Commit ed97f68a authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Enforce naming style, to make code generation more robust.

parent 1884e7eb
......@@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ module Lexer (lexer) where
import Text.Parsec hiding (token, tokens)
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as T
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import Token
import Data.Char (isUpper, isLower)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
keywords =
[ (InKeyword, "in")
......@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ languageDef = emptyDef
tokenParser = T.makeTokenParser languageDef
identifier = T.identifier tokenParser
rawIdentifier = T.identifier tokenParser
reserved = T.reserved tokenParser
symbol = T.symbol tokenParser
naturalOrFloat = T.naturalOrFloat tokenParser
......@@ -82,9 +85,29 @@ located p = do
t <- p
return (Located pos t)
isTypeName (c:_) = isUpper c
isTypeName _ = False
hasUppercaseAcronym (a:rest@(b:c:_)) =
(isUpper a && isUpper b && not (isLower c)) || hasUppercaseAcronym rest
hasUppercaseAcronym (a:b:[]) = isUpper a && isUpper b
hasUppercaseAcronym _ = False
identifier :: Parser Token
identifier = do
text <- rawIdentifier
when (isJust $ find (== '_') text) $
fail "Identifiers containing underscores are reserved for the implementation. Use \
\camelCase style for multi-word names."
when (hasUppercaseAcronym text) $
fail "Wrong style: Only the first letter of an acronym should be capitalized. \
\Consistent style is necessary to allow code generators to sanely translate \
\names into the target language's preferred style."
return (if isTypeName text then TypeIdentifier text else Identifier text)
token :: Parser Token
token = keyword
<|> liftM Identifier identifier
<|> identifier
<|> liftM ParenthesizedList (parens (sepBy (many locatedToken) (symbol ",")))
<|> liftM BracketedList (brackets (sepBy (many locatedToken) (symbol ",")))
<|> liftM toLiteral naturalOrFloat
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ tokenParser :: (Located Token -> Maybe a) -> Parsec [Located Token] u a
tokenParser = token (tokenErrorString . locatedValue) locatedPos
tokenErrorString (Identifier s) = "identifier \"" ++ s ++ "\""
tokenErrorString (TypeIdentifier s) = "type identifier \"" ++ s ++ "\""
tokenErrorString (ParenthesizedList _) = "parenthesized list"
tokenErrorString (BracketedList _) = "bracketed list"
tokenErrorString (LiteralInt i) = "integer literal " ++ show i
......@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ located p = do
-- Hmm, boilerplate is not supposed to happen in Haskell.
matchIdentifier t = case locatedValue t of { (Identifier v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
matchTypeIdentifier t = case locatedValue t of { (TypeIdentifier v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
matchParenthesizedList t = case locatedValue t of { (ParenthesizedList v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
matchBracketedList t = case locatedValue t of { (BracketedList v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
matchLiteralInt t = case locatedValue t of { (LiteralInt v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
......@@ -79,7 +81,18 @@ matchLiteralFloat t = case locatedValue t of { (LiteralFloat v) -> Jus
matchLiteralString t = case locatedValue t of { (LiteralString v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
matchSimpleToken expected t = if locatedValue t == expected then Just () else Nothing
identifier = tokenParser matchIdentifier <?> "identifier"
varIdentifier = tokenParser matchIdentifier
<|> (tokenParser matchTypeIdentifier >>=
fail "Non-type identifiers must start with lower-case letter.")
<?> "identifier"
typeIdentifier = tokenParser matchTypeIdentifier
<|> (tokenParser matchIdentifier >>=
fail "Type identifiers must start with upper-case letter.")
<?> "type identifier"
anyIdentifier = tokenParser matchIdentifier
<|> tokenParser matchTypeIdentifier
<?> "identifier"
literalInt = tokenParser matchLiteralInt <?> "integer"
literalFloat = tokenParser matchLiteralFloat <?> "floating-point number"
literalString = tokenParser matchLiteralString <?> "string"
......@@ -109,13 +122,13 @@ bracketedList parser = do
declNameBase :: TokenParser DeclName
declNameBase = liftM ImportName (importKeyword >> located literalString)
<|> liftM AbsoluteName (period >> located identifier)
<|> liftM RelativeName (located identifier)
<|> liftM AbsoluteName (period >> located anyIdentifier)
<|> liftM RelativeName (located anyIdentifier)
declName :: TokenParser DeclName
declName = do
base <- declNameBase
members <- many (period >> located identifier)
members <- many (period >> located anyIdentifier)
return (foldl MemberName base members :: DeclName)
typeExpression :: TokenParser TypeExpression
......@@ -126,7 +139,7 @@ typeExpression = do
nameWithOrdinal :: Integer -> TokenParser (Located String, Located Integer)
nameWithOrdinal maxNumber = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located varIdentifier
ordinal <- located literalInt
if locatedValue ordinal > maxNumber - 32 && locatedValue ordinal <= maxNumber
......@@ -147,14 +160,14 @@ topLine (Just statements) = typeDecl statements
aliasDecl = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located typeIdentifier
target <- declName
return (AliasDecl name target)
constantDecl = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located varIdentifier
typeName <- typeExpression
......@@ -167,7 +180,7 @@ typeDecl statements = enumDecl statements
enumDecl statements = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located typeIdentifier
children <- parseBlock enumLine statements
return (EnumDecl name children)
......@@ -176,7 +189,7 @@ enumLine Nothing = optionDecl <|> enumValueDecl []
enumLine (Just statements) = enumValueDecl statements
enumValueDecl statements = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located varIdentifier
value <- located literalInt
children <- parseBlock enumValueLine statements
......@@ -188,7 +201,7 @@ enumValueLine (Just _) = fail "Blocks not allowed here."
structDecl statements = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located typeIdentifier
children <- parseBlock structLine statements
return (StructDecl name children)
......@@ -208,7 +221,7 @@ unionLine (Just statements) = fieldDecl statements
fieldDecl statements = do
(name, ordinal) <- nameWithOrdinal maxFieldNumber
union <- optionMaybe (inKeyword >> located identifier)
union <- optionMaybe (inKeyword >> located varIdentifier)
t <- typeExpression
value <- optionMaybe (equalsSign >> located fieldValue)
......@@ -221,14 +234,14 @@ negativeFieldValue = liftM (IntegerFieldValue . negate) literalInt
fieldValue = liftM IntegerFieldValue literalInt
<|> liftM FloatFieldValue literalFloat
<|> liftM StringFieldValue literalString
<|> liftM IdentifierFieldValue identifier
<|> liftM IdentifierFieldValue varIdentifier
<|> liftM ListFieldValue (bracketedList (located fieldValue))
<|> liftM RecordFieldValue (parenthesizedList fieldAssignment)
<|> (minusSign >> negativeFieldValue)
<?> "default value"
fieldAssignment = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located varIdentifier
value <- located fieldValue
return (name, value)
......@@ -239,7 +252,7 @@ fieldLine (Just _) = fail "Blocks not allowed here."
interfaceDecl statements = do
name <- located identifier
name <- located typeIdentifier
children <- parseBlock interfaceLine statements
return (InterfaceDecl name children)
......@@ -256,7 +269,7 @@ methodDecl statements = do
return (MethodDecl name ordinal params t children)
paramDecl = do
name <- identifier
name <- varIdentifier
t <- typeExpression
value <- optionMaybe (equalsSign >> located fieldValue)
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ instance Ord a => Ord (Located a) where
compare (Located _ a) (Located _ b) = compare a b
data Token = Identifier String
| TypeIdentifier String
| ParenthesizedList [[Located Token]]
| BracketedList [[Located Token]]
| LiteralInt Integer
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