Commit b6356690 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Re-run tests, still passing.

parent 2c2c8a69
linux-gcc-5 7981 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-5 compiler g++-5 linux-gcc-5 9717 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-5 compiler g++-5
linux-gcc-6 7973 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-6 compiler g++-6 linux-gcc-6 9710 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-6 compiler g++-6
linux-clang-3 8113 ./ tmpdir capnp-clang-3 compiler clang++-3.8 linux-clang-3 9855 ./ tmpdir capnp-clang-3 compiler clang++-3.8
linux-clang-5 8113 ./ tmpdir capnp-clang-5 compiler clang++-5.0 linux-clang-5 9858 ./ tmpdir capnp-clang-5 compiler clang++-5.0
exotic 4786 ./ tmpdir capnp-exotic exotic exotic 4759 ./ tmpdir capnp-exotic exotic
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