Commit d7fc2bf7 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Document how to build on OSX.

parent cbd54ef3
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ be able to ignore any errors that originate outside of the `capnp` and `kj` dire
are just parts of other packages like Google Test that Ekam doesn't fully know how to build, but
aren't needed by Cap'n Proto anyway.
### Running the Benchmarks
#### Running the Benchmarks
Before getting into benchmarks, let me be frank: performance varies wildly by use case, and no
benchmark is going to properly reflect the big picture. If performance is critical to your use
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ This test case involves sending to the server a description of a bunch of cars,
to decide how much the lot is worth. This case is very number-heavy, and because of this
Cap'n Proto's "packed" mode really shines.
### Developing with Ekam
#### Developing with Ekam
If you intend to do some development, you should build `continuous` or `continuous-opt` instead
of `once`. These modes will build everything, then watch the source tree for changes and rebuild
......@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ with error markers.
### Building with Automake
_If you are using Mac OSX, you'll need to follow the modified instructions in the next section._
If setting up Ekam is too much work for you, you can also build with Automake.
1. Make sure the [Google Test]( headers are in your include
......@@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ If setting up Ekam is too much work for you, you can also build with Automake.
mkdir -p ~/gtest-install/include
mkdir -p ~/gtest-install/lib
cp -r include/gtest ~/gtest-install/include/gtest
cp ./lib/.libs/*.a ~/gtest-install/lib
cp lib/.libs/*.a ~/gtest-install/lib
2. Clone and build the Cap'n Proto code.
......@@ -183,3 +185,69 @@ If setting up Ekam is too much work for you, you can also build with Automake.
This will install `libcapnp.a` in `/usr/local/lib` and headers in `/usr/local/include/capnp` and
#### Mac OSX Notes
As of this writing, Mac OSX 10.8 with Xcode 4.6 command-line tools is not quite good enough to
compile Cap'n Proto. The included version of GCC is ancient. The included version of Clang --
which mysteriously advertises itself as version 4.2 -- was actually cut from LLVM SVN somewhere
between versions 3.1 and 3.2; it is not sufficient to build Cap'n Proto.
There are two options:
1. Use [Macports]( or [Fink]( to get an
up-to-date GCC.
2. Obtain Clang 3.2 (or better)
[directly from the LLVM project](
Option 2 is the one preferred by Cap'n Proto's developers. However, it presents some additional
quirks in that you will want to use libc++ (LLVM's implementation of the standard C++ library)
rather than libstdc++ (GCC's implementation). These problems can be worked around as described
First, download the Clang 3.2 binaries and put them somewhere easy to remember:
curl -O
tar zxf clang+llvm-3.2-x86_64-apple-darwin11.tar.gz
mv clang+llvm-3.2-x86_64-apple-darwin11 ~/clang-3.2
Next, you need to symlink the system's libc++ into the clang 3.2 tree so that it can see it:
ln -s /usr/lib/c++ ~/clang-3.2/lib/c++
The other problem is that if you want to run Cap'n Proto's tests (with `make check`), you will need
to make sure Google Test is compiled with libc++. This is further complicated by the fact that
the latest version of Google Test (1.6) relies on `tr1` headers and namespaces, which in C++11
(and therefore libc++) have been folded into the standand namespace. You will need to modify the
gtest code to strip out references to `tr1`. Also, one of gtest's own tests uses `thread_local` as
a variable name, but it is a keyword in C++11, so that will need to be fixed too if you happen to
want to run gtest's tests.
Thus, the gtest instructions from above become:
curl -O
cd gtest-1.6.0
find . -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e \
CXX=clang++ CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++" ./configure
make -j4
mkdir -p ~/gtest-install/include
mkdir -p ~/gtest-install/lib
cp -r include/gtest ~/gtest-install/include/gtest
cp lib/.libs/*.a ~/gtest-install/lib
At this point building Cap'n Proto is just like above, except you need to set `CXX` to the right
git clone
cd capnproto/c++
autoreconf -i
CXX=~/clang-3.2/bin/clang++ \
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG -I$HOME/gtest-install/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/gtest-install/lib" \
make -j4 check
sudo make install
Phew. Here's hoping that XCode 5.0 and a future Google Test release will simplify all this!
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