Commit 943a8b68 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Improve implementation of doc comment collection and expose in SchemaParser interface.

parent 63573705
......@@ -433,11 +433,7 @@ public:
nodes.setWithCaveats(i, schemas[i].getProto());
auto docs = compiler->getLoader().getAllDocs();
auto docnodes = request.initNodeDocs(docs.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < docs.size(); i++) {
docnodes.setWithCaveats(i, docs[i]);
auto requestedFiles = request.initRequestedFiles(sourceFiles.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < sourceFiles.size(); i++) {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -91,10 +91,16 @@ public:
// exception if the parent ID is not recognized; returns null if the parent has no child of the
// given name. Neither the parent nor the child schema node is actually compiled.
kj::Maybe<schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader> getSourceInfo(uint64_t id) const;
// Get the SourceInfo for the given type ID, if available.
getFileImportTable(Module& module, Orphanage orphanage) const;
// Build the import table for the CodeGeneratorRequest for the given module.
Orphan<List<schema::Node::SourceInfo>> getAllSourceInfo(Orphanage orphanage) const;
// Gets the SourceInfo structs for all nodes parsed by the compiler.
enum Eagerness: uint32_t {
// Flags specifying how eager to be about compilation. These are intended to be bitwise OR'd.
// Used with the method `eagerlyCompile()`.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -137,6 +137,9 @@ public:
// Auxiliary nodes that were produced when translating this node and should be loaded along
// with it. In particular, structs that contain groups (or named unions) spawn extra nodes
// representing those, and interfaces spawn struct nodes representing method params/results.
kj::Array<schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader> sourceInfo;
// The SourceInfo for the node and all aux nodes.
NodeSet getBootstrapNode();
......@@ -161,9 +164,6 @@ public:
// `brandBuilder` may be used to construct a message which will fill in ResolvedDecl::brand in
// the result.
kj::Maybe<Orphan<schema::NodeDoc>>& getDoc() { return wipNodeDoc; };
void addFieldDoc(uint codeOrder, ::capnp::Text::Reader docComment);
class DuplicateNameDetector;
class DuplicateOrdinalDetector;
......@@ -179,17 +179,21 @@ private:
kj::Own<BrandScope> localBrand;
Orphan<schema::Node> wipNode;
kj::Maybe<Orphan<schema::NodeDoc>> wipNodeDoc;
// The work-in-progress schema node and its docstring
// The work-in-progress schema node.
kj::Vector<std::pair<uint, ::capnp::Text::Reader>> fieldDocs;
// TODO(now): Don't use std::pair.
Orphan<schema::Node::SourceInfo> sourceInfo;
// Doc comments and other source info for this node.
struct AuxNode {
Orphan<schema::Node> node;
Orphan<schema::Node::SourceInfo> sourceInfo;
kj::Vector<Orphan<schema::Node>> groups;
kj::Vector<AuxNode> groups;
// If this is a struct node and it contains groups, these are the nodes for those groups, which
// must be loaded together with the top-level node.
kj::Vector<Orphan<schema::Node>> paramStructs;
kj::Vector<AuxNode> paramStructs;
// If this is an interface, these are the auto-generated structs representing params and results.
struct UnfinishedValue {
......@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ public:
const _::RawBrandedSchema* getUnbound(const _::RawSchema* schema);
kj::Array<Schema> getAllLoaded() const;
kj::Array<schema::NodeDoc::Reader> getAllDocs() const;
void loadDoc(schema::NodeDoc::Reader docReader);
void requireStructSize(uint64_t id, uint dataWordCount, uint pointerCount);
// Require any struct nodes loaded with this ID -- in the past and in the future -- to have at
......@@ -159,7 +157,6 @@ private:
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, _::RawSchema*> schemas;
std::unordered_map<SchemaBindingsPair, _::RawBrandedSchema*, SchemaBindingsPairHash> brands;
std::unordered_map<const _::RawSchema*, _::RawBrandedSchema*> unboundBrands;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, schema::NodeDoc::Reader> docs;
struct RequiredSize {
uint16_t dataWordCount;
......@@ -1849,24 +1846,6 @@ kj::Array<Schema> SchemaLoader::Impl::getAllLoaded() const {
return result;
kj::Array<schema::NodeDoc::Reader> SchemaLoader::Impl::getAllDocs() const {
size_t count = 0;
for (auto& doc: docs) {
kj::Array<schema::NodeDoc::Reader> result = kj::heapArray<schema::NodeDoc::Reader>(count);
size_t i = 0;
for (auto& doc: docs) {
result[i++] = doc.second;
return result;
void SchemaLoader::Impl::loadDoc(schema::NodeDoc::Reader docReader) {
docs[docReader.getId()] = docReader;
void SchemaLoader::Impl::requireStructSize(uint64_t id, uint dataWordCount, uint pointerCount) {
auto& slot = structSizeRequirements[id];
slot.dataWordCount = kj::max(slot.dataWordCount, dataWordCount);
......@@ -2126,14 +2105,6 @@ kj::Array<Schema> SchemaLoader::getAllLoaded() const {
return impl.lockShared()->get()->getAllLoaded();
kj::Array<schema::NodeDoc::Reader> SchemaLoader::getAllDocs() const {
return impl.lockShared()->get()->getAllDocs();
void SchemaLoader::loadDoc(schema::NodeDoc::Reader docReader) const {
return impl.lockExclusive()->get()->loadDoc(docReader);
void SchemaLoader::loadNative(const _::RawSchema* nativeSchema) {
......@@ -152,9 +152,6 @@ public:
// loadCompiledTypeAndDependencies<T>() in order to get a flat list of all of T's transitive
// dependencies.
kj::Array<schema::NodeDoc::Reader> getAllDocs() const;
void loadDoc(schema::NodeDoc::Reader docReader) const;
class Validator;
class CompatibilityChecker;
......@@ -181,5 +181,81 @@ TEST(SchemaParser, Constants) {
EXPECT_EQ("text", genericConst.get("value").as<Text>());
void expectSourceInfo(schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader sourceInfo,
uint64_t expectedId, kj::StringPtr expectedComment,
std::initializer_list<const kj::StringPtr> expectedMembers) {
KJ_EXPECT(sourceInfo.getId() == expectedId, sourceInfo, expectedId);
KJ_EXPECT(sourceInfo.getDocComment() == expectedComment, sourceInfo, expectedComment);
auto members = sourceInfo.getMembers();
KJ_ASSERT(members.size() == expectedMembers.size());
for (auto i: kj::indices(expectedMembers)) {
KJ_EXPECT(members[i].getDocComment() == expectedMembers.begin()[i],
members[i], expectedMembers.begin()[i]);
TEST(SchemaParser, SourceInfo) {
SchemaParser parser;
FakeFileReader reader;
"# file doc comment\n"
"struct Foo @0xc6527d0a670dc4c3 {\n"
" # struct doc comment\n"
" # second line\n"
" bar @0 :UInt32;\n"
" # field doc comment\n"
" baz :group {\n"
" # group doc comment\n"
" qux @1 :Text;\n"
" # group field doc comment\n"
" }\n"
"enum Corge @0xae08878f1a016f14 {\n"
" # enum doc comment\n"
" grault @0;\n"
" # enumerant doc comment\n"
" garply @1;\n"
"interface Waldo @0xc0f1b0aff62b761e {\n"
" # interface doc comment\n"
" fred @0 (plugh :Int32) -> (xyzzy :Text);\n"
" # method doc comment\n"
"struct Thud @0xcca9972702b730b4 {}\n"
"# post-comment\n");
ParsedSchema file = parser.parseFile(SchemaFile::newDiskFile(
"foo.capnp", "foo.capnp", nullptr, reader));
ParsedSchema foo = file.getNested("Foo");
expectSourceInfo(file.getSourceInfo(), 0x84a2c6051e1061edull, "file doc comment\n", {});
expectSourceInfo(foo.getSourceInfo(), 0xc6527d0a670dc4c3ull, "struct doc comment\nsecond line\n",
{ "field doc comment\n", "group doc comment\n" });
auto group = foo.asStruct().getFieldByName("baz").getType().asStruct();
group.getProto().getId(), "group doc comment\n", { "group field doc comment\n" });
ParsedSchema corge = file.getNested("Corge");
expectSourceInfo(corge.getSourceInfo(), 0xae08878f1a016f14, "enum doc comment\n",
{ "enumerant doc comment\n", "" });
ParsedSchema waldo = file.getNested("Waldo");
expectSourceInfo(waldo.getSourceInfo(), 0xc0f1b0aff62b761e, "interface doc comment\n",
{ "method doc comment\n" });
ParsedSchema thud = file.getNested("Thud");
expectSourceInfo(thud.getSourceInfo(), 0xcca9972702b730b4, "post-comment\n", {});
} // namespace
} // namespace capnp
......@@ -196,6 +196,10 @@ ParsedSchema SchemaParser::parseFile(kj::Own<SchemaFile>&& file) const {
return ParsedSchema(impl->compiler.getLoader().get(id), *this);
kj::Maybe<schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader> SchemaParser::getSourceInfo(Schema schema) const {
return impl->compiler.getSourceInfo(schema.getProto().getId());
SchemaParser::ModuleImpl& SchemaParser::getModuleImpl(kj::Own<SchemaFile>&& file) const {
auto lock = impl->fileMap.lockExclusive();
......@@ -226,6 +230,10 @@ ParsedSchema ParsedSchema::getNested(kj::StringPtr nestedName) const {
schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader ParsedSchema::getSourceInfo() const {
return KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(parser->getSourceInfo(*this));
// =======================================================================================
namespace {
......@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ public:
// normally. In this case, the result is a best-effort attempt to compile the schema, but it
// may be invalid or corrupt, and using it for anything may cause exceptions to be thrown.
kj::Maybe<schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader> getSourceInfo(Schema schema) const;
// Look up source info (e.g. doc comments) for the given schema, which must have come from this
// SchemaParser. Note that this will also work for implicit group and param types that don't have
// a type name hence don't have a `ParsedSchema`.
template <typename T>
inline void loadCompiledTypeAndDependencies() {
// See SchemaLoader::loadCompiledTypeAndDependencies().
......@@ -110,6 +115,9 @@ public:
// Gets the nested node with the given name, or throws an exception if there is no such nested
// declaration.
schema::Node::SourceInfo::Reader getSourceInfo() const;
// Get the source info for this schema.
inline ParsedSchema(Schema inner, const SchemaParser& parser): Schema(inner), parser(&parser) {}
......@@ -169,19 +169,33 @@ struct Node {
targetsAnnotation @30 :Bool;
struct NodeDoc {
# separate carrier for documentation comments on Nodes,
# to keep them out of the binary descriptors
struct SourceInfo {
# Additional information about a node which is not needed at runtime, but may be useful for
# documentation or debugging purposes. This is kept in a separate struct to make sure it
# doesn't accidentally get included in contexts where it is not needed. The
# `CodeGeneratorRequest` includes this information in a separate array.
id @0 :Id;
# ID should exist as Node in the same request
id @0 :Id;
# ID of the Node which this info describes.
docComment @1 :Text;
docComment @1 :Text;
# The top-level doc comment for the Node.
fieldDocs @2 :List(FieldDoc);
# valid only if Node is a "struct"
members @2 :List(Member);
# Information about each member -- i.e. fields (for structs), enumerants (for enums), or
# methods (for interfaces).
# This list is the same length and order as the corresponding list in the Node, i.e.
# Node.struct.fields, Node.enum.enumerants, or Node.interface.methods.
struct Member {
docComment @0 :Text;
# Doc comment on the member.
# TODO(someday): Record location of the declaration in the original source code.
struct Field {
......@@ -242,13 +256,6 @@ struct Field {
struct FieldDoc {
# separate container to carry field docstrings
codeOrder @0 :UInt16;
docComment @1 :Text;
struct Enumerant {
# Schema for member of an enum.
......@@ -488,8 +495,9 @@ struct CodeGeneratorRequest {
# All nodes parsed by the compiler, including for the files on the command line and their
# imports.
nodeDocs @3 :List(NodeDoc);
# documentation comments for nodes, where present
sourceInfo @3 :List(Node.SourceInfo);
# Information about the original source code for each node, where available. This array may be
# omitted or may be missing some nodes if no info is available for them.
requestedFiles @1 :List(RequestedFile);
# Files which were listed on the command line.
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