Commit be6027ee authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

capnp eval command for evaluating constants.

parent c61b12ff
......@@ -103,7 +103,9 @@ public:
.addSubCommand("decode", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getDecodeMain),
"Decode binary Cap'n Proto message to text.")
.addSubCommand("encode", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getEncodeMain),
"Encode text Cap'n Proto message to binary.");
"Encode text Cap'n Proto message to binary.")
.addSubCommand("eval", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, getEvalMain),
"Evaluate a const from a schema file.");
......@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ public:
"type <type> defined in <schema-file>. Messages are read from standard input and "
"by default are expected to be in standard Cap'n Proto serialization format.");
builder.addOption({'f', "flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat),
builder.addOption({"flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat),
"Interpret the input as one large single-segment message rather than a "
"stream in standard serialization format.")
.addOption({'p', "packed"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codePacked),
......@@ -168,11 +170,12 @@ public:
" (foo = 123, bar = \"hello\", baz = [true, false, true])\n"
"The input may contain any number of such values; each will be encoded as a separate "
"Note that the current implementation reads the entire input into memory before "
"beginning to encode. A better implementation would read and encode one message at "
"a time.");
builder.addOption({'f', "flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat),
builder.addOption({"flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat),
"Expect only one input value, serializing it as a single-segment message "
"with no framing.")
.addOption({'p', "packed"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codePacked),
......@@ -189,6 +192,39 @@ public:
kj::MainFunc getEvalMain() {
// Only parse the schemas we actually need for decoding.
compileEagerness = Compiler::NODE;
// Drop annotations since we don't need them. This avoids importing files like c++.capnp.
annotationFlag = Compiler::DROP_ANNOTATIONS;
kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING,
"Evaluates the `const` declaration <name> defined in <schema-file> and outputs the "
"value in text or binary format. Since consts can have complex struct types, and "
"since you can build a const using other const values, this can be a convenient way "
"to write text-format config files which are compiled to binary before deployment.",
"By default the value is written in text format and can have any type. The -b, -p, "
"and --flat flags specify binary output, in which case the const must be of struct "
builder.addOption({'b', "binary"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeBinary),
"Write the output as binary instead of text, using standard Cap'n Proto "
.addOption({"flat"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codeFlat),
"Write the output as a flat single-segment binary message, with no framing.")
.addOption({'p', "packed"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, codePacked),
"Write the output as packed binary instead of text, using standard Cap'n "
"Proto packing, which deflates zero-valued bytes.")
.addOption({"short"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, printShort),
"Print in short (non-pretty) text format. The message will be printed on "
"one line, without using whitespace to improve readability.")
.expectArg("<schema-file>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addSource))
.expectArg("<name>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, evalConst));
void addGlobalOptions(kj::MainBuilder& builder) {
builder.addOptionWithArg({'I', "import-path"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addImportPath), "<dir>",
"Add <dir> to the list of directories searched for non-relative "
......@@ -426,12 +462,20 @@ public:
// =====================================================================================
// "decode" command
kj::MainBuilder::Validity codeBinary() {
if (packed) return "cannot be used with --packed";
if (flat) return "cannot be used with --flat";
binary = true;
return true;
kj::MainBuilder::Validity codeFlat() {
if (binary) return "cannot be used with --binary";
if (packed) return "cannot be used with --packed";
flat = true;
return true;
kj::MainBuilder::Validity codePacked() {
if (binary) return "cannot be used with --binary";
if (flat) return "cannot be used with --flat";
packed = true;
return true;
......@@ -452,36 +496,42 @@ public:
kj::MainBuilder::Validity setRootType(kj::StringPtr type) {
KJ_ASSERT(sourceFiles.size() == 1);
uint64_t id = sourceFiles[0].id;
while (type.size() > 0) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(schema, resolveName(sourceFiles[0].id, type)) {
if (schema->getProto().which() != schema::Node::STRUCT) {
return "not a struct type";
rootType = schema->asStruct();
return true;
} else {
return "no such type";
kj::Maybe<Schema> resolveName(uint64_t scopeId, kj::StringPtr name) {
while (name.size() > 0) {
kj::String temp;
kj::StringPtr part;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(dotpos, type.findFirst('.')) {
temp = kj::heapString(type.slice(0, *dotpos));
KJ_IF_MAYBE(dotpos, name.findFirst('.')) {
temp = kj::heapString(name.slice(0, *dotpos));
part = temp;
type = type.slice(*dotpos + 1);
name = name.slice(*dotpos + 1);
} else {
part = type;
type = nullptr;
part = name;
name = nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(childId, compiler->lookup(id, part)) {
id = *childId;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(childId, compiler->lookup(scopeId, part)) {
scopeId = *childId;
} else {
return "no such type";
return nullptr;
Schema schema = compiler->getLoader().get(id);
if (schema.getProto().which() != schema::Node::STRUCT) {
return "not a struct type";
rootType = schema.asStruct();
return true;
return compiler->getLoader().get(scopeId);
kj::MainBuilder::Validity decode() {
kj::FdInputStream rawInput(STDIN_FILENO);
kj::BufferedInputStreamWrapper input(rawInput);
......@@ -519,7 +569,7 @@ public:
return true;
......@@ -567,7 +617,7 @@ private:
// =====================================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
kj::MainBuilder::Validity encode() {
kj::Vector<char> allText;
......@@ -638,7 +688,42 @@ public:
return true;
kj::MainBuilder::Validity evalConst(kj::StringPtr type) {
KJ_ASSERT(sourceFiles.size() == 1);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(schema, resolveName(sourceFiles[0].id, type)) {
if (schema->getProto().which() != schema::Node::CONST) {
return "not a const";
DynamicValue::Reader value = schema->asConst();
if (binary || packed || flat) {
if (value.getType() != DynamicValue::STRUCT) {
return "not a struct; binary output is only available on structs";
kj::FdOutputStream rawOutput(STDOUT_FILENO);
kj::BufferedOutputStreamWrapper output(rawOutput);
writeFlat(<DynamicStruct>(), output);
} else {
if (pretty && value.getType() == DynamicValue::STRUCT) {
} else if (pretty && value.getType() == DynamicValue::LIST) {
} else {
} else {
return "no such type";
......@@ -763,6 +848,7 @@ private:
kj::Vector<kj::String> sourcePrefixes;
bool addStandardImportPaths = true;
bool binary = false;
bool flat = false;
bool packed = false;
bool pretty = true;
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