Commit ebce1a49 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Implemented InlineData, added a bunch of tests for list of lists and such, and fixed tons of bugs.

parent 71afa600
......@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ struct Text {
class Builder;
template <size_t size>
struct InlineData: public Data {};
// Alias for Data used specifically for InlineData fields. This primarily exists so that
// List<InlineData<n>> can be specialized.
class Data::Reader {
// Points to a blob of bytes. The usual Reader rules apply -- Data::Reader behaves like a simple
// pointer which does not own its target, can be passed by value, etc.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include "util.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace capnproto {
......@@ -59,10 +61,15 @@ Exception::Exception(Nature nature, Durability durability, const char* file, int
description(move(description)) {
bool hasDescription = this->description != nullptr;
void* trace[16];
int traceCount = backtrace(trace, 16);
ArrayPtr<void*> traceArray = arrayPtr(trace, traceCount);
// Must be careful to NUL-terminate this.
whatStr = str(file, ":", line, ": ", nature,
durability == Durability::TEMPORARY ? " (temporary)" : "",
hasDescription ? ": " : "", this->description, '\0');
hasDescription ? ": " : "", this->description,
"\nstack: ", strArray(traceArray, " "), '\0');
Exception::Exception(const Exception& other) noexcept
......@@ -364,6 +364,14 @@ public:
const void* defaultValue, ByteCount defaultSize) const;
// Same as *Text*, but for data blobs.
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(Data::Builder getInlineDataField(
ByteCount offset, ByteCount size) const);
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(void setInlineDataField(
ByteCount offset, ByteCount size, Data::Reader value) const);
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(Data::Builder initInlineDataField(
ByteCount offset, ByteCount size) const);
// For InlineData.
StructReader asReader() const;
// Gets a StructReader pointing at the same memory.
......@@ -445,6 +453,10 @@ public:
const void* defaultValue, ByteCount defaultSize) const;
// Gets the data field, or the given default value if not initialized.
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(Data::Reader getInlineDataField(
ByteCount offset, ByteCount size) const);
// Gets the inline data field.
WireReferenceCount getReferenceCount() { return referenceCount; }
......@@ -509,6 +521,10 @@ public:
// Get the existing list element at the given index. Returns an empty list if the element is
// not initialized.
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(ListBuilder slice(ElementCount start, ElementCount length) const);
// Get a list pointing at a slice of this list. WARNING: The second parameter is a length, not
// an end index, because this is what is most convenient at the only call site.
Text::Builder initTextElement(ElementCount index, ByteCount size) const;
// Initialize the text element to the given size in bytes (not including NUL terminator) and
// return a Text::Builder which can be used to fill in the content.
......@@ -522,6 +538,7 @@ public:
Data::Builder initDataElement(ElementCount index, ByteCount size) const;
void setDataElement(ElementCount index, Data::Reader value) const;
Data::Builder getDataElement(ElementCount index) const;
// Like *Text*() but for Data.
ListReader asReader(FieldSize elementSize) const;
// Get a ListReader pointing at the same memory. Use this version only for non-struct lists.
......@@ -573,6 +590,10 @@ public:
ListReader getListElement(ElementCount index, FieldSize expectedElementSize) const;
// Get the list element at the given index.
CAPNPROTO_ALWAYS_INLINE(ListReader slice(ElementCount start, ElementCount length) const);
// Get a list pointing at a slice of this list. WARNING: The second parameter is a length, not
// an end index, because this is what is most convenient at the only call site.
Text::Reader getTextElement(ElementCount index) const;
// Get the text element. If it is not initialized, returns an empty Text::Reader.
......@@ -741,6 +762,22 @@ inline ListBuilder StructBuilder::getInlineStructListField(
inline Data::Builder StructBuilder::getInlineDataField(
ByteCount offset, ByteCount size) const {
return Data::Builder(
reinterpret_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(data) + offset), size / BYTES);
inline void StructBuilder::setInlineDataField(
ByteCount offset, ByteCount size, Data::Reader value) const {
getInlineDataField(offset, size).copyFrom(value);
inline Data::Builder StructBuilder::initInlineDataField(
ByteCount offset, ByteCount size) const {
byte* ptr = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(data) + offset;
memset(ptr, 0, size / BYTES);
return Data::Builder(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr), size / BYTES);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
......@@ -776,17 +813,20 @@ T StructReader::getDataField(ElementCount offset, typename MaskType<T>::Type mas
inline StructReader StructReader::getInlineStructField(
ByteCount dataOffset, ByteCount inlineDataSize,
WireReferenceCount refIndex, WireReferenceCount inlineRefCount) const {
// TODO(soon): Too complicated to be inlined?
return StructReader(
segment, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data) + dataOffset,
// WireReference is incomplete here so we have to cast around... Bah.
reinterpret_cast<const WireReference*>(
reinterpret_cast<const word*>(references) + refIndex * WORDS_PER_REFERENCE),
dataSize, inlineRefCount,
inlineDataSize * (dataOffset + inlineDataSize <= dataSize),
inlineRefCount * (refIndex + inlineRefCount <= referenceCount),
inline ListReader StructReader::getInlineDataListField(
ByteCount offset, ElementCount elementCount, FieldSize elementSize) const {
// TODO(soon): Bounds check! Needs to fall back to some common zero'd region.
return ListReader(
segment, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data) + offset, nullptr,
elementCount, bytesPerElement(elementSize), 0 * REFERENCES / ELEMENTS,
......@@ -795,6 +835,7 @@ inline ListReader StructReader::getInlineDataListField(
inline ListReader StructReader::getInlinePointerListField(
WireReferenceCount offset, ElementCount elementCount) const {
// TODO(soon): Bounds check! Needs to fall back to some common zero'd region.
return ListReader(
segment, nullptr,
reinterpret_cast<const WireReference*>(
......@@ -806,6 +847,7 @@ inline ListReader StructReader::getInlinePointerListField(
inline ListReader StructReader::getInlineStructListField(
ByteCount dataOffset, WireReferenceCount ptrOffset, ElementCount elementCount,
StructSize elementSize) const {
// TODO(soon): Bounds check! Needs to fall back to some common zero'd region.
return ListReader(
segment, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data) + dataOffset,
reinterpret_cast<const WireReference*>(
......@@ -814,6 +856,12 @@ inline ListReader StructReader::getInlineStructListField(
elementSize.dataBytes, elementSize.pointers, nestingLimit);
inline Data::Reader StructReader::getInlineDataField(ByteCount offset, ByteCount size) const {
// TODO(soon): Bounds check! Needs to fall back to some common zero'd region.
return Data::Reader(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data) + offset),
size / BYTES);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
inline ElementCount ListBuilder::size() { return elementCount; }
......@@ -856,6 +904,14 @@ inline void ListBuilder::setDataElement<bool>(ElementCount index, bool value) co
template <>
inline void ListBuilder::setDataElement<Void>(ElementCount index, Void value) const {}
inline ListBuilder ListBuilder::slice(ElementCount start, ElementCount length) const {
return ListBuilder(segment,
reinterpret_cast<byte*>(data) + start * stepBytes,
reinterpret_cast<word*>(pointers) + start * stepPointers * WORDS_PER_REFERENCE),
stepBytes, stepPointers, length);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
inline ElementCount ListReader::size() { return elementCount; }
......@@ -879,6 +935,14 @@ inline Void ListReader::getDataElement<Void>(ElementCount index) const {
return Void::VOID;
inline ListReader ListReader::slice(ElementCount start, ElementCount length) const {
return ListReader(segment,
reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data) + start * stepBytes,
reinterpret_cast<const WireReference*>(
reinterpret_cast<const word*>(pointers) + start * stepPointers * WORDS_PER_REFERENCE),
length, stepBytes, stepPointers, structDataSize, structReferenceCount, nestingLimit);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace capnproto
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -45,13 +45,27 @@ public:
void onRecoverableException(Exception&& exception) override {
text += "recoverable exception: ";
text += exception.what();
// Only take the first line of "what" because the second line is a stack trace.
const char* what = exception.what();
const char* end = strchr(what, '\n');
if (end == nullptr) {
text += exception.what();
} else {
text.append(what, end);
text += '\n';
void onFatalException(Exception&& exception) override {
text += "fatal exception: ";
text += exception.what();
// Only take the first line of "what" because the second line is a stack trace.
const char* what = exception.what();
const char* end = strchr(what, '\n');
if (end == nullptr) {
text += exception.what();
} else {
text.append(what, end);
text += '\n';
throw MockException();
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -48,30 +48,35 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Void) {
namespace internal {
// Explicitly import each of these to make sure they're really located in capnproto::test and not,
// say, the global namespace.
using ::capnproto::test::TestAllTypes;
using ::capnproto::test::TestDefaults;
using ::capnproto::test::TestEnum;
using ::capnproto::test::TestUnion;
using ::capnproto::test::TestUnionDefaults;
using ::capnproto::test::TestNestedTypes;
using ::capnproto::test::TestUsing;
using ::capnproto::test::TestInlineLayout;
using ::capnproto::test::TestInlineUnions;
using ::capnproto::test::TestInlineDefaults;
namespace test = capnproto_test::capnproto::test;
void initTestMessage(test::TestAllTypes::Builder builder);
void initTestMessage(test::TestDefaults::Builder builder);
// We don't use "using namespace" to pull these in because then things would still compile
// correctly if they were generated in the global namespace.
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestAllTypes;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestDefaults;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestEnum;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestUnion;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestUnionDefaults;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestNestedTypes;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestUsing;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestInlineLayout;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestInlineUnions;
using ::capnproto_test::capnproto::test::TestInlineDefaults;
void checkTestMessage(test::TestAllTypes::Builder builder);
void checkTestMessage(test::TestDefaults::Builder builder);
void initTestMessage(TestAllTypes::Builder builder);
void initTestMessage(TestDefaults::Builder builder);
void initTestMessage(TestInlineDefaults::Builder builder);
void checkTestMessage(test::TestAllTypes::Reader reader);
void checkTestMessage(test::TestDefaults::Reader reader);
void checkTestMessage(TestAllTypes::Builder builder);
void checkTestMessage(TestDefaults::Builder builder);
void checkTestMessage(TestInlineDefaults::Builder builder);
void checkTestMessageAllZero(test::TestAllTypes::Builder builder);
void checkTestMessageAllZero(test::TestAllTypes::Reader reader);
void checkTestMessage(TestAllTypes::Reader reader);
void checkTestMessage(TestDefaults::Reader reader);
void checkTestMessage(TestInlineDefaults::Reader reader);
void checkTestMessageAllZero(TestAllTypes::Builder builder);
void checkTestMessageAllZero(TestAllTypes::Reader reader);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace capnproto
......@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
using Cxx = import "c++.capnp";
# Use a namespace likely to cause trouble if the generated code doesn't use fully-qualified
# names for stuff in the capnproto namespace.
enum TestEnum {
foo @0;
......@@ -406,6 +408,8 @@ struct TestInlineLists {
structList64p @20 : InlineList(TestInline64p, 3);
structList128p @21 : InlineList(TestInline128p, 4);
structList192p @22 : InlineList(TestInline192p, 2);
data @23 :InlineData(5);
struct TestStructLists {
......@@ -428,6 +432,22 @@ struct TestStructLists {
listP @6 :List(StructP);
struct TestListLists {
int32ListList @0 :List(List(Int32));
textListList @1 :List(List(Text));
structListList @2 :List(List(TestAllTypes));
int32InlineListList @3 :List(InlineList(Int32, 7));
textInlineListList @4 :List(InlineList(Text, 5));
structInlineListList @5 :List(InlineList(TestInline32p, 3));
inlineDataList @6 :List(InlineData(9));
int32InlineListListList @7 :List(List(InlineList(Int32, 2)));
textInlineListListList @8 :List(List(InlineList(Text, 5)));
structInlineListListList @9 :List(List(InlineList(TestInline32p, 3)));
inlineDataListList @10 :List(List(InlineData(3)));
struct TestInlineDefaults {
normal @0 :TestInlineLayout = (
f0 = (f = void),
......@@ -497,7 +517,9 @@ struct TestInlineDefaults {
(p0 = "quxbaz", p1 = "quxqux", p2 = "quxcorge")],
structList192p = [(f = (f2 = 123456789012345),
p0 = "corgebaz", p1 = "corgequx", p2 = "corgecorge"),
(p0 = "graultbaz", p1 = "graultqux", p2 = "graultcorge")]);
(p0 = "graultbaz", p1 = "graultqux", p2 = "graultcorge")],
data = "12345");
structLists @3 :TestStructLists = (
list0 = [(f = void), (f = void)],
......@@ -507,4 +529,30 @@ struct TestInlineDefaults {
list32 = [(f = 123456789), (f = 234567890)],
list64 = [(f = 1234567890123456), (f = 2345678901234567)],
listP = [(f = "foo"), (f = "bar")]);
listLists @4 :TestListLists = (
int32ListList = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [12341234]],
textListList = [["foo", "bar"], ["baz"], ["qux", "corge"]],
structListList = [[(int32Field = 123), (int32Field = 456)], [(int32Field = 789)]],
int32InlineListList = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 123456789], [987654321, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]],
textInlineListList = [["grault1", "grault2", "grault3", "grault4", "grault5"],
["garply1", "garply2", "garply3", "garply4", "garply5"],
["waldo1", "waldo2", "waldo3", "waldo4", "waldo5"]],
structInlineListList =
[[(f=(f1=123), p0="fred1"), (f=(f1=456), p0="fred2"), (f=(f1=789), p0="fred3")],
[(f=(f1=321), p0="plugh1"), (f=(f1=654), p0="plugh2"), (f=(f1=987), p0="plugh3")],
[(f=(f1=111), p0="thud1"), (f=(f1=222), p0="thud2"), (f=(f1=333), p0="thud3")]],
inlineDataList = ["123456789", "234567890", "345678901", "456789012", "567890123"],
int32InlineListListList = [[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], [[7, 8], [9, 10]], [[1234567,7654321]]],
textInlineListListList = [[["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],
["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux", "corge"]],
[["z", "y", "x", "w", "v"]]],
structInlineListListList =
[[[(f=(f1=123), p0="fred1"), (f=(f1=456), p0="fred2"), (f=(f1=789), p0="fred3")],
[(f=(f1=321), p0="plugh1"), (f=(f1=654), p0="plugh2"), (f=(f1=987), p0="plugh3")]],
[[(f=(f1=111), p0="thud1"), (f=(f1=222), p0="thud2"), (f=(f1=333), p0="thud3")]]],
inlineDataListList = [["foo", "bar", "baz"], ["123", "234"]]);
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ STRINGIFY_INT(long, "%ld");
STRINGIFY_INT(unsigned long, "%lu");
STRINGIFY_INT(long long, "%lld");
STRINGIFY_INT(unsigned long long, "%llu");
STRINGIFY_INT(const void*, "%p");
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ template <typename Element>
Element* fill(Element* ptr) { return ptr; }
template <typename Element, typename First, typename... Rest>
Element* fill(Element* __restrict__ target, First& first, Rest&&... rest) {
Element* fill(Element* __restrict__ target, const First& first, Rest&&... rest) {
auto i = first.begin();
auto end = first.end();
while (i != end) {
......@@ -134,16 +134,6 @@ Element* fill(Element* __restrict__ target, First& first, Rest&&... rest) {
return fill(target, std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
template <typename Element, typename First, typename... Rest>
Element* fill(Element* __restrict__ target, First&& first, Rest&&... rest) {
auto i = first.begin();
auto end = first.end();
while (i != end) {
*target++ = std::move(*i++);
return fill(target, std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
template <typename Element, typename... Params>
Array<Element> concat(Params&&... params) {
// Concatenate a bunch of containers into a single Array. The containers can be anything that
......@@ -196,6 +186,10 @@ struct Stringifier {
CappedArray<char, sizeof(unsigned long long) * 4> operator*(unsigned long long i) const;
CappedArray<char, 24> operator*(float f) const;
CappedArray<char, 32> operator*(double f) const;
CappedArray<char, sizeof(const void*) * 4> operator*(const void* s) const;
template <typename T>
Array<char> operator*(ArrayPtr<T> arr) const;
static constexpr Stringifier STR;
......@@ -210,6 +204,34 @@ Array<char> str(Params&&... params) {
return concat<char>(STR * std::forward<Params>(params)...);
template <typename T>
Array<char> strArray(ArrayPtr<T> arr, const char* delim) {
size_t delimLen = strlen(delim);
decltype(STR * arr[0]) pieces[arr.size()];
size_t size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) size += delimLen;
pieces[i] = STR * arr[i];
size += pieces[i].size();
Array<char> result = newArray<char>(size);
char* pos = result.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
memcpy(pos, delim, delimLen);
pos += delimLen;
pos = fill(pos, pieces[i]);
return result;
template <typename T>
inline Array<char> Stringifier::operator*(ArrayPtr<T> arr) const {
return strArray(arr, ", ");
} // namespace capnproto
......@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ builtinTypeMap = Map.fromList
[("List", DescBuiltinList),
("Inline", DescBuiltinInline),
("InlineList", DescBuiltinInlineList),
("InlineData", DescBuiltinInlineData),
("id", DescBuiltinId)])
......@@ -255,6 +256,12 @@ compileValue pos (InlineListType t s) (ListFieldValue l) = do
makeError pos $ printf "Fixed-size list must have exactly %d elements." s
return $ ListDesc elements
compileValue pos (InlineDataType s) (StringFieldValue x) = let
bytes = map (fromIntegral . fromEnum) x
in if List.genericLength bytes == s
then succeed $ DataDesc bytes
else makeError pos $ printf "Fixed-size data must have exactly %d bytes." s
compileValue pos (BuiltinType BuiltinVoid) _ = makeError pos "Void fields cannot have values."
compileValue pos (BuiltinType BuiltinBool) _ = makeExpectError pos "boolean"
compileValue pos (BuiltinType BuiltinInt8) _ = makeExpectError pos "integer"
......@@ -275,6 +282,7 @@ compileValue pos (StructType _) _ = makeExpectError pos "parenthesized list of f
compileValue pos (InterfaceType _) _ = makeError pos "Interfaces can't have default values."
compileValue pos (ListType _) _ = makeExpectError pos "list"
compileValue pos (InlineListType _ _) _ = makeExpectError pos "list"
compileValue pos (InlineDataType _) _ = makeExpectError pos "string"
descAsType _ (DescEnum desc) = succeed (EnumType desc)
descAsType _ (DescStruct desc) = succeed (StructType desc)
......@@ -286,7 +294,9 @@ descAsType name DescBuiltinList = makeError (declNamePos name) message where
descAsType name DescBuiltinInline = makeError (declNamePos name) message where
message = printf "'Inline' requires exactly one type parameter." (declNameString name)
descAsType name DescBuiltinInlineList = makeError (declNamePos name) message where
message = printf "'InlineList' requires exactly one type parameter." (declNameString name)
message = printf "'InlineList' requires exactly two type parameters." (declNameString name)
descAsType name DescBuiltinInlineData = makeError (declNamePos name) message where
message = printf "'InlineData' requires exactly one type parameter." (declNameString name)
descAsType name _ = makeError (declNamePos name) message where
message = printf "'%s' is not a type." (declNameString name)
......@@ -328,9 +338,15 @@ compileType scope (TypeExpression n params) = do
(structName s)
InlineListType _ _ -> makeError (declNamePos n)
"InlineList of InlineList not currently supported."
InlineDataType _ -> makeError (declNamePos n)
"InlineList of InlineData not currently supported."
_ -> return $ InlineListType inner size
_ -> makeError (declNamePos n)
"'InlineList' requires exactly two type parameters: a type and a size."
DescBuiltinInlineData -> case params of
[TypeParameterInteger size] -> return $ InlineDataType size
_ -> makeError (declNamePos n)
"'InlineData' requires exactly one type parameter: the byte size of the data."
_ -> case params of
[] -> descAsType n desc
_ -> makeError (declNamePos n) $
......@@ -881,6 +897,10 @@ compileDecl scope
recover () (case typeDesc of
InlineStructType _ ->
makeError defaultPos "Inline fields cannot have default values."
InlineListType _ _ ->
makeError defaultPos "Inline fields cannot have default values."
InlineDataType _ ->
makeError defaultPos "Inline fields cannot have default values."
_ -> return ())
return result
Nothing -> return Nothing
......@@ -92,11 +92,16 @@ isPrimitive (InlineStructType _) = False
isPrimitive (InterfaceType _) = False
isPrimitive (ListType _) = False
isPrimitive (InlineListType _ _) = False
isPrimitive (InlineDataType _) = False
isBlob (BuiltinType BuiltinText) = True
isBlob (BuiltinType BuiltinData) = True
isBlob (InlineDataType _) = True
isBlob _ = False
isInlineBlob (InlineDataType _) = True
isInlineBlob _ = False
isStruct (StructType _) = True
isStruct (InlineStructType _) = True
isStruct _ = False
......@@ -116,6 +121,18 @@ isPrimitiveList (ListType t) = isPrimitive t
isPrimitiveList (InlineListType t _) = isPrimitive t
isPrimitiveList _ = False
isPointerElement (InlineDataType _) = False
isPointerElement t = not (isPrimitive t || isStruct t || isInlineList t)
isPointerList (ListType t) = isPointerElement t
isPointerList (InlineListType t _) = isPointerElement t
isPointerList _ = False
isInlineBlobList (ListType t) = isInlineBlob t
isInlineBlobList _ = False
isStructList (ListType t@(InlineListType _ _)) = isStructList t
isStructList (InlineListType t@(InlineListType _ _) _) = isStructList t
isStructList (ListType t) = isStruct t
isStructList (InlineListType t _) = isStruct t
isStructList _ = False
......@@ -125,8 +142,20 @@ isInlineList _ = False
blobTypeString (BuiltinType BuiltinText) = "Text"
blobTypeString (BuiltinType BuiltinData) = "Data"
blobTypeString (InlineDataType _) = "Data"
blobTypeString (ListType t) = blobTypeString t
blobTypeString (InlineListType t _) = blobTypeString t
blobTypeString _ = error "Not a blob."
inlineMultiplier (InlineListType t s) = s * inlineMultiplier t
inlineMultiplier (InlineDataType s) = s
inlineMultiplier _ = 1
listInlineMultiplierString (ListType t) = case inlineMultiplier t of
1 -> ""
s -> " * " ++ show s
listInlineMultiplierString _ = error "Not a list."
cxxTypeString (BuiltinType BuiltinVoid) = " ::capnproto::Void"
cxxTypeString (BuiltinType BuiltinBool) = "bool"
cxxTypeString (BuiltinType BuiltinInt8) = " ::int8_t"
......@@ -146,7 +175,10 @@ cxxTypeString (StructType desc) = globalName $ DescStruct desc
cxxTypeString (InlineStructType desc) = globalName $ DescStruct desc
cxxTypeString (InterfaceType desc) = globalName $ DescInterface desc
cxxTypeString (ListType t) = concat [" ::capnproto::List<", cxxTypeString t, ">"]
cxxTypeString (InlineListType t _) = concat [" ::capnproto::List<", cxxTypeString t, ">"]
cxxTypeString (InlineListType t s) =
concat [" ::capnproto::InlineList<", cxxTypeString t, ", ", show s, ">"]
cxxTypeString (InlineDataType s) =
concat [" ::capnproto::InlineData<", show s, ">"]
cxxFieldSizeString SizeVoid = "VOID";
cxxFieldSizeString (SizeData Size1) = "BIT";
......@@ -214,6 +246,10 @@ elementType (ListType t) = t
elementType (InlineListType t _) = t
elementType _ = error "Called elementType on non-list."
inlineElementType (ListType t@(InlineListType _ _)) = inlineElementType t
inlineElementType (InlineListType t@(InlineListType _ _) _) = inlineElementType t
inlineElementType t = elementType t
repeatedlyTake _ [] = []
repeatedlyTake n l = take n l : repeatedlyTake n (drop n l)
......@@ -247,11 +283,14 @@ fieldContext parent desc = mkStrContext context where
context "fieldUpperCase" = MuVariable $ toUpperCaseWithUnderscores $ fieldName desc
context "fieldIsPrimitive" = MuBool $ isPrimitive $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsBlob" = MuBool $ isBlob $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsInlineBlob" = MuBool $ isInlineBlob $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsStruct" = MuBool $ isStruct $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsInlineStruct" = MuBool $ isInlineStruct $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsList" = MuBool $ isList $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsNonStructList" = MuBool $ isNonStructList $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsPrimitiveList" = MuBool $ isPrimitiveList $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsPointerList" = MuBool $ isPointerList $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsInlineBlobList" = MuBool $ isInlineBlobList $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsStructList" = MuBool $ isStructList $ fieldType desc
context "fieldIsInlineList" = MuBool $ isInlineList $ fieldType desc
context "fieldDefaultBytes" =
......@@ -263,6 +302,7 @@ fieldContext parent desc = mkStrContext context where
context "fieldOffset" = MuVariable $ fieldOffsetInteger $ fieldOffset desc
context "fieldInlineListSize" = case fieldType desc of
InlineListType _ n -> MuVariable n
InlineDataType n -> MuVariable n
_ -> muNull
context "fieldInlineDataOffset" = case fieldOffset desc of
InlineCompositeOffset off _ size _ ->
......@@ -278,13 +318,16 @@ fieldContext parent desc = mkStrContext context where
context "fieldInlinePointerSize" = case fieldOffset desc of
InlineCompositeOffset _ _ _ size -> MuVariable size
_ -> muNull
context "fieldInlineMultiplier" = MuVariable $ listInlineMultiplierString $ fieldType desc
context "fieldDefaultMask" = case fieldDefaultValue desc of
Nothing -> MuVariable ""
Just v -> MuVariable (if isDefaultZero v then "" else ", " ++ defaultMask v)
context "fieldElementSize" =
MuVariable $ cxxFieldSizeString $ fieldSize $ elementType $ fieldType desc
MuVariable $ cxxFieldSizeString $ fieldSize $ inlineElementType $ fieldType desc
context "fieldElementType" =
MuVariable $ cxxTypeString $ elementType $ fieldType desc
context "fieldInlineElementType" =
MuVariable $ cxxTypeString $ inlineElementType $ fieldType desc
context "fieldUnion" = case fieldUnion desc of
Just (u, _) -> muJust $ unionContext context u
Nothing -> muNull
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ data Desc = DescFile FileDesc
| DescBuiltinList
| DescBuiltinInline
| DescBuiltinInlineList
| DescBuiltinInlineData
| DescBuiltinId
descName (DescFile _) = "(top-level)"
......@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ descName (DescBuiltinType d) = builtinTypeName d
descName DescBuiltinList = "List"
descName DescBuiltinInline = "Inline"
descName DescBuiltinInlineList = "InlineList"
descName DescBuiltinInlineData = "InlineData"
descName DescBuiltinId = "id"
descId (DescFile d) = fileId d
......@@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ descId (DescBuiltinType _) = Nothing
descId DescBuiltinList = Nothing
descId DescBuiltinInline = Nothing
descId DescBuiltinInlineList = Nothing
descId DescBuiltinInlineData = Nothing
descId DescBuiltinId = Just "0U0T3e_SnatEfk6UcH2tcjTt1E0"
-- Gets the ID if explicitly defined, or generates it by appending ".name" to the parent's ID.
......@@ -119,6 +122,7 @@ descParent (DescBuiltinType _) = error "Builtin type has no parent."
descParent DescBuiltinList = error "Builtin type has no parent."
descParent DescBuiltinInline = error "Builtin type has no parent."
descParent DescBuiltinInlineList = error "Builtin type has no parent."
descParent DescBuiltinInlineData = error "Builtin type has no parent."
descParent DescBuiltinId = error "Builtin annotation has no parent."
descFile (DescFile d) = d
......@@ -140,6 +144,7 @@ descAnnotations (DescBuiltinType _) = Map.empty
descAnnotations DescBuiltinList = Map.empty
descAnnotations DescBuiltinInline = Map.empty
descAnnotations DescBuiltinInlineList = Map.empty
descAnnotations DescBuiltinInlineData = Map.empty
descAnnotations DescBuiltinId = Map.empty
descRuntimeImports (DescFile _) = error "Not to be called on files."
......@@ -158,6 +163,7 @@ descRuntimeImports (DescBuiltinType _) = []
descRuntimeImports DescBuiltinList = []
descRuntimeImports DescBuiltinInline = []
descRuntimeImports DescBuiltinInlineList = []
descRuntimeImports DescBuiltinInlineData = []
descRuntimeImports DescBuiltinId = []
type MemberMap = Map.Map String (Maybe Desc)
......@@ -228,6 +234,7 @@ data TypeDesc = BuiltinType BuiltinType
| InterfaceType InterfaceDesc
| ListType TypeDesc
| InlineListType TypeDesc Integer
| InlineDataType Integer
typeRuntimeImports (BuiltinType _) = []
typeRuntimeImports (EnumType d) = [descFile (DescEnum d)]
......@@ -236,6 +243,7 @@ typeRuntimeImports (InlineStructType d) = [descFile (DescStruct d)]
typeRuntimeImports (InterfaceType d) = [descFile (DescInterface d)]
typeRuntimeImports (ListType d) = typeRuntimeImports d
typeRuntimeImports (InlineListType d _) = typeRuntimeImports d
typeRuntimeImports (InlineDataType _) = []
data DataSectionSize = DataSection1 | DataSection8 | DataSection16 | DataSection32
| DataSectionWords Integer
......@@ -337,6 +345,12 @@ fieldSize (InlineListType element size) = let
SizeReference -> size
SizeInlineComposite _ pc -> pc * size
in SizeInlineComposite dataSection pointerCount
fieldSize (InlineDataType size)
| size <= 0 = SizeInlineComposite (DataSectionWords 0) 0
| size <= 1 = SizeInlineComposite DataSection8 0
| size <= 2 = SizeInlineComposite DataSection16 0
| size <= 4 = SizeInlineComposite DataSection32 0
| otherwise = SizeInlineComposite (DataSectionWords (div (size + 7) 8)) 0
-- Render the type descriptor's name as a string, appropriate for use in the given scope.
typeName :: Desc -> TypeDesc -> String
......@@ -347,6 +361,7 @@ typeName scope (InlineStructType desc) = descQualifiedName scope (DescStruct des
typeName scope (InterfaceType desc) = descQualifiedName scope (DescInterface desc)
typeName scope (ListType t) = "List(" ++ typeName scope t ++ ")"
typeName scope (InlineListType t s) = printf "InlineList(%s, %d)" (typeName scope t) s
typeName scope (InlineDataType s) = printf "InlineData(%d)" s
-- Computes the qualified name for the given descriptor within the given scope.
-- At present the scope is only used to determine whether the target is in the same file. If
......@@ -605,6 +620,7 @@ descToCode _ (DescBuiltinType _) = error "Can't print code for builtin type."
descToCode _ DescBuiltinList = error "Can't print code for builtin type."
descToCode _ DescBuiltinInline = error "Can't print code for builtin type."
descToCode _ DescBuiltinInlineList = error "Can't print code for builtin type."
descToCode _ DescBuiltinInlineData = error "Can't print code for builtin type."
descToCode _ DescBuiltinId = error "Can't print code for builtin annotation."
maybeBlockCode :: String -> [Desc] -> String
......@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ encodePointerValue (InlineStructType _) _ =
encodePointerValue (ListType elementType) (ListDesc items) = encodeList elementType items
encodePointerValue (InlineListType _ _) _ =
error "Tried to encode inline list as a pointer."
encodePointerValue (InlineDataType _) _ =
error "Tried to encode inline data as a pointer."
encodePointerValue _ _ = error "Unknown pointer type."
-- Given a sorted list of (bitOffset, data), pack into a byte array.
......@@ -191,6 +193,7 @@ structDataSectionValues assignments = let
(pos, v2) <- case (t, v) of
(InlineStructType _, StructValueDesc v2) -> structDataSectionValues v2
(InlineListType t2 _, ListDesc v2) -> inlineListDataSectionValues t2 v2
(InlineDataType _, DataDesc v2) -> [(0, EncodedBytes v2)]
_ -> error "Non-inline-composite had inline-composite offset."
return (pos + bitOffset, v2)
......@@ -211,6 +214,7 @@ structPointerSectionValues assignments = let
(pos, v2) <- case (t, v) of
(InlineStructType _, StructValueDesc v2) -> structPointerSectionValues v2
(InlineListType t2 _, ListDesc v2) -> inlineListPointerSectionValues t2 v2
(InlineDataType _, DataDesc _) -> []
_ -> error "Non-inline-composite had inline-composite offset."
return (pos + off, v2)
......@@ -261,29 +265,21 @@ encodeList (StructType desc) elements = let
(genericLength elements),
concat [tag, elemBytes, childBytes])
-- A list of inline structs is encoded into separate data and pointer sections, and the
-- pointer to it is actually a struct pointer.
encodeList (InlineStructType desc) elements = let
dataBytes = inlineStructListDataSection desc elements
(refBytes, childBytes) = inlineStructListPointerSection desc elements
in case (structDataSize desc, structPointerCount desc) of
(ds, 0) -> -- If only data, encode as a primitive list.
(encodeListReference (SizeData $ dataSectionAlignment ds)
(div (genericLength elements * dataSectionBits ds)
(dataSizeInBits (dataSectionAlignment ds))),
(DataSectionWords 0, pc) -> -- If only pointers, encode as a pointer list.
(encodeListReference SizeReference (genericLength elements * pc),
refBytes ++ childBytes)
(ds, pc) -> -- Otherwise, encode as a struct.
(encodeInlineStructListReference ds pc (genericLength elements),
concat [dataBytes, refBytes, childBytes])
encodeList (InlineStructType _) _ = error "Not supported: List of inline structs."
-- Encode a list of inline lists by just concatenating all the elements. The number of inner
-- lists can be determined at runtime by dividing the total size by the fixed inline list size.
-- Note that this means if you have something like List(InlineList(UInt8, 3)) and the list has
-- two elements, the total size will be 6 bytes -- we don't round the individual sub-lists up
-- to power-of-two boundaries.
encodeList (InlineListType (InlineStructType t) _) elements =
encodeList (StructType t) (concat [l | ListDesc l <- elements])
encodeList (InlineListType t _) elements = encodeList t (concat [l | ListDesc l <- elements])
-- Encode a list of inline data. Similar deal to above.
encodeList (InlineDataType _) elements =
encodePointerValue (BuiltinType BuiltinData) (DataDesc $ concat [l | DataDesc l <- elements])
-- Encode primitive types.
encodeList elementType elements = let
eSize = fieldSize elementType
......@@ -306,6 +302,7 @@ inlineListDataSectionValues elementType elements = case fieldSize elementType of
(SizeInlineComposite _ _) -> case elementType of
InlineStructType desc -> inlineStructListDataSectionValues desc elements
InlineListType t _ -> inlineListDataSectionValues t (concat [l | ListDesc l <- elements])
InlineDataType _ -> [(0, EncodedBytes $ concat [l | DataDesc l <- elements])]
_ -> error "Unknown inline composite type."
SizeReference -> []
SizeData size -> let
......@@ -317,6 +314,7 @@ inlineListPointerSectionValues elementType elements = case fieldSize elementType
(SizeInlineComposite _ _) -> case elementType of
InlineStructType desc -> inlineStructListPointerSectionValues desc elements
InlineListType t _ -> inlineListPointerSectionValues t (concat [l | ListDesc l <- elements])
InlineDataType _ -> []
_ -> error "Unknown inline composite type."
SizeReference -> zip [0..] $ map (encodePointerValue elementType) elements
SizeData _ -> []
......@@ -348,9 +346,7 @@ inlineStructListPointerSectionValues elementDesc elements = do
encodeMessage (StructType desc) (StructValueDesc assignments) = let
(dataBytes, refBytes, childBytes) = encodeStruct desc assignments 0
in concat [encodeStructReference desc (0::Integer), dataBytes, refBytes, childBytes]
encodeMessage (InlineStructType desc) val = encodeMessage (StructType desc) val
encodeMessage (ListType elementType) (ListDesc elements) = let
(ptr, listBytes) = encodeList elementType elements
in ptr (0::Integer) ++ listBytes
encodeMessage (InlineListType elementType _) val = encodeMessage (ListType elementType) val
encodeMessage _ _ = error "Not a message."
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