Commit d7be71cf authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Set version to 0.1-dev

parent 0ad8f301
## Process this file with autoconf to produce configure.
# autoconf can't handle apostrophes in names...
AC_INIT([Capn Proto],[0.1.0],[],[capnproto])
# At head, the version number is the next anticipated minor release with the suffix "-dev". The
# micro version number is omitted. When a release branch is cut, "-dev" is replaced with "-beta"
# in the release branch and the minor version number is bumped in head. In the release branch,
# "-beta" is eventually replaced with a micro version number (initially ".0"), which is then
# incremented for each bugfix release.
AC_INIT([Capn Proto],[0.1-dev],[],[capnproto])
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import WireFormat(encodeSchema)
import CxxGenerator(generateCxx)
version = "Cap'n Proto Compiler 0.1.0-pre (from git)"
version = "Cap'n Proto Compiler 0.1-dev (from git)"
type GeneratorFn = [FileDesc] -> [Word8] -> Map.Map Word64 [Word8] -> IO [(FilePath, LZ.ByteString)]
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