Commit 851f51e5 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Overhaul the way EventLoop is specialized so that it's possible to hook up to an…

Overhaul the way EventLoop is specialized so that it's possible to hook up to an existing event loop infrastructure that is not KJ-aware.  This also makes the async IO API more dependency-injection-friendly.
parent 296f9af1
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace {
TEST(Capability, Basic) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
test::TestInterface::Client client(kj::heap<TestInterfaceImpl>(callCount));
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ TEST(Capability, Basic) {
TEST(Capability, Inheritance) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
test::TestExtends::Client client1(kj::heap<TestExtendsImpl>(callCount));
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ TEST(Capability, Inheritance) {
TEST(Capability, Pipelining) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
int chainedCallCount = 0;
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ TEST(Capability, Pipelining) {
TEST(Capability, TailCall) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int calleeCallCount = 0;
int callerCallCount = 0;
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ TEST(Capability, TailCall) {
TEST(Capability, AsyncCancelation) {
// Tests allowAsyncCancellation().
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
bool destroyed = false;
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ TEST(Capability, AsyncCancelation) {
TEST(Capability, SyncCancelation) {
// Tests isCanceled() without allowAsyncCancellation().
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
int innerCallCount = 0;
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ TEST(Capability, SyncCancelation) {
// =======================================================================================
TEST(Capability, DynamicClient) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
DynamicCapability::Client client =
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ TEST(Capability, DynamicClient) {
TEST(Capability, DynamicClientInheritance) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ TEST(Capability, DynamicClientInheritance) {
TEST(Capability, DynamicClientPipelining) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
int chainedCallCount = 0;
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ public:
TEST(Capability, DynamicServer) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
test::TestInterface::Client client =
......@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ public:
TEST(Capability, DynamicServerInheritance) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
test::TestExtends::Client client1 =
......@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ public:
TEST(Capability, DynamicServerPipelining) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount = 0;
int chainedCallCount = 0;
......@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ void verifyClient(DynamicCapability::Client client, const int& callCount) {
TEST(Capability, ObjectsAndOrphans) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount1 = 0;
int callCount2 = 0;
......@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ TEST(Capability, ObjectsAndOrphans) {
TEST(Capability, Lists) {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
int callCount1 = 0;
int callCount2 = 0;
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ public:
struct TestContext {
kj::SimpleEventLoop loop;
kj::EventLoop loop;
TestNetwork network;
TestRestorer restorer;
TestNetworkAdapter& clientNetwork;
......@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ private:
int& callCount;
void runServer(kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream> stream, int& callCount) {
// Set up the server.
kj::UnixEventLoop eventLoop;
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*stream, rpc::twoparty::Side::SERVER);
TestRestorer restorer(callCount);
auto server = makeRpcServer(network, restorer);
kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream> runServer(kj::AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, int& callCount) {
return ioProvider.newPipeThread(
[&callCount](kj::AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, kj::AsyncIoStream& stream) {
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(stream, rpc::twoparty::Side::SERVER);
TestRestorer restorer(callCount);
auto server = makeRpcServer(network, restorer);
Capability::Client getPersistentCap(RpcSystem<rpc::twoparty::SturdyRefHostId>& client,
......@@ -85,29 +85,12 @@ Capability::Client getPersistentCap(RpcSystem<rpc::twoparty::SturdyRefHostId>& c
return client.restore(hostId, objectIdMessage.getRoot<ObjectPointer>());
class CaptureSignalsOnInit {
CaptureSignalsOnInit() {
static CaptureSignalsOnInit captureSignalsOnInit;
TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Basic) {
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
int callCount = 0;
// We'll communicate over this two-way pipe (actually, a socketpair).
auto pipe = kj::newTwoWayPipe();
// Start up server in another thread.
kj::Thread thread([&]() {
runServer(kj::mv(pipe.ends[1]), callCount);
// Set up the client-side objects.
kj::UnixEventLoop loop;
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*pipe.ends[0], rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto stream = runServer(*ioProvider, callCount);
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*stream, rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto rpcClient = makeRpcClient(network);
// Request the particular capability from the server.
......@@ -148,21 +131,12 @@ TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Basic) {
TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Pipelining) {
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
int callCount = 0;
int reverseCallCount = 0; // Calls back from server to client.
// We'll communicate over this two-way pipe (actually, a socketpair).
auto pipe = kj::newTwoWayPipe();
// Start up server in another thread.
auto thread = kj::heap<kj::Thread>([&]() {
runServer(kj::mv(pipe.ends[1]), callCount);
// Set up the client-side objects.
kj::UnixEventLoop loop;
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*pipe.ends[0], rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto stream = runServer(*ioProvider, callCount);
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*stream, rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto rpcClient = makeRpcClient(network);
bool disconnected = false;
......@@ -209,10 +183,10 @@ TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Pipelining) {
// What if the other side disconnects?
thread = nullptr;
// What if we disconnect?
// The other side should also disconnect.
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ RpcSystem<SturdyRefHostId> makeRpcServer(
// MyNetwork network;
// MyRestorer restorer;
// auto server = makeRpcServer(network, restorer);
// eventLoop.wait(...); // (e.g. wait on a promise that never returns)
// kj::NEVER_DONE.wait(); // run forever
template <typename SturdyRefHostId, typename ProvisionId,
typename RecipientId, typename ThirdPartyCapId, typename JoinResult>
......@@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ protected:
TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, ParseAsync) {
auto input = kj::AsyncInputStream::wrapFd(fds[0]);
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
auto input = ioProvider->wrapInputFd(fds[0]);
kj::FdOutputStream rawOutput(fds[1]);
FragmentingOutputStream output(rawOutput);
......@@ -131,15 +132,14 @@ TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, ParseAsync) {
writeMessage(output, message);
auto received = kj::runIoEventLoop([&]() {
return readMessage(*input);
auto received = readMessage(*input).wait();
TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, ParseAsyncOddSegmentCount) {
auto input = kj::AsyncInputStream::wrapFd(fds[0]);
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
auto input = ioProvider->wrapInputFd(fds[0]);
kj::FdOutputStream rawOutput(fds[1]);
FragmentingOutputStream output(rawOutput);
......@@ -150,15 +150,14 @@ TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, ParseAsyncOddSegmentCount) {
writeMessage(output, message);
auto received = kj::runIoEventLoop([&]() {
return readMessage(*input);
auto received = readMessage(*input).wait();
TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, ParseAsyncEvenSegmentCount) {
auto input = kj::AsyncInputStream::wrapFd(fds[0]);
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
auto input = ioProvider->wrapInputFd(fds[0]);
kj::FdOutputStream rawOutput(fds[1]);
FragmentingOutputStream output(rawOutput);
......@@ -169,15 +168,14 @@ TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, ParseAsyncEvenSegmentCount) {
writeMessage(output, message);
auto received = kj::runIoEventLoop([&]() {
return readMessage(*input);
auto received = readMessage(*input).wait();
TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, WriteAsync) {
auto output = kj::AsyncOutputStream::wrapFd(fds[1]);
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
auto output = ioProvider->wrapOutputFd(fds[1]);
TestMessageBuilder message(1);
auto root = message.getRoot<TestAllTypes>();
......@@ -195,13 +193,12 @@ TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, WriteAsync) {
kj::runIoEventLoop([&]() {
return writeMessage(*output, message);
writeMessage(*output, message).wait();
TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, WriteAsyncOddSegmentCount) {
auto output = kj::AsyncOutputStream::wrapFd(fds[1]);
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
auto output = ioProvider->wrapOutputFd(fds[1]);
TestMessageBuilder message(7);
auto root = message.getRoot<TestAllTypes>();
......@@ -219,13 +216,12 @@ TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, WriteAsyncOddSegmentCount) {
kj::runIoEventLoop([&]() {
return writeMessage(*output, message);
writeMessage(*output, message).wait();
TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, WriteAsyncEvenSegmentCount) {
auto output = kj::AsyncOutputStream::wrapFd(fds[1]);
auto ioProvider = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
auto output = ioProvider->wrapOutputFd(fds[1]);
TestMessageBuilder message(10);
auto root = message.getRoot<TestAllTypes>();
......@@ -243,9 +239,7 @@ TEST_F(SerializeAsyncTest, WriteAsyncEvenSegmentCount) {
kj::runIoEventLoop([&]() {
return writeMessage(*output, message);
writeMessage(*output, message).wait();
} // namespace
......@@ -567,43 +567,6 @@ private:
// =======================================================================================
template <typename T>
T EventLoop::wait(Promise<T>&& promise) {
_::ExceptionOr<_::FixVoid<T>> result;
waitImpl(kj::mv(promise.node), result);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result.value) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
return _::returnMaybeVoid(kj::mv(*value));
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else {
// Result contained neither a value nor an exception?
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> EventLoop::evalLater(Func&& func) {
// Invoke thenImpl() on yield().
return PromiseForResult<Func, void>(false,
thenImpl(yield(), kj::fwd<Func>(func), _::PropagateException()));
template <typename T, typename Func, typename ErrorFunc>
Own<_::PromiseNode> EventLoop::thenImpl(Promise<T>&& promise, Func&& func,
ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) {
typedef _::FixVoid<_::ReturnType<Func, T>> ResultT;
Own<_::PromiseNode> intermediate =
heap<_::TransformPromiseNode<ResultT, _::FixVoid<T>, Func, ErrorFunc>>(
kj::mv(promise.node), kj::fwd<Func>(func), kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler));
return _::maybeChain(kj::mv(intermediate), implicitCast<ResultT*>(nullptr));
template <typename T>
Promise<T>::Promise(_::FixVoid<T> value)
: PromiseBase(heap<_::ImmediatePromiseNode<_::FixVoid<T>>>(kj::mv(value))) {}
......@@ -615,13 +578,32 @@ Promise<T>::Promise(kj::Exception&& exception)
template <typename T>
template <typename Func, typename ErrorFunc>
PromiseForResult<Func, T> Promise<T>::then(Func&& func, ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) {
return PromiseForResult<Func, T>(false, EventLoop::current().thenImpl(
kj::mv(*this), kj::fwd<Func>(func), kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)));
typedef _::FixVoid<_::ReturnType<Func, T>> ResultT;
Own<_::PromiseNode> intermediate =
heap<_::TransformPromiseNode<ResultT, _::FixVoid<T>, Func, ErrorFunc>>(
kj::mv(node), kj::fwd<Func>(func), kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler));
return PromiseForResult<Func, T>(false,
_::maybeChain(kj::mv(intermediate), implicitCast<ResultT*>(nullptr)));
template <typename T>
T Promise<T>::wait() {
return EventLoop::current().wait(kj::mv(*this));
_::ExceptionOr<_::FixVoid<T>> result;
waitImpl(kj::mv(node), result);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result.value) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
return _::returnMaybeVoid(kj::mv(*value));
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else {
// Result contained neither a value nor an exception?
template <typename T>
......@@ -658,19 +640,19 @@ kj::String Promise<T>::trace() {
template <typename Func>
inline PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLater(Func&& func) {
return EventLoop::current().evalLater(kj::fwd<Func>(func));
return _::yield().then(kj::fwd<Func>(func), _::PropagateException());
template <typename T>
template <typename ErrorFunc>
void Promise<T>::daemonize(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) {
return EventLoop::current().daemonize(then([](T&&) {}, kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)));
return _::daemonize(then([](T&&) {}, kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)));
template <>
template <typename ErrorFunc>
void Promise<void>::daemonize(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) {
return EventLoop::current().daemonize(then([]() {}, kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)));
return _::daemonize(then([]() {}, kj::fwd<ErrorFunc>(errorHandler)));
// =======================================================================================
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ namespace kj {
namespace {
TEST(AsyncIo, SimpleNetwork) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
auto network = Network::newSystemNetwork();
auto ioProvider = setupIoEventLoop();
auto& network = ioProvider->getNetwork();
Own<ConnectionReceiver> listener;
Own<AsyncIoStream> server;
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ TEST(AsyncIo, SimpleNetwork) {
auto port = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
port.promise.then([&](uint portnum) {
return network->parseRemoteAddress("", portnum);
return network.parseRemoteAddress("", portnum);
}).then([&](Own<RemoteAddress>&& result) {
return result->connect();
}).then([&](Own<AsyncIoStream>&& result) {
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ TEST(AsyncIo, SimpleNetwork) {
ADD_FAILURE() << kj::str(exception).cStr();
kj::String result = network->parseLocalAddress("*").then([&](Own<LocalAddress>&& result) {
kj::String result = network.parseLocalAddress("*").then([&](Own<LocalAddress>&& result) {
listener = result->listen();
return listener->accept();
......@@ -67,34 +67,34 @@ TEST(AsyncIo, SimpleNetwork) {
EXPECT_EQ("foo", result);
String tryParseLocal(EventLoop& loop, Network& network, StringPtr text, uint portHint = 0) {
String tryParseLocal(Network& network, StringPtr text, uint portHint = 0) {
return network.parseLocalAddress(text, portHint).wait()->toString();
String tryParseRemote(EventLoop& loop, Network& network, StringPtr text, uint portHint = 0) {
String tryParseRemote(Network& network, StringPtr text, uint portHint = 0) {
return network.parseRemoteAddress(text, portHint).wait()->toString();
TEST(AsyncIo, AddressParsing) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
auto network = Network::newSystemNetwork();
EXPECT_EQ("*:0", tryParseLocal(loop, *network, "*"));
EXPECT_EQ("*:123", tryParseLocal(loop, *network, "123"));
EXPECT_EQ("*:123", tryParseLocal(loop, *network, ":123"));
EXPECT_EQ("[::]:123", tryParseLocal(loop, *network, "0::0", 123));
EXPECT_EQ("", tryParseLocal(loop, *network, ""));
EXPECT_EQ("", tryParseRemote(loop, *network, "", 5678));
EXPECT_EQ("[12ab:cd::34]:321", tryParseRemote(loop, *network, "[12ab:cd:0::0:34]:321", 432));
EXPECT_EQ("unix:foo/bar/baz", tryParseLocal(loop, *network, "unix:foo/bar/baz"));
EXPECT_EQ("unix:foo/bar/baz", tryParseRemote(loop, *network, "unix:foo/bar/baz"));
auto ioProvider = setupIoEventLoop();
auto& network = ioProvider->getNetwork();
EXPECT_EQ("*:0", tryParseLocal(network, "*"));
EXPECT_EQ("*:123", tryParseLocal(network, "123"));
EXPECT_EQ("*:123", tryParseLocal(network, ":123"));
EXPECT_EQ("[::]:123", tryParseLocal(network, "0::0", 123));
EXPECT_EQ("", tryParseLocal(network, ""));
EXPECT_EQ("", tryParseRemote(network, "", 5678));
EXPECT_EQ("[12ab:cd::34]:321", tryParseRemote(network, "[12ab:cd:0::0:34]:321", 432));
EXPECT_EQ("unix:foo/bar/baz", tryParseLocal(network, "unix:foo/bar/baz"));
EXPECT_EQ("unix:foo/bar/baz", tryParseRemote(network, "unix:foo/bar/baz"));
TEST(AsyncIo, OneWayPipe) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
auto ioProvider = setupIoEventLoop();
auto pipe = newOneWayPipe();
auto pipe = ioProvider->newOneWayPipe();
char receiveBuffer[4];
pipe.out->write("foo", 3).daemonize([](kj::Exception&& exception) {
......@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ TEST(AsyncIo, OneWayPipe) {
TEST(AsyncIo, TwoWayPipe) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
auto ioProvider = setupIoEventLoop();
auto pipe = newTwoWayPipe();
auto pipe = ioProvider->newTwoWayPipe();
char receiveBuffer1[4];
char receiveBuffer2[4];
......@@ -136,23 +136,45 @@ TEST(AsyncIo, TwoWayPipe) {
EXPECT_EQ("bar", result2);
TEST(AsyncIo, RunIoEventLoop) {
auto pipe = newOneWayPipe();
char receiveBuffer[4];
TEST(AsyncIo, PipeThread) {
auto ioProvider = setupIoEventLoop();
auto stream = ioProvider->newPipeThread([](AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, AsyncIoStream& stream) {
char buf[4];
stream.write("foo", 3).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(3u, stream.tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait());
EXPECT_EQ("bar", heapString(buf, 3));
String result = runIoEventLoop([&]() {
auto promise1 = pipe.out->write("foo", 3);
// Expect disconnect.
EXPECT_EQ(0, stream.tryRead(buf, 1, 1).wait());
char buf[4];
stream->write("bar", 3).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(3u, stream->tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait());
EXPECT_EQ("foo", heapString(buf, 3));
auto promise2 =>tryRead(receiveBuffer, 3, 4)
.then([&](size_t n) {
EXPECT_EQ(3u, n);
return heapString(receiveBuffer, n);
TEST(AsyncIo, PipeThreadDisconnects) {
// Like above, but in this case we expect the main thread to detect the pipe thread disconnecting.
return promise1.then(mvCapture(promise2, [](Promise<String> promise2) { return promise2; }));
auto ioProvider = setupIoEventLoop();
auto stream = ioProvider->newPipeThread([](AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, AsyncIoStream& stream) {
char buf[4];
stream.write("foo", 3).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(3u, stream.tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait());
EXPECT_EQ("bar", heapString(buf, 3));
EXPECT_EQ("foo", result);
char buf[4];
EXPECT_EQ(3u, stream->tryRead(buf, 3, 4).wait());
EXPECT_EQ("foo", heapString(buf, 3));
stream->write("bar", 3).wait();
// Expect disconnect.
EXPECT_EQ(0, stream->tryRead(buf, 1, 1).wait());
} // namespace
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "async-io.h"
#include "async-unix.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <errno.h>
......@@ -45,10 +46,6 @@ namespace kj {
namespace {
UnixEventLoop& eventLoop() {
return downcast<UnixEventLoop>(EventLoop::current());
void setNonblocking(int fd) {
int flags;
KJ_SYSCALL(flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL));
......@@ -90,7 +87,8 @@ protected:
class AsyncStreamFd: public AsyncIoStream {
AsyncStreamFd(int readFd, int writeFd): readFd(readFd), writeFd(writeFd) {}
AsyncStreamFd(UnixEventPort& eventPort, int readFd, int writeFd)
: eventPort(eventPort), readFd(readFd), writeFd(writeFd) {}
virtual ~AsyncStreamFd() noexcept(false) {}
Promise<size_t> read(void* buffer, size_t minBytes, size_t maxBytes) override {
......@@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ public:
size -= n;
return eventLoop().onFdEvent(writeFd, POLLOUT).then([=](short) {
return eventPort.onFdEvent(writeFd, POLLOUT).then([=](short) {
return write(buffer, size);
......@@ -137,7 +135,15 @@ public:
void shutdownWrite() override {
// There's no legitimate way to get an AsyncStreamFd that isn't a socket through the
// UnixAsyncIoProvider interface.
KJ_REQUIRE(readFd == writeFd, "shutdownWrite() is only implemented on sockets.");
KJ_SYSCALL(shutdown(writeFd, SHUT_WR));
UnixEventPort& eventPort;
int readFd;
int writeFd;
bool gotHup = false;
......@@ -155,7 +161,7 @@ private:
if (n < 0) {
// Read would block.
return eventLoop().onFdEvent(readFd, POLLIN | POLLRDHUP).then([=](short events) {
return eventPort.onFdEvent(readFd, POLLIN | POLLRDHUP).then([=](short events) {
gotHup = events & (POLLHUP | POLLRDHUP);
return tryReadInternal(buffer, minBytes, maxBytes, alreadyRead);
......@@ -180,7 +186,7 @@ private:
minBytes -= n;
maxBytes -= n;
alreadyRead += n;
return eventLoop().onFdEvent(readFd, POLLIN | POLLRDHUP).then([=](short events) {
return eventPort.onFdEvent(readFd, POLLIN | POLLRDHUP).then([=](short events) {
gotHup = events & (POLLHUP | POLLRDHUP);
return tryReadInternal(buffer, minBytes, maxBytes, alreadyRead);
......@@ -217,7 +223,7 @@ private:
if (n < firstPiece.size()) {
// Only part of the first piece was consumed. Wait for POLLOUT and then write again.
firstPiece = firstPiece.slice(n, firstPiece.size());
return eventLoop().onFdEvent(writeFd, POLLOUT).then([=](short) {
return eventPort.onFdEvent(writeFd, POLLOUT).then([=](short) {
return writeInternal(firstPiece, morePieces);
} else if (morePieces.size() == 0) {
......@@ -236,7 +242,19 @@ private:
class Socket final: public OwnedFileDescriptor, public AsyncStreamFd {
Socket(int fd): OwnedFileDescriptor(fd), AsyncStreamFd(fd, fd) {}
Socket(UnixEventPort& eventPort, int fd)
: OwnedFileDescriptor(fd), AsyncStreamFd(eventPort, fd, fd) {}
class ThreadSocket final: public Thread, public OwnedFileDescriptor, public AsyncStreamFd {
// Combination thread and socket. The thread must be joined strictly after the socket is closed.
template <typename StartFunc>
ThreadSocket(UnixEventPort& eventPort, int fd, StartFunc&& startFunc)
: Thread(kj::fwd<StartFunc>(startFunc)),
AsyncStreamFd(eventPort, fd, fd) {}
// =======================================================================================
......@@ -488,7 +506,8 @@ private:
class FdConnectionReceiver final: public ConnectionReceiver, public OwnedFileDescriptor {
FdConnectionReceiver(int fd): OwnedFileDescriptor(fd) {}
FdConnectionReceiver(UnixEventPort& eventPort, int fd)
: OwnedFileDescriptor(fd), eventPort(eventPort) {}
Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> accept() override {
int newFd;
......@@ -507,28 +526,32 @@ public:
if (newFd < 0) {
// Gotta wait.
return eventLoop().onFdEvent(fd, POLLIN).then([this](short) {
return eventPort.onFdEvent(fd, POLLIN).then([this](short) {
return accept();
} else {
return Own<AsyncIoStream>(heap<Socket>(newFd));
return Own<AsyncIoStream>(heap<Socket>(eventPort, newFd));
uint getPort() override {
return SocketAddress::getLocalAddress(fd).getPort();
UnixEventPort& eventPort;
// =======================================================================================
class LocalSocketAddress final: public LocalAddress {
LocalSocketAddress(SocketAddress addr): addr(addr) {}
LocalSocketAddress(UnixEventPort& eventPort, SocketAddress addr)
: eventPort(eventPort), addr(addr) {}
Own<ConnectionReceiver> listen() override {
int fd = addr.socket(SOCK_STREAM);
auto result = heap<FdConnectionReceiver>(fd);
auto result = heap<FdConnectionReceiver>(eventPort, fd);
// We always enable SO_REUSEADDR because having to take your server down for five minutes
// before it can restart really sucks.
......@@ -548,19 +571,21 @@ public:
UnixEventPort& eventPort;
SocketAddress addr;
class RemoteSocketAddress final: public RemoteAddress {
RemoteSocketAddress(SocketAddress addr): addr(addr) {}
RemoteSocketAddress(UnixEventPort& eventPort, SocketAddress addr)
: eventPort(eventPort), addr(addr) {}
Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> connect() override {
int fd = addr.socket(SOCK_STREAM);
auto result = heap<Socket>(fd);
auto result = heap<Socket>(eventPort, fd);
return eventLoop().onFdEvent(fd, POLLOUT).then(kj::mvCapture(result,
return eventPort.onFdEvent(fd, POLLOUT).then(kj::mvCapture(result,
[fd](Own<AsyncIoStream>&& stream, short events) {
int err;
socklen_t errlen = sizeof(err);
......@@ -577,83 +602,118 @@ public:
UnixEventPort& eventPort;
SocketAddress addr;
class SocketNetwork final: public Network {
Promise<Own<LocalAddress>> parseLocalAddress(StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) const override {
explicit SocketNetwork(UnixEventPort& eventPort): eventPort(eventPort) {}
Promise<Own<LocalAddress>> parseLocalAddress(StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) override {
auto& eventPortCopy = eventPort;
return evalLater(mvCapture(heapString(addr),
[portHint](String&& addr) -> Own<LocalAddress> {
return heap<LocalSocketAddress>(SocketAddress::parseLocal(addr, portHint));
[&eventPortCopy,portHint](String&& addr) -> Own<LocalAddress> {
return heap<LocalSocketAddress>(eventPortCopy, SocketAddress::parseLocal(addr, portHint));
Promise<Own<RemoteAddress>> parseRemoteAddress(StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) const override {
Promise<Own<RemoteAddress>> parseRemoteAddress(StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) override {
auto& eventPortCopy = eventPort;
return evalLater(mvCapture(heapString(addr),
[portHint](String&& addr) -> Own<RemoteAddress> {
return heap<RemoteSocketAddress>(SocketAddress::parse(addr, portHint));
[&eventPortCopy,portHint](String&& addr) -> Own<RemoteAddress> {
return heap<RemoteSocketAddress>(eventPortCopy, SocketAddress::parse(addr, portHint));
Own<LocalAddress> getLocalSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) const override {
return Own<LocalAddress>(heap<LocalSocketAddress>(SocketAddress(sockaddr, len)));
Own<LocalAddress> getLocalSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) override {
return Own<LocalAddress>(heap<LocalSocketAddress>(eventPort, SocketAddress(sockaddr, len)));
Own<RemoteAddress> getRemoteSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) const override {
return Own<RemoteAddress>(heap<RemoteSocketAddress>(SocketAddress(sockaddr, len)));
Own<RemoteAddress> getRemoteSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) override {
return Own<RemoteAddress>(heap<RemoteSocketAddress>(eventPort, SocketAddress(sockaddr, len)));
} // namespace
Promise<void> AsyncInputStream::read(void* buffer, size_t bytes) {
return read(buffer, bytes, bytes).then([](size_t) {});
Own<AsyncInputStream> AsyncInputStream::wrapFd(int fd) {
return heap<AsyncStreamFd>(fd, -1);
Own<AsyncOutputStream> AsyncOutputStream::wrapFd(int fd) {
return heap<AsyncStreamFd>(-1, fd);
UnixEventPort& eventPort;
Own<AsyncIoStream> AsyncIoStream::wrapFd(int fd) {
return heap<AsyncStreamFd>(fd, fd);
// =======================================================================================
Own<Network> Network::newSystemNetwork() {
return heap<SocketNetwork>();
class UnixAsyncIoProvider final: public AsyncIoProvider {
: eventLoop(eventPort), network(eventPort) {}
OneWayPipe newOneWayPipe() {
int fds[2];
OneWayPipe newOneWayPipe() override {
int fds[2];
#if __linux__
return OneWayPipe { heap<Socket>(fds[0]), heap<Socket>(fds[1]) };
return OneWayPipe { heap<Socket>(eventPort, fds[0]), heap<Socket>(eventPort, fds[1]) };
TwoWayPipe newTwoWayPipe() {
int fds[2];
int type = SOCK_STREAM;
TwoWayPipe newTwoWayPipe() override {
int fds[2];
int type = SOCK_STREAM;
#if __linux__
KJ_SYSCALL(socketpair(AF_UNIX, type, 0, fds));
return TwoWayPipe { { heap<Socket>(fds[0]), heap<Socket>(fds[1]) } };
KJ_SYSCALL(socketpair(AF_UNIX, type, 0, fds));
return TwoWayPipe { { heap<Socket>(eventPort, fds[0]), heap<Socket>(eventPort, fds[1]) } };
Network& getNetwork() override {
return network;
Own<AsyncIoStream> newPipeThread(
Function<void(AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, AsyncIoStream& stream)> startFunc) override {
int fds[2];
int type = SOCK_STREAM;
#if __linux__
KJ_SYSCALL(socketpair(AF_UNIX, type, 0, fds));
int threadFd = fds[1];
return heap<ThreadSocket>(eventPort, fds[0], kj::mvCapture(startFunc,
[threadFd](Function<void(AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, AsyncIoStream& stream)>&& startFunc) {
UnixAsyncIoProvider ioProvider;
auto stream = ioProvider.wrapSocketFd(threadFd);
startFunc(ioProvider, *stream);
namespace _ { // private
Own<AsyncInputStream> wrapInputFd(int fd) override {
return heap<AsyncStreamFd>(eventPort, fd, -1);
Own<AsyncOutputStream> wrapOutputFd(int fd) override {
return heap<AsyncStreamFd>(eventPort, -1, fd);
Own<AsyncIoStream> wrapSocketFd(int fd) override {
return heap<AsyncStreamFd>(eventPort, fd, fd);
UnixEventPort eventPort;
EventLoop eventLoop;
SocketNetwork network;
} // namespace
Promise<void> AsyncInputStream::read(void* buffer, size_t bytes) {
return read(buffer, bytes, bytes).then([](size_t) {});
void runIoEventLoopInternal(IoLoopMain& func) {
UnixEventLoop loop;;
Own<AsyncIoProvider> setupIoEventLoop() {
return heap<UnixAsyncIoProvider>();
} // namespace _ (private)
} // namespace kj
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#define KJ_ASYNC_IO_H_
#include "async.h"
#include "function.h"
namespace kj {
......@@ -36,13 +37,6 @@ public:
virtual Promise<size_t> tryRead(void* buffer, size_t minBytes, size_t maxBytes) = 0;
Promise<void> read(void* buffer, size_t bytes);
static Own<AsyncInputStream> wrapFd(int fd);
// Create an AsyncInputStream wrapping a file descriptor.
// This will set `fd` to non-blocking mode (i.e. set O_NONBLOCK) if it isn't set already.
// The returned object can only be called from within a system event loop (e.g. `UnixEventLoop`).
class AsyncOutputStream {
......@@ -51,25 +45,14 @@ class AsyncOutputStream {
virtual Promise<void> write(const void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
virtual Promise<void> write(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const byte>> pieces) = 0;
static Own<AsyncOutputStream> wrapFd(int fd);
// Create an AsyncOutputStream wrapping a file descriptor.
// This will set `fd` to non-blocking mode (i.e. set O_NONBLOCK) if it isn't set already.
// The returned object can only be called from within a system event loop (e.g. `UnixEventLoop`).
class AsyncIoStream: public AsyncInputStream, public AsyncOutputStream {
// A combination input and output stream.
static Own<AsyncIoStream> wrapFd(int fd);
// Create an AsyncIoStream wrapping a file descriptor.
// This will set `fd` to non-blocking mode (i.e. set O_NONBLOCK) if it isn't set already.
// The returned object can only be called from within a system event loop (e.g. `UnixEventLoop`).
virtual void shutdownWrite() = 0;
// Cleanly shut down just the write end of the stream, while keeping the read end open.
class ConnectionReceiver {
......@@ -121,33 +104,10 @@ class Network {
// LocalAddress and/or RemoteAddress instances directly and work from there, if at all possible.
static Own<Network> newSystemNetwork();
// Creates a new `Network` instance representing the networks exposed by the operating system.
// DO NOT CALL THIS except at the highest levels of your code, ideally in the main() function. If
// you call this from low-level code, then you are preventing higher-level code from injecting an
// alternative implementation. Instead, if your code needs to use network functionality, it
// should ask for a `Network` as a constructor or method parameter, so that higher-level code can
// chose what implementation to use. The system network is essentially a singleton. See:
// Code that uses the system network should not make any assumptions about what kinds of
// addresses it will parse, as this could differ across platforms. String addresses should come
// strictly from the user, who will know how to write them correctly for their system.
// With that said, KJ currently supports the following string address formats:
// - IPv4: "", ""
// - IPv6: "1234:5678::abcd", "[1234:5678::abcd]:80"
// - Local IP wildcard (local addresses only; covers both v4 and v6): "*", "*:80", ":80", "80"
// - Unix domain: "unix:/path/to/socket"
// The system network -- and all objects it creates -- can only be used from threads running
// a system event loop (e.g. `UnixEventLoop`).
virtual Promise<Own<LocalAddress>> parseLocalAddress(
StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) const = 0;
StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) = 0;
virtual Promise<Own<RemoteAddress>> parseRemoteAddress(
StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) const = 0;
StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) = 0;
// Construct a local or remote address from a user-provided string. The format of the address
// strings is not specified at the API level, and application code should make no assumptions
// about them. These strings should always be provided by humans, and said humans will know
......@@ -160,86 +120,130 @@ public:
// In practice, a local address is usually just a port number (or even an empty string, if a
// reasonable `portHint` is provided), whereas a remote address usually requires a hostname.
virtual Own<LocalAddress> getLocalSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) const = 0;
virtual Own<RemoteAddress> getRemoteSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) const = 0;
virtual Own<LocalAddress> getLocalSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) = 0;
virtual Own<RemoteAddress> getRemoteSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) = 0;
// Construct a local or remote address from a legacy struct sockaddr.
struct OneWayPipe {
// A data pipe with an input end and an output end. The two ends are safe to use in different
// threads. (Typically backed by pipe() system call.)
Own<AsyncInputStream> in;
Own<AsyncOutputStream> out;
OneWayPipe newOneWayPipe();
// Creates an input/output stream pair representing the ends of a one-way OS pipe (created with
// pipe(2)).
struct TwoWayPipe {
// A data pipe that supports sending in both directions. Each end's output sends data to the
// other end's input. The ends can be used in separate threads. (Typically backed by
// socketpair() system call.)
Own<AsyncIoStream> ends[2];
TwoWayPipe newTwoWayPipe();
// Creates two AsyncIoStreams representing the two ends of a two-way OS pipe (created with
// socketpair(2)). Data written to one end can be read from the other.
// =======================================================================================
namespace _ { // private
class AsyncIoProvider {
// Class which constructs asynchronous wrappers around the operating system's I/O facilities.
// Generally, the implementation of this interface must integrate closely with a particular
// `EventLoop` implementation. Typically, the EventLoop implementation itself will provide
// an AsyncIoProvider.
class IoLoopMain {
virtual void run(EventLoop& loop) = 0;
virtual OneWayPipe newOneWayPipe() = 0;
// Creates an input/output stream pair representing the ends of a one-way pipe (e.g. created with
// the pipe(2) system call).
template <typename Func, typename Result>
class IoLoopMainImpl: public IoLoopMain {
IoLoopMainImpl(Func&& func): func(kj::mv(func)) {}
void run(EventLoop& loop) override {
result = space.construct(kj::evalLater(func).wait());
Result getResult() { return kj::mv(*result); }
Func func;
SpaceFor<Result> space;
Own<Result> result;
virtual TwoWayPipe newTwoWayPipe() = 0;
// Creates two AsyncIoStreams representing the two ends of a two-way pipe (e.g. created with
// socketpair(2) system call). Data written to one end can be read from the other.
template <typename Func>
class IoLoopMainImpl<Func, void>: public IoLoopMain {
IoLoopMainImpl(Func&& func): func(kj::mv(func)) {}
void run(EventLoop& loop) override {
void getResult() {}
Func func;
virtual Network& getNetwork() = 0;
// Creates a new `Network` instance representing the networks exposed by the operating system.
// DO NOT CALL THIS except at the highest levels of your code, ideally in the main() function. If
// you call this from low-level code, then you are preventing higher-level code from injecting an
// alternative implementation. Instead, if your code needs to use network functionality, it
// should ask for a `Network` as a constructor or method parameter, so that higher-level code can
// chose what implementation to use. The system network is essentially a singleton. See:
// Code that uses the system network should not make any assumptions about what kinds of
// addresses it will parse, as this could differ across platforms. String addresses should come
// strictly from the user, who will know how to write them correctly for their system.
// With that said, KJ currently supports the following string address formats:
// - IPv4: "", ""
// - IPv6: "1234:5678::abcd", "[1234:5678::abcd]:80"
// - Local IP wildcard (local addresses only; covers both v4 and v6): "*", "*:80", ":80", "80"
// - Unix domain: "unix:/path/to/socket"
virtual Own<AsyncIoStream> newPipeThread(
Function<void(AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, AsyncIoStream& stream)> startFunc) = 0;
// Create a new thread and set up a two-way pipe (socketpair) which can be used to communicate
// with it. One end of the pipe is passed to the thread's starct function and the other end of
// the pipe is returned. The new thread also gets its own `AsyncIoProvider` instance and will
// already have an active `EventLoop` when `startFunc` is called.
// The returned stream's destructor first closes its end of the pipe then waits for the thread to
// finish (joins it). The thread should therefore be designed to exit soon after receiving EOF
// on the input stream.
// TODO(someday): I'm not entirely comfortable with this interface. It seems to be doing too
// much at once but I'm not sure how to cleanly break it down.
void runIoEventLoopInternal(IoLoopMain& func);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unix-only methods
// TODO(cleanup): Should these be in a subclass?
virtual Own<AsyncInputStream> wrapInputFd(int fd) = 0;
// Create an AsyncInputStream wrapping a file descriptor.
// Does not take ownership of the descriptor.
// This will set `fd` to non-blocking mode (i.e. set O_NONBLOCK) if it isn't set already.
} // namespace _ (private)
virtual Own<AsyncOutputStream> wrapOutputFd(int fd) = 0;
// Create an AsyncOutputStream wrapping a file descriptor.
// Does not take ownership of the descriptor.
// This will set `fd` to non-blocking mode (i.e. set O_NONBLOCK) if it isn't set already.
template <typename Func>
auto runIoEventLoop(Func&& func) -> decltype(func().wait()) {
// Sets up an appropriate EventLoop for doing I/O, then executes the given function. The function
// returns a promise. The EventLoop will continue running until that promise resolves, then the
// whole function will return its resolution. On return, the EventLoop is destroyed, cancelling
// all outstanding I/O.
virtual Own<AsyncIoStream> wrapSocketFd(int fd) = 0;
// Create an AsyncIoStream wrapping a socket file descriptor.
// Does not take ownership of the descriptor.
// This function is great for running inside main() to set up an Async I/O environment without
// specifying a platform-specific EventLoop or other such things.
// This will set `fd` to non-blocking mode (i.e. set O_NONBLOCK) if it isn't set already.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Windows-only methods
// TODO(cleanup): I wanted to forward-declare this function in order to document it separate
// from the implementation details but GCC claimed the two declarations were overloads rather
// than the same function, even though the signature was identical. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
// TODO(port): IOCP
typedef decltype(instance<Func>()().wait()) Result;
_::IoLoopMainImpl<Func, Result> func2(kj::fwd<Func>(func));
return func2.getResult();
Own<AsyncIoProvider> setupIoEventLoop();
// Convenience method which sets up the current thread with everything it needs to do async I/O.
// The returned object contains an `EventLoop` which is wrapping an appropriate `EventPort` for
// doing I/O on the host system, so everything is ready for the thread to start making async calls
// and waiting on promises.
// You would typically call this in your main() loop or in the start function of a thread.
// Example:
// int main() {
// auto ioSystem = kj::setupIoEventLoop();
// // Now we can call an async function.
// Promise<String> textPromise = getHttp(ioSystem->getNetwork(), "");
// // And we can wait for the promise to complete. Note that you can only use `wait()`
// // from the top level, not from inside a promise callback.
// String text = textPromise.wait();
// print(text);
// return 0;
// }
} // namespace kj
......@@ -172,6 +172,18 @@ private:
friend class TaskSetImpl;
void daemonize(kj::Promise<void>&& promise);
void waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result);
Promise<void> yield();
class NeverDone {
template <typename T>
operator Promise<T>() const;
void wait() KJ_NORETURN;
} // namespace _ (private)
} // namespace kj
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace kj {
namespace {
TEST(Async, EvalVoid) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
bool done = false;
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ TEST(Async, EvalVoid) {
TEST(Async, EvalInt) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
bool done = false;
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ TEST(Async, EvalInt) {
TEST(Async, There) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> a = 123;
bool done = false;
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ TEST(Async, There) {
TEST(Async, ThereVoid) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> a = 123;
int value = 0;
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ TEST(Async, ThereVoid) {
TEST(Async, Exception) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> promise = evalLater(
[&]() -> int { KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("foo") { return 123; } });
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ TEST(Async, Exception) {
TEST(Async, HandleException) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> promise = evalLater(
[&]() -> int { KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("foo") { return 123; } });
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ TEST(Async, HandleException) {
TEST(Async, PropagateException) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> promise = evalLater(
[&]() -> int { KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("foo") { return 123; } });
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ TEST(Async, PropagateException) {
TEST(Async, PropagateExceptionTypeChange) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> promise = evalLater(
[&]() -> int { KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("foo") { return 123; } });
......@@ -132,12 +132,11 @@ TEST(Async, PropagateExceptionTypeChange) {
TEST(Async, Then) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
bool done = false;
Promise<int> promise = Promise<int>(123).then([&](int i) {
EXPECT_EQ(&loop, &EventLoop::current());
done = true;
return i + 321;
......@@ -150,15 +149,13 @@ TEST(Async, Then) {
TEST(Async, Chain) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> promise = evalLater([&]() -> int { return 123; });
Promise<int> promise2 = evalLater([&]() -> int { return 321; });
auto promise3 = promise.then([&](int i) {
EXPECT_EQ(&loop, &EventLoop::current());
return promise2.then([&loop,i](int j) {
EXPECT_EQ(&loop, &EventLoop::current());
return i + j;
......@@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ TEST(Async, Chain) {
TEST(Async, SeparateFulfiller) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto pair = newPromiseAndFulfiller<int>();
......@@ -179,7 +176,7 @@ TEST(Async, SeparateFulfiller) {
TEST(Async, SeparateFulfillerVoid) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto pair = newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
......@@ -199,7 +196,7 @@ TEST(Async, SeparateFulfillerCanceled) {
TEST(Async, SeparateFulfillerChained) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto pair = newPromiseAndFulfiller<Promise<int>>();
auto inner = newPromiseAndFulfiller<int>();
......@@ -219,7 +216,7 @@ TEST(Async, SeparateFulfillerChained) {
TEST(Async, SeparateFulfillerDiscarded) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto pair = newPromiseAndFulfiller<int>();
pair.fulfiller = nullptr;
......@@ -233,7 +230,7 @@ TEST(Async, SeparateFulfillerMemoryLeak) {
TEST(Async, Ordering) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
int counter = 0;
Promise<void> promises[6] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
......@@ -295,7 +292,7 @@ TEST(Async, Ordering) {
TEST(Async, Fork) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> promise = evalLater([&]() { return 123; });
......@@ -325,7 +322,7 @@ struct RefcountedInt: public Refcounted {
TEST(Async, ForkRef) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<Own<RefcountedInt>> promise = evalLater([&]() {
return refcounted<RefcountedInt>(123);
......@@ -352,7 +349,7 @@ TEST(Async, ForkRef) {
TEST(Async, ExclusiveJoin) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto left = evalLater([&]() { return 123; });
auto right = newPromiseAndFulfiller<int>(); // never fulfilled
......@@ -363,7 +360,7 @@ TEST(Async, ExclusiveJoin) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto left = newPromiseAndFulfiller<int>(); // never fulfilled
auto right = evalLater([&]() { return 123; });
......@@ -374,7 +371,7 @@ TEST(Async, ExclusiveJoin) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto left = evalLater([&]() { return 123; });
auto right = evalLater([&]() { return 456; });
......@@ -385,7 +382,7 @@ TEST(Async, ExclusiveJoin) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
auto left = evalLater([&]() { return 123; });
auto right = evalLater([&]() { return 456; });
......@@ -408,7 +405,7 @@ public:
TEST(Async, TaskSet) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
ErrorHandlerImpl errorHandler;
TaskSet tasks(errorHandler);
......@@ -449,7 +446,7 @@ private:
TEST(Async, Attach) {
bool destroyed = false;
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<int> promise = evalLater([&]() {
......@@ -471,7 +468,7 @@ TEST(Async, Attach) {
TEST(Async, EagerlyEvaluate) {
bool called = false;
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
Promise<void> promise = Promise<void>(READY_NOW).then([&]() {
called = true;
......@@ -488,7 +485,7 @@ TEST(Async, EagerlyEvaluate) {
TEST(Async, Daemonize) {
SimpleEventLoop loop;
EventLoop loop;
bool ran1 = false;
bool ran2 = false;
......@@ -45,17 +45,18 @@ inline void delay() { usleep(10000); }
class AsyncUnixTest: public testing::Test {
static void SetUpTestCase() {
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, Signals) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR2);
siginfo_t info = loop.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
siginfo_t info = port.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(SIGUSR2, info.si_signo);
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_USER, info.si_code);
......@@ -67,14 +68,15 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalWithValue) {
// though the signal we're sending is SIGUSR2, the sigqueue() system call is introduced by RT
// signals. Hence this test won't run on e.g. Mac OSX.
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
union sigval value;
memset(&value, 0, sizeof(value));
value.sival_int = 123;
sigqueue(getpid(), SIGUSR2, value);
siginfo_t info = loop.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
siginfo_t info = port.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(SIGUSR2, info.si_signo);
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_QUEUE, info.si_code);
EXPECT_EQ(123, info.si_value.sival_int);
......@@ -82,9 +84,10 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalWithValue) {
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalsMultiListen) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
loop.onSignal(SIGIO).then([](siginfo_t&&) {
port.onSignal(SIGIO).then([](siginfo_t&&) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Received wrong signal.";
}).daemonize([](kj::Exception&& exception) {
ADD_FAILURE() << kj::str(exception).cStr();
......@@ -92,28 +95,30 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalsMultiListen) {
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR2);
siginfo_t info = loop.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
siginfo_t info = port.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(SIGUSR2, info.si_signo);
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_USER, info.si_code);
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalsMultiReceive) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR2);
kill(getpid(), SIGIO);
siginfo_t info = loop.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
siginfo_t info = port.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(SIGUSR2, info.si_signo);
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_USER, info.si_code);
info = loop.onSignal(SIGIO).wait();
info = port.onSignal(SIGIO).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(SIGIO, info.si_signo);
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_USER, info.si_code);
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalsAsync) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
// Arrange for a signal to be sent from another thread.
pthread_t mainThread = pthread_self();
......@@ -122,33 +127,75 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalsAsync) {
pthread_kill(mainThread, SIGUSR2);
siginfo_t info = loop.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
siginfo_t info = port.onSignal(SIGUSR2).wait();
EXPECT_EQ(SIGUSR2, info.si_signo);
#if __linux__
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_TKILL, info.si_code);
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SignalsNoWait) {
// Verify that UnixEventPort::poll() correctly receives pending signals.
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
bool receivedSigusr2 = false;
bool receivedSigio = false;
port.onSignal(SIGUSR2).then([&](siginfo_t&& info) {
receivedSigusr2 = true;
EXPECT_EQ(SIGUSR2, info.si_signo);
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_USER, info.si_code);
}).daemonize([](Exception&& e) { ADD_FAILURE() << str(e).cStr(); });
port.onSignal(SIGIO).then([&](siginfo_t&& info) {
receivedSigio = true;
EXPECT_EQ(SIGIO, info.si_signo);
EXPECT_SI_CODE(SI_USER, info.si_code);
}).daemonize([](Exception&& e) { ADD_FAILURE() << str(e).cStr(); });
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR2);
kill(getpid(), SIGIO);
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, Poll) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
int pipefds[2];
KJ_DEFER({ close(pipefds[1]); close(pipefds[0]); });
KJ_SYSCALL(write(pipefds[1], "foo", 3));
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, loop.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, port.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, PollMultiListen) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
int bogusPipefds[2];
KJ_DEFER({ close(bogusPipefds[1]); close(bogusPipefds[0]); });
loop.onFdEvent(bogusPipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).then([](short s) {
port.onFdEvent(bogusPipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).then([](short s) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Received wrong poll.";
}).daemonize([](kj::Exception&& exception) {
ADD_FAILURE() << kj::str(exception).cStr();
......@@ -159,11 +206,12 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, PollMultiListen) {
KJ_DEFER({ close(pipefds[1]); close(pipefds[0]); });
KJ_SYSCALL(write(pipefds[1], "foo", 3));
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, loop.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, port.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, PollMultiReceive) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
int pipefds[2];
......@@ -175,12 +223,13 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, PollMultiReceive) {
KJ_DEFER({ close(pipefds2[1]); close(pipefds2[0]); });
KJ_SYSCALL(write(pipefds2[1], "bar", 3));
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, loop.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, loop.onFdEvent(pipefds2[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, port.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, port.onFdEvent(pipefds2[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, PollAsync) {
UnixEventLoop loop;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
// Make a pipe and wait on its read end while another thread writes to it.
int pipefds[2];
......@@ -192,7 +241,49 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, PollAsync) {
// Wait for the event in this thread.
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, loop.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
EXPECT_EQ(POLLIN, port.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).wait());
TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, PollNoWait) {
// Verify that UnixEventPort::poll() correctly receives pending FD events.
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
int pipefds[2];
KJ_DEFER({ close(pipefds[1]); close(pipefds[0]); });
int pipefds2[2];
KJ_DEFER({ close(pipefds2[1]); close(pipefds2[0]); });
int receivedCount = 0;
port.onFdEvent(pipefds[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).then([&](short&& events) {
}).daemonize([](Exception&& e) { ADD_FAILURE() << str(e).cStr(); });
port.onFdEvent(pipefds2[0], POLLIN | POLLPRI).then([&](short&& events) {
}).daemonize([](Exception&& e) { ADD_FAILURE() << str(e).cStr(); });
KJ_SYSCALL(write(pipefds[1], "foo", 3));
KJ_SYSCALL(write(pipefds2[1], "bar", 3));
EXPECT_EQ(0, receivedCount);;
EXPECT_EQ(0, receivedCount);
EXPECT_EQ(0, receivedCount);;
EXPECT_EQ(2, receivedCount);
} // namespace kj
......@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ pthread_once_t registerSigusr1Once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
// =======================================================================================
class UnixEventLoop::SignalPromiseAdapter {
class UnixEventPort::SignalPromiseAdapter {
inline SignalPromiseAdapter(PromiseFulfiller<siginfo_t>& fulfiller,
UnixEventLoop& loop, int signum)
UnixEventPort& loop, int signum)
: loop(loop), signum(signum), fulfiller(fulfiller) {
prev = loop.signalTail;
*loop.signalTail = this;
......@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@ public:
return result;
UnixEventLoop& loop;
UnixEventPort& loop;
int signum;
PromiseFulfiller<siginfo_t>& fulfiller;
SignalPromiseAdapter* next = nullptr;
SignalPromiseAdapter** prev = nullptr;
class UnixEventLoop::PollPromiseAdapter {
class UnixEventPort::PollPromiseAdapter {
inline PollPromiseAdapter(PromiseFulfiller<short>& fulfiller,
UnixEventLoop& loop, int fd, short eventMask)
UnixEventPort& loop, int fd, short eventMask)
: loop(loop), fd(fd), eventMask(eventMask), fulfiller(fulfiller) {
prev = loop.pollTail;
*loop.pollTail = this;
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public:
prev = nullptr;
UnixEventLoop& loop;
UnixEventPort& loop;
int fd;
short eventMask;
PromiseFulfiller<short>& fulfiller;
......@@ -155,55 +155,73 @@ public:
PollPromiseAdapter** prev = nullptr;
UnixEventLoop::UnixEventLoop() {
UnixEventPort::UnixEventPort() {
pthread_once(&registerSigusr1Once, &registerSigusr1);
UnixEventLoop::~UnixEventLoop() {}
UnixEventPort::~UnixEventPort() {}
Promise<short> UnixEventLoop::onFdEvent(int fd, short eventMask) {
Promise<short> UnixEventPort::onFdEvent(int fd, short eventMask) {
return newAdaptedPromise<short, PollPromiseAdapter>(*this, fd, eventMask);
Promise<siginfo_t> UnixEventLoop::onSignal(int signum) {
Promise<siginfo_t> UnixEventPort::onSignal(int signum) {
return newAdaptedPromise<siginfo_t, SignalPromiseAdapter>(*this, signum);
void UnixEventLoop::captureSignal(int signum) {
KJ_REQUIRE(signum != SIGUSR1, "Sorry, SIGUSR1 is reserved by the UnixEventLoop implementation.");
void UnixEventPort::captureSignal(int signum) {
KJ_REQUIRE(signum != SIGUSR1, "Sorry, SIGUSR1 is reserved by the UnixEventPort implementation.");
void UnixEventLoop::prepareToSleep() noexcept {
waitThread = pthread_self();
__atomic_store_n(&isSleeping, true, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
class UnixEventPort::PollContext {
PollContext(PollPromiseAdapter* ptr) {
while (ptr != nullptr) {
struct pollfd pollfd;
memset(&pollfd, 0, sizeof(pollfd));
pollfd.fd = ptr->fd; = ptr->eventMask;
ptr = ptr->next;
void UnixEventLoop::sleep() {
SignalCapture capture;
threadCapture = &capture;
void run(int timeout) {
do {
pollResult = ::poll(pollfds.begin(), pollfds.size(), timeout);
pollError = pollResult < 0 ? errno : 0;
if (sigsetjmp(capture.jumpTo, true)) {
// We received a signal and longjmp'd back out of the signal handler.
threadCapture = nullptr;
__atomic_store_n(&isSleeping, false, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
// EINTR should only happen if we received a signal *other than* the ones registered via
// the UnixEventPort, so we don't care about that case.
} while (pollError == EINTR);
if (capture.siginfo.si_signo != SIGUSR1) {
// Fire any events waiting on this signal.
auto ptr = signalHead;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
if (ptr->signum == capture.siginfo.si_signo) {
ptr = ptr->removeFromList();
} else {
ptr = ptr->next;
void processResults() {
if (pollResult < 0) {
KJ_FAIL_SYSCALL("poll()", pollError);
for (auto i: indices(pollfds)) {
if (pollfds[i].revents != 0) {
if (--pollResult <= 0) {
kj::Vector<struct pollfd> pollfds;
kj::Vector<PollPromiseAdapter*> pollEvents;
int pollResult = 0;
int pollError = 0;
void UnixEventPort::wait() {
sigset_t newMask;
sigaddset(&newMask, SIGUSR1);
......@@ -216,62 +234,94 @@ void UnixEventLoop::sleep() {
kj::Vector<struct pollfd> pollfds;
kj::Vector<PollPromiseAdapter*> pollEvents;
PollContext pollContext(pollHead);
auto ptr = pollHead;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
struct pollfd pollfd;
memset(&pollfd, 0, sizeof(pollfd));
pollfd.fd = ptr->fd; = ptr->eventMask;
ptr = ptr->next;
// Capture signals.
SignalCapture capture;
if (sigsetjmp(capture.jumpTo, true)) {
// We received a signal and longjmp'd back out of the signal handler.
threadCapture = nullptr;
if (capture.siginfo.si_signo != SIGUSR1) {
// Enable signals, run the poll, then mask them again.
sigset_t origMask;
threadCapture = &capture;
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &newMask, &origMask);
int pollResult;
int pollError;
do {
pollResult = poll(pollfds.begin(), pollfds.size(), -1);
pollError = pollResult < 0 ? errno : 0;
// EINTR should only happen if we received a signal *other than* the ones registered via
// the UnixEventLoop, so we don't care about that case.
} while (pollError == EINTR);;
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &origMask, nullptr);
threadCapture = nullptr;
__atomic_store_n(&isSleeping, false, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
if (pollResult < 0) {
KJ_FAIL_SYSCALL("poll()", pollError);
// Queue events.
for (auto i: indices(pollfds)) {
if (pollfds[i].revents != 0) {
if (--pollResult <= 0) {
void UnixEventPort::poll() {
sigset_t pending;
sigset_t waitMask;
// Count how many signals that we care about are pending.
uint signalCount = 0;
auto ptr = signalHead;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
if (sigismember(&pending, ptr->signum)) {
sigdelset(&pending, ptr->signum);
sigdelset(&waitMask, ptr->signum);
ptr = ptr->next;
// Wait for each pending signal. It would be nice to use sigtimedwait() here but it is not
// available on OSX. :( Instead, we call sigsuspend() once per expected signal.
while (signalCount-- > 0) {
SignalCapture capture;
threadCapture = &capture;
if (sigsetjmp(capture.jumpTo, true)) {
// We received a signal and longjmp'd back out of the signal handler.
KJ_DBG("unsuspend", signalCount);
sigdelset(&waitMask, capture.siginfo.si_signo);
} else {
KJ_DBG("suspend", signalCount);
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("sigsuspend() shouldn't return because the signal handler should "
"have siglongjmp()ed.");
threadCapture = nullptr;
PollContext pollContext(pollHead);;
void UnixEventLoop::wake() const {
// The first load is a fast-path check -- if false, we can avoid a barrier. If true, then we
// follow up with an exchange to set it false. If it turns out we were in fact the one thread
// to transition the value from true to false, then we go ahead and raise SIGUSR1 on the target
// thread to wake it up.
if (__atomic_load_n(&isSleeping, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) &&
__atomic_exchange_n(&isSleeping, false, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)) {
pthread_kill(waitThread, SIGUSR1);
void UnixEventPort::gotSignal(const siginfo_t& siginfo) {
// Fire any events waiting on this signal.
auto ptr = signalHead;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
if (ptr->signum == siginfo.si_signo) {
ptr = ptr->removeFromList();
} else {
ptr = ptr->next;
......@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
namespace kj {
class UnixEventLoop: public EventLoop {
// An EventLoop implementation which can wait for events on file descriptors as well as signals.
class UnixEventPort: public EventPort {
// THIS INTERFACE IS LIKELY TO CHANGE; consider using only what is defined in async-io.h instead.
// An EventPort implementation which can wait for events on file descriptors as well as signals.
// This API only makes sense on Unix.
// The implementation uses `poll()` or possibly a platform-specific API (e.g. epoll, kqueue).
......@@ -45,8 +47,8 @@ class UnixEventLoop: public EventLoop {
// purposes.
Promise<short> onFdEvent(int fd, short eventMask);
// `eventMask` is a bitwise-OR of poll events (e.g. `POLLIN`, `POLLOUT`, etc.). The next time
......@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ public:
// The result of waiting on the same signal twice at once is undefined.
static void captureSignal(int signum);
// Arranges for the given signal to be captured and handled via UnixEventLoop, so that you may
// Arranges for the given signal to be captured and handled via UnixEventPort, so that you may
// then pass it to `onSignal()`. This method is static because it registers a signal handler
// which applies process-wide. If any other threads exist in the process when `captureSignal()`
// is called, you *must* set the signal mask in those threads to block this signal, otherwise
......@@ -77,22 +79,21 @@ public:
// To un-capture a signal, simply install a different signal handler and then un-block it from
// the signal mask.
void prepareToSleep() noexcept override;
void sleep() override;
void wake() const override;
// implements EventPort ------------------------------------------------------
void wait() override;
void poll() override;
class PollPromiseAdapter;
class SignalPromiseAdapter;
class PollContext;
PollPromiseAdapter* pollHead = nullptr;
PollPromiseAdapter** pollTail = &pollHead;
SignalPromiseAdapter* signalHead = nullptr;
SignalPromiseAdapter** signalTail = &signalHead;
pthread_t waitThread;
mutable bool isSleeping = false;
void gotSignal(const siginfo_t& siginfo);
} // namespace kj
......@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ static __thread EventLoop* threadLocalEventLoop = nullptr;
#define _kJ_ALREADY_READY reinterpret_cast< ::kj::_::Event*>(1)
EventLoop& currentEventLoop() {
EventLoop* loop = threadLocalEventLoop;
KJ_REQUIRE(loop != nullptr, "No event loop is running on this thread.");
return *loop;
class BoolEvent: public _::Event {
bool fired = false;
......@@ -172,22 +178,35 @@ public:
LoggingErrorHandler LoggingErrorHandler::instance = LoggingErrorHandler();
class NullEventPort: public EventPort {
void wait() override {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Nothing to wait for; this thread would hang forever.");
void poll() override {}
static NullEventPort instance;
NullEventPort NullEventPort::instance = NullEventPort();
} // namespace _ (private)
// =======================================================================================
EventLoop& EventLoop::current() {
EventLoop* result = threadLocalEventLoop;
KJ_REQUIRE(result != nullptr, "No event loop is running on this thread.");
return *result;
void EventPort::setRunnable(bool runnable) {}
bool EventLoop::isCurrent() const {
return threadLocalEventLoop == this;
: port(_::NullEventPort::instance),
daemons(kj::heap<_::TaskSetImpl>(_::LoggingErrorHandler::instance)) {
KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == nullptr, "This thread already has an EventLoop.");
threadLocalEventLoop = this;
: daemons(kj::heap<_::TaskSetImpl>(_::LoggingErrorHandler::instance)) {
EventLoop::EventLoop(EventPort& port)
: port(port),
daemons(kj::heap<_::TaskSetImpl>(_::LoggingErrorHandler::instance)) {
KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == nullptr, "This thread already has an EventLoop.");
threadLocalEventLoop = this;
......@@ -220,81 +239,85 @@ EventLoop::~EventLoop() noexcept(false) {
void EventLoop::runForever() {
_::ExceptionOr<_::Void> result;
waitImpl(kj::heap<NeverReadyPromiseNode>(), result);
void EventLoop::run(uint maxTurnCount) {
for (uint i = 0; i < maxTurnCount; i++) {
if (!turn()) {
void EventLoop::waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result) {
KJ_REQUIRE(threadLocalEventLoop == this,
"Can only call wait() in the thread that created this EventLoop.");
KJ_REQUIRE(!running, "wait() is not allowed from within event callbacks.");
bool EventLoop::turn() {
_::Event* event = head;
BoolEvent doneEvent;
if (event == nullptr) {
// No events in the queue.
return false;
} else {
head = event->next;
if (head != nullptr) {
head->prev = &head;
running = true;
KJ_DEFER(running = false);
depthFirstInsertPoint = &head;
if (tail == &event->next) {
tail = &head;
while (!doneEvent.fired) {
if (head == nullptr) {
// No events in the queue. Wait for callback.
if (head != nullptr) {
// Whoa, new job was just added.
// TODO(now): Can't happen anymore?
} else {
_::Event* event = head;
event->next = nullptr;
event->prev = nullptr;
head = event->next;
if (head != nullptr) {
head->prev = &head;
Maybe<Own<_::Event>> eventToDestroy;
event->firing = true;
KJ_DEFER(event->firing = false);
eventToDestroy = event->fire();
depthFirstInsertPoint = &head;
if (tail == &event->next) {
tail = &head;
depthFirstInsertPoint = &head;
return true;
event->next = nullptr;
event->prev = nullptr;
namespace _ { // private
Maybe<Own<_::Event>> eventToDestroy;
event->firing = true;
KJ_DEFER(event->firing = false);
eventToDestroy = event->fire();
void waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result) {
EventLoop& loop = currentEventLoop();
KJ_REQUIRE(!loop.running, "wait() is not allowed from within event callbacks.");
depthFirstInsertPoint = &head;
BoolEvent doneEvent;
loop.running = true;
KJ_DEFER(loop.running = false);
while (!doneEvent.fired) {
if (!loop.turn()) {
// No events in the queue. Wait for callback.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
node = nullptr;
})) {
Promise<void> EventLoop::yield() {
Promise<void> yield() {
return Promise<void>(false, kj::heap<YieldPromiseNode>());
void EventLoop::daemonize(kj::Promise<void>&& promise) {
KJ_REQUIRE(daemons.get() != nullptr, "EventLoop is shutting down.") { return; }
void daemonize(kj::Promise<void>&& promise) {
EventLoop& loop = currentEventLoop();
KJ_REQUIRE(loop.daemons.get() != nullptr, "EventLoop is shutting down.") { return; }
namespace _ { // private
: loop(EventLoop::current()), next(nullptr), prev(nullptr) {}
: loop(currentEventLoop()), next(nullptr), prev(nullptr) {}
Event::~Event() noexcept(false) {
if (prev != nullptr) {
......@@ -401,80 +424,6 @@ kj::String Event::trace() {
// =======================================================================================
SimpleEventLoop::SimpleEventLoop() {}
SimpleEventLoop::~SimpleEventLoop() noexcept(false) {}
void SimpleEventLoop::prepareToSleep() noexcept {
__atomic_store_n(&preparedToSleep, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
void SimpleEventLoop::sleep() {
while (__atomic_load_n(&preparedToSleep, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) == 1) {
syscall(SYS_futex, &preparedToSleep, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 1, NULL, NULL, 0);
void SimpleEventLoop::wake() const {
if (__atomic_exchange_n(&preparedToSleep, 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) != 0) {
// preparedToSleep was 1 before the exchange, so a sleep must be in progress in another thread.
syscall(SYS_futex, &preparedToSleep, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1, NULL, NULL, 0);
#define KJ_PTHREAD_CALL(code) \
{ \
int pthreadError = code; \
if (pthreadError != 0) { \
KJ_FAIL_SYSCALL(#code, pthreadError); \
} \
#define KJ_PTHREAD_CLEANUP(code) \
{ \
int pthreadError = code; \
if (pthreadError != 0) { \
KJ_LOG(ERROR, #code, strerror(pthreadError)); \
} \
SimpleEventLoop::SimpleEventLoop() {
KJ_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, nullptr));
KJ_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_cond_init(&condvar, nullptr));
SimpleEventLoop::~SimpleEventLoop() noexcept(false) {
void SimpleEventLoop::prepareToSleep() noexcept {
__atomic_store_n(&preparedToSleep, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
void SimpleEventLoop::sleep() {
while (__atomic_load_n(&preparedToSleep, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) == 1) {
pthread_cond_wait(&condvar, &mutex);
void SimpleEventLoop::wake() const {
if (__atomic_exchange_n(&preparedToSleep, 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) != 0) {
// preparedToSleep was 1 before the exchange, so a sleep must be in progress in another thread.
// =======================================================================================
TaskSet::TaskSet(ErrorHandler& errorHandler)
: impl(heap<_::TaskSetImpl>(errorHandler)) {}
......@@ -26,14 +26,12 @@
#include "async-prelude.h"
#include "exception.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "refcount.h"
#include "tuple.h"
namespace kj {
class EventLoop;
class SimpleEventLoop;
template <typename T>
class Promise;
......@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@ private:
template <typename>
friend class _::ForkHub;
friend class _::TaskSetImpl;
friend Promise<void> _::yield();
template <typename T>
......@@ -300,6 +299,11 @@ constexpr _::Void READY_NOW = _::Void();
// Use this when you need a Promise<void> that is already fulfilled -- this value can be implicitly
// cast to `Promise<void>`.
constexpr _::NeverDone NEVER_DONE = _::NeverDone();
// The opposite of `READY_NOW`, return this when the promise should never resolve. This can be
// implicitly converted to any promise type. You may also call `NEVER_DONE.wait()` to wait
// forever (useful for servers).
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLater(Func&& func);
// Schedule for the given zero-parameter function to be executed in the event loop at some
......@@ -475,6 +479,40 @@ private:
// =======================================================================================
// The EventLoop class
class EventPort {
// Interfaces between an `EventLoop` and events originating from outside of the loop's thread.
// All such events come in through the `EventPort` implementation.
// An `EventPort` implementation may interface with low-level operating system APIs and/or other
// threads. You can also write an `EventPort` which wraps some other (non-KJ) event loop
// framework, allowing the two to coexist in a single thread.
virtual void wait() = 0;
// Wait for an external event to arrive, sleeping if necessary. Once at least one event has
// arrived, queue it to the event loop (e.g. by fulfilling a promise) and return.
// It is safe to return even if nothing has actually been queued, so long as calling `wait()` in
// a loop will eventually sleep. (That is to say, false positives are fine.)
// If the implementation knows that no event will ever arrive, it should throw an exception
// rather than deadlock.
// This is called only during `Promise::wait()`.
virtual void poll() = 0;
// Check if any external events have arrived, but do not sleep. If any events have arrived,
// add them to the event queue (e.g. by fulfilling promises) before returning.
// This is called only during `Promise::wait()`.
virtual void setRunnable(bool runnable);
// Called to notify the `EventPort` when the `EventLoop` has work to do; specifically when it
// transitions from empty -> runnable or runnable -> empty. This is typically useful when
// integrating with an external event loop; if the loop is currently runnable then you should
// arrange to call run() on it soon. The default implementation does nothing.
class EventLoop {
// Represents a queue of events being executed in a loop. Most code won't interact with
// EventLoop directly, but instead use `Promise`s to interact with it indirectly. See the
......@@ -490,7 +528,8 @@ class EventLoop {
// int main() {
// // `loop` becomes the official EventLoop for the thread.
// SimpleEventLoop loop;
// MyEventPort eventPort;
// EventLoop loop(eventPort);
// // Now we can call an async function.
// Promise<String> textPromise = getHttp("");
......@@ -501,42 +540,30 @@ class EventLoop {
// print(text);
// return 0;
// }
class EventJob;
// Most applications that do I/O will prefer to use `setupIoEventLoop()` from `async-io.h` rather
// than allocate an `EventLoop` directly.
~EventLoop() noexcept(false);
// Construct an `EventLoop` which does not receive external events at all.
static EventLoop& current();
// Get the event loop for the current thread. Throws an exception if no event loop is active.
explicit EventLoop(EventPort& port);
// Construct an `EventLoop` which receives external events through the given `EventPort`.
bool isCurrent() const;
// Is this EventLoop the current one for this thread? This can safely be called from any thread.
void runForever() KJ_NORETURN;
// Runs the loop forever. Useful for servers.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Subclasses should implement these.
virtual void prepareToSleep() noexcept = 0;
// Called just before `sleep()`. After calling this, the caller checks if any events are
// scheduled. If so, it calls `wake()`. Then, whether or not events were scheduled, it calls
// `sleep()`. Thus, `prepareToSleep()` is always followed by exactly one call to `sleep()`.
~EventLoop() noexcept(false);
virtual void sleep() = 0;
// Do not return until `wake()` is called. Always preceded by a call to `prepareToSleep()`.
void run(uint maxTurnCount = maxValue);
// Run the event loop for `maxTurnCount` turns or until there is nothing left to be done,
// whichever comes first. This never calls the `EventPort`'s `sleep()` or `poll()`. It will
// call the `EventPort`'s `setRunnable(false)` if the queue becomes empty.
virtual void wake() const = 0;
// Cancel any calls to sleep() that occurred *after* the last call to `prepareToSleep()`.
// May be called from a different thread. The interaction with `prepareToSleep()` is important:
// a `wake()` may occur between a call to `prepareToSleep()` and `sleep()`, in which case
// the subsequent `sleep()` must return immediately. `wake()` may be called any time an event
// is armed; it should return quickly if the loop isn't prepared to sleep.
bool isRunnable();
// Returns true if run() would currently do anything, or false if the queue is empty.
EventPort& port;
bool running = false;
// True while looping -- wait() is then not allowed.
......@@ -546,56 +573,13 @@ private:
Own<_::TaskSetImpl> daemons;
template <typename T, typename Func, typename ErrorFunc>
Own<_::PromiseNode> thenImpl(Promise<T>&& promise, Func&& func, ErrorFunc&& errorHandler);
void waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result);
// Run the event loop until `node` is fulfilled, and then `get()` its result into `result`.
Promise<void> yield();
// Returns a promise that won't resolve until all events currently on the queue are fired.
// Otherwise, returns an already-resolved promise. Used to implement evalLater().
template <typename T>
T wait(Promise<T>&& promise);
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLater(Func&& func) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
void daemonize(kj::Promise<void>&& promise);
bool turn();
template <typename>
friend class Promise;
friend Promise<void> yield();
template <typename ErrorFunc>
friend void daemonize(kj::Promise<void>&& promise, ErrorFunc&& errorHandler);
template <typename Func>
friend PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLater(Func&& func);
friend void _::daemonize(kj::Promise<void>&& promise);
friend void _::waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result);
friend class _::Event;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class SimpleEventLoop final: public EventLoop {
// A simple EventLoop implementation that does not know how to wait for any external I/O.
~SimpleEventLoop() noexcept(false);
void prepareToSleep() noexcept override;
void sleep() override;
void wake() const override;
mutable int preparedToSleep = 0;
mutable pthread_mutex_t mutex;
mutable pthread_cond_t condvar;
} // namespace kj
#include "async-inl.h"
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