Commit 6d580639 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Add thisCap() method to capability servers which returns a capability to itself.…

Add thisCap() method to capability servers which returns a capability to itself. Remove CapabilityServerSet's weak pointers since this supersedes them.
parent 69850c1e
......@@ -854,9 +854,7 @@ TEST(Capability, CapabilityServerSet) {
auto ownServer2 = kj::heap<TestInterfaceImpl>(callCount);
auto& server2 = *ownServer2;
auto client2AndWeak = set2.addWeak(kj::mv(ownServer2));
test::TestInterface::Client client2 = kj::mv(client2AndWeak.client);
kj::Own<WeakCapability<test::TestInterface>> client2Weak = kj::mv(client2AndWeak.weak);
test::TestInterface::Client client2 = set2.add(kj::mv(ownServer2));
// Getting the local server using the correct set works.
EXPECT_EQ(&server1, &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(set1.getLocalServer(client1).wait(waitScope)));
......@@ -913,16 +911,53 @@ TEST(Capability, CapabilityServerSet) {
// Check weak pointer.
auto restored = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(client2Weak->get());
EXPECT_EQ(&server2, &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(set2.getLocalServer(restored).wait(waitScope)));
class TestThisCap final: public test::TestInterface::Server {
TestThisCap(int& callCount): callCount(callCount) {}
~TestThisCap() noexcept(false) { callCount = -1; }
test::TestInterface::Client getSelf() {
return thisCap();
kj::Promise<void> bar(BarContext context) {
return kj::READY_NOW;
int& callCount;
TEST(Capability, ThisCap) {
int callCount = 0;
kj::EventLoop loop;
kj::WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto server = kj::heap<TestThisCap>(callCount);
TestThisCap* serverPtr = server;
test::TestInterface::Client client = kj::mv(server);
EXPECT_EQ(1, callCount);
test::TestInterface::Client client2 = serverPtr->getSelf();
EXPECT_EQ(1, callCount);
EXPECT_EQ(2, callCount);
client = nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(2, callCount);
EXPECT_EQ(3, callCount);
client2 = nullptr;
EXPECT_TRUE(client2Weak->get() == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, callCount);
} // namespace
......@@ -463,21 +463,18 @@ private:
class LocalClient final: public ClientHook, public kj::Refcounted {
LocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server): server(kj::mv(server)) {}
LocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server,
_::CapabilityServerSetBase& capServerSet, void* ptr)
: server(kj::mv(server)), capServerSet(&capServerSet), ptr(ptr) {}
~LocalClient() noexcept(false) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(w, weak) {
w->client = nullptr;
LocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& serverParam)
: server(kj::mv(serverParam)) {
server->thisHook = this;
LocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& serverParam,
_::CapabilityServerSetBase& capServerSet, void* ptr)
: server(kj::mv(serverParam)), capServerSet(&capServerSet), ptr(ptr) {
server->thisHook = this;
void setWeak(_::WeakCapabilityBase& weak) {
KJ_REQUIRE(this->weak == nullptr && weak.client == nullptr);
weak.client = *this;
this->weak = weak;
~LocalClient() noexcept(false) {
server->thisHook = nullptr;
Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newCall(
......@@ -555,8 +552,6 @@ private:
kj::Own<Capability::Server> server;
_::CapabilityServerSetBase* capServerSet = nullptr;
void* ptr = nullptr;
kj::Maybe<_::WeakCapabilityBase&> weak;
friend class _::WeakCapabilityBase;
kj::Own<ClientHook> Capability::Client::makeLocalClient(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server) {
......@@ -680,30 +675,11 @@ Request<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> newBrokenRequest(
namespace _ { // private
WeakCapabilityBase::~WeakCapabilityBase() noexcept(false) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, client) {
c->weak = nullptr;
kj::Maybe<Capability::Client> WeakCapabilityBase::getInternal() {
return[](LocalClient& client) {
return Capability::Client(client.addRef());
Capability::Client CapabilityServerSetBase::addInternal(
kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server, void* ptr) {
return Capability::Client(kj::refcounted<LocalClient>(kj::mv(server), *this, ptr));
Capability::Client CapabilityServerSetBase::addWeakInternal(
kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server, _::WeakCapabilityBase& weak, void* ptr) {
auto result = kj::refcounted<LocalClient>(kj::mv(server), *this, ptr);
return Capability::Client(kj::mv(result));
kj::Promise<void*> CapabilityServerSetBase::getLocalServerInternal(Capability::Client& client) {
ClientHook* hook = client.hook.get();
......@@ -332,6 +332,17 @@ public:
// a proxy.
inline Capability::Client thisCap();
// Get a capability pointing to this object, much like the `this` keyword.
// The effect of this method is undefined if:
// - No capability client has been created pointing to this object. (This is always the case in
// the server's constructor.)
// - The capability client pointing at this object has been destoryed. (This is always the case
// in the server's destructor.)
// - Multiple capability clients have been created around the same server (possible if the server
// is refcounted, which is not recommended since the client itself provides refcounting).
template <typename Params, typename Results>
CallContext<Params, Results> internalGetTypedContext(
CallContext<AnyPointer, AnyPointer> typeless);
......@@ -341,52 +352,28 @@ protected:
uint64_t typeId, uint16_t methodId);
kj::Promise<void> internalUnimplemented(const char* interfaceName, const char* methodName,
uint64_t typeId, uint16_t methodId);
ClientHook* thisHook = nullptr;
friend class LocalClient;
// =======================================================================================
namespace _ { // private
class WeakCapabilityBase {
~WeakCapabilityBase() noexcept(false);
kj::Maybe<Capability::Client> getInternal();
kj::Maybe<LocalClient&> client;
friend class capnp::LocalClient;
class CapabilityServerSetBase {
Capability::Client addInternal(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server, void* ptr);
Capability::Client addWeakInternal(kj::Own<Capability::Server>&& server,
_::WeakCapabilityBase& weak, void* ptr);
kj::Promise<void*> getLocalServerInternal(Capability::Client& client);
} // namespace _ (private)
template <typename T>
class WeakCapability: private _::WeakCapabilityBase {
kj::Maybe<typename T::Client> get();
// If the server is still alive, get a live client to it.
template <typename>
friend class CapabilityServerSet;
template <typename T>
class CapabilityServerSet: private _::CapabilityServerSetBase {
// Allows a server to:
// 1) Recognize its own capabilities when passed back to it, and obtain the underlying Server
// objects associated with them.
// 2) Obtain "weak" versions of these capabilities, which do not prevent the underlying Server
// from being destroyed but can be upgraded to normal Clients as long as the Server is still
// alive.
// Allows a server to recognize its own capabilities when passed back to it, and obtain the
// underlying Server objects associated with them.
// All objects in the set must have the same interface type T. The objects may implement various
// interfaces derived from T (and in fact T can be `capnp::Capability` to accept all objects),
......@@ -404,14 +391,6 @@ public:
typename T::Client add(kj::Own<typename T::Server>&& server);
// Create a new capability Client for the given Server and also add this server to the set.
struct ClientAndWeak {
typename T::Client client;
kj::Own<WeakCapability<T>> weak;
ClientAndWeak addWeak(kj::Own<typename T::Server>&& server);
// Like add() but also creates a weak reference.
kj::Promise<kj::Maybe<typename T::Server&>> getLocalServer(typename T::Client& client);
// Given a Client pointing to a server previously passed to add(), return the corresponding
// Server. This returns a promise because if the input client is itself a promise, this must
......@@ -782,11 +761,8 @@ CallContext<Params, Results> Capability::Server::internalGetTypedContext(
return CallContext<Params, Results>(*typeless.hook);
template <typename T>
kj::Maybe<typename T::Client> WeakCapability<T>::get() {
return getInternal().map([](Capability::Client&& client) {
return client.castAs<T>();
Capability::Client Capability::Server::thisCap() {
return Client(thisHook->addRef());
template <typename T>
......@@ -797,17 +773,6 @@ typename T::Client CapabilityServerSet<T>::add(kj::Own<typename T::Server>&& ser
return addInternal(kj::mv(server), ptr).template castAs<T>();
template <typename T>
typename CapabilityServerSet<T>::ClientAndWeak CapabilityServerSet<T>::addWeak(
kj::Own<typename T::Server>&& server) {
void* ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(server.get());
auto weak = kj::heap<WeakCapability<T>>();
// Clang insists that `castAs` is a template-dependent member and therefore we need the
// `template` keyword here, but AFAICT this is wrong: addWeakImpl() is not a template.
auto client = addWeakInternal(kj::mv(server), *weak, ptr).template castAs<T>();
return { kj::mv(client), kj::mv(weak) };
template <typename T>
kj::Promise<kj::Maybe<typename T::Server&>> CapabilityServerSet<T>::getLocalServer(
typename T::Client& client) {
......@@ -250,6 +250,10 @@ public:
return hasInterfaces_;
kj::StringTree strNoTypename() const & { return name.flatten(); }
kj::StringTree strNoTypename() && { return kj::mv(name); }
// Stringify but never prefix with `typename`. Use in contexts where `typename` is implicit.
kj::StringTree name;
......@@ -2164,7 +2168,9 @@ private:
CppTypeName clientName = cppFullName(schema, nullptr);
CppTypeName typeName = cppFullName(schema, nullptr);
CppTypeName clientName = typeName;
kj::String templates = kj::str(templateContext.allDecls()); // Ends with a newline
......@@ -2227,7 +2233,7 @@ private:
"class ", fullName, "::Client\n"
" : public virtual ::capnp::Capability::Client",
KJ_MAP(s, superclasses) {
return kj::strTree(",\n public virtual ", s.typeName, "::Client");
return kj::strTree(",\n public virtual ", s.typeName.strNoTypename(), "::Client");
}, " {\n"
" typedef ", fullName, " Calls;\n"
......@@ -2261,7 +2267,7 @@ private:
"class ", fullName, "::Server\n"
" : public virtual ::capnp::Capability::Server",
KJ_MAP(s, superclasses) {
return kj::strTree(",\n public virtual ", s.typeName, "::Server");
return kj::strTree(",\n public virtual ", s.typeName.strNoTypename(), "::Server");
}, " {\n"
" typedef ", fullName, " Serves;\n"
......@@ -2273,6 +2279,11 @@ private:
KJ_MAP(m, methods) { return kj::mv(m.serverDecls); },
" inline ", clientName, " thisCap() {\n"
" return ::capnp::Capability::Server::thisCap()\n"
" .template castAs<", typeName, ">();\n"
" }\n"
" ::kj::Promise<void> dispatchCallInternal(uint16_t methodId,\n"
" ::capnp::CallContext< ::capnp::AnyPointer, ::capnp::AnyPointer> context);\n"
......@@ -2326,7 +2337,8 @@ private:
KJ_MAP(s, transitiveSuperclasses) {
return kj::strTree(
" case 0x", kj::hex(, "ull:\n"
" return ", s.typeName, "::Server::dispatchCallInternal(methodId, context);\n");
" return ", s.typeName.strNoTypename(),
"::Server::dispatchCallInternal(methodId, context);\n");
" default:\n"
" return internalUnimplemented(\"", proto.getDisplayName(), "\", interfaceId);\n"
......@@ -204,6 +204,11 @@ protected:
typedef ::capnp::CallContext<typename ::capnp::Persistent<SturdyRef, Owner>::SaveParams, typename ::capnp::Persistent<SturdyRef, Owner>::SaveResults> SaveContext;
virtual ::kj::Promise<void> save(SaveContext context);
inline typename ::capnp::Persistent<SturdyRef, Owner>::Client thisCap() {
return ::capnp::Capability::Server::thisCap()
.template castAs< ::capnp::Persistent<SturdyRef, Owner>>();
::kj::Promise<void> dispatchCallInternal(uint16_t methodId,
::capnp::CallContext< ::capnp::AnyPointer, ::capnp::AnyPointer> context);
......@@ -449,6 +454,11 @@ protected:
typedef ::capnp::CallContext<ExportParams, typename ::capnp::Persistent<ExternalRef, ExternalOwner>::SaveResults> ExportContext;
virtual ::kj::Promise<void> export_(ExportContext context);
inline typename ::capnp::RealmGateway<InternalRef, ExternalRef, InternalOwner, ExternalOwner>::Client thisCap() {
return ::capnp::Capability::Server::thisCap()
.template castAs< ::capnp::RealmGateway<InternalRef, ExternalRef, InternalOwner, ExternalOwner>>();
::kj::Promise<void> dispatchCallInternal(uint16_t methodId,
::capnp::CallContext< ::capnp::AnyPointer, ::capnp::AnyPointer> context);
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ public:
void detach();
// Don't join the thread in ~Thread().
// TODO(soon): Currently broken: the thread uses the Thread objects during its execution; instead
// the Thread object and the thread itself will need to share a refcounted object.
Function<void()> func;
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