Commit 85a2ec20 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Cancellation isn't evil, just misunderstood.

parent 51ef79f6
......@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ private:
// Delete this promise to cancel the call.
kj::Maybe<const RpcCallContext&> callContext;
// The call context, if it's still active. Becomes null when the `Return` message is sent. This
// object, if non-null, is owned by `asyncOp`.
// The call context, if it's still active. Becomes null when the `Return` message is sent.
// This object, if non-null, is owned by `asyncOp`.
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<CapInjectorImpl>> resultCaps;
// Set when `Return` is sent, free when `Finish` is received.
......@@ -1877,6 +1877,26 @@ private:
returnMessage(nullptr) {}
~RpcCallContext() noexcept(false) {
if (isFirstResponder()) {
// We haven't sent a return yet, so we must have been canceled. Send a cancellation return.
unwindDetector.catchExceptionsIfUnwinding([&]() {
auto message = connectionState->connection->newOutgoingMessage(
requestCapExtractor.retainedListSizeHint(true) + messageSizeHint<rpc::Return>());
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
auto retainedCaps = requestCapExtractor.finalizeRetainedCaps(
cleanupAnswerTable(connectionState->tables.lockExclusive(), nullptr);
void sendReturn() {
if (isFirstResponder()) {
if (response == nullptr) getResults(1); // force initialization of response
......@@ -1909,22 +1929,6 @@ private:
cleanupAnswerTable(connectionState->tables.lockExclusive(), nullptr);
void sendCancel() {
if (isFirstResponder()) {
auto message = connectionState->connection->newOutgoingMessage(
requestCapExtractor.retainedListSizeHint(true) + messageSizeHint<rpc::Return>());
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
auto retainedCaps = requestCapExtractor.finalizeRetainedCaps(
cleanupAnswerTable(connectionState->tables.lockExclusive(), nullptr);
void requestCancel() const {
// Hints that the caller wishes to cancel this call. At the next time when cancellation is
......@@ -2009,9 +2013,9 @@ private:
auto promise = request->send();
// Link pipelines.
// KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, tailCallPipelineFulfiller) {
// f->get()->fulfill(kj::mv(kj::implicitCast<ObjectPointer::Pipeline&>(promise)));
// }
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, tailCallPipelineFulfiller) {
// Wait for response.
return promise.then([this](Response<ObjectPointer>&& tailResponse) {
......@@ -2085,6 +2089,8 @@ private:
// on an application promise continuation callback to finish executing, which could take
// arbitrary time.
kj::UnwindDetector unwindDetector;
// -----------------------------------------------------
void scheduleCancel() const {
......@@ -2109,9 +2115,13 @@ private:
// we try to schedule doCancel() on the application thread, so that it won't need to block.
asyncOp = nullptr;
// OK, now that we know the call isn't running in another thread, we can drop our thread
// safety and send a return message.
// The `Return` will be sent when the context is destroyed. That might be right now, when
// `self` goes out of scope. However, it is also possible that the pipeline is still in
// use: although `Finish` removes the pipeline reference from the answer table, it might
// be held by an outstanding pipelined call, or by a pipelined promise that was echoed back
// to us later (as a `receiverAnswer` in a `CapDescriptor`), or it may be held in the
// resolution chain. In all of these cases, the call will continue running until those
// references are dropped or the call completes.
......@@ -393,9 +393,12 @@ struct Finish {
# pipelined requests).
# 2) Any capabilities in the results other than the ones listed below should be implicitly
# released.
# 3) If the call has not returned yet, the caller no longer cares about the result, so the
# callee may wish to immediately cancel the operation and send back a Return message with
# "canceled" set.
# 3) If the call has not returned yet, the caller no longer cares about the result. If nothing
# else cares about the result either (e.g. there are to other outstanding calls pipelined on
# the result of this one) then the callee may wish to immediately cancel the operation and
# send back a Return message with "canceled" set. However, implementations are not requried
# to support premature cancellation -- instead, the implementation may wait until the call
# actually completes and send a normal `Return` message.
# TODO(soon): Should we separate (1) and (2)? It would be possible and useful to notify the
# server that it doesn't need to keep around the response to service pipeline requests even
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