Commit c56218a4 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Revert "Override Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding in http-over-capnp."

This reverts commit 0123e171.

This wasn't the right place to solve this problem. The same problem applies when calling an HttpService directly, or using an HttpClient that wraps an in-process HttpService. Applications that struggle with this need to find a better solution.
parent 0497297c
......@@ -236,9 +236,8 @@ class HttpOverCapnpFactory::ClientRequestContextImpl final
ClientRequestContextImpl(HttpOverCapnpFactory& factory,
kj::Own<RequestState> state,
kj::HttpMethod method,
kj::HttpService::Response& kjResponse)
: factory(factory), state(kj::mv(state)), method(method), kjResponse(kjResponse) {}
: factory(factory), state(kj::mv(state)), kjResponse(kjResponse) {}
~ClientRequestContextImpl() noexcept(false) {
// Note this implicitly cancels the upstream pump task.
......@@ -261,25 +260,8 @@ public:
hasBody = size > 0;
auto headers = factory.headersToKj(rpcResponse.getHeaders());
// Some apps rely on content-length and transfer-encoding actually reflecting the underlying
// stream, so overwrite them here to reflect what the RPC layer says.
if (method == kj::HttpMethod::HEAD) {
// On a HEAD response, there is no body, but the server is allowed to send arbitrary
// values for content-length and transfer-encoding.
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(s, expectedSize) {
// Known body size, set content-length.
headers.set(kj::HttpHeaderId::CONTENT_LENGTH, kj::str(*s));
} else {
// Unknown body size, set transfer-encoding: chunked.
headers.set(kj::HttpHeaderId::TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked"_kj);
auto bodyStream = kjResponse.send(rpcResponse.getStatusCode(), rpcResponse.getStatusText(),
headers, expectedSize);
factory.headersToKj(rpcResponse.getHeaders()), expectedSize);
auto results = context.getResults(MessageSize { 16, 1 });
if (hasBody) {
......@@ -327,7 +309,6 @@ public:
HttpOverCapnpFactory& factory;
kj::Own<RequestState> state;
kj::HttpMethod method;
bool sent = false;
kj::HttpService::Response& kjResponse;
......@@ -374,7 +355,7 @@ public:
kj::heap<ClientRequestContextImpl>(factory, kj::addRef(*state), method, kjResponse));
kj::heap<ClientRequestContextImpl>(factory, kj::addRef(*state), kjResponse));
auto pipeline = rpcRequest.send();
......@@ -463,14 +444,13 @@ class HttpOverCapnpFactory::ServerRequestContextImpl final
ServerRequestContextImpl(HttpOverCapnpFactory& factory,
capnp::HttpRequest::Reader request,
kj::HttpHeaders&& headersParam,
capnp::HttpService::ClientRequestContext::Client clientContext,
kj::Own<kj::AsyncInputStream> requestBodyIn,
kj::HttpService& kjService)
: factory(factory),
// Note we attach `requestBodyIn` to `task` so that we will implicitly cancel reading
// the request body as soon as the service returns. This is important in particular when
......@@ -604,27 +584,8 @@ public:
} else {
requestBody = kj::heap<NullInputStream>();
// Some apps rely on content-length and transfer-encoding actually reflecting the underlying
// stream, so overwrite them here to reflect what the RPC layer says.
kj::HttpHeaders headers = factory.headersToKj(metadata.getHeaders()).clone();
auto method = metadata.getMethod();
if ((method == HttpMethod::HEAD || method == HttpMethod::GET) && !hasBody) {
// When a GET or HEAD request has no body, we set neither header.
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(s, expectedSize) {
// Known body size, set content-length.
headers.set(kj::HttpHeaderId::CONTENT_LENGTH, kj::str(*s));
} else {
// Unknown body size, set transfer-encoding: chunked.
headers.set(kj::HttpHeaderId::TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked"_kj);
factory, metadata, kj::mv(headers), params.getContext(), kj::mv(requestBody), *inner));
factory, metadata, params.getContext(), kj::mv(requestBody), *inner));
return kj::READY_NOW;
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