Commit de742607 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Implement code generator plugins. The Cap'n Proto compiler, when given -o foo,…

Implement code generator plugins.  The Cap'n Proto compiler, when given -o foo, invokes the binary capnp-foo and passes the schema, in Cap'n Proto format, to its stdin.  The binary is executed with the current working directory set to the desired output directory, so all it has to do is write the files.
parent 0fb40a47
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -167,6 +167,12 @@ static typename RootType::Reader readMessageTrusted(const word* data);
// a message MyMessage, you can read its default value like so:
// MyMessage::Reader reader = Message<MyMessage>::ReadTrusted(MyMessage::DEFAULT.words);
template <typename Type>
static typename Type::Reader defaultValue();
// Get a default instance of the given struct or list type.
// TODO(cleanup): Find a better home for this function?
// =======================================================================================
class SegmentArrayMessageReader: public MessageReader {
......@@ -282,6 +288,12 @@ typename RootType::Reader readMessageTrusted(const word* data) {
return typename RootType::Reader(internal::StructReader::readRootTrusted(data));
template <typename Type>
static typename Type::Reader defaultValue() {
// TODO(soon): Correctly handle lists. Maybe primitives too?
return typename Type::Reader(internal::StructReader());
} // namespace capnproto
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -212,7 +212,19 @@ inline Array<T> newArray(size_t size) {
template <typename T>
class ArrayBuilder {
union Slot { T value; char dummy; };
// TODO(cleanup): This class doesn't work for non-primitive types because Slot is not
// constructable. Giving Slot a constructor/destructor means arrays of it have to be tagged
// so operator delete can run the destructors. If we reinterpret_cast the array to an array
// of T and delete it as that type, operator delete gets very upset.
// Perhaps we should bite the bullet and make the Array family do manual memory allocation,
// bypassing the rather-stupid C++ array new/delete operators which store a redundant copy of
// the size anyway.
union Slot {
T value;
char dummy;
static_assert(sizeof(Slot) == sizeof(T), "union is bigger than content?");
......@@ -51,6 +51,20 @@ STRINGIFY_INT(const void*, "%p");
#define HEXIFY_INT(type, format) \
CappedArray<char, sizeof(type) * 4> hex(type i) { \
CappedArray<char, sizeof(type) * 4> result; \
result.setSize(sprintf(result.begin(), format, i)); \
return result; \
HEXIFY_INT(unsigned short, "%x");
HEXIFY_INT(unsigned int, "%x");
HEXIFY_INT(unsigned long, "%lx");
HEXIFY_INT(unsigned long long, "%llx");
namespace {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include "type-safety.h"
#include "blob.h"
#include <string.h>
namespace capnproto {
......@@ -82,9 +83,15 @@ public:
inline const T* begin() const { return content; }
inline const T* end() const { return content + currentSize; }
inline operator ArrayPtr<T>() const {
return arrayPtr(content, fixedSize);
inline operator ArrayPtr<T>() {
return arrayPtr(content, currentSize);
inline operator ArrayPtr<const T>() const {
return arrayPtr(content, currentSize);
inline T& operator[](size_t index) { return content[index]; }
inline const T& operator[](size_t index) const { return content[index]; }
size_t currentSize;
......@@ -168,6 +175,10 @@ struct Stringifier {
// anything.
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(ArrayPtr<const char> s) const { return s; }
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(const Array<const char>& s) const { return s; }
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(const Array<char>& s) const { return s; }
template<size_t n>
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(const CappedArray<char, n>& s) const { return s; }
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(const char* s) const { return arrayPtr(s, strlen(s)); }
inline FixedArray<char, 1> operator*(char c) const {
......@@ -176,6 +187,10 @@ struct Stringifier {
return result;
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(Text::Reader text) const {
return arrayPtr(, text.size());
CappedArray<char, sizeof(short) * 4> operator*(short i) const;
CappedArray<char, sizeof(unsigned short) * 4> operator*(unsigned short i) const;
CappedArray<char, sizeof(int) * 4> operator*(int i) const;
......@@ -190,9 +205,16 @@ struct Stringifier {
template <typename T>
Array<char> operator*(ArrayPtr<T> arr) const;
template <typename T>
Array<char> operator*(const Array<T>& arr) const;
static constexpr Stringifier STR;
CappedArray<char, sizeof(unsigned short) * 4> hex(unsigned short i);
CappedArray<char, sizeof(unsigned int) * 4> hex(unsigned int i);
CappedArray<char, sizeof(unsigned long) * 4> hex(unsigned long i);
CappedArray<char, sizeof(unsigned long long) * 4> hex(unsigned long long i);
template <typename... Params>
Array<char> str(Params&&... params) {
// Magic function which builds a string from a bunch of arbitrary values. Example:
......@@ -205,7 +227,7 @@ Array<char> str(Params&&... params) {
template <typename T>
Array<char> strArray(ArrayPtr<T> arr, const char* delim) {
Array<char> strArray(T&& arr, const char* delim) {
size_t delimLen = strlen(delim);
decltype(STR * arr[0]) pieces[arr.size()];
size_t size = 0;
......@@ -232,6 +254,22 @@ inline Array<char> Stringifier::operator*(ArrayPtr<T> arr) const {
return strArray(arr, ", ");
template <typename T>
inline Array<char> Stringifier::operator*(const Array<T>& arr) const {
return strArray(arr, ", ");
template <typename T, typename Func>
auto mapArray(T&& arr, Func&& func) -> Array<decltype(func(arr[0]))> {
// TODO(cleanup): Use ArrayBuilder.
Array<decltype(func(arr[0]))> result = newArray<decltype(func(arr[0]))>(arr.size());
size_t pos = 0;
for (auto& element: arr) {
result[pos++] = func(element);
return result;
} // namespace capnproto
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ executable capnpc
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures
......@@ -800,6 +800,7 @@ compileDecl scope (ConstantDecl (Located _ name) t annotations (Located valuePos
compiledAnnotations <- compileAnnotations scope ConstantAnnotation annotations
return (DescConstant ConstantDesc
{ constantName = name
, constantId = childId name Nothing scope
, constantParent = scope
, constantType = typeDesc
, constantValue = valueDesc
......@@ -449,7 +449,10 @@ hastacheConfig = MuConfig
generateCxxHeader file = hastacheStr hastacheConfig (encodeStr headerTemplate) (fileContext file)
generateCxxSource file = hastacheStr hastacheConfig (encodeStr srcTemplate) (fileContext file)
generateCxx file = do
generateCxx files _ = do
let handleFile file = do
header <- generateCxxHeader file
source <- generateCxxSource file
return [(fileName file ++ ".h", header), (fileName file ++ ".c++", source)]
results <- mapM handleFile files
return $ concat results
......@@ -25,15 +25,17 @@ module Main ( main ) where
import System.Environment
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Exit(exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.IO(hPutStr, stderr)
import System.Exit(exitFailure, exitSuccess, ExitCode(..))
import System.IO(hPutStr, stderr, hSetBinaryMode, hClose)
import System.FilePath(takeDirectory)
import System.Directory(createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import System.Entropy(getEntropy)
import System.Process(createProcess, proc, std_in, cwd, StdStream(CreatePipe), waitForProcess)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Exception(IOException, catch)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State(StateT, state, modify, execStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State(StateT, state, modify, evalStateT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Compiler
import Util(delimit)
......@@ -43,18 +45,21 @@ import Text.Printf(printf)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LZ
import Data.ByteString(unpack)
import Data.ByteString(unpack, pack, hPut)
import Data.Word(Word64, Word8)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Semantics
import WireFormat(encodeSchema)
import CxxGenerator(generateCxx)
type GeneratorFn = FileDesc -> IO [(FilePath, LZ.ByteString)]
type GeneratorFn = [FileDesc] -> [FileDesc] -> IO [(FilePath, LZ.ByteString)]
generatorFns :: Map.Map String GeneratorFn
generatorFns = Map.fromList [ ("c++", generateCxx) ]
data Opt = SearchPathOpt FilePath
| OutputOpt String (Maybe GeneratorFn) FilePath
| OutputOpt String GeneratorFn FilePath
| VerboseOpt
| HelpOpt
| GenIdOpt
......@@ -78,10 +83,7 @@ main = do
\Generate source code based on Cap'n Proto definition FILEs.\n"
args <- getArgs
let (options, files, optErrs) = getOpt Permute optionDescs args
let langErrs = map (printf "Unknown output language: %s\n")
[lang | OutputOpt lang Nothing _ <- options]
let errs = optErrs ++ langErrs
let (options, files, errs) = getOpt Permute optionDescs args
unless (null errs) (do
mapM_ (hPutStr stderr) errs
hPutStr stderr usage
......@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ main = do
let isVerbose = not $ null [opt | opt@VerboseOpt <- options]
let outputs = [(fn, dir) | OutputOpt _ (Just fn) dir <- options]
let outputs = [(fn, dir) | OutputOpt _ fn dir <- options]
let searchPath = [dir | SearchPathOpt dir <- options]
let verifyDirectoryExists dir = do
......@@ -114,15 +116,49 @@ main = do
mapM_ verifyDirectoryExists [dir | (_, dir) <- outputs]
CompilerState failed _ <-
execStateT (mapM_ (handleFile outputs isVerbose searchPath) files)
(failed, requestedFiles, allFiles) <-
evalStateT (handleFiles isVerbose searchPath files)
(CompilerState False Map.empty)
mapM_ (doOutput requestedFiles allFiles) outputs
when failed exitFailure
handleFiles isVerbose searchPath files = do
requestedFiles <- liftM catMaybes $ mapM (handleFile isVerbose searchPath) files
CompilerState failed importMap <- State.get
return (failed, requestedFiles, [ file | (_, ImportSucceeded file) <- Map.toList importMap ])
parseOutputArg :: String -> Opt
parseOutputArg str = case List.elemIndex ':' str of
Just i -> let (lang, _:dir) = splitAt i str in OutputOpt lang (Map.lookup lang generatorFns) dir
Nothing -> OutputOpt str (Map.lookup str generatorFns) "."
parseOutputArg str = let
generatorFn lang wd = fromMaybe (callPlugin lang wd) $ Map.lookup lang generatorFns
in case List.elemIndex ':' str of
Just i -> let
(lang, _:dir) = splitAt i str
in OutputOpt lang (generatorFn lang (Just dir)) dir
Nothing -> OutputOpt str (generatorFn str Nothing) "."
pluginName lang = if '/' `elem` lang then lang else "capnpc-" ++ lang
callPlugin lang wd descs transitiveImports = do
let schema = encodeSchema descs transitiveImports
(Just hin, _, _, p) <- createProcess (proc (pluginName lang) [])
{ std_in = CreatePipe, cwd = wd }
hSetBinaryMode hin True
hPut hin (pack schema)
hClose hin
exitCode <- waitForProcess p
case exitCode of
ExitFailure 126 -> do
_ <- printf "Plugin for language '%s' is not executable.\n" lang
ExitFailure 127 -> do
_ <- printf "No plugin found for language '%s'.\n" lang
ExitFailure i -> do
_ <- printf "Plugin for language '%s' failed with exit code: %d\n" lang i
ExitSuccess -> return []
-- As always, here I am, writing my own path manipulation routines, because the ones in the
-- standard lib don't do what I want.
......@@ -227,21 +263,23 @@ parseFile isVerbose searchPath filename text = do
liftIO $ mapM_ printError (List.sortBy compareErrors e)
return $ Right "File contained errors."
handleFile :: [(GeneratorFn, FilePath)] -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> CompilerMonad ()
handleFile outputs isVerbose searchPath filename = do
handleFile :: Bool -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> CompilerMonad (Maybe FileDesc)
handleFile isVerbose searchPath filename = do
result <- importFile isVerbose searchPath filename
case result of
Right _ -> return ()
Left desc -> do
Right _ -> return Nothing
Left desc -> return $ Just desc
doOutput requestedFiles allFiles output = do
let write dir (name, content) = do
let outFilename = dir ++ "/" ++ name
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory outFilename
LZ.writeFile outFilename content
generate (generatorFn, dir) = do
files <- generatorFn desc
files <- generatorFn requestedFiles allFiles
mapM_ (write dir) files
liftIO $ mapM_ generate outputs
liftIO $ generate output
compareErrors a b = compare (errorPos a) (errorPos b)
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ descId (DescFile d) = fileId d
descId (DescEnum d) = enumId d
descId (DescStruct d) = structId d
descId (DescInterface d) = interfaceId d
descId (DescConstant d) = constantId d
descId (DescAnnotation d) = annotationId d
descId _ = error "This construct does not have an ID."
......@@ -363,6 +364,14 @@ typeName _ (InlineDataType s) = printf "InlineData(%d)" s
-- symbol, and use them if so. A particularly important case of this is imports -- typically
-- the import will have a `using` in the file scope.
descQualifiedName :: Desc -> Desc -> String
-- Builtin descs can be aliased with "using", so we need to support them.
descQualifiedName _ (DescBuiltinType t) = builtinTypeName t
descQualifiedName _ DescBuiltinList = "List"
descQualifiedName _ DescBuiltinInline = "Inline"
descQualifiedName _ DescBuiltinInlineList = "InlineList"
descQualifiedName _ DescBuiltinInlineData = "InlineData"
descQualifiedName (DescFile scope) (DescFile desc) =
if fileName scope == fileName desc
then ""
......@@ -394,6 +403,7 @@ usingRuntimeImports _ = []
data ConstantDesc = ConstantDesc
{ constantName :: String
, constantId :: Word64
, constantParent :: Desc
, constantType :: TypeDesc
, constantAnnotations :: AnnotationMap
......@@ -544,7 +554,8 @@ descToCode indent self@(DescEnum desc) = printf "%senum %s @0x%016x%s {\n%s%s}\n
descToCode indent self@(DescEnumerant desc) = printf "%s%s @%d%s;\n" indent
(enumerantName desc) (enumerantNumber desc)
(annotationsCode self)
descToCode indent self@(DescStruct desc) = printf "%sstruct %s @0x%016x%s%s {\n%s%s}\n" indent
descToCode indent self@(DescStruct desc) =
printf "%sstruct %s @0x%016x%s%s { # %d bytes, %d pointers\n%s%s}\n" indent
(structName desc)
(structId desc)
(if structIsFixedWidth desc
......@@ -553,11 +564,12 @@ descToCode indent self@(DescStruct desc) = printf "%sstruct %s @0x%016x%s%s {\n%
(structPointerCount desc)
else "")
(annotationsCode self)
(div (dataSectionBits $ structDataSize desc) 8)
(structPointerCount desc)
(blockCode indent (structMembers desc))
descToCode indent self@(DescField desc) = printf "%s%s@%d%s: %s%s%s; # %s\n" indent
descToCode indent self@(DescField desc) = printf "%s%s@%d: %s%s%s; # %s%s\n" indent
(fieldName desc) (fieldNumber desc)
(case fieldUnion desc of { Nothing -> ""; Just (u, _) -> " in " ++ unionName u})
(typeName (descParent self) (fieldType desc))
(case fieldDefaultValue desc of { Nothing -> ""; Just v -> " = " ++ valueString v; })
(annotationsCode self)
......@@ -572,6 +584,8 @@ descToCode indent self@(DescField desc) = printf "%s%s@%d%s: %s%s%s; # %s\n" in
DataOffset dataSize offset -> let
bits = dataSizeInBits dataSize
in printf "bits[%d, %d)" (offset * bits) ((offset + 1) * bits))
(case fieldUnion desc of { Nothing -> ""; Just (_, i) -> printf ", union tag = %d" i})
descToCode indent self@(DescUnion desc) = printf "%sunion %s@%d%s { # [%d, %d)\n%s%s}\n" indent
(unionName desc) (unionNumber desc)
(annotationsCode self)
......@@ -596,11 +610,11 @@ descToCode _ self@(DescParam desc) = printf "%s: %s%s%s"
Just v -> printf " = %s" $ valueString v
Nothing -> "")
(annotationsCode self)
descToCode indent self@(DescAnnotation desc) = printf "%sannotation %s @0x%016x: %s on(%s)%s;\n" indent
descToCode indent self@(DescAnnotation desc) = printf "%sannotation %s @0x%016x(%s): %s%s;\n" indent
(annotationName desc)
(annotationId desc)
(typeName (descParent self) (annotationType desc))
(delimit ", " $ map show $ Set.toList $ annotationTargets desc)
(typeName (descParent self) (annotationType desc))
(annotationsCode self)
descToCode _ (DescBuiltinType _) = error "Can't print code for builtin type."
descToCode _ DescBuiltinList = error "Can't print code for builtin type."
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ annotation qux @0xf8a1bedf44c89f00 (field) :Text;
If you omit the ID for a type or annotation, one will be assigned automatically. This default
ID is derived by taking the first 8 bytes of the MD5 hash of the parent scope's ID concatenated
with the declaration's name (where the parent scope means the file for top-level delarations, or
with the declaration's name (where the "parent scope" is the file for top-level delarations, or
the outer type for nested declarations). You can see the automatically-generated IDs by running
`capnpc -v` on a file. In general, you would only specify an explicit ID for a declaration if that
declaration has been renamed or moved and you want the ID to stay the same for
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