Commit 9fbc28f8 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Make 'capnp decode' heuristically detect and warn when the wrong format flag…

Make 'capnp decode' heuristically detect and warn when the wrong format flag (e.g. --packed, --flat) is used.
parent 87e04952
......@@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ public:
.addOption({"short"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, printShort),
"Print in short (non-pretty) format. Each message will be printed on one "
"line, without using whitespace to improve readability.")
.addOption({"quiet"}, KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, setQuiet),
"Do not print warning messages about the input being in the wrong format. "
"Use this if you find the warnings are wrong (but also let us know so "
"we can improve them).")
.expectArg("<schema-file>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, addSource))
.expectArg("<type>", KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, setRootType))
.callAfterParsing(KJ_BIND_METHOD(*this, decode));
......@@ -484,6 +488,10 @@ public:
pretty = false;
return true;
kj::MainBuilder::Validity setQuiet() {
quiet = true;
return true;
kj::MainBuilder::Validity setSegmentSize(kj::StringPtr size) {
if (flat) return "cannot be used with --flat";
char* end;
......@@ -536,6 +544,13 @@ public:
kj::FdInputStream rawInput(STDIN_FILENO);
kj::BufferedInputStreamWrapper input(rawInput);
if (!quiet) {
auto result = checkPlausibility(input.getReadBuffer());
if (result.getError() != nullptr) {
return kj::mv(result);
if (flat) {
// Read in the whole input to decode as one segment.
kj::Array<word> words;
......@@ -576,11 +591,18 @@ public:
struct ParseErrorCatcher: public kj::ExceptionCallback {
void onRecoverableException(kj::Exception&& e) {
if (e.getNature() == kj::Exception::Nature::PRECONDITION) {
// This is probably a problem with the input. Let's try to report it more nicely.
// Only capture the first exception, on the assumption that later exceptions are probably
// just cascading problems.
if (exception == nullptr) {
exception = kj::mv(e);
} else {
// This is probably a bug, not a problem with the input.
kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> exception;
......@@ -596,12 +618,12 @@ private:
MessageReaderType reader(input, options);
auto root = reader.template getRoot<DynamicStruct>(rootType);
kj::String text;
kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> exception;
ParseErrorCatcher catcher;
auto root = reader.template getRoot<DynamicStruct>(rootType);
if (pretty) {
text = kj::str(prettyPrint(root), '\n');
} else {
......@@ -613,8 +635,328 @@ private:
kj::FdOutputStream(STDOUT_FILENO).write(text.begin(), text.size());
KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, exception) {
context.error(kj::str("*** error in previous message ***\n", *e, "\n*** end error ***"));
"The following error occurred while decoding the message above.\n"
"This probably means the input data is invalid/corrupted.\n",
"Exception description: ", e->getDescription(), "\n"
"Code location: ", e->getFile(), ":", e->getLine(), "\n"
"*** END ERROR ***"));
enum Plausibility {
bool plausibleOrWrongType(Plausibility p) {
return p == PLAUSIBLE || p == WRONG_TYPE;
Plausibility isPlausiblyFlat(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix) {
if (prefix.size() < 8) {
// Not enough prefix to say.
if ((prefix[0] & 3) != 0) {
// Not a struct pointer.
if ((prefix[3] & 0x80) != 0) {
// Offset is negative (invalid).
if ((prefix[3] & 0xe0) != 0) {
// Offset is over a gigabyte (implausible).
uint data = prefix[4] | (prefix[5] << 8);
uint pointers = prefix[6] | (prefix[7] << 8);
if (data + pointers > 2048) {
// Root struct is huge (over 16 KiB).
auto structSchema = rootType.getProto().getStruct();
if ((data < structSchema.getDataWordCount() && pointers > structSchema.getPointerCount()) ||
(data > structSchema.getDataWordCount() && pointers < structSchema.getPointerCount())) {
// Struct is neither older nor newer than the schema.
return WRONG_TYPE;
if (data > structSchema.getDataWordCount() &&
data - structSchema.getDataWordCount() > 128) {
// Data section appears to have grown by 1k (128 words). This seems implausible.
return WRONG_TYPE;
if (pointers > structSchema.getPointerCount() &&
pointers - structSchema.getPointerCount() > 128) {
// Pointer section appears to have grown by 1k (128 words). This seems implausible.
return WRONG_TYPE;
Plausibility isPlausiblyBinary(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix) {
if (prefix.size() < 8) {
// Not enough prefix to say.
uint32_t segmentCount = prefix[0] | (prefix[1] << 8)
| (prefix[2] << 16) | (prefix[3] << 24);
if (segmentCount > 65536) {
// While technically possible, this is so implausible that we should mark it impossible.
// This helps to make sure we fail fast on packed input.
} else if (segmentCount > 256) {
// Implausible segment count.
uint32_t segment0Size = prefix[5] | (prefix[6] << 8)
| (prefix[7] << 16) | (prefix[8] << 24);
if (segment0Size > (1 << 27)) {
// Segment larger than 1G seems implausible.
uint32_t segment0Offset = 4 + segmentCount * 4;
if (segment0Offset % 8 != 0) {
segment0Offset += 4;
KJ_ASSERT(segment0Offset % 8 == 0);
if (prefix.size() < segment0Offset + 8) {
// Segment 0 is past our prefix, so we can't check it.
return isPlausiblyFlat(prefix.slice(segment0Offset, prefix.size()));
Plausibility isPlausiblyPacked(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix) {
kj::Vector<byte> unpacked;
// Try to unpack a prefix so that we can check it.
const byte* pos = prefix.begin();
const byte* end = prefix.end();
if (end - pos > 1024) {
// Don't bother unpacking more than 1k.
end = pos + 1024;
while (pos < end) {
byte tag = *pos++;
for (uint i = 0; i < 8 && pos < end; i++) {
if (tag & (1 << i)) {
byte b = *pos++;
if (b == 0) {
// A zero byte should have been deflated away.
} else {
if (pos == end) {
if (tag == 0) {
uint count = *pos++ * 8;
unpacked.addAll(kj::repeat(byte(0), count));
} else if (tag == 0xff) {
uint count = *pos++ * 8;
size_t available = end - pos;
uint n = kj::min(count, available);
unpacked.addAll(pos, pos + n);
pos += n;
return isPlausiblyBinary(unpacked);
kj::MainBuilder::Validity checkPlausibility(kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> prefix) {
if (flat) {
switch (isPlausiblyFlat(prefix)) {
if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) {
return "The input is not in --flat format. It looks like it is in --packed format. "
"Try that instead.";
} else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) {
return "The input is not in --flat format. It looks like it is in regular binary "
"format. Try removing the --flat flag.";
} else {
return "The input is not a Cap'n Proto message.";
if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be in --flat format. It looks like it may\n"
"be in --packed format. I'll try to parse it in --flat format as you\n"
"requested, but if it doesn't work, try --packed instead. Use --quiet to\n"
"suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be in --flat format. It looks like it may\n"
"be in regular binary format. I'll try to parse it in --flat format as you\n"
"requested, but if it doesn't work, try removing --flat. Use --quiet to\n"
"suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be a Cap'n Proto message in any known\n"
"binary format. I'll try to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please\n"
"check your input. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n"
"to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n"
"have the right type. This could also be because the input is not in --flat\n"
"format; indeed, it looks like this input may be in regular binary format,\n"
"so you might want to try removing --flat. Use --quiet to suppress this\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n"
"to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n"
"have the right type. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else if (packed) {
switch (isPlausiblyPacked(prefix)) {
if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) {
return "The input is not in --packed format. It looks like it is in regular binary "
"format. Try removing the --packed flag.";
} else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) {
return "The input is not in --packed format, nor does it look like it is in regular "
"binary format. It looks like it could be in --flat format, although that "
"is unusual so I could be wrong.";
} else {
return "The input is not a Cap'n Proto message.";
if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyBinary(prefix))) {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be in --packed format. It looks like it\n"
"may be in regular binary format. I'll try to parse it in --packed format as\n"
"you requested, but if it doesn't work, try removing --packed. Use --quiet to\n"
"suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be in --packed format, nor does it look\n"
"like it's in regular binary format. It looks like it could be in --flat\n"
"format, although that is unusual so I could be wrong. I'll try to parse\n"
"it in --flat format as you requested, but if it doesn't work, you might\n"
"want to try --flat, or the data may not be Cap'n Proto at all. Use\n"
"--quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be a Cap'n Proto message in any known\n"
"binary format. I'll try to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please\n"
"check your input. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n"
"to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n"
"have the right type. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else {
switch (isPlausiblyBinary(prefix)) {
if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) {
return "The input is not in regular binary format. It looks like it is in --packed "
"format. Try adding the --packed flag.";
} else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) {
return "The input is not in regular binary format, nor does it look like it is in "
"--packed format. It looks like it could be in --flat format, although that "
"is unusual so I could be wrong.";
} else {
return "The input is not a Cap'n Proto message.";
if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyPacked(prefix))) {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be in regular binary format. It looks like\n"
"it may be in --packed format. I'll try to parse it in regular format as you\n"
"requested, but if it doesn't work, try adding --packed. Use --quiet to\n"
"suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else if (plausibleOrWrongType(isPlausiblyFlat(prefix))) {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be in regular binary format, nor does it\n"
"look like it's in --packed format. It looks like it could be in --flat\n"
"format, although that is unusual so I could be wrong. I'll try to parse\n"
"it in regular format as you requested, but if it doesn't work, you might\n"
"want to try --flat, or the data may not be Cap'n Proto at all. Use\n"
"--quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
} else {
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be a Cap'n Proto message in any known\n"
"binary format. I'll try to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please\n"
"check your input. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
"*** WARNING ***\n"
"The input data does not appear to be the type that you specified. I'll try\n"
"to parse it anyway, but if it doesn't look right, please verify that you\n"
"have the right type. Use --quiet to suppress this warning.\n"
"*** END WARNING ***\n");
return true;
......@@ -855,6 +1197,7 @@ private:
bool flat = false;
bool packed = false;
bool pretty = true;
bool quiet = false;
uint segmentSize = 0;
StructSchema rootType;
// For the "decode" and "encode" commands.
......@@ -350,11 +350,24 @@ public:
Iterator() = default;
inline Iterator(const T& value): value(value) {}
inline const T& operator*() const { return value; }
inline const T& operator* () const { return value; }
inline const T& operator[](size_t index) const { return value + index; }
inline Iterator& operator++() { ++value; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator++(int) { return Iterator(value++); }
inline Iterator& operator--() { --value; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator--(int) { return Iterator(value--); }
inline Iterator& operator+=(ptrdiff_t amount) { value += amount; return *this; }
inline Iterator& operator-=(ptrdiff_t amount) { value -= amount; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator+ (ptrdiff_t amount) const { return Iterator(value + amount); }
inline Iterator operator- (ptrdiff_t amount) const { return Iterator(value - amount); }
inline ptrdiff_t operator- (const Iterator& other) const { return value - other.value; }
inline bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return value == other.value; }
inline bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return value != other.value; }
inline bool operator<=(const Iterator& other) const { return value <= other.value; }
inline bool operator>=(const Iterator& other) const { return value >= other.value; }
inline bool operator< (const Iterator& other) const { return value < other.value; }
inline bool operator> (const Iterator& other) const { return value > other.value; }
T value;
......@@ -388,11 +401,24 @@ public:
Iterator() = default;
inline Iterator(const T& value, size_t index): value(value), index(index) {}
inline const T& operator*() const { return value; }
inline const T& operator* () const { return value; }
inline const T& operator[](ptrdiff_t index) const { return value; }
inline Iterator& operator++() { ++index; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator++(int) { return Iterator(value, index++); }
inline Iterator& operator--() { --index; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator--(int) { return Iterator(value, index--); }
inline Iterator& operator+=(ptrdiff_t amount) { index += amount; return *this; }
inline Iterator& operator-=(ptrdiff_t amount) { index -= amount; return *this; }
inline Iterator operator+ (ptrdiff_t amount) const { return Iterator(value, index + amount); }
inline Iterator operator- (ptrdiff_t amount) const { return Iterator(value, index - amount); }
inline ptrdiff_t operator- (const Iterator& other) const { return index - other.index; }
inline bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return index == other.index; }
inline bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return index != other.index; }
inline bool operator<=(const Iterator& other) const { return index <= other.index; }
inline bool operator>=(const Iterator& other) const { return index >= other.index; }
inline bool operator< (const Iterator& other) const { return index < other.index; }
inline bool operator> (const Iterator& other) const { return index > other.index; }
T value;
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