated by the sending application, just like in E:
# Since the full protocol is complicated, we define multiple levels of support which an
# implementation may target. Comments in this file indicate which level requires the corresponding
# feature to be implemented -- if unspecified, the feature must be implemented at level 1.
# * **Level 1:** The implementation supports simple bilateral interaction, but interactions between
# three or more parties are supported only via proxying of objects. E.g. if Alice wants to send
# Bob a capability pointing to Carol, Alice must host a local proxy of Carol and send Bob a
# reference to that; Bob cannot form a direct connection to Carol. Level 1 implementations do
# not support "join" or "eq" across capabilities received from different vats, although they
# should be supported on capabilities received from the same vat.
# * **Level 2:** The implementation supports three-way interactions but does not implement "Join"
# operations. The implementation can be used effectively on networks that do not require joins,
# or to implement objects that never need to be joined.
# * **Level 3:** The entire protocol is implemented, including joins.
# Note that an implementation must also support specific networks (transports), as described in
# the "Network-specific Parameters" section below. An implementation might have different levels
# depending on the network used.
# New implementations of Cap'n Proto should start out targeting the simplistic "confined" network
# type as defined in `rpc-confined.capnp`. With this network type, "Level 2" is irrelevant and
# "Level 3" is much easier than usual to implement. When such an implementation is actually run
# inside a container, the contained app effectively gets to make full use of the container's
# network at level 3. And since Cap'n Proto IPC is extremely fast, it may never make sense to
# bother implementing any other network protocol -- just use the correct container type and get
# it for free.
using Cxx = import "c++.capnp";
# ========================================================================================
# The Four Tables
# As in CapTP, for each open connection, a vat maintains four tables: questions, answers, imports,
# and exports. See the diagram at:
# The question table corresponds to the other end's answer table, and the imports table corresponds
# to the other end's exports table. Additionally, the export table is further subdivited into
# promises and capabilities. A promise will eventually be resolved and replaced with a capability,
# although the eventual replacement capability might live in some other vat and so may not be on
# the same table.
# IDs in the questions/answers tables are chosen by the questioner and generally represent method
# calls that are in progress.
# IDs in the imports/exports table are chosen by the exporter and generally represent objects on
# which methods may be called. Exports may be "settled", meaning the exported object is an actual
# object living in the exporter's vat, or they may be "promises", meaning the exported object is
# the unknown result of an ongoing operation and will eventually be resolved to some other object
# once that operation completes. Calls made to a promise will be forwarded to the eventual target
# once it is known.
# IDs can be reused over time. To make this safe, we carefully define the lifetime of IDs. Since
# messages using the ID could be traveling in both directions simultaneously, we must define the
# end of life of each ID _in each direction_. The ID is only safe to reuse once it has been
# released by both sides.
using QuestionId = UInt32;
# Identifies a question in the questions/answers table. The questioner (caller) chooses an ID
# when making a call. The ID remains valid in caller -> callee messages until a ReleaseAnswer
# message is sent, and remains valid in callee -> caller messages until a Return message is sent.
using ExportId = UInt32;
# Identifies an exported capability or promise in the exports/imports table. The exporter chooses
# an ID before sending a capability over the wire. If the capability is already in the table, the
# exporter should reuse the same ID. If the ID is a promise (as opposed to a settled capability),
# this must be indicated at the time the ID is transmitted; in this case, the importer shall
# expect a later Resolve frame which replaces the promise.
# ExportIds are subject to reference counting on the importing end. When an `ExportId` is received
# embedded in an question or answer, the export has an implicit reference until that question or
# answer is released (questions are released by `Return`, answers are released by `ReleaseAnswer`).
# Such an export can be retained beyond that point by including it in the `retainedCaps` list
# at the time the question/answer is released, thus incrementing its reference count. The
# reference count is later decremented by a `Release` message. Since the `Release` message can
# specify an arbitrary number by which to reduce the reference count, the importer should usually
# batch reference decrements and only send a `Release` when it believes the refererce count has
# hit zero.
# When an `ExportId` is received as part of a Frame but not embedded in a quention or answer, its
# reference count is automatically incremented unless otherwise specified.
# An `ExportId` remains valid in importer -> exporter messages until its reference count reaches
# zero and a `Release` message has been sent to release it.
# ========================================================================================
# Frames
struct Frame {
# An RPC connection is a bi-directional stream of Frames.
# When the RPC system wants to send a Frame, it instructs the transport layer to keep trying to
# send the frame until the transport can guarantee that one of the following is true:
# 1) The Frame was received, possibly multiple times.
# 2) The sessing is broken, and no further Frames can be sent.
# 3) The RPC system has asked to stop trying to send the Frame (e.g. because the call was canceled
# or timed out).
# In case 1, the Frame may have been received multiple times. In cases 2 and 3, it may have been
# received any number of times, including zero. The RPC system must handle all of these cases
# with some modicum of grace. Moreover, applications should design their interfaces such that
# methods are idempotent.
union {
# Level 1 features -----------------------------------------------
call @0 :Call; # Begin a method call.
return @1 :Return; # Complete a method call.
resolve @2 :Resolve; # Resolve a previously-sent promise.
release @3 :Release; # Release a capability so that the remote object can be deallocated.
releaseAnswer @4 :ReleaseAnswer; # Release a returned answer / cancel a call.
restore @5 :Restore; # Restore a persistent capability from a previous connection.
# Level 2 features -----------------------------------------------
provide @6 :Provide; # Provide a capability to a third party.
accept @7 :Accept; # Accept a capability provided by a third party.
# Level 3 features -----------------------------------------------
join @8 :Join; # Directly connect to the common root of two or more proxied caps.
struct Call {
# Frame type initiating a method call on a capability.
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# A number, chosen by the caller, which identifies this call in future messages. This number
# must be different from all other calls originating from the same end of the connection (but
# may overlap with call IDs originating from the opposite end). A fine strategy is to use
# sequential call IDs, but the recipient should not assume this.
# TODO: Decide if it is safe to reuse a call ID. If not, extend to 64 bits.
target :union {
exportedCap @1 :ExportId;
# This call is to a capability or promise previously exported by the receiver.
promisedAnswer @2 :PromisedAnswer;
# This call is to a capability that is expected to be returned by another call that has not
# yet been completed.
interfaceId @3 :UInt64;
# The type ID of the interface being called. Each capability may implement multiple interfaces.
methodId @4 :UInt16;
# The ordinal number of the method to call within the requested interface.
request @5 :Object;
# The request struct. The fields of this struct correspond to the parameters of the method.
# The request may contain capabilities. These capabilities are automatically released when the
# call returns *unless* the Return frame explicitly indicates that they are being retained.
struct Return {
# Frame type sent from callee to caller indicating that the call has completed.
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# Question ID which is being answered, as specified in the corresponding Call.
retainedCaps @1 :List(ExportId);
# List of capabilities from the request to which the callee continues to hold references. Any
# other capabilities from the request are implicitly released.
union {
answer @2 :Object;
# Result object. If the method returns a struct, this is it. Otherwise, this points to
# a struct which contains exactly one field, corresponding to the method's return type.
# (This implies that an method's return type can be upgraded from a non-struct to a struct
# without breaking wire compatibility.)
# If the response contains any capabilities, the caller is expected to send a Release frame for
# each one when done with them.
exception @3 :Exception;
# Indicates that the call failed and explains why.
canceled @4 :Void;
# Indicates that the call was canceled due to the caller sending a ReleaseAnswer message
# before the call had completed.
struct Resolve {
# Frame type sent to indicate that a previously-sent promise has now been resolved to some other
# object (possibly another promise) -- or broken, or canceled.
promiseId @0 :ExportId;
# The ID of the promise to be resolved.
# Unlike all other instances of `ExportId` sent from the exporter, the `Resolve` message does
# _not_ increase the reference count of `promiseId`.
# When a promise ID is first sent over the wire (e.g. in a `CapDescriptor`), the sender (exporter)
# guarantees that it will follow up at some point with exactly one `Resolve` message. If the
# same `promiseId` is sent again before `Resolve`, still only one `Resolve` is sent. If the
# same ID is reused again later _after_ a `Resolve`, it can only be because the export's
# reference count hit zero in the meantime and the ID was re-assigned to a new export, therefore
# this later promise does _not_ correspond to the earlier `Resolve`.
# If a promise ID's reference count reaches zero before a `Resolve` is sent, the `Resolve`
# message must still be sent, and the ID cannot be reused in the meantime. Moreover, the object
# to which the promise resolved itself needs to be released, even if the promise was already
# released before it resolved. (Although, the exporter may notice that the promise was released
# and send a `canceled` resolution, in which case nothing new is exported.)
# RPC implementations should keep in mind when they receive a `Resolve` that the promise ID may
# have appeared in a previous question or answer which the application has not consumed yet.
# The RPC implementation usually shouldn't dig through the question/answer itself looking for
# capabilities, so it won't be aware of any promise IDs in that message until the application
# actually goes through and extracts the capabilities it wishes to retain. Therefore, when
# a `Resolve` is received, the RPC implementation will have to keep track of this resolution
# at least until all previously-received questions and answers have been consumed and released
# by the application.
union {
cap @1 :CapDescriptor;
# The object to which the promise resolved.
exception @2 :Exception;
# Indicates that the promise was broken.
canceled @3 :Void;
# Indicates that this promise won't be resolved because its reference count reached zero before
# it had completed, so the operation was canceled.
struct Release {
# Frame type sent to indicate that the sender is done with the given capability and the receiver
# can free resources allocated to it.
id @0 :ExportId;
# What to release.
referenceCount @1 :UInt32;
# The number of times this ID has been received by the importer. The object is only truly
# released when the referenceCount from all Release messages for the ID adds up to the number of
# times the exporter has actually sent the object to the importer. This avoids a race condition
# where the exporter happens to send another copy of the same ID at the same time as the importer
# is sending a Release message for it.
struct ReleaseAnswer {
# Frame type sent from the caller to the callee to indicate:
# 1) The questionId will no longer be used in any messages sent by the callee (no further
# pipelined requests).
# 2) Any capabilities in the answer other than the ones listed below should be implicitly
# released.
# 3) If the answer has not returned yet, the caller no longer cares about the answer, so the
# callee may wish to immediately cancel the operation and send back a Return message with
# "canceled" set.
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# ID of the question whose answer is to be released.
retainedCaps @1 :List(ExportId);
# List of capabilities from the answer to which the callee continues to hold references. Any
# other capabilities from the answer that need to be released are implicitly released along
# with the answer itself.
struct Restore {
# Frame type sent to restore a persistent capability obtained during a previous connection, or
# through other means.
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# A new question ID identifying this restore message, which will eventually receive a Return
# message containing the restored capability.
ref @1 :SturdyRef;
# An object designating the capability to restore.
struct Provide {
# **Level 2 feature**
# Frame type sent to indicate that the sender wishes to make a particular capability implemented
# by the receiver available to a third party for direct access (without the need for the third
# party to proxy through the sender).
# (In CapTP, `Provide` and `Accept` are methods of the global `NonceLocator` object exported by
# every vat. In Cap'n Proto, we bake this into the core protocol.)
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# Question ID to be held open until the recipient has received the capability. An answer will
# be returned once the third party has successfully received the capability. The sender must
# at some point send a ReleaseAnswer message as with any other call, and such a message can be
# used to cancel the whole operation.
target :union {
# What is to be provided to the third party.
exportedCap @1 :ExportId;
# An exported capability.
promisedAnswer @2 :PromisedAnswer;
# A capability expected to be returned in the answer to an outstanding question.
recipient @3 :RecipientId;
# Identity of the third party which is expected to pick up the capability.
struct Accept {
# **Level 2 feature**
# Frame type sent to pick up a capability hosted by the receiving vat and provided by a third
# party. The third party previously designated the capability using `Provide`.
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# A new question ID identifying this accept message, which will eventually receive a Return
# message containing the provided capability.
provision @1 :ProvisionId;
# Identifies the provided object to be picked up.
struct Join {
# **Level 3 feature**
# Frame type sent to implement E.join(), which, given a number of capabilities which are expected
# to be equivalent, finds the underlying object upon which they all agree and forms a direct
# connection to it, skipping any proxies which may have been constructed by other vats while
# transmitting the capability. See:
# Note that this should only serve to bypass fully-transparent proxies -- proxies that were
# created merely for convenience, without any intention of hiding the underlying object.
# For example, say Bob holds two capabilities hosted by Alice and Carol, but he expects that both
# are simply proxies for a capability hosted elsewhere. He then issues a join request, which
# operates as follows:
# - Bob issues Join requests on both Alice and Carol. Each request contains a different piece
# of the JoinKey.
# - Alice is proxying a capability hosted by Dana, so forwards the request to Dana's cap.
# - Dana receives the first request and sees that the JoinKeyPart is one of two. She notes that
# she doesn't have the other part yet, so she records the request and responds with a
# JoinAnswer.
# - Alice relays the JoinAswer back to Bob.
# - Carol is also proxying a capability from Dana, and so forwards her Join request to Dana as
# well.
# - Dana receives Carol's request and notes that she now has both parts of a JoinKey. She
# combines them in order to form information needed to form a secure connection to Bob. She
# also responds with another JoinAnswer.
# - Bob receives the responses from Alice and Carol. He uses the returned JoinHostIds to
# determine how to connect to Dana and attempts to form the connection. Since Bob and Dana now
# agree on a secret key which neither Alice nor Carol ever saw, this connection can be made
# securely even if Alice or Carol is conspiring against the other. (If Alice and Carol are
# conspiring _together_, they can obviously reproduce the key, but this doesn't matter because
# the whole point of the join is to verify that Alice and Carol agree on what capability they
# are proxying.)
# If the two capabilities aren't actually proxies of the same object, then the join requests
# will come back with conflicting `hostId`s and the join will fail before attempting to form any
# connection.
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# Question ID used to respond to this Join. (Note that this ID only identifies one part of the
# request for one hop; each part has a different ID and relayed copies of the request have
# (probably) different IDs still.)
capId @1 :ExportId;
# The capability to join.
keyPart @2 :JoinKeyPart;
# A part of the join key. These combine to form the complete join key which is used to establish
# a direct connection.
struct Answer {
# The answer to a `Join` frame (sent in a `Return` frame).
hostId @0 :JoinHostId;
# Information indicating where to connect to complete the join. Also used to verify that all
# the joins actually reached the same object.
vineId @1 :ExportId;
# A new capability in the sender's export table which must be released once the join is
# complete. This capability has no methods. This allows the joined capability's host to
# detect when a Join has failed and release the associated resources on its end.
# ========================================================================================
# Common structures used in frames
struct CapDescriptor {
# When an application-defined type contains an interface pointer, that pointer's encoding is the
# same as a struct pointer except that the bottom two bits are 1's instead of 0's. The pointer
# actually points to an instance of `CapDescriptor`. The runtime API should not reveal the
# CapDescriptor directly to the application, but should instead wrap it in some kind of callable
# object with methods corresponding to the interface that the capability implements.
# Keep in mind that `ExportIds` in a `CapDescriptor` are subject to reference counting. See the
# description of `ExportId`.
union {
senderHosted :group {
# A capability newly exported by the sender.
id @0 :ExportId;
# The ID of the new capability in the sender's export table (receiver's import table).
interfaces @1 :List(UInt64);
# Type IDs of interfaces supported by this descriptor. This must include at least the
# interface type as defined in the schema file, but could include others. The runtime API
# should allow the interface wrapper to be dynamically cast to these other types (probably
# not using the language's built-in cast syntax, but something equivalent).
senderPromise @2 :ExportId;
# A promise which the sender will resolve later. The sender will send exactly one Resolve
# message at a future point in time to replace this promise.
receiverHosted @3 :ExportId;
# A capability (or promise) previously exported by the receiver.
receiverAnswer @4 :PromisedAnswer;
# A capability expected to be returned in the answer for a currently-outstanding question posed
# by the sender.
thirdPartyHosted @5 :ThirdPartyCapDescriptor;
# A capability that lives in neither the sender's nor the receiver's vat. The sender needs
# to form a direct connection to a third party to pick up the capability.
sturdyRef @6 :SturdyRef;
# If non-null, this is a SturdyRef that can be used to store this capability persistently and
# restore access to in in the future (using a `Restore` frame). If null, this capability will be
# lost if the connection dies. Generally, application interfaces should define when a client can
# expect a capability to be persistent (and therefore have a SturdyRef attached). However,
# application protocols should never embed SturdyRefs directly, as various infrastructure like
# transports, gateways, and sandboxes may need to be aware of SturdyRefs being passed over the
# wire in order to transform them into different namespaces.
struct PromisedAnswer {
questionId @0 :QuestionId;
# ID of the question whose answer is expected to contain the capability.
path @1 :List(UInt16);
# Path to the capability in the response. This is a list of indexes into the pointer
# sections of structs forming a path from the root struct to a particular capability. Each
# pointer except for the last one must point to another struct -- it is an error if one ends
# up pointing to a list or something else.
# TODO(someday): Would it make sense to support lists in the path, and say that the method
# should be executed on every element of the list?
struct ThirdPartyCapDescriptor {
# Identifies a capability in a third-party vat which the sender wants the receiver to pick up.
id @0 :ThirdPartyCapId;
# Identifies the third-party host and the specific capability to accept from it.
vineId @1 :ExportId;
# Object in the sender's export table which must be Released once the capability has been
# successfully obtained from the third-party vat. This allows the sender to ensure that the
# final capability is not released before the receiver manages to accept it. In CapTP
# terminology this is called a "vine", because it is an indirect reference to the third-party
# object that snakes through the sender vat. The vine does not accept any method calls.
struct Exception {
reason @0 :Text;
# Human-readable failure description.
isPermanent @1 :Bool;
# In the best estimate of the error source, is this error likely to repeat if the same call is
# executed again? Callers might use this to decide when to retry a request.
isOverloaded @2 :Bool;
# In the best estimate of the error source, is it likely this error was caused by the system
# being overloaded? If so, the caller probably should not retry the request now, but may
# consider retrying it later.
nature @3 :Nature;
# The nature of the failure. This is intended mostly to allow classification of errors for
# reporting and monitoring purposes -- the caller is not expected to handle different natures
# differently.
enum Nature {
# These correspond to kj::Exception::Nature.
precondition @0;
localBug @1;
osError @2;
networkFailure @3;
other @4;
# ========================================================================================
# Network-specific Parameters
# Some parts of the Cap'n Proto RPC protocol are not specified here because different vat networks
# may wish to use different approaches to solving them. For example, on the public internet, you
# may want to authenticate vats using public-key cryptography, but on a local intranet with trusted
# infrastructure, you may be happy to authenticate based on network address only, or some other
# lightweight mechanism.
# To accommodate this, we specify several "parameter" types. Each type is defined here as an
# alias for `Object`, but a specific network will want to define a specific set of types to use.
# All vats in a vat network must agree on these parameters in order to be able to communicate.
# Inter-network communication can be accomplished through "gateways" that perform translation
# between the primitives used on each network; these gateways may need to be deeply stateful,
# depending on the translations they perform.
# For interaction over the global internet between parties with no other prior arrangement, a
# particular set of bindings for these types is defined elsewhere. (TODO(soon): Specify where
# these common definitions live.)
# Another common network type is the "confined" network, in which a contained vat interacts with
# the outside world entirely through a container/supervisor. All objects in the world that aren't
# hosted by the contained vat appear as if they were hosted by the container. This network type is
# interesting because from the containee's point of view, there are no three-party interactions at
# all, and joins are unusually simple to implement, so implementing at level 3 is barely more
# complicated than implementing at level 1. Moreover, if you pair an app implementing the confined
# network with a container that implements some other network, the app can then participate on
# the container's network just as if it implemented that network directly. The types used by the
# "confined" network are defined in `rpc-confined.capnp`.
# The things which we need to parameterize are:
# - How to authenticate vats in three-party introductions.
# - How to implement `Join`.
# - How to store capabilities long-term without holding a connection open.
# Three-party interactions
# ------------------------
# **Level 2 feature**
# In cases where more than two vats are interacting, we have situations where VatA holds a
# capability hosted by VatB and wants to send that capability to VatC. This can be accomplished
# by VatA proxying requests on the new capability, but doing so has two big problems:
# - It's inefficient, requiring an extra network hop.
# - If VatC receives another capability to the same object from VatD, it is difficult for VatC to
# detect that the two capabilities are really the same and to implement the E "join" operation,
# which is necessary for certain four-or-more-party interactions, such as the escrow pattern.
# See:
# Instead, we want a way for VatC to form a direct, authenticated connection to VatB.
# Join
# ----
# **Level 3 feature**
# The `Join` frame type and corresponding operation arranges for a direct connection to be formed
# between the joiner and the host of the joined object, and this connection must be authenticated.
# Thus, the details are network-dependent.
# Persistent references
# ---------------------
# We want to allow some capabilities to be stored long-term, even if a connection is lost and later
# recreated. ExportId is a short-term identifier that is specific to a connection, so it doesn't
# help here. We need a way to specify long-term identifiers, as well as a strategy for
# reconnecting to a referenced capability later.
using SturdyRef = Object;
# Identifies a long-lived capability which can be obtained again in a future connection by sending
# a `Restore` frame. The base RPC protocol does not specify under what conditions a SturdyRef can
# be restored. For example:
# - Do you have to connect to a specific vat to restore the reference?
# - Is just any vat allowed to restore the SturdyRef, or is it tied to a specific vat requiring
# some form of authentication?
using ProvisionId = Object;
# **Level 2 feature**
# The information which must be sent in an `Accept` frame to identify the object being accepted.
# In a network where each vat has a public/private key pair, this could simply be the public key
# fingerprint of the provider vat along with the questionId used in the `Provide` frame sent from
# that provider.
using RecipientId = Object;
# **Level 2 feature**
# The information which must be sent in a `Provide` frame to identify the recipient of the
# capability.
# In a network where each vat has a public/private key pair, this could simply be the public key
# fingerprint of the recipient.
using ThirdPartyCapId = Object;
# **Level 2 feature**
# The information needed to connect to a third party and accept a capability from it.
# In a network where each vat has a public/private key pair, this could be a combination of the
# third party's public key fingerprint, hints on how to connect to the third party (e.g. an IP
# address), and the question ID used in the corresponding `Provide` frame sent to that third party
# (used to identify which capability to pick up).
using JoinKeyPart = Object;
# A piece of a secret key. One piece is sent along each path that is expected to lead to the same
# place. Once the pieces are combined, a direct connection may be formed between the sender and
# the receiver, bypassing any men-in-the-middle along the paths. See the "Join" frame type.
# The motivation for Joins is discussed under "Supporting Equality" in the "Unibus" protocol
# sketch:
# In a network where each vat has a public/private key pair and each vat forms no more than one
# connection to each other vat, Joins will rarely -- perhaps never -- be needed, as objects never
# need to be transparently proxied and references to the same object sent over the same connection
# have the same export ID. Thus, a successful join requires only checking that the two objects
# come from the same connection and have the same ID, and then completes immediately.
# However, in networks where two vats may form more than one connection between each other, or
# where proxying of objects occurs, joins are necessary.
# Typically, each JoinKeyPart would include a fixed-length data value such that all value parts
# XOR'd together forms a shared secret which can be used to form an encrypted connection between
# the joiner and the joined object's host. Each JoinKeyPart should also include an indication of
# how many parts to expect and a hash of the shared secret (used to match up parts).
using JoinHostId = Object;
# Information needed by the joiner in order to form a direct connection to a joined object. One
# of these is returned in response to each `Join` frame. This might simply be the address of the
# joined object's host vat, since the `JoinKey` has already been communicated so the two vats
# already have a shared secret to use to authenticate each other.
# The `JoinHostId` should also contain information that can be used to detect when the Join
# requests ended up reaching different objects, so that this situation can be detected easily.
# This could be a simple matter of including a sequence number -- if the joiner receives two
# `JoinHostId`s with sequence number 0, then they must have come from different objects and the
# whole join is a failure.
# ========================================================================================
# Network interface sketch
# The interfaces below are meant to be pseudo-code to illustrate how the details of a particular
# vat network might be abstracted away. They are written like Cap'n Proto interfaces, but in
# practice you'd probably define these interfaces manually in the target programming language. A
# Cap'n Proto RPC implementation should be able to use these interfaces without knowing the
# definitions of the various network-specific parameters defined above.
# interface Network {
# # Represents a vat network, with the ability to connect to particular vats and receive
# # connections from vats.
# #
# # Note that methods returning a `Connection` may return a pre-existing `Connection`, and the
# # caller is expected to find and share state with existing users of the connection.
# # Level 1 features -----------------------------------------------
# connectToHostOf(ref :SturdyRef) :Connection;
# # Connect to a host which can restore the given SturdyRef. The transport should return a
# # promise which does not resolve until authentication has completed, but allows messages to be
# # pipelined in before that; the transport either queues these messages until authenticated, or
# # sends them encrypted such that only the authentic vat would be able to decrypt them. The
# # latter approach avoids a round trip for authentication.
# #
# # Once connected, the caller should start by sending a `Restore` frame.
# acceptConnectionAsRefHost() :Connection;
# # Wait for the next incoming connection and return it. Only connections formed by
# # connectToHostOf() are returned by this method.
# #
# # Once connected, the first received frame will usually be a `Restore`.
# # Level 3 features -----------------------------------------------
# newJoiner(count :UInt32): NewJoinerResponse;
# # Prepare a new Join operation, which will eventually lead to forming a new direct connection
# # to the host of the joined capability. `count` is the number of capabilities to join.
# struct NewJoinerResponse {
# joinKeyParts :List(JoinKeyPart);
# # Key parts to send in Join frames to each capability.
# joiner :Joiner;
# # Used to establish the final connection.
# }
# interface Joiner {
# addHostId(hostId :JoinHostId) :Void;
# # Add a host ID at which the host might live. All `JoinHostId`s returned from all paths
# # must be added before trying to connect.
# connect() :ConnectionAndProvisionId;
# # Try to form a connection to the joined capability's host, verifying that it has received
# # all of the JoinKeyParts. Once the connection is formed, the caller should send an `Accept`
# # frame on it with the specified `ProvisionId` in order to receive the final capability.
# }
# acceptConnectionFromJoiner(parts: List(JoinKeyPart), paths :List(VatPath))
# :ConnectionAndProvisionId;
# # Called on a joined capability's host to receive the connection from the joiner, once all
# # key parts have arrived. The caller should expect to receive an `Accept` frame over the
# # connection with the given ProvisionId.
# }
# interface Connection {
# # Level 1 features -----------------------------------------------
# send(frame :Frame) :Void;
# # Send the frame. Returns successfully when the frame (and all preceding frames) has been
# # acknowledged by the recipient.
# receive() :Frame;
# # Receive the next frame, and acknowledges receipt to the sender. Frames are received in the
# # order in which they are sent.
# # Level 2 features -----------------------------------------------
# introduceTo(recipient :Connection) :IntroductionInfo;
# # Call before starting a three-way introduction, assuming a `Provide` frame is to be sent on
# # this connection and a `ThirdPartyCapId` is to be sent to `recipient`.
# struct IntroductionInfo {
# sendToRecipient :ThirdPartyCapId;
# sendToTarget :RecipientId;
# }
# connectToIntroduced(capId: ThirdPartyCapId) :ConnectionAndProvisionId;
# # Given a ThirdPartyCapId received over this connection, connect to the third party. The
# # caller should then send an `Accept` frame over the new connection.
# acceptIntroducedConnection(recipientId: RecipientId): Connection
# # Given a RecipientId received in a `Provide` frame on this `Connection`, wait for the
# # recipient to connect, and return the connection formed. Usually, the first frame received
# # on the new connection will be an `Accept` frame.
# }
# sturct ConnectionAndProvisionId {
# connection :Connection;
# # Connection on which to issue `Accept` frame.
# provision :ProvisionId;
# # `ProvisionId` to send in the `Accept` frame.
# }
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