Commit 7b59b551 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Arrange for compiler to send to the code generator the complete contents of all…

Arrange for compiler to send to the code generator the complete contents of all files listed on the command line, all first-level dependencies of those files, and parent scopes of those dependencies, but nothing more.  This means it's sometimes possible to compile a schema file without parsing all transitive dependencies.  Also, in 'decode' mode, don't compile annotations, so that the files defining those annotations need not be opened at all.
parent b608e69d
......@@ -116,7 +116,10 @@ public:
kj::MainFunc getDecodeMain() {
// Only parse the schemas we actually need for decoding.
compileMode = Compiler::LAZY;
compileEagerness = Compiler::NODE;
// Drop annotations since we don't need them. This avoids importing files like c++.capnp.
annotationFlag = Compiler::DROP_ANNOTATIONS;
kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING,
"Decodes one or more encoded Cap'n Proto messages as text. The messages have root "
......@@ -180,6 +183,11 @@ public:
kj::MainBuilder::Validity addSource(kj::StringPtr file) {
if (!compilerConstructed) {
compiler = compilerSpace.construct(annotationFlag);
compilerConstructed = true;
if (addStandardImportPaths) {
......@@ -195,7 +203,9 @@ public:
KJ_IF_MAYBE(module, loader.loadModule(file, file.slice(longestPrefix))) {
sourceIds.add(compiler.add(*module, Compiler::EAGER));
uint64_t id = compiler->add(*module);
compiler->eagerlyCompile(id, compileEagerness);
} else {
return "no such file";
......@@ -243,6 +253,10 @@ public:
return true;
// We require one or more sources and if they failed to compile we quit above, so this should
// pass. (This assertion also guarantees that `compiler` has been initialized.)
KJ_ASSERT(sourceIds.size() > 0, "Shouldn't have gotten here without sources.");
if (outputs.size() == 0) {
return "no outputs specified";
......@@ -250,7 +264,7 @@ public:
MallocMessageBuilder message;
auto request = message.initRoot<schema::CodeGeneratorRequest>();
auto schemas = compiler.getLoader().getAllLoaded();
auto schemas = compiler->getLoader().getAllLoaded();
auto nodes = request.initNodes(schemas.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < schemas.size(); i++) {
nodes.setWithCaveats(i, schemas[i].getProto());
......@@ -351,14 +365,14 @@ public:
type = nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(childId, compiler.lookup(id, part)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(childId, compiler->lookup(id, part)) {
id = *childId;
} else {
return "no such type";
Schema schema = compiler.getLoader().get(id);
Schema schema = compiler->getLoader().get(id);
if (schema.getProto().getBody().which() != schema::Node::Body::STRUCT_NODE) {
return "not a struct type";
......@@ -485,8 +499,17 @@ public:
kj::ProcessContext& context;
ModuleLoader loader;
Compiler compiler;
Compiler::Mode compileMode = Compiler::EAGER;
kj::SpaceFor<Compiler> compilerSpace;
bool compilerConstructed = false;
kj::Own<Compiler> compiler;
Compiler::AnnotationFlag annotationFlag = Compiler::COMPILE_ANNOTATIONS;
uint compileEagerness = Compiler::NODE | Compiler::CHILDREN |
// By default we compile each explicitly listed schema in full, plus first-level dependencies
// of those schemas, plus the parent nodes of any dependencies. This is what most code generators
// require to function.
kj::Vector<kj::String> sourcePrefixes;
bool addStandardImportPaths = true;
......@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ SchemaLoader schemaLoader;
Text::Reader getUnqualifiedName(Schema schema) {
auto proto = schema.getProto();
auto parent = schemaLoader.get(proto.getScopeId());
for (auto nested: parent.getProto().getNestedNodes()) {
if (nested.getId() == proto.getId()) {
......@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ TextBlob nodeName(Schema target, Schema scope) {
auto part = targetParents.back();
auto proto = part.getProto();
if (proto.getScopeId() == 0) {
path = text(kj::mv(path), "import \"", proto.getDisplayName(), "\".");
path = text(kj::mv(path), "import \"/", proto.getDisplayName(), "\".");
} else {
path = text(kj::mv(path), getUnqualifiedName(part), ".");
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
kj::Maybe<Schema> getBootstrapSchema() const;
kj::Maybe<schema::Node::Reader> getFinalSchema() const;
void traverse(Compiler::Mode mode) const;
void traverse(uint eagerness, std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const;
// Get the final schema for this node, and also possibly traverse the node's children and
// dependencies to ensure that they are loaded, depending on the mode.
......@@ -185,6 +185,14 @@ private:
const Content& getContent(Content::State minimumState) const;
// Advances the content to at least the given state and returns it. Does not lock if the content
// is already at or past the given state.
void traverseType(const schema::Type::Reader& type, uint eagerness,
std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const;
void traverseStructMember(const schema::StructNode::Member::Reader& member, uint eagerness,
std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const;
void traverseAnnotations(const List<schema::Annotation>::Reader& annotations, uint eagerness,
std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const;
// Helpers for traverse().
class Compiler::CompiledModule {
......@@ -210,12 +218,13 @@ private:
class Compiler::Impl: public SchemaLoader::LazyLoadCallback {
explicit Impl(AnnotationFlag annotationFlag);
virtual ~Impl() noexcept(false);
uint64_t add(const Module& module, Mode mode) const;
uint64_t add(const Module& module) const;
kj::Maybe<uint64_t> lookup(uint64_t parent, kj::StringPtr childName) const;
const CompiledModule& add(const Module& parsedModule) const;
void eagerlyCompile(uint64_t id, uint eagerness) const;
const CompiledModule& addInternal(const Module& parsedModule) const;
struct Workspace {
// Scratch space where stuff can be allocated while working. The Workspace is available
......@@ -250,14 +259,17 @@ public:
const SchemaLoader& getFinalLoader() const { return finalLoader; }
// Schema loader containing final versions of schemas.
const Workspace& getWorkspace() const { return workspace.getWithoutLock(); }
const Workspace& getWorkspace() const { return workspace.getAlreadyLockedShared(); }
// Temporary workspace that can be used to construct bootstrap objects. We assume that the
// caller already holds the workspace lock somewhere up the stack.
inline bool shouldCompileAnnotations() const {
return annotationFlag == AnnotationFlag::COMPILE_ANNOTATIONS;
void clearWorkspace();
// Reset the temporary workspace.
uint64_t addNode(uint64_t desiredId, Node& node) const;
// Add the given node to the by-ID map under the given ID. If another node with the same ID
// already exists, choose a new one arbitrarily and use that instead. Return the ID that was
......@@ -270,6 +282,8 @@ public:
void load(const SchemaLoader& loader, uint64_t id) const override;
AnnotationFlag annotationFlag;
kj::Arena nodeArena;
// Arena used to allocate nodes and other permanent objects.
......@@ -475,7 +489,8 @@ const Compiler::Node::Content& Compiler::Node::getContent(Content::State minimum
locked->translator = &workspace.arena.allocate<NodeTranslator>(
*this, module->getErrorReporter(), declaration, kj::mv(schemaNode));
*this, module->getErrorReporter(), declaration, kj::mv(schemaNode),
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&](){
locked->bootstrapSchema = workspace.bootstrapLoader.loadOnce(
......@@ -645,16 +660,123 @@ kj::Maybe<schema::Node::Reader> Compiler::Node::getFinalSchema() const {
[](const Schema& schema) { return schema.getProto(); });
void Compiler::Node::traverse(Compiler::Mode mode) const {
void Compiler::Node::traverse(uint eagerness, std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const {
uint& slot = seen[this];
if ((slot & eagerness) == eagerness) {
// We've already covered this node.
slot |= eagerness;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(schema, getFinalSchema()) {
if (eagerness / DEPENDENCIES != 0) {
// For traversing dependencies, discard the bits lower than DEPENDENCIES and replace
// them with the bits above DEPENDENCIES shifted over.
uint newEagerness = (eagerness & ~(DEPENDENCIES - 1)) | (eagerness / DEPENDENCIES);
switch (schema->getBody().which()) {
case schema::Node::Body::STRUCT_NODE:
for (auto member: schema->getBody().getStructNode().getMembers()) {
traverseStructMember(member, newEagerness, seen);
case schema::Node::Body::ENUM_NODE:
for (auto enumerant: schema->getBody().getEnumNode().getEnumerants()) {
traverseAnnotations(enumerant.getAnnotations(), newEagerness, seen);
case schema::Node::Body::INTERFACE_NODE:
for (auto method: schema->getBody().getInterfaceNode().getMethods()) {
for (auto param: method.getParams()) {
traverseType(param.getType(), newEagerness, seen);
traverseAnnotations(param.getAnnotations(), newEagerness, seen);
traverseType(method.getReturnType(), newEagerness, seen);
traverseAnnotations(method.getAnnotations(), newEagerness, seen);
if (mode == EAGER) {
traverseAnnotations(schema->getAnnotations(), newEagerness, seen);
if (eagerness & PARENTS) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, parent) {
p->traverse(eagerness, seen);
if (eagerness & CHILDREN) {
for (auto& child: getContent(Content::EXPANDED).nestedNodes) {
child.second->traverse(eagerness, seen);
void Compiler::Node::traverseType(const schema::Type::Reader& type, uint eagerness,
std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const {
uint64_t id = 0;
switch (type.getBody().which()) {
case schema::Type::Body::STRUCT_TYPE:
id = type.getBody().getStructType();
case schema::Type::Body::ENUM_TYPE:
id = type.getBody().getEnumType();
case schema::Type::Body::INTERFACE_TYPE:
id = type.getBody().getInterfaceType();
case schema::Type::Body::LIST_TYPE:
traverseType(type.getBody().getListType(), eagerness, seen);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(node, module->getCompiler().findNode(id)) {
node->traverse(eagerness, seen);
} else {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("Dependency ID not present in compiler?", id);
void Compiler::Node::traverseStructMember(const schema::StructNode::Member::Reader& member,
uint eagerness,
std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const {
switch (member.getBody().which()) {
case schema::StructNode::Member::Body::FIELD_MEMBER:
traverseType(member.getBody().getFieldMember().getType(), eagerness, seen);
case schema::StructNode::Member::Body::UNION_MEMBER:
for (auto child: member.getBody().getUnionMember().getMembers()) {
traverseStructMember(child, eagerness, seen);
case schema::StructNode::Member::Body::GROUP_MEMBER:
for (auto child: member.getBody().getGroupMember().getMembers()) {
traverseStructMember(child, eagerness, seen);
void Compiler::Node::traverseAnnotations(const List<schema::Annotation>::Reader& annotations,
uint eagerness,
std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint>& seen) const {
for (auto annotation: annotations) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(node, module->getCompiler().findNode(annotation.getId())) {
node->traverse(eagerness, seen);
void Compiler::Node::addError(kj::StringPtr error) const {
module->getErrorReporter().addError(startByte, endByte, error);
......@@ -694,13 +816,14 @@ kj::Maybe<const Compiler::CompiledModule&> Compiler::CompiledModule::importRelat
kj::StringPtr importPath) const {
return parserModule.importRelative(importPath).map(
[this](const Module& module) -> const Compiler::CompiledModule& {
return compiler.add(module);
return compiler.addInternal(module);
// =======================================================================================
Compiler::Impl::Impl(): finalLoader(*this), workspace(*this) {
Compiler::Impl::Impl(AnnotationFlag annotationFlag)
: annotationFlag(annotationFlag), finalLoader(*this), workspace(*this) {
// Reflectively interpret the members of Declaration.body. Any member prefixed by "builtin"
// defines a builtin declaration visible in the global scope.
StructSchema::Union declBodySchema =
......@@ -715,7 +838,7 @@ Compiler::Impl::Impl(): finalLoader(*this), workspace(*this) {
Compiler::Impl::~Impl() {}
Compiler::Impl::~Impl() noexcept(false) {}
void Compiler::Impl::clearWorkspace() {
auto lock = workspace.lockExclusive();
......@@ -725,7 +848,7 @@ void Compiler::Impl::clearWorkspace() {
const Compiler::CompiledModule& Compiler::Impl::add(const Module& parsedModule) const {
const Compiler::CompiledModule& Compiler::Impl::addInternal(const Module& parsedModule) const {
auto locked = modules.lockExclusive();
kj::Own<CompiledModule>& slot = (*locked)[&parsedModule];
......@@ -777,31 +900,41 @@ kj::Maybe<const Compiler::Node&> Compiler::Impl::lookupBuiltin(kj::StringPtr nam
uint64_t Compiler::Impl::add(const Module& module, Mode mode) const {
auto lock = this->workspace.lockShared();
auto& node = add(module).getRootNode();
if (mode != LAZY) {
return node.getId();
uint64_t Compiler::Impl::add(const Module& module) const {
return addInternal(module).getRootNode().getId();
kj::Maybe<uint64_t> Compiler::Impl::lookup(uint64_t parent, kj::StringPtr childName) const {
// We know this won't use the workspace, so we need not lock it.
// Looking up members does not use the workspace, so we don't need to lock it.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(parentNode, findNode(parent)) {
return parentNode->lookupMember(childName).map([](const Node& n) { return n.getId(); });
KJ_IF_MAYBE(child, parentNode->lookupMember(childName)) {
return child->getId();
} else {
return nullptr;
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("lookup()s parameter 'parent' must be a known ID.", parent);
void Compiler::Impl::eagerlyCompile(uint64_t id, uint eagerness) const {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(node, findNode(id)) {
auto lock = this->workspace.lockShared();
std::unordered_map<const Node*, uint> seen;
node->traverse(eagerness, seen);
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("id did not come from this Compiler.", id);
void Compiler::Impl::load(const SchemaLoader& loader, uint64_t id) const {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(node, findNode(id)) {
if (&loader == &finalLoader) {
auto lock = this->workspace.lockShared();
} else {
// Must be the bootstrap loader.
// Must be the bootstrap loader. Workspace should already be locked.
......@@ -809,17 +942,21 @@ void Compiler::Impl::load(const SchemaLoader& loader, uint64_t id) const {
// =======================================================================================
Compiler::Compiler(): impl(kj::heap<Impl>()) {}
Compiler::~Compiler() {}
Compiler::Compiler(AnnotationFlag annotationFlag): impl(kj::heap<Impl>(annotationFlag)) {}
Compiler::~Compiler() noexcept(false) {}
uint64_t Compiler::add(const Module& module, Mode mode) const {
return impl->add(module, mode);
uint64_t Compiler::add(const Module& module) const {
return impl->add(module);
kj::Maybe<uint64_t> Compiler::lookup(uint64_t parent, kj::StringPtr childName) const {
return impl->lookup(parent, childName);
void Compiler::eagerlyCompile(uint64_t id, uint eagerness) const {
return impl->eagerlyCompile(id, eagerness);
const SchemaLoader& Compiler::getLoader() const {
return impl->getFinalLoader();
......@@ -55,37 +55,109 @@ class Compiler {
// Cross-links separate modules (schema files) and translates them into schema nodes.
enum AnnotationFlag {
// Compile annotations normally.
// Do not compile any annotations, eagerly or lazily. All "annotations" fields in the schema
// will be left empty. This is useful to avoid parsing imports that are used only for
// annotations which you don't intend to use anyway.
// Unfortunately annotations cannot simply be compiled lazily because filling in the
// "annotations" field at the usage site requires knowing the annotation's type, which requires
// compiling the annotation, and the schema API has no particular way to detect when you
// try to access the "annotations" field in order to lazily compile the annotations at that
// point.
explicit Compiler(AnnotationFlag annotationFlag = COMPILE_ANNOTATIONS);
~Compiler() noexcept(false);
enum Mode {
// Completely traverse the module's parse tree and translate it into schema nodes before
// returning from add().
uint64_t add(const Module& module) const;
// Add a module to the Compiler, returning the module's file ID. The ID can then be looked up in
// the `SchemaLoader` returned by `getLoader()`. However, the SchemaLoader may behave as if the
// schema node doesn't exist if any compilation errors occur (reported via the module's
// ErrorReporter). The module is parsed at the time `add()` is called, but not fully compiled --
// individual schema nodes are compiled lazily. If you want to force eager compilation,
// see `eagerlyCompile()`, below.
// Only interpret the module's definitions when they are requested. The main advantage of this
// mode is that imports will only be loaded if they are actually needed.
kj::Maybe<uint64_t> lookup(uint64_t parent, kj::StringPtr childName) const;
// Given the type ID of a schema node, find the ID of a node nested within it. Throws an
// exception if the parent ID is not recognized; returns null if the parent has no child of the
// given name. Neither the parent nor the child schema node is actually compiled.
enum Eagerness: uint32_t {
// Flags specifying how eager to be about compilation. These are intended to be bitwise OR'd.
// Used with the method `eagerlyCompile()`.
// Schema declarations can be compiled upfront, or they can be compiled lazily as they are
// needed. Usually, the difference is not observable, but it is not a perfect abstraction.
// The difference has the following effects:
// * `getLoader().getAllLoaded()` only returns the schema nodes which have been compiled so
// far.
// * `getLoader().get()` (i.e. searching for a schema by ID) can only find schema nodes that
// have either been compiled already, or which are referenced by schema nodes which have been
// compiled already. This means that if the ID you pass in came from another schema node
// compiled with the same compiler, there should be no observable difference, but if you
// have an ID from elsewhere which you _a priori_ expect is defined in a particular schema
// file, you will need to compile that file eagerly before you look up the node by ID.
// * Errors are reported when they are encountered, so some errors will not be reported until
// the node is actually compiled.
// * If an imported file is not needed, it will never even be read from disk.
// Since the parse tree is traversed lazily, any particular schema node only becomes findable
// by ID (using the SchemaLoader) once one of its neighbors in the graph has been examined.
// As long as you are only traversing the graph -- only looking up IDs that you obtained from
// other schema nodes from the same loader -- you shouldn't be able to tell the difference.
// But if you receive IDs from some external source and want to look those up, you'd better
// use EAGER mode.
// The last point is the main reason why you might want to prefer lazy compilation: it allows
// you to use a schema file with missing imports, so long as those missing imports are not
// actually needed.
// For example, the flag combo:
// will compile the entire given module, plus all direct dependencies of anything in that
// module, plus all lexical ancestors of those dependencies. This is what the Cap'n Proto
// compiler uses when building initial code generator requests.
// Compile everything that is in any way related to the target node, including its entire
// containing file and everything transitively imported by it.
NODE = 1 << 0,
// Eagerly compile the requested node, but not necessarily any of its parents, children, or
// dependencies.
PARENTS = 1 << 1,
// Eagerly compile all lexical parents of the requested node. Only meaningful in conjuction
// with NODE.
CHILDREN = 1 << 2,
// Eagerly compile all of the node's lexically nested nodes. Only meaningful in conjuction
// with NODE.
// For all nodes compiled as a result of the above flags, also compile their direct
// dependencies. E.g. if Foo is a struct which contains a field of type Bar, and Foo is
// compiled, then also compile Bar. "Dependencies" are defined as field types, method
// parameter and return types, and annotation types. Nested types and outer types are not
// considered dependencies.
// Like PARENTS, CHILDREN, and DEPENDENCIES, but applies relative to dependency nodes rather
// than the original requested node. Note that DEPENDENCY_DEPENDENCIES causes all transitive
// dependencies of the requested node to be compiled.
// These flags are defined as multiples of the original flag and DEPENDENCIES so that we
// can form the flags to use when traversing a dependency by shifting bits.
uint64_t add(const Module& module, Mode mode) const;
// Add a module to the Compiler, returning the module's file ID. The ID can then be used to
// look up the schema in the SchemaLoader returned by `getLoader()`. However, if there were any
// errors while compiling (reported via `module.addError()`), then the SchemaLoader may behave as
// if the node doesn't exist, or may return an invalid partial Schema.
kj::Maybe<uint64_t> lookup(uint64_t parent, kj::StringPtr childName) const;
// Given the type ID of a schema node, find the ID of a node nested within it, without actually
// building either node. Throws an exception if the parent ID is not recognized; returns null
// if the parent has no child of the given name.
void eagerlyCompile(uint64_t id, uint eagerness) const;
// Force eager compilation of schema nodes related to the given ID. `eagerness` specifies which
// related nodes should be compiled before returning. It is a bitwise OR of the possible values
// of the `Eagerness` enum.
// If this returns and no errors have been reported, then it is guaranteed that the compiled
// nodes can be found in the SchemaLoader returned by `getLoader()`.
const SchemaLoader& getLoader() const;
// Get a SchemaLoader backed by this compiler. Schema nodes will be lazily constructed as you
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ Lexer::Lexer(Orphanage orphanageParam, const ErrorReporter& errorReporterParam)
parsers.emptySpace = commentsAndWhitespace;
Lexer::~Lexer() {}
Lexer::~Lexer() noexcept(false) {}
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace capnp
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ kj::Maybe<const Module&> ModuleLoader::Impl::loadModuleFromSearchPath(
ModuleLoader::ModuleLoader(const GlobalErrorReporter& errorReporter)
: impl(kj::heap<Impl>(errorReporter)) {}
ModuleLoader::~ModuleLoader() {}
ModuleLoader::~ModuleLoader() noexcept(false) {}
void ModuleLoader::addImportPath(kj::String path) { impl->addImportPath(kj::mv(path)); }
......@@ -525,9 +525,10 @@ private:
const Resolver& resolver, const ErrorReporter& errorReporter,
const Declaration::Reader& decl, Orphan<schema::Node> wipNodeParam)
const Declaration::Reader& decl, Orphan<schema::Node> wipNodeParam,
bool compileAnnotations)
: resolver(resolver), errorReporter(errorReporter),
wipNode(kj::mv(wipNodeParam)) {
compileAnnotations(compileAnnotations), wipNode(kj::mv(wipNodeParam)) {
compileNode(decl, wipNode.get());
......@@ -1786,7 +1787,7 @@ kj::Maybe<ListSchema> NodeTranslator::makeListSchemaOf(schema::Type::Reader elem
Orphan<List<schema::Annotation>> NodeTranslator::compileAnnotationApplications(
List<Declaration::AnnotationApplication>::Reader annotations,
kj::StringPtr targetsFlagName) {
if (annotations.size() == 0) {
if (annotations.size() == 0 || !compileAnnotations) {
// Return null.
return Orphan<List<schema::Annotation>>();
......@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ public:
NodeTranslator(const Resolver& resolver, const ErrorReporter& errorReporter,
const Declaration::Reader& decl, Orphan<schema::Node> wipNode);
const Declaration::Reader& decl, Orphan<schema::Node> wipNode,
bool compileAnnotations);
// Construct a NodeTranslator to translate the given declaration. The wipNode starts out with
// `displayName`, `id`, `scopeId`, and `nestedNodes` already initialized. The `NodeTranslator`
// fills in the rest.
......@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ public:
const Resolver& resolver;
const ErrorReporter& errorReporter;
bool compileAnnotations;
Orphan<schema::Node> wipNode;
// The work-in-progress schema node.
......@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ CapnpParser::CapnpParser(Orphanage orphanageParam, const ErrorReporter& errorRep
parsers.methodDecl, parsers.genericDecl));
CapnpParser::~CapnpParser() {}
CapnpParser::~CapnpParser() noexcept(false) {}
kj::Maybe<Orphan<Declaration>> CapnpParser::parseStatement(
Statement::Reader statement, const DeclParser& parser) {
......@@ -33,12 +33,27 @@ namespace {
inline void delay() { usleep(10000); }
#define EXPECT_ANY_THROW(code) EXPECT_DEATH(code, ".")
#define EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(code) code
#ifdef NDEBUG
TEST(Mutex, MutexGuarded) {
MutexGuarded<uint> value(123);
Locked<uint> lock = value.lockExclusive();
EXPECT_EQ(123u, *lock);
EXPECT_EQ(123u, value.getAlreadyLockedExclusive());
Thread thread([&]() {
Locked<uint> threadLock = value.lockExclusive();
......@@ -56,6 +71,8 @@ TEST(Mutex, MutexGuarded) {
auto rlock1 = value.lockShared();
EXPECT_EQ(789u, *rlock1);
EXPECT_EQ(789u, value.getAlreadyLockedShared());
auto rlock2 = value.lockShared();
......@@ -98,6 +115,10 @@ TEST(Mutex, MutexGuarded) {
EXPECT_EQ(321u, *value.lockExclusive());
EXPECT_EQ(321u, value.getWithoutLock());
TEST(Mutex, Lazy) {
......@@ -123,6 +123,19 @@ void Mutex::unlock(Exclusivity exclusivity) {
void Mutex::assertLockedByCaller(Exclusivity exclusivity) {
switch (exclusivity) {
"Tried to call getAlreadyLocked*() but lock is not held.");
case SHARED:
"Tried to call getAlreadyLocked*() but lock is not held.");
void Once::runOnce(Initializer& init) {
uint state = UNINITIALIZED;
if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&futex, &state, INITIALIZING, false,
......@@ -203,6 +216,26 @@ void Mutex::unlock(Exclusivity exclusivity) {
void Mutex::assertLockedByCaller(Exclusivity exclusivity) {
switch (exclusivity) {
// A read lock should fail if the mutex is already held for writing.
if (pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&mutex) == 0) {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("Tried to call getAlreadyLocked*() but lock is not held.");
case SHARED:
// A write lock should fail if the mutex is already held for reading or writing. We don't
// have any way to prove that the lock is held only for reading.
if (pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&mutex) == 0) {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("Tried to call getAlreadyLocked*() but lock is not held.");
Once::Once(): initialized(false) {
KJ_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, nullptr));
......@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ public:
void lock(Exclusivity exclusivity);
void unlock(Exclusivity exclusivity);
void assertLockedByCaller(Exclusivity exclusivity);
// In debug mode, assert that the mutex is locked by the calling thread, or if that is
// non-trivial, assert that the mutex is locked (which should be good enough to catch problems
// in unit tests). In non-debug builds, do nothing.
uint futex;
......@@ -207,6 +212,11 @@ public:
// Escape hatch for cases where some external factor guarantees that it's safe to get the
// value. You should treat these like const_cast -- be highly suspicious of any use.
inline const T& getAlreadyLockedShared() const;
inline T& getAlreadyLockedShared();
inline T& getAlreadyLockedExclusive() const;
// Like `getWithoutLock()`, but asserts that the lock is already held by the calling thread.
mutable _::Mutex mutex;
mutable T value;
......@@ -265,6 +275,28 @@ inline Locked<const T> MutexGuarded<T>::lockShared() const {
return Locked<const T>(mutex, value);
template <typename T>
inline const T& MutexGuarded<T>::getAlreadyLockedShared() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
return value;
template <typename T>
inline T& MutexGuarded<T>::getAlreadyLockedShared() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
return value;
template <typename T>
inline T& MutexGuarded<T>::getAlreadyLockedExclusive() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
return const_cast<T&>(value);
template <typename T>
template <typename Func>
class Lazy<T>::InitImpl: public _::Once::Initializer {
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