Commit e85ee475 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

MSVC: Fix issues so cmake build works.

parent 52703fcf
......@@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING)
......@@ -206,6 +205,7 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING)
......@@ -335,11 +335,53 @@ public:
kj::MainBuilder::Validity addOutput(kj::StringPtr spec) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(split, spec.findFirst(':')) {
kj::StringPtr dir = spec.slice(*split + 1);
auto plugin = spec.slice(0, *split);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(split2, dir.findFirst(':')) {
// Grr, there are two colons. Might this be a Windows path? Let's do some heuristics.
if (*split == 1 && (dir.startsWith("/") || dir.startsWith("\\"))) {
// So, the first ':' was the second char, and was followed by '/' or '\', e.g.:
// capnp compile -o c:/foo.exe:bar
// In this case we can conclude that the second colon is actually meant to be the
// plugin/location separator, and the first colon was simply signifying a drive letter.
// Proof by contradiction:
// - Say that none of the colons were meant to be plugin/location separators; i.e. the
// whole argument is meant to be a plugin indicator and the location defaults to ".".
// -> In this case, the plugin path has two colons, which is not valid.
// - Say that the first colon was meant to be the plugin/location separator.
// -> In this case, the second colon must be the drive letter separator for the
// output location.
// -> However, the output location begins with '/' or '\', which is not a drive letter.
// - Say that there are more colons beyond the first two, and one of these is meant to
// be the plugin/location separator.
// -> In this case, the plugin path has two or more colons, which is not valid.
// We therefore conclude that the *second* colon is in fact the plugin/location separator.
// Note that there is still an ambiguous case:
// capnp compile -o c:/foo
// In this unfortunate case, we have no way to tell if the user meant "use the 'c' plugin
// and output to /foo" or "use the plugin c:/foo and output to the default location". We
// prefer the former interpretation, because the latter is Windows-specific and such
// users can always explicitly specify the output location like:
// capnp compile -o c:/foo:.
dir = dir.slice(*split2 + 1);
plugin = spec.slice(0, *split2 + 2);
struct stat stats;
if (stat(dir.cStr(), &stats) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode)) {
return "output location is inaccessible or is not a directory";
outputs.add(OutputDirective { spec.slice(0, *split), dir });
outputs.add(OutputDirective { plugin, dir });
} else {
outputs.add(OutputDirective { spec.asArray(), nullptr });
......@@ -405,7 +447,11 @@ public:
kj::String exeName;
bool shouldSearchPath = true;
for (char c: {
#if _WIN32
if (c == '/' || c == '\\') {
if (c == '/') {
shouldSearchPath = false;
......@@ -445,18 +491,31 @@ public:
if (shouldSearchPath) {
#if _WIN32
child = _spawnlp(_P_NOWAIT, exeName.cStr(), exeName.cStr(), nullptr);
// MSVCRT's spawn*() don't correctly escape arguments, which is necessary on Windows
// since the underlying system call takes a single command line string rather than
// an arg list. Instead of trying to do the escaping ourselves, we just pass "plugin"
// for argv[0].
child = _spawnlp(_P_NOWAIT, exeName.cStr(), "plugin", nullptr);
execlp(exeName.cStr(), exeName.cStr(), nullptr);
} else {
#if _WIN32
if (!exeName.startsWith("/") && !exeName.startsWith("\\") &&
!(exeName.size() >= 2 && exeName[1] == ':')) {
if (!exeName.startsWith("/")) {
// The name is relative. Prefix it with our original working directory path.
exeName = kj::str(pwd.begin(), "/", exeName);
#if _WIN32
child = _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, exeName.cStr(), exeName.cStr(), nullptr);
// MSVCRT's spawn*() don't correctly escape arguments, which is necessary on Windows
// since the underlying system call takes a single command line string rather than
// an arg list. Instead of trying to do the escaping ourselves, we just pass "plugin"
// for argv[0].
child = _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, exeName.cStr(), "plugin", nullptr);
execl(exeName.cStr(), exeName.cStr(), nullptr);
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ function(CAPNP_GENERATE_CPP SOURCES HEADERS)
# Prepend a ':' to get the format for the '-o' flag right
set(output_dir ":${CAPNPC_OUTPUT_DIR}")
set(output_dir ":.")
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