Commit dbac82e8 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Provide a way to get the ClientHook out of a Capability::Client, needed by…

Provide a way to get the ClientHook out of a Capability::Client, needed by third-party RPC/storage/etc systems.
parent 28ce8f3d
......@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ private:
template <typename, Kind>
friend struct List;
friend class _::CapabilityServerSetBase;
friend class ClientHook;
// =======================================================================================
......@@ -511,6 +512,8 @@ public:
// If this is a local capability created through `capServerSet`, return the underlying Server.
// Otherwise, return nullptr. Default implementation (which everyone except LocalClient should
// use) always returns nullptr.
static kj::Own<ClientHook> from(Capability::Client client) { return kj::mv(client.hook); }
class CallContextHook {
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