Commit b72dd35a authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Fix EzRpc example.

parent ef2efa98
......@@ -37,32 +37,33 @@ class EzRpcClient {
// # Cap'n Proto schema
// interface Adder {
// add @0 (left :Int32, right :Int32) -> (result :Int32);
// add @0 (left :Int32, right :Int32) -> (value :Int32);
// }
// // C++ client
// int main() {
// EzRpcClient client("");
// Adder::Client adder = client.getCap<Adder>("adder");
// auto request = adder.frobRequest();
// capnp::EzRpcClient client("localhost:3456");
// Adder::Client adder = client.importCap<Adder>("adder");
// auto request = adder.addRequest();
// request.setLeft(12);
// request.setRight(34);
// auto response = request.wait(client.getWaitScope());
// assert(response.getResult() == 46);
// auto response = request.send().wait(client.getWaitScope());
// assert(response.getValue() == 46);
// return 0;
// }
// // C++ server
// class AdderImpl: public Adder::Server {
// class AdderImpl final: public Adder::Server {
// public:
// kj::Promise<void> frob(FrobParams::Reader params, FrobResults::Builder results) {
// results.setResult(params.getLeft() + params.getRight());
// kj::Promise<void> add(AddContext context) override {
// auto params = context.getParams();
// context.getResults().setValue(params.getLeft() + params.getRight());
// return kj::READY_NOW;
// }
// };
// int main() {
// EzRpcServer server(":3456");
// capnp::EzRpcServer server("*:3456");
// server.exportCap("adder", kj::heap<AdderImpl>());
// kj::NEVER_DONE.wait(server.getWaitScope());
// }
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public:
return Promise<T>(false, neverDone());
void wait(WaitScope& waitScope) KJ_NORETURN;
void wait(WaitScope& waitScope) const KJ_NORETURN;
} // namespace _ (private)
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Own<PromiseNode> neverDone() {
return kj::heap<NeverDonePromiseNode>();
void NeverDone::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) {
void NeverDone::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) const {
ExceptionOr<Void> dummy;
waitImpl(neverDone(), dummy, waitScope);
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