Commit defc469c authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Fix bug where generic methods in generic interfaces didn't compile.

parent 3c6daff4
......@@ -652,10 +652,14 @@ private:
schema::Node::Reader node;
using BrandInitializers = kj::Tuple<kj::StringTree, kj::StringTree, kj::StringTree>;
// A tuple of the initialisers for the {scopes, bindings, dependencies}.
struct BrandInitializerText {
kj::StringTree scopes;
kj::StringTree bindings;
kj::StringTree dependencies;
BrandInitializers makeBrandInitializers(const TemplateContext& templateContext, Schema schema) {
BrandInitializerText makeBrandInitializers(
const TemplateContext& templateContext, Schema schema) {
auto scopeMap = templateContext.getScopeMap();
auto scopes = kj::heapArrayBuilder<kj::StringTree>(scopeMap.size());
......@@ -674,10 +678,11 @@ private:
return kj::tuple(
kj::strTree("{\n", scopes.finish(), "}"),
kj::strTree("{\n", bindings.releaseAsArray(), "}"),
makeBrandDepInitializers(templateContext, schema));
return {
kj::strTree("{\n", scopes.finish(), "}"),
kj::strTree("{\n", bindings.releaseAsArray(), "}"),
makeBrandDepInitializers(templateContext, schema)
kj::StringTree makeBrandDepInitializers(const TemplateContext& templateContext, Schema schema) {
......@@ -742,10 +747,20 @@ private:
kj::Maybe<kj::StringTree> makeBrandDepInitializer(
InterfaceSchema::Method method, StructSchema type, kj::StringPtr suffix) {
if (type.getProto().getScopeId() == 0) {
auto typeProto = type.getProto();
if (typeProto.getScopeId() == 0) {
// This is an auto-generated params or results type.
auto name = cppFullName(method.getContainingInterface(), nullptr);
name.addMemberType(kj::str(toTitleCase(protoName(method.getProto())), suffix));
auto memberTypeName = kj::str(toTitleCase(protoName(method.getProto())), suffix);
if (typeProto.getParameters().size() == 0) {
} else {
// The method has implicit parameters (i.e. it's generic). For the purpose of the brand
// dep initializer, we only want to supply the default AnyPointer variant, so just don't
// pass any parameters here.
name.addMemberTemplate(memberTypeName, nullptr);
return makeBrandDepInitializer(type, kj::mv(name));
} else {
return makeBrandDepInitializer(type);
......@@ -1757,21 +1772,23 @@ private:
"::capnp::_::ChooseBrand<_capnpPrivate, ", templateContext.allArgs(), ">::brand;\n");
kj::StringTree makeGenericDefinitions(kj::StringPtr templates, kj::StringPtr fullName, kj::StringPtr hexId,
BrandInitializers brandInitializers) {
kj::StringTree makeGenericDefinitions(
kj::StringPtr templates, kj::StringPtr fullName, kj::StringPtr hexId,
BrandInitializerText brandInitializers) {
// Returns the definitions for the members from makeGenericDeclarations().
bool hasBrandDependencies = (kj::get<2>(brandInitializers).size() != 0);
bool hasBrandDependencies = (brandInitializers.dependencies.size() != 0);
return kj::strTree(
templates, "const ::capnp::_::RawBrandedSchema::Scope ", fullName,
"::_capnpPrivate::brandScopes[] = ", kj::mv(kj::get<0>(brandInitializers)), ";\n",
"::_capnpPrivate::brandScopes[] = ", kj::mv(brandInitializers.scopes), ";\n",
templates, "const ::capnp::_::RawBrandedSchema::Binding ", fullName,
"::_capnpPrivate::brandBindings[] = ", kj::mv(kj::get<1>(brandInitializers)), ";\n",
"::_capnpPrivate::brandBindings[] = ", kj::mv(brandInitializers.bindings), ";\n",
(!hasBrandDependencies ? kj::strTree("") : kj::strTree(
templates, "const ::capnp::_::RawBrandedSchema::Dependency ", fullName,
"::_capnpPrivate::brandDependencies[] = ", kj::mv(kj::get<2>(brandInitializers)), ";\n")),
"::_capnpPrivate::brandDependencies[] = ", kj::mv(brandInitializers.dependencies),
templates, "const ::capnp::_::RawBrandedSchema ", fullName, "::_capnpPrivate::specificBrand = {\n",
" &::capnp::schemas::s_", hexId, ", brandScopes, ",
......@@ -1822,7 +1839,7 @@ private:
if (templateContext.isGeneric()) {
auto brandInitializers = makeBrandInitializers(templateContext, schema);
bool hasDeps = (kj::get<2>(brandInitializers).size() != 0);
bool hasDeps = (brandInitializers.dependencies.size() != 0);
declareText = kj::strTree(kj::mv(declareText),
" #if !CAPNP_LITE\n",
......@@ -2068,7 +2085,7 @@ private:
if (templateContext.isGeneric()) {
auto brandInitializers = makeBrandInitializers(templateContext, schema);
bool hasDeps = (kj::get<2>(brandInitializers).size() != 0);
bool hasDeps = (brandInitializers.dependencies.size() != 0);
declareText = kj::strTree(kj::mv(declareText),
makeGenericDeclarations(templateContext, hasDeps));
......@@ -560,6 +560,10 @@ interface TestImplicitMethodParams {
call @0 [T, U] (foo :T, bar :U) -> TestGenerics(T, U);
interface TestImplicitMethodParamsInGeneric(V) {
call @0 [T, U] (foo :T, bar :U) -> TestGenerics(T, U);
struct TestUseGenerics $TestGenerics(Text, Data).ann("foo") {
basic @0 :TestGenerics(TestAllTypes, TestAnyPointer);
inner @1 :TestGenerics(TestAllTypes, TestAnyPointer).Inner;
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