Commit 8a046f6e authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Work around apparent Clang optimization bug on arm64.

parent 1e56a130
......@@ -1725,11 +1725,21 @@ int64_t unsignedToSigned<int64_t>(unsigned long long value) {
template <typename T, typename U>
T checkRoundTrip(U value) {
KJ_REQUIRE(T(value) == value, "Value out-of-range for requested type.", value) {
#if __aarch64__
// Work around an apparently broken compiler optimization on Clang / arm64. It appears that
// for T = int8_t, U = double, and value = 128, the compiler incorrectly believes that the
// round-trip does not change the value, where in fact it should change to -128. Similar problems
// exist for various other types and inputs -- json-test seems to exercise several problem cases.
// The problem only exists when compiling with optimization. In any case, declaring the variable
// `volatile` kills the optimization.
T result = value;
KJ_REQUIRE(U(result) == value, "Value out-of-range for requested type.", value) {
// Use it anyway.
return value;
return result;
} // namespace
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