Commit deda540f authored by Jakub Śpiewak's avatar Jakub Śpiewak Committed by Kenton Varda

Fix missing annotations on fields (node translator) and methods, params, consts (capnp generator)

parent a333c830
......@@ -416,7 +416,8 @@ private:
proto.getName(), " :", genType(slot.getType(), interface),
isEmptyValue(slot.getDefaultValue()) ? kj::strTree("") :
kj::strTree(" = ", genValue(
slot.getType(), slot.getDefaultValue(), interface)));
slot.getType(), slot.getDefaultValue(), interface)),
genAnnotations(proto.getAnnotations(), interface));
}, ", "), ")");
} else {
return nodeName(schema, interface);
......@@ -472,7 +473,8 @@ private:
auto results = schemaLoader.get(methodProto.getResultStructType()).asStruct();
return kj::strTree(, methodProto.getName(), " @", method.getIndex(), " ",
genParamList(interface, params), " -> ", genParamList(interface, results), ";\n");
genParamList(interface, params), " -> ", genParamList(interface, results),
genAnnotations(methodProto.getAnnotations(), interface), ";\n");
indent, "}\n");
......@@ -482,7 +484,8 @@ private:
return kj::strTree(
indent, "const ", name, " @0x", kj::hex(proto.getId()), " :",
genType(constProto.getType(), schema), " = ",
genValue(constProto.getType(), constProto.getValue(), schema), ";\n");
genValue(constProto.getType(), constProto.getValue(), schema),
genAnnotations(schema), ";\n");
case schema::Node::ANNOTATION: {
auto annotationProto = proto.getAnnotation();
......@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ private:
member->declAnnotations, targetsFlagName));
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