Commit 7693365a authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Add test verifying that backwards compatibility is maintained through various changes.

parent be6027ee
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ $(test_capnpc_outputs): test_capnpc_middleman
BUILT_SOURCES = $(test_capnpc_outputs)
check_PROGRAMS = capnp-test
check_PROGRAMS = capnp-test capnp-evolution-test
capnp_test_LDADD = gtest/lib/ gtest/lib/
capnp_test_CPPFLAGS = -Igtest/include -I$(srcdir)/gtest/include
capnp_test_SOURCES = \
......@@ -297,4 +297,7 @@ capnp_test_SOURCES = \
nodist_capnp_test_SOURCES = $(test_capnpc_outputs)
TESTS = capnp-test
capnp_evolution_test_LDADD =
capnp_evolution_test_SOURCES = src/capnp/compiler/evolution-test.c++
TESTS = capnp-test capnp-evolution-test
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public:
// already allocated and therefore cannot be a hole.
kj::Maybe<UIntType> tryAllocate(UIntType lgSize) {
// Try to find space for a field of size lgSize^2 within the set of holes. If found,
// Try to find space for a field of size 2^lgSize within the set of holes. If found,
// remove it from the holes, and return its offset (as a multiple of its size). If there
// is no such space, returns zero (no hole can be at offset zero, as explained above).
......@@ -1126,7 +1126,28 @@ private:
case Declaration::UNION:
errorReporter.addErrorOn(member, "Unions cannot contain unions.");
if (member.getName().getValue() == "") {
errorReporter.addErrorOn(member, "Unions cannot contain unnamed unions.");
} else {
// For layout purposes, pretend this union is enclosed in a one-member group.
StructLayout::Group& singletonGroup =
StructLayout::Union& unionLayout = arena.allocate<StructLayout::Union>(singletonGroup);
memberInfo = &arena.allocate<MemberInfo>(
parent, codeOrder++, member,
newGroupNode(parent.node, member.getName().getValue()),
memberInfo->unionScope = &unionLayout;
uint subCodeOrder = 0;
traverseUnion(member.getNestedDecls(), *memberInfo, unionLayout, subCodeOrder);
if (member.getId().isOrdinal()) {
ordinal = member.getId().getOrdinal().getValue();
case Declaration::GROUP: {
......@@ -764,6 +764,43 @@ TEST(Encoding, BitListDowngrade) {
checkList(reader.getObjectField<List<uint16_t>>(), {0x1201u, 0x3400u, 0x5601u, 0x7801u});
TEST(Encoding, BitListDowngradeFromStruct) {
MallocMessageBuilder builder;
auto root = builder.initRoot<test::TestObject>();
auto list = root.initObjectField<List<test::TestLists::Struct1c>>(4);
checkList(root.getObjectField<List<bool>>(), {true, false, true, true});
auto l = root.getObjectField<List<test::TestLists::Struct1>>();
ASSERT_EQ(4u, l.size());
auto reader = root.asReader();
checkList(reader.getObjectField<List<bool>>(), {true, false, true, true});
auto l = reader.getObjectField<List<test::TestLists::Struct1>>();
ASSERT_EQ(4u, l.size());
TEST(Encoding, BitListUpgrade) {
MallocMessageBuilder builder;
auto root = builder.initRoot<test::TestObject>();
......@@ -1757,11 +1757,6 @@ struct WireHelpers {
case FieldSize::BIT:
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Expected a bit list, but got a list of structs.") {
goto useDefault;
case FieldSize::BYTE:
case FieldSize::TWO_BYTES:
case FieldSize::FOUR_BYTES:
......@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ struct List<T, Kind::PRIMITIVE> {
inline uint size() const { return reader.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline T operator[](uint index) const {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return reader.template getDataElement<T>(index * ELEMENTS);
......@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ struct List<T, Kind::PRIMITIVE> {
inline uint size() const { return builder.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline T operator[](uint index) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return builder.template getDataElement<T>(index * ELEMENTS);
inline void set(uint index, T value) {
......@@ -216,6 +218,7 @@ struct List<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
inline uint size() const { return reader.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline typename T::Reader operator[](uint index) const {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return typename T::Reader(reader.getStructElement(index * ELEMENTS));
......@@ -246,6 +249,7 @@ struct List<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
inline uint size() const { return builder.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline typename T::Builder operator[](uint index) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return typename T::Builder(builder.getStructElement(index * ELEMENTS));
......@@ -259,6 +263,8 @@ struct List<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
// using a newer version of the schema that has additional fields -- it will be truncated,
// losing data.
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
// We pass a zero-valued StructSize to asStruct() because we do not want the struct to be
// expanded under any circumstances. We're just going to throw it away anyway, and
// transferContentFrom() already carefully compares the struct sizes before transferring.
......@@ -273,6 +279,7 @@ struct List<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
// using a newer version of the schema that has additional fields -- it will be truncated,
// losing data.
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
builder.getStructElement(index * ELEMENTS).copyContentFrom(reader._reader);
......@@ -341,6 +348,7 @@ struct List<List<T>, Kind::LIST> {
inline uint size() const { return reader.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline typename List<T>::Reader operator[](uint index) const {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return typename List<T>::Reader(List<T>::getAsElementOf(reader, index));
......@@ -371,15 +379,19 @@ struct List<List<T>, Kind::LIST> {
inline uint size() const { return builder.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline typename List<T>::Builder operator[](uint index) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return typename List<T>::Builder(List<T>::getAsElementOf(builder, index));
inline typename List<T>::Builder init(uint index, uint size) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < this->size());
return typename List<T>::Builder(List<T>::initAsElementOf(builder, index, size));
inline void set(uint index, typename List<T>::Reader value) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
builder.setListElement(index * ELEMENTS, value.reader);
void set(uint index, std::initializer_list<ReaderFor<T>> value) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
auto l = init(index, value.size());
uint i = 0;
for (auto& element: value) {
......@@ -387,9 +399,11 @@ struct List<List<T>, Kind::LIST> {
inline void adopt(uint index, Orphan<T>&& value) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
builder.adopt(index * ELEMENTS, kj::mv(value));
inline Orphan<T> disown(uint index) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return Orphan<T>(builder.disown(index * ELEMENTS));
......@@ -451,6 +465,7 @@ struct List<T, Kind::BLOB> {
inline uint size() const { return reader.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline typename T::Reader operator[](uint index) const {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return reader.getBlobElement<T>(index * ELEMENTS);
......@@ -481,18 +496,23 @@ struct List<T, Kind::BLOB> {
inline uint size() const { return builder.size() / ELEMENTS; }
inline typename T::Builder operator[](uint index) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return builder.getBlobElement<T>(index * ELEMENTS);
inline void set(uint index, typename T::Reader value) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
builder.setBlobElement<T>(index * ELEMENTS, value);
inline typename T::Builder init(uint index, uint size) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < this->size());
return builder.initBlobElement<T>(index * ELEMENTS, size * BYTES);
inline void adopt(uint index, Orphan<T>&& value) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
builder.adopt(index * ELEMENTS, kj::mv(value));
inline Orphan<T> disown(uint index) {
KJ_IREQUIRE(index < size());
return Orphan<T>(builder.disown(index * ELEMENTS));
......@@ -377,7 +377,8 @@ inline typename RootType::Builder MessageBuilder::initRoot() {
template <typename Reader>
inline void MessageBuilder::setRoot(Reader&& value) {
typedef FromReader<Reader> RootType;
static_assert(kind<RootType>() == Kind::STRUCT, "Root type must be a Cap'n Proto struct type.");
static_assert(kind<RootType>() == Kind::STRUCT,
"Parameter must be a Reader for a Cap'n Proto struct type.");
......@@ -442,7 +442,8 @@ private:
if (hadCase) {
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(value.which() == expectedValueType, "Value did not match type.");
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(value.which() == expectedValueType, "Value did not match type.",
(uint)value.which(), (uint)expectedValueType);
......@@ -511,6 +512,9 @@ public:
bool shouldReplace(const schema::Node::Reader& existingNode,
const schema::Node::Reader& replacement,
bool preferReplacementIfEquivalent) {
this->existingNode = existingNode;
this->replacementNode = replacement;
KJ_CONTEXT("checking compatibility with previously-loaded node of the same id",
......@@ -528,6 +532,8 @@ public:
SchemaLoader::Impl& loader;
Text::Reader nodeName;
schema::Node::Reader existingNode;
schema::Node::Reader replacementNode;
enum Compatibility {
......@@ -633,6 +639,17 @@ private:
if (replacement.getDiscriminantCount() > structNode.getDiscriminantCount()) {
} else if (replacement.getDiscriminantCount() < structNode.getDiscriminantCount()) {
if (replacement.getDiscriminantCount() > 0 && structNode.getDiscriminantCount() > 0) {
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(replacement.getDiscriminantOffset() == structNode.getDiscriminantOffset(),
"union discriminant position changed");
// The shared members should occupy corresponding positions in the member lists, since the
// lists are sorted by ordinal.
auto fields = structNode.getFields();
......@@ -672,26 +689,48 @@ private:
const schema::Field::Reader& replacement) {
KJ_CONTEXT("comparing struct field", field.getName());
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(field.which() == replacement.which(),
"group field replaced with non-group or vice versa");
// A field that is initially not in a union can be upgraded to be in one, as long as it has
// discriminant 0.
uint discriminant = field.hasDiscriminantValue() ? field.getDiscriminantValue() : 0;
uint replacementDiscriminant =
replacement.hasDiscriminantValue() ? replacement.getDiscriminantValue() : 0;
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(discriminant == replacementDiscriminant, "Field discriminant changed.");
switch (field.which()) {
case schema::Field::NON_GROUP: {
auto nonGroup = field.getNonGroup();
auto replacementNonGroup = replacement.getNonGroup();
checkCompatibility(nonGroup.getType(), replacementNonGroup.getType(),
switch (replacement.which()) {
case schema::Field::NON_GROUP: {
auto replacementNonGroup = replacement.getNonGroup();
checkCompatibility(nonGroup.getType(), replacementNonGroup.getType(),
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(nonGroup.getOffset() == replacementNonGroup.getOffset(),
"field position changed");
case schema::Field::GROUP:
checkUpgradeToStruct(nonGroup.getType(), replacement.getGroup(), existingNode, field);
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(nonGroup.getOffset() == replacementNonGroup.getOffset(),
"field position changed");
case schema::Field::GROUP:
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(field.getGroup() == replacement.getGroup(), "group id changed");
switch (replacement.which()) {
case schema::Field::NON_GROUP:
checkUpgradeToStruct(replacement.getNonGroup().getType(), field.getGroup(),
replacementNode, replacement);
case schema::Field::GROUP:
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(field.getGroup() == replacement.getGroup(), "group id changed");
......@@ -859,7 +898,9 @@ private:
// We assume unknown types (from newer versions of Cap'n Proto?) are equivalent.
void checkUpgradeToStruct(const schema::Type::Reader& type, uint64_t structTypeId) {
void checkUpgradeToStruct(const schema::Type::Reader& type, uint64_t structTypeId,
kj::Maybe<schema::Node::Reader> matchSize = nullptr,
kj::Maybe<schema::Field::Reader> matchPosition = nullptr) {
// We can't just look up the target struct and check it because it may not have been loaded
// yet. Instead, we contrive a struct that looks like what we want and load() that, which
// guarantees that any incompatibility will be caught either now or when the real version of
......@@ -929,11 +970,55 @@ private:
KJ_IF_MAYBE(s, matchSize) {
auto match = s->getStruct();
auto field = structNode.initFields(1)[0];
auto nongroup = field.initNonGroup();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, matchPosition) {
if (p->getOrdinal().isExplicit()) {
} else {
auto matchNongroup = p->getNonGroup();
} else {
schema::Value::Builder value = nongroup.initDefaultValue();
switch (type.which()) {
case schema::Type::VOID: value.setVoid(); break;
case schema::Type::BOOL: value.setBool(false); break;
case schema::Type::INT8: value.setInt8(0); break;
case schema::Type::INT16: value.setInt16(0); break;
case schema::Type::INT32: value.setInt32(0); break;
case schema::Type::INT64: value.setInt64(0); break;
case schema::Type::UINT8: value.setUint8(0); break;
case schema::Type::UINT16: value.setUint16(0); break;
case schema::Type::UINT32: value.setUint32(0); break;
case schema::Type::UINT64: value.setUint64(0); break;
case schema::Type::FLOAT32: value.setFloat32(0); break;
case schema::Type::FLOAT64: value.setFloat64(0); break;
case schema::Type::ENUM: value.setEnum(0); break;
case schema::Type::TEXT: value.adoptText(Orphan<Text>()); break;
case schema::Type::DATA: value.adoptData(Orphan<Data>()); break;
case schema::Type::LIST: value.adoptList(Orphan<Data>()); break;
case schema::Type::STRUCT: value.adoptStruct(Orphan<Data>()); break;
case schema::Type::INTERFACE: value.setInterface(); break;
case schema::Type::OBJECT: value.adoptObject(Orphan<Data>()); break;
loader.load(node, true);
......@@ -269,6 +269,17 @@ struct TestUnnamedUnion {
after @4 :Text;
struct TestUnionInUnion {
# There is no reason to ever do this.
outer :union {
inner :union {
foo @0 :Int32;
bar @1 :Int32;
baz @2 :Int32;
struct TestGroups {
groups :union {
foo :group {
......@@ -381,6 +392,15 @@ struct TestLists {
struct Struct64 { f @0 :UInt64; }
struct StructP { f @0 :Text; }
# Versions of the above which cannot be encoded as primitive lists.
struct Struct0c { f @0 :Void; pad @1 :Text; }
struct Struct1c { f @0 :Bool; pad @1 :Text; }
struct Struct8c { f @0 :UInt8; pad @1 :Text; }
struct Struct16c { f @0 :UInt16; pad @1 :Text; }
struct Struct32c { f @0 :UInt32; pad @1 :Text; }
struct Struct64c { f @0 :UInt64; pad @1 :Text; }
struct StructPc { f @0 :Text; pad @1 :UInt64; }
list0 @0 :List(Struct0);
list1 @1 :List(Struct1);
list8 @2 :List(Struct8);
......@@ -79,5 +79,45 @@ TEST(Function, Method) {
EXPECT_EQ(9 + 2 + 5, f(2, 9));
struct TestConstType {
mutable int callCount;
TestConstType(int callCount = 0): callCount(callCount) {}
~TestConstType() { callCount = 1234; }
// Make sure we catch invalid post-destruction uses.
int foo(int a, int b) const {
return a + b + callCount++;
TEST(ConstFunction, Method) {
TestConstType obj;
ConstFunction<int(int, int)> f = KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, foo);
ConstFunction<uint(uint, uint)> f2 = KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, foo);
EXPECT_EQ(123 + 456, f(123, 456));
EXPECT_EQ(7 + 8 + 1, f(7, 8));
EXPECT_EQ(9u + 2u + 2u, f2(2, 9));
EXPECT_EQ(3, obj.callCount);
// Bind to a temporary.
f = KJ_BIND_METHOD(TestConstType(10), foo);
EXPECT_EQ(123 + 456 + 10, f(123, 456));
EXPECT_EQ(7 + 8 + 11, f(7, 8));
EXPECT_EQ(9 + 2 + 12, f(2, 9));
// Bind to a move.
f = KJ_BIND_METHOD(kj::mv(obj), foo);
obj.callCount = 1234;
EXPECT_EQ(123 + 456 + 3, f(123, 456));
EXPECT_EQ(7 + 8 + 4, f(7, 8));
EXPECT_EQ(9 + 2 + 5, f(2, 9));
} // namespace
} // namespace kj
......@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ class Function;
// Notice how KJ_BIND_METHOD is able to figure out which overload to use depending on the kind of
// Function it is binding to.
template <typename Signature>
class ConstFunction;
// Like Function, but wraps a "const" (i.e. thread-safe) call.
template <typename Return, typename... Params>
class Function<Return(Params...)> {
......@@ -91,10 +95,30 @@ public:
inline Function(F&& f): impl(heap<Impl<F>>(kj::fwd<F>(f))) {}
Function() = default;
// Make sure people don't accidentally end up wrapping a reference when they meant to return
// a function.
Function(Function&) = delete;
Function& operator=(Function&) = delete;
template <typename T> Function(const Function<T>&) = delete;
template <typename T> Function& operator=(const Function<T>&) = delete;
template <typename T> Function(const ConstFunction<T>&) = delete;
template <typename T> Function& operator=(const ConstFunction<T>&) = delete;
Function(Function&&) = default;
Function& operator=(Function&&) = default;
inline Return operator()(Params... params) {
return (*impl)(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
Function reference() {
// Forms a new Function of the same type that delegates to this Function by reference.
// Therefore, this Function must outlive the returned Function, but otherwise they behave
// exactly the same.
return *impl;
class Iface {
......@@ -117,6 +141,59 @@ private:
Own<Iface> impl;
template <typename Return, typename... Params>
class ConstFunction<Return(Params...)> {
template <typename F>
inline ConstFunction(F&& f): impl(heap<Impl<F>>(kj::fwd<F>(f))) {}
ConstFunction() = default;
// Make sure people don't accidentally end up wrapping a reference when they meant to return
// a function.
ConstFunction(ConstFunction&) = delete;
ConstFunction& operator=(ConstFunction&) = delete;
template <typename T> ConstFunction(const ConstFunction<T>&) = delete;
template <typename T> ConstFunction& operator=(const ConstFunction<T>&) = delete;
template <typename T> ConstFunction(const Function<T>&) = delete;
template <typename T> ConstFunction& operator=(const Function<T>&) = delete;
ConstFunction(ConstFunction&&) = default;
ConstFunction& operator=(ConstFunction&&) = default;
inline Return operator()(Params... params) const {
return (*impl)(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
ConstFunction reference() const {
// Forms a new ConstFunction of the same type that delegates to this ConstFunction by reference.
// Therefore, this ConstFunction must outlive the returned ConstFunction, but otherwise they
// behave exactly the same.
return *impl;
class Iface {
virtual Return operator()(Params... params) const = 0;
template <typename F>
class Impl final: public Iface {
explicit Impl(F&& f): f(kj::fwd<F>(f)) {}
Return operator()(Params... params) const override {
return f(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
F f;
Own<Iface> impl;
#if 1
namespace _ { // private
......@@ -137,6 +214,20 @@ private:
T t;
template <typename T, typename Return, typename... Params,
Return (Decay<T>::*method)(Params...) const>
class BoundMethod<T, Return (Decay<T>::*)(Params...) const, method> {
BoundMethod(T&& t): t(kj::fwd<T>(t)) {}
Return operator()(Params&&... params) const {
return (t.*method)(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
T t;
} // namespace _ (private)
#define KJ_BIND_METHOD(obj, method) \
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