Commit 8f5bb09d authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Implement FunctionParam, a zero-alloc, non-template way of accepting a lambda.

parent 63e28343
......@@ -117,5 +117,51 @@ TEST(ConstFunction, Method) {
EXPECT_EQ(9 + 2 + 5, f(2, 9));
int testFunctionParam(FunctionParam<int(char, bool)> func, char c, bool b) {
return func(c, b);
int testFunctionParamRecursive(FunctionParam<int(char, bool)> func, char c, bool b) {
return testFunctionParam(func, c, b);
KJ_TEST("FunctionParam") {
int i = 123;
int result = testFunctionParam([i](char c, bool b) {
KJ_EXPECT(c == 'x');
KJ_EXPECT(i == 123);
return 456;
}, 'x', true);
KJ_EXPECT(result == 456);
int i = 123;
auto func = [i](char c, bool b) {
KJ_EXPECT(c == 'x');
KJ_EXPECT(i == 123);
return 456;
int result = testFunctionParam(func, 'x', true);
KJ_EXPECT(result == 456);
int i = 123;
int result = testFunctionParamRecursive([i](char c, bool b) {
KJ_EXPECT(c == 'x');
KJ_EXPECT(i == 123);
return 456;
}, 'x', true);
KJ_EXPECT(result == 456);
} // namespace
} // namespace kj
......@@ -89,6 +89,15 @@ template <typename Signature>
class ConstFunction;
// Like Function, but wraps a "const" (i.e. thread-safe) call.
template <typename Signature>
class FunctionParam;
// Like Function, but used specifically as a call parameter type. Does not do any heap allocation.
// This type MUST NOT be used for anything other than a parameter type to a function or method.
// This is because if FunctionParam binds to a temporary, it assumes that the temporary will
// outlive the FunctionParam instance. This is true when FunctionParam is used as a parameter type,
// but not if it is used as a local variable nor a class member variable.
template <typename Return, typename... Params>
class Function<Return(Params...)> {
......@@ -195,6 +204,54 @@ private:
Own<Iface> impl;
template <typename Return, typename... Params>
class FunctionParam<Return(Params...)> {
template <typename Func>
FunctionParam(Func&& func) {
typedef Wrapper<Decay<Func>> WrapperType;
// All instances of Wrapper<Func> are two pointers in size: a vtable, and a Func&. So if we
// allocate space for two pointers, we can construct a Wrapper<Func> in it!
static_assert(sizeof(WrapperType) == sizeof(space));
// Even if `func` is an rvalue reference, it's OK to use it as an lvalue here, because
// FunctionParam is used strictly for parameters. If we captured a temporary, we know that
// temporary will not be destroyed until after the function call completes.
ctor(*reinterpret_cast<WrapperType*>(space), func);
FunctionParam(const FunctionParam& other) = default;
FunctionParam(FunctionParam& other) = default;
FunctionParam(FunctionParam&& other) = default;
// Magically, a plain copy works.
inline Return operator()(Params... params) {
return (*reinterpret_cast<WrapperBase*>(space))(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
void* space[2];
class WrapperBase {
virtual Return operator()(Params... params) = 0;
template <typename Func>
class Wrapper: public WrapperBase {
Wrapper(Func& func): func(func) {}
inline Return operator()(Params... params) override {
return func(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
Func& func;
#if 1
namespace _ { // private
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