Commit 78c27314 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Update KJ_BIND_METHOD for C++14.

parent 8f5bb09d
......@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ struct TestType {
int foo(int a, int b) {
return a + b + callCount++;
int foo(int c) {
return c * 100;
TEST(Function, Method) {
......@@ -61,6 +65,9 @@ TEST(Function, Method) {
EXPECT_EQ(3, obj.callCount);
Function<int(int)> f3 = KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, foo);
EXPECT_EQ(12300, f3(123));
// Bind to a temporary.
f = KJ_BIND_METHOD(TestType(10), foo);
......@@ -252,80 +252,42 @@ private:
#if 1
namespace _ { // private
template <typename T, typename Signature, Signature method>
class BoundMethod;
template <typename T, typename Return, typename... Params, Return (Decay<T>::*method)(Params...)>
class BoundMethod<T, Return (Decay<T>::*)(Params...), method> {
template <typename T, typename Func, typename ConstFunc>
class BoundMethod {
BoundMethod(T&& t): t(kj::fwd<T>(t)) {}
BoundMethod(T&& t, Func&& func, ConstFunc&& constFunc)
: t(kj::fwd<T>(t)), func(kj::mv(func)), constFunc(kj::mv(constFunc)) {}
Return operator()(Params&&... params) {
return (t.*method)(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
template <typename... Params>
auto operator()(Params&&... params) {
return func(t, kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
T t;
template <typename T, typename Return, typename... Params,
Return (Decay<T>::*method)(Params...) const>
class BoundMethod<T, Return (Decay<T>::*)(Params...) const, method> {
BoundMethod(T&& t): t(kj::fwd<T>(t)) {}
Return operator()(Params&&... params) const {
return (t.*method)(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
template <typename... Params>
auto operator()(Params&&... params) const {
return constFunc(t, kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
T t;
Func func;
ConstFunc constFunc;
} // namespace _ (private)
template <typename T, typename Func, typename ConstFunc>
BoundMethod<T, Func, ConstFunc> boundMethod(T&& t, Func&& func, ConstFunc&& constFunc) {
return { kj::fwd<T>(t), kj::fwd<Func>(func), kj::fwd<ConstFunc>(constFunc) };
#define KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, method) \
::kj::_::BoundMethod<KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(obj), \
decltype(&::kj::Decay<decltype(obj)>::method), \
// Macro that produces a functor object which forwards to the method ``. If `obj` is an
// lvalue, the functor will hold a reference to it. If `obj` is an rvalue, the functor will
// contain a copy (by move) of it.
// The current implementation requires that the method is not overloaded.
// TODO(someday): C++14's generic lambdas may be able to simplify this code considerably, and
// probably make it work with overloaded methods.
// Here's a better implementation of the above that doesn't work with GCC (but does with Clang)
// because it uses a local class with a template method. Sigh. This implementation supports
// overloaded methods.
} // namespace _ (private)
#define KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, method) \
({ \
typedef KJ_DECLTYPE_REF(obj) T; \
class F { \
public: \
inline F(T&& t): t(::kj::fwd<T>(t)) {} \
template <typename... Params> \
auto operator()(Params&&... params) \
-> decltype(::kj::instance<T>().method(::kj::fwd<Params>(params)...)) { \
return t.method(::kj::fwd<Params>(params)...); \
} \
private: \
T t; \
}; \
(F(obj)); \
::kj::_::boundMethod(obj, \
[](auto& s, auto&&... p) mutable { return s.method(kj::fwd<decltype(p)>(p)...); }, \
[](auto& s, auto&&... p) { return s.method(kj::fwd<decltype(p)>(p)...); })
// Macro that produces a functor object which forwards to the method ``. If `obj` is an
// lvalue, the functor will hold a reference to it. If `obj` is an rvalue, the functor will
// contain a copy (by move) of it.
// contain a copy (by move) of it. The method is allowed to be overloaded.
} // namespace kj
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