Commit ae3ac594 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda


parent 0962de20
......@@ -27,5 +27,8 @@ continuous-opt:
CXXFLAGS="$(EXTRA_FLAG) -std=c++11 -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wall" LIBS='-lz -pthread' $(EKAM) -j6 -c -n :51315
CXXFLAGS="$(EXTRA_FLAG) -std=c++11 -Os -DNDEBUG -Wall" LIBS='-lz -pthread' $(EKAM) -j6 -c -n :51315
rm -rf bin lib tmp
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ That said, Cap'n Proto does have a small suite of silly benchmarks used to valid
The Ekam build will put the benchmark binaries in `tmp/capnp/benchmark`.
This runs the default test case, CatRank. CatRank simulates a search engine scoring algorithm
which promotes pages that discuss cats (and demotes ones discussing dogs). A list of up to 1000
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ result list sorted by score.
This test case is very string-heavy. Cap'n Proto performs well due to its zero-copy strings, but
packing the message doesn't help much.
tmp/capnp/benchmark eval
tmp/capnp/benchmark/runner eval
In this test case, the client generates a random, deeply-nested arithmetic expression for the
server to evaluate. This case is a pathologically bad case for Cap'n Proto as it involves lots of
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ pointers with relatively little actual data. When packing is enabled it actuall
Protobufs by a little bit on CPU time (as of this writing, at least; it'll probably get better with
tmp/capnp/benchmark carsales
tmp/capnp/benchmark/runner carsales
This test case involves sending to the server a description of a bunch of cars, and asks the server
to decide how much the lot is worth. This case is very number-heavy, and because of this
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