Commit 73ee1fb1 authored by Jo Liss's avatar Jo Liss Committed by Kenton Varda

Fix typos

parent 837ae55f
......@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ Lists of structs use the smallest element size in which the struct can fit. So,
list of structs that each contain two `UInt8` fields and nothing else could be encoded with C = 3
(2-byte elements). A list of structs that each contain a single `Text` field would be encoded as
C = 6 (pointer elements). A list of structs that each contain a single `Bool` field would be
encoded using C = 1 (1-bit elements). A list structs which are each more than one word in size
must be be encoded using C = 7 (composite).
encoded using C = 1 (1-bit elements). A list of structs which are each more than one word in size
must be encoded using C = 7 (composite).
When C = 7, the elements of the list are fixed-width composite values -- usually, structs. In
this case, the list content is prefixed by a "tag" word that describes each individual element.
......@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ interface Filesystem {
{% endhighlight %}
We've now solved our latency problem... but at what cost?
* We now have to implement path string manipulation, which is always a headache.
* If someone wants to perform multiple operations on a file or directory, we now either have to
re-allocate resources for every call or we have to implement some sort of cache, which tends to
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