Commit c1fe2b03 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Update SchemaParser to use KJ filesystem API.

This required some hairy backwards-compatibility hacks as the parseDiskFile() method is widely used.
parent e2a9467b
......@@ -30,26 +30,22 @@
namespace capnp {
namespace {
class FakeFileReader final: public SchemaFile::FileReader {
class FakeFileReader final: public kj::Filesystem {
void add(kj::StringPtr name, kj::StringPtr content) {
files[name] = content;
root->openFile(cwd.eval(name), kj::WriteMode::CREATE | kj::WriteMode::CREATE_PARENT)
bool exists(kj::StringPtr path) const override {
return files.count(path) > 0;
kj::Array<const char> read(kj::StringPtr path) const override {
auto iter = files.find(path);
KJ_ASSERT(iter != files.end(), "FakeFileReader has no such file.", path);
auto result = kj::heapArray<char>(iter->second.size());
memcpy(result.begin(), iter->second.begin(), iter->second.size());
return kj::mv(result);
kj::Directory& getRoot() override { return *root; }
kj::Directory& getCurrent() override { return *current; }
kj::PathPtr getCurrentPath() override { return cwd; }
std::map<kj::StringPtr, kj::StringPtr> files;
kj::Own<kj::Directory> root = kj::newInMemoryDirectory(kj::nullClock());
kj::Path cwd = kj::Path({"path", "to", "current", "dir"});
kj::Own<kj::Directory> current = root->openSubdir(cwd,
kj::WriteMode::CREATE | kj::WriteMode::CREATE_PARENT);
static uint64_t getFieldTypeFileId(StructSchema::Field field) {
......@@ -59,8 +55,9 @@ static uint64_t getFieldTypeFileId(StructSchema::Field field) {
TEST(SchemaParser, Basic) {
SchemaParser parser;
FakeFileReader reader;
SchemaParser parser;
......@@ -90,8 +87,8 @@ TEST(SchemaParser, Basic) {
"/usr/include", "/usr/local/include", "/opt/include"
ParsedSchema barSchema = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
"foo2/bar2.capnp", "src/foo/bar.capnp", importPath, reader));
ParsedSchema barSchema = parser.parseDiskFile(
"foo2/bar2.capnp", "src/foo/bar.capnp", importPath);
auto barProto = barSchema.getProto();
EXPECT_EQ(0x8123456789abcdefull, barProto.getId());
......@@ -109,25 +106,25 @@ TEST(SchemaParser, Basic) {
EXPECT_EQ("garply", barFields[3].getProto().getName());
EXPECT_EQ(0x856789abcdef1234ull, getFieldTypeFileId(barFields[3]));
auto bazSchema = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
auto bazSchema = parser.parseDiskFile(
"src/foo/baz.capnp", importPath, reader));
"src/foo/baz.capnp", importPath);
EXPECT_EQ(0x823456789abcdef1ull, bazSchema.getProto().getId());
EXPECT_EQ("foo2/baz.capnp", bazSchema.getProto().getDisplayName());
auto bazStruct = bazSchema.getNested("Baz").asStruct();
EXPECT_EQ(bazStruct, barStruct.getDependency(bazStruct.getProto().getId()));
auto corgeSchema = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
auto corgeSchema = parser.parseDiskFile(
"src/qux/corge.capnp", importPath, reader));
"src/qux/corge.capnp", importPath);
EXPECT_EQ(0x83456789abcdef12ull, corgeSchema.getProto().getId());
EXPECT_EQ("qux/corge.capnp", corgeSchema.getProto().getDisplayName());
auto corgeStruct = corgeSchema.getNested("Corge").asStruct();
EXPECT_EQ(corgeStruct, barStruct.getDependency(corgeStruct.getProto().getId()));
auto graultSchema = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
auto graultSchema = parser.parseDiskFile(
"/usr/include/grault.capnp", importPath, reader));
"/usr/include/grault.capnp", importPath);
EXPECT_EQ(0x8456789abcdef123ull, graultSchema.getProto().getId());
EXPECT_EQ("grault.capnp", graultSchema.getProto().getDisplayName());
auto graultStruct = graultSchema.getNested("Grault").asStruct();
......@@ -135,9 +132,9 @@ TEST(SchemaParser, Basic) {
// Try importing the other grault.capnp directly. It'll get the display name we specify since
// it wasn't imported before.
auto wrongGraultSchema = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
auto wrongGraultSchema = parser.parseDiskFile(
"/opt/include/grault.capnp", importPath, reader));
"/opt/include/grault.capnp", importPath);
EXPECT_EQ(0x8000000000000001ull, wrongGraultSchema.getProto().getId());
EXPECT_EQ("weird/display/name.capnp", wrongGraultSchema.getProto().getDisplayName());
......@@ -147,8 +144,9 @@ TEST(SchemaParser, Constants) {
// constants are not actually accessible from the generated code API, so the only way to ever
// get a ConstSchema is by parsing it.
SchemaParser parser;
FakeFileReader reader;
SchemaParser parser;
......@@ -164,8 +162,8 @@ TEST(SchemaParser, Constants) {
" value @0 :T;\n"
ParsedSchema fileSchema = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
"const.capnp", "const.capnp", nullptr, reader));
ParsedSchema fileSchema = parser.parseDiskFile(
"const.capnp", "const.capnp", nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(1234, fileSchema.getNested("uint32Const").asConst().as<uint32_t>());
......@@ -198,8 +196,9 @@ void expectSourceInfo(schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader sourceInfo,
TEST(SchemaParser, SourceInfo) {
SchemaParser parser;
FakeFileReader reader;
SchemaParser parser;
......@@ -234,8 +233,8 @@ TEST(SchemaParser, SourceInfo) {
"struct Thud @0xcca9972702b730b4 {}\n"
"# post-comment\n");
ParsedSchema file = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
"foo.capnp", "foo.capnp", nullptr, reader));
ParsedSchema file = parser.parseDiskFile(
"foo.capnp", "foo.capnp", nullptr);
ParsedSchema foo = file.getNested("Foo");
expectSourceInfo(file.getSourceInfo(), 0x84a2c6051e1061edull, "file doc comment\n", {});
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "schema-loader.h"
#include <kj/string.h>
#include <kj/filesystem.h>
namespace capnp {
......@@ -43,31 +44,85 @@ public:
~SchemaParser() noexcept(false);
ParsedSchema parseDiskFile(kj::StringPtr displayName, kj::StringPtr diskPath,
kj::ArrayPtr<const kj::StringPtr> importPath) const;
// Parse a file located on disk. Throws an exception if the file dosen't exist.
// Parameters:
// * `displayName`: The name that will appear in the file's schema node. (If the file has
// already been parsed, this will be ignored and the display name from the first time it was
// parsed will be kept.)
// * `diskPath`: The path to the file on disk.
// * `importPath`: Directories to search when resolving absolute imports within this file
// (imports that start with a `/`). Must remain valid until the SchemaParser is destroyed.
// (If the file has already been parsed, this will be ignored and the import path from the
// first time it was parsed will be kept.)
ParsedSchema parseFromDirectory(kj::ReadableDirectory& baseDir, kj::Path path,
kj::ArrayPtr<kj::ReadableDirectory* const> importPath) const;
// Parse a file from the KJ filesystem API. Throws an exception if the file dosen't exist.
// `baseDir` and `path` are used together to resolve relative imports. `path` is the source
// file's path within `baseDir`. Relative imports will be interpreted relative to `path` and
// will be opened using `baseDir`. Note that the KJ filesystem API prohibits "breaking out" of
// a directory using "..", so relative imports will be restricted to children of `baseDir`.
// `importPath` is used for absolute imports (imports that start with a '/'). Each directory in
// the array will be searched in order until a file is found.
// All `ReadableDirectory` objects must remain valid until the `SchemaParser` is destroyed. Also,
// the `importPath` array must remain valid. `path` will be copied; it need not remain valid.
// This method is a shortcut, equivalent to:
// parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(displayName, diskPath, importPath))`;
// parser.parseFromDirectory(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(baseDir, path, importPath))`;
// This method throws an exception if any errors are encountered in the file or in anything the
// file depends on. Note that merely importing another file does not count as a dependency on
// anything in the imported file -- only the imported types which are actually used are
// "dependencies".
// Hint: Use kj::newDiskFilesystem() to initialize the KJ filesystem API. Usually you should do
// this at a high level in your program, e.g. the main() function, and then pass down the
// appropriate File/Directory objects to the components that need them. Example:
// auto fs = kj::newDiskFilesystem();
// SchemaParser parser;
// auto schema = parser->parseFromDirectory(fs->getCurrent(),
// kj::Path::parse("foo/bar.capnp"), nullptr);
// Hint: To use in-memory data rather than real disk, you can use kj::newInMemoryDirectory(),
// write the files you want, then pass it to SchemaParser. Example:
// auto dir = kj::newInMemoryDirectory(kj::nullClock());
// auto path = kj::Path::parse("foo/bar.capnp");
// dir->openFile(path, kj::WriteMode::CREATE | kj::WriteMode::CREATE_PARENT)
// ->writeAll("struct Foo {}");
// auto schema = parser->parseFromDirectory(*dir, path, nullptr);
// Hint: You can create an in-memory directory but then populate it with real files from disk,
// in order to control what is visible while also avoiding reading files yourself or making
// extra copies. Example:
// auto fs = kj::newDiskFilesystem();
// auto dir = kj::newInMemoryDirectory(kj::nullClock());
// auto fakePath = kj::Path::parse("foo/bar.capnp");
// auto realPath = kj::Path::parse("path/to/some/file.capnp");
// dir->transfer(fakePath, kj::WriteMode::CREATE | kj::WriteMode::CREATE_PARENT,
// fs->getCurrent(), realPath, kj::TransferMode::LINK);
// auto schema = parser->parseFromDirectory(*dir, fakePath, nullptr);
// In this example, note that any imports in the file will fail, since the in-memory directory
// you created contains no files except the specific one you linked in.
ParsedSchema parseDiskFile(kj::StringPtr displayName, kj::StringPtr diskPath,
kj::ArrayPtr<const kj::StringPtr> importPath) const
CAPNP_DEPRECATED("Use parseFromDirectory() instead.");
// Creates a private kj::Filesystem and uses it to parse files from the real disk.
// DO NOT USE in new code. Use parseFromDirectory() instead.
// This API has a serious problem: the file can import and embed files located anywhere on disk
// using relative paths. Even if you specify no `importPath`, relative imports still work. By
// using `parseFromDirectory()`, you can arrange so that imports are only allowed within a
// particular directory, or even set up a dummy filesystem where other files are not visible.
void setDiskFilesystem(kj::Filesystem& fs)
CAPNP_DEPRECATED("Use parseFromDirectory() instead.");
// Call before calling parseDiskFile() to choose an alternative disk filesystem implementation.
// This exists mostly for testing purposes; new code should use parseFromDirectory() instead.
// If parseDiskFile() is called without having called setDiskFilesystem(), then
// kj::newDiskFilesystem() will be used instead.
ParsedSchema parseFile(kj::Own<SchemaFile>&& file) const;
// Advanced interface for parsing a file that may or may not be located in any global namespace.
// Most users will prefer `parseDiskFile()`.
// Most users will prefer `parseFromDirectory()`.
// If the file has already been parsed (that is, a SchemaFile that compares equal to this one
// was parsed previously), the existing schema will be returned again.
......@@ -90,6 +145,7 @@ public:
struct Impl;
struct DiskFileCompat;
class ModuleImpl;
kj::Own<Impl> impl;
mutable bool hadErrors = false;
......@@ -135,44 +191,20 @@ class SchemaFile {
// `SchemaFile::newDiskFile()`.
class FileReader {
virtual bool exists(kj::StringPtr path) const = 0;
virtual kj::Array<const char> read(kj::StringPtr path) const = 0;
class DiskFileReader final: public FileReader {
// Implementation of FileReader that uses the local disk. Files are read using mmap() if
// possible.
static const DiskFileReader instance;
bool exists(kj::StringPtr path) const override;
kj::Array<const char> read(kj::StringPtr path) const override;
static kj::Own<SchemaFile> newDiskFile(
kj::StringPtr displayName, kj::StringPtr diskPath,
kj::ArrayPtr<const kj::StringPtr> importPath,
const FileReader& fileReader = DiskFileReader::instance);
// Construct a SchemaFile representing a file on disk (or located in the filesystem-like
// namespace represented by `fileReader`).
// Parameters:
// * `displayName`: The name that will appear in the file's schema node.
// * `diskPath`: The path to the file on disk.
// * `importPath`: Directories to search when resolving absolute imports within this file
// (imports that start with a `/`). The array content must remain valid as long as the
// SchemaFile exists (which is at least as long as the SchemaParser that parses it exists).
// * `fileReader`: Allows you to use a filesystem other than the actual local disk. Although,
// if you find yourself using this, it may make more sense for you to implement SchemaFile
// yourself.
// The SchemaFile compares equal to any other SchemaFile that has exactly the same disk path,
// after canonicalization.
// The SchemaFile will throw an exception if any errors are reported.
// Note: Cap'n Proto 0.6.x and below had classes FileReader and DiskFileReader and a method
// newDiskFile() defined here. These were removed when SchemaParser was transitioned to use the
// KJ filesystem API. You should be able to get the same effect by subclassing
// kj::ReadableDirectory, or using kj::newInMemoryDirectory().
static kj::Own<SchemaFile> newFromDirectory(
kj::ReadableDirectory& baseDir, kj::Path path,
kj::ArrayPtr<kj::ReadableDirectory* const> importPath,
kj::Maybe<kj::String> displayNameOverride = nullptr);
// Construct a SchemaFile representing a file in a kj::ReadableDirectory. This is used to
// implement SchemaParser::parseFromDirectory(); see there for details.
// The SchemaFile compares equal to any other SchemaFile that has exactly the same `baseDir`
// object (by identity) and `path` (by value).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// For more control, you can implement this interface.
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