Commit 8bfe482a authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Allow SchemaLoader to use a callback to lazily load schema nodes, including…

Allow SchemaLoader to use a callback to lazily load schema nodes, including dependencies of loaded nodes.
parent 2ca6d90c
......@@ -147,11 +147,16 @@ struct RawSchema {
// This is an internal structure which could change in the future.
uint64_t id;
const word* encodedNode;
// Encoded SchemaNode, readable via readMessageUnchecked<schema::Node>(encodedNode).
const RawSchema* const* dependencies;
// Pointers to other types on which this one depends, sorted by ID.
// Pointers to other types on which this one depends, sorted by ID. The schemas in this table
// may be uninitialized -- you must call ensureInitialized() on the one you wish to use before
// using it.
// TODO(someday): Make this a hashtable.
struct MemberInfo {
......@@ -171,6 +176,23 @@ struct RawSchema {
// Points to the RawSchema of a compiled-in type to which it is safe to cast any DynamicValue
// with this schema. This is null for all compiled-in types; it is only set by SchemaLoader on
// dynamically-loaded types.
class Initializer {
virtual void init(const RawSchema* schema) const = 0;
const Initializer* lazyInitializer;
// Lazy initializer, invoked by ensureInitialized().
inline void ensureInitialized() const {
// Lazy initialization support. Invoke to ensure that initialization has taken place. This
// is required in particular when traversing the dependency list. RawSchemas for compiled-in
// types are always initialized; only dynamically-loaded schemas may be lazy.
const Initializer* i = __atomic_load_n(&lazyInitializer, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
if (i != nullptr) i->init(this);
template <typename T>
......@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ TEST(SchemaLoader, Incompatible) {
loadUnderAlternateTypeId<test::TestAllTypes>(loader, typeId<test::TestListDefaults>()));
// TODO(test): More extensively test upgrade/downgrade checks.
TEST(SchemaLoader, Enumerate) {
SchemaLoader loader;
......@@ -222,7 +224,88 @@ TEST(SchemaLoader, Enumerate) {
// TODO(test): More extensively test upgrade/downgrade checks.
TEST(SchemaLoader, EnumerateNoPlaceholders) {
SchemaLoader loader;
Schema schema = loader.load(Schema::from<TestDefaults>().getProto());
auto list = loader.getAllLoaded();
ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(list[0] == schema);
Schema dep = schema.getDependency(typeId<TestAllTypes>());
auto list = loader.getAllLoaded();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, list.size());
if (list[0] == schema) {
EXPECT_TRUE(list[1] == dep);
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(list[0] == dep);
EXPECT_TRUE(list[1] == schema);
class FakeLoaderCallback: public SchemaLoader::LazyLoadCallback {
FakeLoaderCallback(const schema::Node::Reader node): node(node), loaded(false) {}
bool isLoaded() { return loaded; }
void load(const SchemaLoader& loader, uint64_t id) const override {
if (id == 1234) {
// Magic "not found" ID.
EXPECT_EQ(node.getId(), id);
loaded = true;
const schema::Node::Reader node;
mutable bool loaded = false;
TEST(SchemaLoader, LazyLoad) {
FakeLoaderCallback callback(Schema::from<TestAllTypes>().getProto());
SchemaLoader loader(callback);
EXPECT_TRUE(loader.tryGet(1234) == nullptr);
Schema schema = loader.get(typeId<TestAllTypes>());
EXPECT_EQ(schema, schema.getDependency(typeId<TestAllTypes>()));
EXPECT_EQ(schema, loader.get(typeId<TestAllTypes>()));
TEST(SchemaLoader, LazyLoadGetDependency) {
FakeLoaderCallback callback(Schema::from<TestAllTypes>().getProto());
SchemaLoader loader(callback);
Schema schema = loader.load(Schema::from<TestDefaults>().getProto());
Schema dep = schema.getDependency(typeId<TestAllTypes>());
EXPECT_EQ(dep, schema.getDependency(typeId<TestAllTypes>()));
EXPECT_EQ(dep, loader.get(typeId<TestAllTypes>()));
} // namespace
} // namespace _ (private)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -26,12 +26,34 @@
#include "schema.h"
#include <kj/memory.h>
#include <kj/mutex.h>
namespace capnp {
class SchemaLoader {
class LazyLoadCallback {
virtual void load(const SchemaLoader& loader, uint64_t id) const = 0;
// Request that the schema node with the given ID be loaded into the given SchemaLoader. If
// the callback is able to find a schema for this ID, it should invoke `loadIfNew()` on
// `loader` to load it. If no such node exists, it should simply do nothing and return.
// The callback is allowed to load schema nodes other than the one requested, e.g. because it
// expects they will be needed soon.
// If the `SchemaLoader` is used from multiple threads, the callback must be thread-safe.
// In particular, it's possible for multiple threads to invoke `load()` with the same ID.
// If the callback performs a large amount of work to look up IDs, it should be sure to
// de-dup these requests.
SchemaLoader(const LazyLoadCallback& callback);
// Construct a SchemaLoader which will invoke the given callback when a schema node is requested
// that isn't already loaded.
~SchemaLoader() noexcept(false);
......@@ -79,6 +101,11 @@ public:
// Also note that unknown types are not considered invalid. Instead, the dynamic API returns
// a DynamicValue with type UNKNOWN for these.
Schema loadIfNew(const schema::Node::Reader& reader) const;
// Like `load()` but does nothing if a schema with the same ID is already loaded. In contrast,
// `load()` would attempt to compare the schemas and take the newer one. `loadIfNew()` is safe
// to call even while concurrently using schemas from this loader.
template <typename T>
void loadCompiledTypeAndDependencies();
// Load the schema for the given compiled-in type and all of its dependencies.
......@@ -96,7 +123,8 @@ private:
class Validator;
class CompatibilityChecker;
class Impl;
kj::Own<Impl> impl;
class InitializerImpl;
kj::MutexGuarded<kj::Own<Impl>> impl;
void loadNative(const _::RawSchema* nativeSchema);
......@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ Schema Schema::getDependency(uint64_t id) const {
while (lower < upper) {
uint mid = (lower + upper) / 2;
Schema candidate(raw->dependencies[mid]);
const _::RawSchema* candidate = raw->dependencies[mid];
uint64_t candidateId = candidate.getProto().getId();
uint64_t candidateId = candidate->id;
if (candidateId == id) {
return candidate;
return Schema(candidate);
} else if (candidateId < id) {
lower = mid + 1;
} else {
......@@ -86,7 +86,10 @@ public:
const _::RawSchema* raw;
inline explicit Schema(const _::RawSchema* raw): raw(raw) {}
inline explicit Schema(const _::RawSchema* raw): raw(raw) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(raw->lazyInitializer == nullptr,
"Must call ensureInitialized() on RawSchema before constructing Schema.");
template <typename T> static inline Schema fromImpl() {
return Schema(&_::rawSchema<T>());
......@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ Mutex::~Mutex() {
void Mutex::lock() noexcept {
void Mutex::lock() {
void Mutex::readLock() noexcept {
void Mutex::readLock() {
void Mutex::unlock(bool lockedForRead) noexcept {
void Mutex::unlock(bool lockedForRead) {
......@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ public:
void lock() noexcept;
void readLock() noexcept;
void unlock(bool lockedForRead) noexcept;
void lock();
void readLock();
void unlock(bool lockedForRead);
mutable pthread_rwlock_t mutex;
......@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ static const ::capnp::_::RawSchema::MemberInfo m_{{schemaId}}[] = {
const ::capnp::_::RawSchema s_{{schemaId}} = {
b_{{schemaId}}.words, d_{{schemaId}}, m_{{schemaId}},
{{schemaDependencyCount}}, {{schemaMemberCount}}, nullptr
0x{{schemaId}}, b_{{schemaId}}.words, d_{{schemaId}}, m_{{schemaId}},
{{schemaDependencyCount}}, {{schemaMemberCount}}, nullptr, nullptr
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