Commit 98845801 authored by Harris Hancock's avatar Harris Hancock

Add HttpServerErrorHandler interface to provide visibility and customization of HttpServer errors

The HttpServerErrorHandler is separate from the HttpService interface, because error-handling is more in the domain of the HttpServer, which can export multiple HttpServices (via the factory constructor overload).
parent 4e776ef1
......@@ -4632,7 +4632,8 @@ kj::Promise<kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream>> HttpService::connect(kj::StringPtr host)
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("CONNECT is not implemented by this HttpService");
class HttpServer::Connection final: private HttpService::Response {
class HttpServer::Connection final: private HttpService::Response,
private HttpServerErrorHandler {
Connection(HttpServer& server, kj::AsyncIoStream& stream,
HttpService& service)
......@@ -4777,8 +4778,7 @@ public:
if (currentMethod != nullptr) {
return sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", kj::str(
"ERROR: The HttpService did not generate a response."));
return sendError();
if (httpOutput.isBroken()) {
......@@ -4846,14 +4846,13 @@ public:
} else {
// Bad request.
return sendError(400, "Bad Request", kj::str(
"ERROR: The headers sent by your client were not valid."));
// sendError() uses Response::send(), which requires that we have a currentMethod, but we
// never read one. GET seems like the correct choice here.
currentMethod = HttpMethod::GET;
return sendError("ERROR: The headers sent by your client were not valid.");
}).catch_([this](kj::Exception&& e) -> kj::Promise<bool> {
// Exception; report 500.
if (currentMethod == nullptr) {
// Dang, already sent a partial response. Can't do anything else.
// Exception; report 5xx.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, webSocketError) {
// sendWebSocketError() was called. Finish sending and close the connection. Don't log
......@@ -4863,32 +4862,7 @@ public:
return kj::mv(promise);
// If it's a DISCONNECTED exception, it's probably that the client disconnected, which is
// not really worth logging.
if (e.getType() != kj::Exception::Type::DISCONNECTED) {
KJ_LOG(ERROR, "HttpService threw exception after generating a partial response",
"too late to report error to client", e);
return false;
if (e.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::OVERLOADED) {
return sendError(503, "Service Unavailable", kj::str(
"ERROR: The server is temporarily unable to handle your request. Details:\n\n", e));
} else if (e.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::UNIMPLEMENTED) {
return sendError(501, "Not Implemented", kj::str(
"ERROR: The server does not implement this operation. Details:\n\n", e));
} else if (e.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::DISCONNECTED) {
// How do we tell an HTTP client that there was a transient network error, and it should
// try again immediately? There's no HTTP status code for this (503 is meant for "try
// again later, not now"). Here's an idea: Don't send any response; just close the
// connection, so that it looks like the connection between the HTTP client and server
// was dropped. A good client should treat this exactly the way we want.
return false;
} else {
return sendError(500, "Internal Server Error", kj::str(
"ERROR: The server threw an exception. Details:\n\n", e));
return sendError(kj::mv(e));
......@@ -4903,6 +4877,7 @@ private:
bool closed = false;
bool upgraded = false;
bool webSocketClosed = false;
bool closeAfterSend = false; // True if send() should set Connection: close.
kj::Maybe<kj::Promise<bool>> webSocketError;
kj::Own<kj::AsyncOutputStream> send(
......@@ -4914,6 +4889,10 @@ private:
kj::StringPtr connectionHeaders[HttpHeaders::CONNECTION_HEADERS_COUNT];
kj::String lengthStr;
if (closeAfterSend) {
connectionHeaders[HttpHeaders::BuiltinIndices::CONNECTION] = "close";
if (statusCode == 204 || statusCode == 205 || statusCode == 304) {
// No entity-body.
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(s, expectedBodySize) {
......@@ -4965,24 +4944,23 @@ private:
"can't call acceptWebSocket() if the request headers didn't have Upgrade: WebSocket");
auto method = KJ_REQUIRE_NONNULL(currentMethod, "already called send()");
currentMethod = nullptr;
// Unlike send(), we neither need nor want to null out currentMethod. The error cases below
// depend on it being non-null to allow error responses to be sent, and the happy path expects
// it to be GET.
if (method != HttpMethod::GET) {
return sendWebSocketError(400, "Bad Request", kj::str(
"ERROR: WebSocket must be initiated with a GET request."));
return sendWebSocketError("ERROR: WebSocket must be initiated with a GET request.");
if (requestHeaders.get(HttpHeaderId::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION).orDefault(nullptr) != "13") {
return sendWebSocketError(400, "Bad Request", kj::str(
"ERROR: The requested WebSocket version is not supported."));
return sendWebSocketError("ERROR: The requested WebSocket version is not supported.");
kj::String key;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(k, requestHeaders.get(HttpHeaderId::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY)) {
currentMethod = HttpMethod::GET;
key = kj::str(*k);
} else {
return sendWebSocketError(400, "Bad Request", kj::str("ERROR: Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key"));
return sendWebSocketError("ERROR: Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key");
auto websocketAccept = generateWebSocketAccept(key);
......@@ -5006,24 +4984,43 @@ private:
httpInput, httpOutput, nullptr);
kj::Promise<bool> sendError(uint statusCode, kj::StringPtr statusText, kj::String body) {
HttpHeaders failed(server.requestHeaderTable);
failed.set(HttpHeaderId::CONNECTION, "close");
failed.set(HttpHeaderId::CONTENT_LENGTH, kj::str(body.size()));
kj::Promise<bool> sendError(kj::StringPtr message) {
closeAfterSend = true;
failed.set(HttpHeaderId::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
// Client protocol errors always happen on request headers parsing, before we call into the
// HttpService, meaning no response has been sent and we can provide a Response object.
auto promise = server.settings.errorHandler.orDefault(*this).handleClientProtocolError(
message, *this);
httpOutput.writeHeaders(failed.serializeResponse(statusCode, statusText));
return httpOutput.flush().then([]() { return false; }); // loop ends after flush
return promise.then([this]() { return httpOutput.flush(); })
.then([]() { return false; }); // loop ends after flush
kj::Promise<bool> sendError(kj::Exception&& exception) {
closeAfterSend = true;
// We only provide the Response object if we know we haven't already sent a response.
auto promise = server.settings.errorHandler.orDefault(*this).handleApplicationError(
kj::mv(exception),[this](auto&&) -> Response& { return *this; }));
return promise.then([this]() { return httpOutput.flush(); })
.then([]() { return false; }); // loop ends after flush
kj::Own<WebSocket> sendWebSocketError(
uint statusCode, kj::StringPtr statusText, kj::String errorMessage) {
kj::Promise<bool> sendError() {
closeAfterSend = true;
// We can provide a Response object, since none has already been sent.
auto promise = server.settings.errorHandler.orDefault(*this).handleNoResponse(*this);
return promise.then([this]() { return httpOutput.flush(); })
.then([]() { return false; }); // loop ends after flush
kj::Own<WebSocket> sendWebSocketError(StringPtr errorMessage) {
kj::Exception exception = KJ_EXCEPTION(FAILED,
"received bad WebSocket handshake", errorMessage);
webSocketError = sendError(statusCode, statusText, kj::mv(errorMessage));
webSocketError = sendError(errorMessage);
// Fallback path when exceptions are disabled.
......@@ -5147,4 +5144,76 @@ void HttpServer::taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) {
KJ_LOG(ERROR, "unhandled exception in HTTP server", exception);
kj::Promise<void> HttpServerErrorHandler::handleClientProtocolError(
kj::StringPtr message, kj::HttpService::Response& response) {
// Default error handler implementation.
HttpHeaderTable headerTable {};
HttpHeaders headers(headerTable);
headers.set(HttpHeaderId::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
auto errorMessage = kj::str(message);
auto body = response.send(400, "Bad Request", headers, errorMessage.size());
return body->write(errorMessage.begin(), errorMessage.size())
.attach(kj::mv(errorMessage), kj::mv(body));
kj::Promise<void> HttpServerErrorHandler::handleApplicationError(
kj::Exception exception, kj::Maybe<kj::HttpService::Response&> response) {
// Default error handler implementation.
if (exception.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::DISCONNECTED) {
// How do we tell an HTTP client that there was a transient network error, and it should
// try again immediately? There's no HTTP status code for this (503 is meant for "try
// again later, not now"). Here's an idea: Don't send any response; just close the
// connection, so that it looks like the connection between the HTTP client and server
// was dropped. A good client should treat this exactly the way we want.
// We also bail here to avoid logging the disconnection, which isn't very interesting.
return kj::READY_NOW;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, response) {
HttpHeaderTable headerTable {};
HttpHeaders headers(headerTable);
headers.set(HttpHeaderId::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
kj::String errorMessage;
kj::Own<AsyncOutputStream> body;
if (exception.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::OVERLOADED) {
errorMessage = kj::str(
"ERROR: The server is temporarily unable to handle your request. Details:\n\n", exception);
body = r->send(503, "Service Unavailable", headers, errorMessage.size());
} else if (exception.getType() == kj::Exception::Type::UNIMPLEMENTED) {
errorMessage = kj::str(
"ERROR: The server does not implement this operation. Details:\n\n", exception);
body = r->send(501, "Not Implemented", headers, errorMessage.size());
} else {
errorMessage = kj::str(
"ERROR: The server threw an exception. Details:\n\n", exception);
body = r->send(500, "Internal Server Error", headers, errorMessage.size());
return body->write(errorMessage.begin(), errorMessage.size())
.attach(kj::mv(errorMessage), kj::mv(body));
KJ_LOG(ERROR, "HttpService threw exception after generating a partial response",
"too late to report error to client", exception);
return kj::READY_NOW;
kj::Promise<void> HttpServerErrorHandler::handleNoResponse(kj::HttpService::Response& response) {
HttpHeaderTable headerTable {};
HttpHeaders headers(headerTable);
headers.set(HttpHeaderId::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
constexpr auto errorMessage = "ERROR: The HttpService did not generate a response."_kj;
auto body = response.send(500, "Internal Server Error", headers, errorMessage.size());
return body->write(errorMessage.begin(), errorMessage.size()).attach(kj::mv(body));
} // namespace kj
......@@ -751,6 +751,8 @@ WebSocketPipe newWebSocketPipe();
// end. No buffering occurs -- a message send does not complete until a corresponding receive
// accepts the message.
class HttpServerErrorHandler;
struct HttpServerSettings {
kj::Duration headerTimeout = 15 * kj::SECONDS;
// After initial connection open, or after receiving the first byte of a pipelined request,
......@@ -767,6 +769,44 @@ struct HttpServerSettings {
// request so that it can pipeline the next one. We'll give them a grace period defined by the
// above two values -- if they hit either one, we'll close the socket, but if the request
// completes, we'll let the connection stay open to handle more requests.
kj::Maybe<HttpServerErrorHandler&> errorHandler = nullptr;
// Customize how client protocol errors and service application exceptions are handled by the
// HttpServer. If null, HttpServerErrorHandler's default implementation will be used.
class HttpServerErrorHandler {
virtual kj::Promise<void> handleClientProtocolError(
kj::StringPtr message, kj::HttpService::Response& response);
virtual kj::Promise<void> handleApplicationError(
kj::Exception exception, kj::Maybe<kj::HttpService::Response&> response);
virtual kj::Promise<void> handleNoResponse(kj::HttpService::Response& response);
// Override these functions to customize error handling during the request/response cycle.
// Client protocol errors arise when the server receives an HTTP message that fails to parse. As
// such, HttpService::request() will not have been called yet, and the handler is always
// guaranteed an opportunity to send a response. The default implementation of
// handleClientProtocolError() replies with a 400 Bad Request response.
// Application errors arise when HttpService::request() throws an exception. The default
// implementation of handleApplicationError() maps the following exception types to HTTP statuses,
// and generates bodies from the stringified exceptions:
// - OVERLOADED: 503 Service Unavailable
// - UNIMPLEMENTED: 501 Not Implemented
// - DISCONNECTED: (no response)
// - FAILED: 500 Internal Server Error
// No-response errors occur when HttpService::request() allows its promise to settle before
// sending a response. The default implementation of handleNoResponse() replies with a 500
// Internal Server Error response.
// Unlike `HttpService::request()`, when calling `response.send()` in the context of one of these
// functions, a "Connection: close" header will be added, and the connection will be closed.
// Also unlike `HttpService::request()`, it is okay to return kj::READY_NOW without calling
// `response.send()`. In this case, no response will be sent, and the connection will be closed.
class HttpServer final: private kj::TaskSet::ErrorHandler {
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