Commit d946e77b authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

C++ code generator WIP.

parent 3b0e4f1e
No related merge requests found
......@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@
#include "config.h"
#define VERSION "(unknown ekam build)"
#ifndef VERSION
#define VERSION "(unknown)"
namespace capnp {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@
#include "config.h"
#define VERSION "(unknown ekam build)"
#ifndef VERSION
#define VERSION "(unknown)"
namespace capnp {
......@@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ struct RawSchema {
const word* encodedNode;
// Encoded SchemaNode, readable via readMessageUnchecked<schema::Node>(encodedNode).
uint32_t encodedSize;
// Size of encodedNode, in words.
const RawSchema* const* dependencies;
// Pointers to other types on which this one depends, sorted by ID. The schemas in this table
// may be uninitialized -- you must call ensureInitialized() on the one you wish to use before
......@@ -1032,6 +1032,7 @@ _::RawSchema* SchemaLoader::Impl::load(const schema::Node::Reader& reader, bool
if (shouldReplace) {
// Initialize the RawSchema.
slot->encodedNode = validated.begin();
slot->encodedSize = validated.size();
slot->dependencies = validator.makeDependencyArray(&slot->dependencyCount);
slot->membersByName = validator.makeMemberInfoArray(&slot->memberCount);
......@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ schema::Node::Reader Schema::getProto() const {
return readMessageUnchecked<schema::Node>(raw->encodedNode);
kj::ArrayPtr<const word> Schema::asUncheckedMessage() const {
return kj::arrayPtr(raw->encodedNode, raw->encodedSize);
Schema Schema::getDependency(uint64_t id) const {
uint lower = 0;
uint upper = raw->dependencyCount;
......@@ -141,6 +145,13 @@ kj::Maybe<StructSchema::Union> StructSchema::Member::getContainingUnion() const
return parent.getMembers()[unionIndex - 1].asUnion();
StructSchema::Field StructSchema::Member::asField() const {
KJ_REQUIRE(proto.getBody().which() == schema::StructNode::Member::Body::FIELD_MEMBER,
"Tried to use non-field struct member as a field.",
parent.getProto().getDisplayName(), proto.getName());
return Field(*this);
StructSchema::Union StructSchema::Member::asUnion() const {
KJ_REQUIRE(proto.getBody().which() == schema::StructNode::Member::Body::UNION_MEMBER,
"Tried to use non-union struct member as a union.",
......@@ -148,6 +159,41 @@ StructSchema::Union StructSchema::Member::asUnion() const {
return Union(*this);
StructSchema::Group StructSchema::Member::asGroup() const {
KJ_REQUIRE(proto.getBody().which() == schema::StructNode::Member::Body::GROUP_MEMBER,
"Tried to use non-group struct member as a group.",
parent.getProto().getDisplayName(), proto.getName());
return Group(*this);
uint32_t StructSchema::Field::getDefaultValueSchemaOffset() const {
auto defaultValue = proto.getBody().getFieldMember().getDefaultValue().getBody();
const word* ptr;
switch (defaultValue.which()) {
case schema::Value::Body::TEXT_VALUE:
ptr = reinterpret_cast<const word*>(defaultValue.getTextValue().begin());
case schema::Value::Body::DATA_VALUE:
ptr = reinterpret_cast<const word*>(defaultValue.getDataValue().begin());
case schema::Value::Body::STRUCT_VALUE:
ptr = defaultValue.getStructValue<_::UncheckedMessage>();
case schema::Value::Body::LIST_VALUE:
ptr = defaultValue.getListValue<_::UncheckedMessage>();
case schema::Value::Body::OBJECT_VALUE:
ptr = defaultValue.getObjectValue<_::UncheckedMessage>();
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("getDefaultValueSchemaOffset() can only be called on struct, list, "
"and object fields.");
return ptr - parent.raw->encodedNode;
StructSchema::MemberList StructSchema::Union::getMembers() const {
return MemberList(parent, index + 1, proto.getBody().getUnionMember().getMembers());
......@@ -164,6 +210,25 @@ StructSchema::Member StructSchema::Union::getMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) co
StructSchema::MemberList StructSchema::Group::getMembers() const {
return MemberList(parent, 0, proto.getBody().getGroupMember().getMembers());
#if 0
// TODO(soon): Implement correctly. Requires some changes to lookup table format.
kj::Maybe<StructSchema::Member> StructSchema::Group::findMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const {
return findSchemaMemberByName(parent.raw, name, index + 1, getMembers());
StructSchema::Member StructSchema::Group::getMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(member, findMemberByName(name)) {
return *member;
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("group has no such member", name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
EnumSchema::EnumerantList EnumSchema::getEnumerants() const {
......@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ public:
schema::Node::Reader getProto() const;
kj::ArrayPtr<const word> asUncheckedMessage() const;
// Get the encoded schema node content as a single message segment. It is safe to read as an
// unchecked message.
Schema getDependency(uint64_t id) const;
// Gets the Schema for one of this Schema's dependencies. For example, if this Schema is for a
// struct, you could look up the schema for one of its fields' types. Throws an exception if this
......@@ -111,7 +115,9 @@ public:
StructSchema() = default;
class Member;
class Field;
class Union;
class Group;
class MemberList;
MemberList getMembers() const;
......@@ -146,9 +152,15 @@ public:
kj::Maybe<Union> getContainingUnion() const;
// If this a member of a union, gets the containing union schema.
Field asField() const;
// Cast the member to a Field. Throws an exception if not a field.
Union asUnion() const;
// Cast the member to a Union. Throws an exception if not a union.
Group asGroup() const;
// Cast the member to a Group. Throws an exception if not a group.
inline bool operator==(const Member& other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const Member& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
......@@ -156,8 +168,7 @@ private:
StructSchema parent;
uint unionIndex; // 0 = none, >0 = actual union index - 1
uint index;
mutable schema::StructNode::Member::Reader proto;
// TODO(soon): Make all reader methods const and then remove this ugly use of "mutable".
schema::StructNode::Member::Reader proto;
inline Member(StructSchema parent, uint unionIndex, uint index,
schema::StructNode::Member::Reader proto)
......@@ -166,6 +177,36 @@ private:
friend class StructSchema;
class StructSchema::Field: public Member {
Field() = default;
uint32_t getDefaultValueSchemaOffset() const;
// For struct, list, and object fields, returns the offset, in words, within the first segment of
// the struct's schema, where this field's default value pointer is located. The schema is
// always stored as a single-segment unchecked message, which in turn means that the default
// value pointer itself can be treated as the root of an unchecked message -- if you know where
// to find it, which is what this method helps you with.
// For blobs, returns the offset of the begging of the blob's content within the first segment of
// the struct's schema.
// This is primarily useful for code generators. The C++ code generator, for example, embeds
// the entire schema as a raw word array within the generated code. Of course, to implement
// field accessors, it needs access to those fields' default values. Embedding separate copies
// of those default values would be redundant since they are already included in the schema, but
// seeking through the schema at runtime to find the default values would be ugly. Instead,
// the code generator can use getDefaultValueSchemaOffset() to find the offset of the default
// value within the schema, and can simply apply that offset at runtime.
// If the above does not make sense, you probably don't need this method.
inline Field(const Member& base): Member(base) {}
friend class StructSchema;
class StructSchema::Union: public Member {
Union() = default;
......@@ -183,6 +224,23 @@ private:
friend class StructSchema;
class StructSchema::Group: public Member {
Group() = default;
MemberList getMembers() const;
kj::Maybe<Member> findMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const;
Member getMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const;
// Like findMemberByName() but throws an exception on failure.
inline Group(const Member& base): Member(base) {}
friend class StructSchema;
class StructSchema::MemberList {
inline uint size() const { return list.size(); }
......@@ -233,9 +291,10 @@ public:
Enumerant() = default;
inline schema::EnumNode::Enumerant::Reader getProto() const { return proto; }
inline EnumSchema getContainingEnum() { return parent; }
inline EnumSchema getContainingEnum() const { return parent; }
inline uint16_t getOrdinal() { return ordinal; }
inline uint16_t getOrdinal() const { return ordinal; }
inline uint getIndex() const { return ordinal; }
inline bool operator==(const Enumerant& other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const Enumerant& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
......@@ -243,8 +302,7 @@ public:
EnumSchema parent;
uint16_t ordinal;
mutable schema::EnumNode::Enumerant::Reader proto;
// TODO(soon): Make all reader methods const and then remove this ugly use of "mutable".
schema::EnumNode::Enumerant::Reader proto;
inline Enumerant(EnumSchema parent, uint16_t ordinal, schema::EnumNode::Enumerant::Reader proto)
: parent(parent), ordinal(ordinal), proto(proto) {}
......@@ -300,9 +358,10 @@ public:
Method() = default;
inline schema::InterfaceNode::Method::Reader getProto() const { return proto; }
inline InterfaceSchema getContainingInterface() { return parent; }
inline InterfaceSchema getContainingInterface() const { return parent; }
inline uint16_t getOrdinal() { return ordinal; }
inline uint16_t getOrdinal() const { return ordinal; }
inline uint getIndex() const { return ordinal; }
inline bool operator==(const Method& other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const Method& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
......@@ -310,8 +369,7 @@ public:
InterfaceSchema parent;
uint16_t ordinal;
mutable schema::InterfaceNode::Method::Reader proto;
// TODO(soon): Make all reader methods const and then remove this ugly use of "mutable".
schema::InterfaceNode::Method::Reader proto;
inline Method(InterfaceSchema parent, uint16_t ordinal,
schema::InterfaceNode::Method::Reader proto)
......@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ private:
#define KJ_MAP(array, elementName) \
::kj::_::Mapper<decltype(array)>(array) * [&](decltype(*(array).begin()) elementName)
::kj::_::Mapper<KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(array)>(array) * [&](decltype(*(array).begin()) elementName)
// Applies some function to every element of an array, returning an Array of the results, with
// nice syntax. Example:
......@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ namespace _ { // private
template <typename T>
struct Mapper {
T array;
Mapper(T array): array(kj::fwd<T>(array)) {}
Mapper(T&& array): array(kj::fwd<T>(array)) {}
template <typename Func>
auto operator*(Func&& func) -> Array<decltype(func(*array.begin()))> {
auto builder = heapArrayBuilder<decltype(func(*array.begin()))>(array.size());
......@@ -293,6 +293,22 @@ template <typename T> struct IsReference_ { static constexpr bool value = false;
template <typename T> struct IsReference_<T&> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template <typename T> constexpr bool isReference() { return IsReference_<T>::value; }
namespace _ { // private
template <typename T>
T refIfLvalue(T&&);
} // namespace _ (private)
#define KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(exp) decltype(::kj::_::refIfLvalue(exp))
// Like decltype(exp), but if exp is an lvalue, produces a reference type.
// int i;
// decltype(i) i1(i); // i1 has type int.
// KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(i + 1) i2(i + 1); // i2 has type int.
// KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(i) i3(i); // i3 has type int&.
// KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(kj::mv(i)) i4(kj::mv(i)); // i4 has type int.
// =======================================================================================
// Equivalents to std::move() and std::forward(), since these are very commonly needed and the
// std header <utility> pulls in lots of other stuff.
......@@ -309,6 +325,86 @@ inline constexpr auto min(T&& a, U&& b) -> decltype(a < b ? a : b) { return a <
template <typename T, typename U>
inline constexpr auto max(T&& a, U&& b) -> decltype(a > b ? a : b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
// =======================================================================================
// Useful fake containers
template <typename T>
class Range {
inline constexpr Range(const T& begin, const T& end): begin_(begin), end_(end) {}
class Iterator {
Iterator() = default;
inline Iterator(const T& value): value(value) {}
inline const T& operator*() const { return value; }
inline Iterator& operator++() { ++value; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator++(int) { return Iterator(value++); }
inline bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return value == other.value; }
inline bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return value != other.value; }
T value;
inline Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(begin_); }
inline Iterator end() const { return Iterator(end_); }
inline auto size() const -> decltype(instance<T>() - instance<T>()) { return end_ - begin_; }
T begin_;
T end_;
template <typename T>
inline constexpr Range<Decay<T>> range(T&& begin, T&& end) { return Range<Decay<T>>(begin, end); }
// Returns a fake iterable container containing all values of T from `begin` (inclusive) to `end`
// (exclusive). Example:
// // Prints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
// for (int i: kj::range(1, 10)) { print(i); }
template <typename T>
class Repeat {
inline constexpr Repeat(const T& value, size_t count): value(value), count(count) {}
class Iterator {
Iterator() = default;
inline Iterator(const T& value, size_t index): value(value), index(index) {}
inline const T& operator*() const { return value; }
inline Iterator& operator++() { ++index; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator++(int) { return Iterator(value, index++); }
inline bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return index == other.index; }
inline bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return index != other.index; }
T value;
size_t index;
inline Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(value, 0); }
inline Iterator end() const { return Iterator(value, count); }
inline size_t size() const { return count; }
T value;
size_t count;
template <typename T>
inline constexpr Repeat<Decay<T>> repeat(T&& value, size_t count) {
// Returns a fake iterable which contains `count` repeats of `value`. Useful for e.g. creating
// a bunch of spaces: `kj::repeat(' ', indent * 2)`
return Repeat<Decay<T>>(value, count);
// =======================================================================================
// Manually invoking constructors and destructors
......@@ -117,19 +117,6 @@ private:
Own<Iface> impl;
namespace _ { // private
template <typename T>
T rvalueOrRef(T&&);
// Hack to help detect if an expression is an lvalue or an rvalue.
// int i;
// decltype(i) i1(i); // i1 has type int.
// decltype(rvalueOrRef(i)) i2(i); // i2 has type int&.
// decltype(rvalueOrRef(kj::mv(i)) i3(kj::mv(i)); // i3 has type int.
} // namespace _ (private)
#if 1
namespace _ { // private
......@@ -153,7 +140,7 @@ private:
} // namespace _ (private)
#define KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, method) \
::kj::_::BoundMethod<decltype(::kj::_::rvalueOrRef(obj)), \
::kj::_::BoundMethod<KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(obj), \
decltype(&::kj::Decay<decltype(obj)>::method), \
// Macro that produces a functor object which forwards to the method ``. If `obj` is an
......@@ -172,7 +159,7 @@ private:
#define KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, method) \
({ \
typedef decltype(::kj::_::rvalueOrRef(obj)) T; \
typedef KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(obj) T; \
class F { \
public: \
inline F(T&& t): t(::kj::fwd<T>(t)) {} \
......@@ -237,6 +237,9 @@ struct Stringifier {
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(const String& s) const { return s.asArray(); }
inline ArrayPtr<const char> operator*(const StringPtr& s) const { return s.asArray(); }
inline Range<char> operator*(const Range<char>& r) const { return r; }
inline Repeat<char> operator*(const Repeat<char>& r) const { return r; }
inline FixedArray<char, 1> operator*(char c) const {
FixedArray<char, 1> result;
result[0] = c;
......@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ globalName desc = globalName (descParent desc) ++ "::" ++ descName desc
flattenTypes :: [Desc] -> [Desc]
flattenTypes [] = []
flattenTypes (d@(DescStruct s):rest) = d:(flattenTypes children ++ flattenTypes rest) where
children = catMaybes $ Map.elems $ structMemberMap s
children = structMembers s
flattenTypes (d@(DescUnion u):rest) = d:(flattenTypes children ++ flattenTypes rest) where
children = catMaybes $ Map.elems $ unionMemberMap u
children = unionMembers u
flattenTypes (d@(DescInterface i):rest) = d:(flattenTypes children ++ flattenTypes rest) where
children = catMaybes $ Map.elems $ interfaceMemberMap i
children = interfaceMembers i
flattenTypes (d@(DescEnum _):rest) = d:flattenTypes rest
flattenTypes (_:rest) = flattenTypes rest
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ outerFileContext schemaNodes = fileContext where
context s = parent s
fileContext desc = mkStrContext context where
flattenedMembers = flattenTypes $ catMaybes $ Map.elems $ fileMemberMap desc
flattenedMembers = flattenTypes $ fileMembers desc
namespace = maybe [] (splitOn "::") $ fileNamespace desc
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ static const ::capnp::_::RawSchema::MemberInfo m_{{schemaId}}[] = {
const ::capnp::_::RawSchema s_{{schemaId}} = {
0x{{schemaId}}, b_{{schemaId}}.words, d_{{schemaId}}, m_{{schemaId}},
0x{{schemaId}}, b_{{schemaId}}.words, {{schemaWordCount}}, d_{{schemaId}}, m_{{schemaId}},
{{schemaDependencyCount}}, {{schemaMemberCount}}, nullptr, nullptr
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