Commit 68ad3220 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Add interfaces for UDP networking, with support for receiving ancillary data.

parent 8b7fdebb
......@@ -221,5 +221,151 @@ TEST(AsyncIo, Timeouts) {
EXPECT_EQ(123, promise2.wait(ioContext.waitScope));
TEST(AsyncIo, Udp) {
auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo();
auto addr = ioContext.provider->getNetwork().parseAddress("").wait(ioContext.waitScope);
auto port1 = addr->bindDatagramPort();
auto port2 = addr->bindDatagramPort();
auto addr1 = ioContext.provider->getNetwork().parseAddress("", port1->getPort())
auto addr2 = ioContext.provider->getNetwork().parseAddress("", port2->getPort())
Own<NetworkAddress> receivedAddr;
// Send a message and receive it.
EXPECT_EQ(3, port1->send("foo", 3, *addr2).wait(ioContext.waitScope));
auto receiver = port2->makeReceiver();
auto content = receiver->getContent();
EXPECT_EQ("foo", kj::heapString(content.value.asChars()));
receivedAddr = receiver->getSource().clone();
EXPECT_EQ(addr1->toString(), receivedAddr->toString());
auto ancillary = receiver->getAncillary();
EXPECT_EQ(0, ancillary.value.size());
// Receive a second message with the same receiver.
auto promise = receiver->receive(); // This time, start receiving before sending
EXPECT_EQ(6, port1->send("barbaz", 6, *addr2).wait(ioContext.waitScope));
auto content = receiver->getContent();
EXPECT_EQ("barbaz", kj::heapString(content.value.asChars()));
DatagramReceiver::Capacity capacity;
capacity.content = 8;
capacity.ancillary = 1024;
// Send a reply that will be truncated.
EXPECT_EQ(16, port2->send("0123456789abcdef", 16, *receivedAddr).wait(ioContext.waitScope));
auto recv1 = port1->makeReceiver(capacity);
auto content = recv1->getContent();
EXPECT_EQ("01234567", kj::heapString(content.value.asChars()));
EXPECT_EQ(addr2->toString(), recv1->getSource().toString());
auto ancillary = recv1->getAncillary();
EXPECT_EQ(0, ancillary.value.size());
// Set IP_PKTINFO header and try to receive it.
int one = 1;
port1->setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &one, sizeof(one));
EXPECT_EQ(3, port2->send("foo", 3, *addr1).wait(ioContext.waitScope));
auto content = recv1->getContent();
EXPECT_EQ("foo", kj::heapString(content.value.asChars()));
EXPECT_EQ(addr2->toString(), recv1->getSource().toString());
auto ancillary = recv1->getAncillary();
ASSERT_EQ(1, ancillary.value.size());
auto message = ancillary.value[0];
EXPECT_EQ(IPPROTO_IP, message.getLevel());
EXPECT_EQ(IP_PKTINFO, message.getType());
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo), message.asArray<byte>().size());
auto& pktinfo = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(<struct in_pktinfo>());
EXPECT_EQ(htonl(0x7F000001), pktinfo.ipi_addr.s_addr); //
// See what happens if there's not quite enough space for in_pktinfo.
capacity.ancillary = CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo)) - 8;
recv1 = port1->makeReceiver(capacity);
EXPECT_EQ(3, port2->send("bar", 3, *addr1).wait(ioContext.waitScope));
auto content = recv1->getContent();
EXPECT_EQ("bar", kj::heapString(content.value.asChars()));
EXPECT_EQ(addr2->toString(), recv1->getSource().toString());
auto ancillary = recv1->getAncillary();
// We might get a message, but it will be truncated.
if (ancillary.value.size() != 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, ancillary.value.size());
auto message = ancillary.value[0];
EXPECT_EQ(IPPROTO_IP, message.getLevel());
EXPECT_EQ(IP_PKTINFO, message.getType());
EXPECT_TRUE(<struct in_pktinfo>() == nullptr);
EXPECT_LT(message.asArray<byte>().size(), sizeof(struct in_pktinfo));
// See what happens if there's not enough space even for the cmsghdr.
capacity.ancillary = CMSG_SPACE(0) - 8;
recv1 = port1->makeReceiver(capacity);
EXPECT_EQ(3, port2->send("baz", 3, *addr1).wait(ioContext.waitScope));
auto content = recv1->getContent();
EXPECT_EQ("baz", kj::heapString(content.value.asChars()));
EXPECT_EQ(addr2->toString(), recv1->getSource().toString());
auto ancillary = recv1->getAncillary();
EXPECT_EQ(0, ancillary.value.size());
} // namespace
} // namespace kj
......@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
#include <netdb.h>
#include <set>
#include <poll.h>
#include <limits.h>
#if !defined(IOV_MAX) && defined(UIO_MAXIOV)
namespace kj {
......@@ -175,6 +180,16 @@ public:
KJ_SYSCALL(shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR));
void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length) override {
socklen_t socklen = *length;
KJ_SYSCALL(::getsockopt(fd, level, option, value, &socklen));
*length = socklen;
void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length) override {
KJ_SYSCALL(::setsockopt(fd, level, option, value, length));
Promise<void> waitConnected() {
// Wait until initial connection has completed. This actually just waits until it is writable.
......@@ -269,14 +284,19 @@ private:
Promise<void> writeInternal(ArrayPtr<const byte> firstPiece,
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const byte>> morePieces) {
KJ_STACK_ARRAY(struct iovec, iov, 1 + morePieces.size(), 16, 128);
// If there are more than IOV_MAX pieces, we'll only write the first IOV_MAX for now, and
// then we'll loop later.
KJ_STACK_ARRAY(struct iovec, iov, kj::min(1 + morePieces.size(), IOV_MAX), 16, 128);
size_t iovTotal = 0;
// writev() interface is not const-correct. :(
iov[0].iov_base = const_cast<byte*>(firstPiece.begin());
iov[0].iov_len = firstPiece.size();
for (uint i = 0; i < morePieces.size(); i++) {
iov[i + 1].iov_base = const_cast<byte*>(morePieces[i].begin());
iov[i + 1].iov_len = morePieces[i].size();
iovTotal += iov[0].iov_len;
for (uint i = 1; i < iov.size(); i++) {
iov[i].iov_base = const_cast<byte*>(morePieces[i - 1].begin());
iov[i].iov_len = morePieces[i - 1].size();
iovTotal += iov[i].iov_len;
ssize_t writeResult;
......@@ -302,6 +322,13 @@ private:
if (n < firstPiece.size()) {
// Only part of the first piece was consumed. Wait for buffer space and then write again.
firstPiece = firstPiece.slice(n, firstPiece.size());
iovTotal -= n;
if (iovTotal == 0) {
// Oops, what actually happened is that we hit the IOV_MAX limit. Don't wait.
return writeInternal(firstPiece, morePieces);
return observer.whenBecomesWritable().then([=]() {
return writeInternal(firstPiece, morePieces);
......@@ -312,6 +339,7 @@ private:
} else {
// First piece was fully consumed, so move on to the next piece.
n -= firstPiece.size();
iovTotal -= firstPiece.size();
firstPiece = morePieces[0];
morePieces = morePieces.slice(1, morePieces.size());
......@@ -340,6 +368,9 @@ public:
return memcmp(&addr.generic, &other.addr.generic, addrlen) < 0;
const struct sockaddr* getRaw() const { return &addr.generic; }
socklen_t getRawSize() const { return addrlen; }
int socket(int type) const {
bool isStream = type == SOCK_STREAM;
......@@ -782,7 +813,50 @@ public:
return SocketAddress::getLocalAddress(fd).getPort();
void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length) override {
socklen_t socklen = *length;
KJ_SYSCALL(::getsockopt(fd, level, option, value, &socklen));
*length = socklen;
void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length) override {
KJ_SYSCALL(::setsockopt(fd, level, option, value, length));
UnixEventPort& eventPort;
UnixEventPort::FdObserver observer;
class DatagramPortImpl final: public DatagramPort, public OwnedFileDescriptor {
DatagramPortImpl(LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel, UnixEventPort& eventPort, int fd, uint flags)
: OwnedFileDescriptor(fd, flags), lowLevel(lowLevel), eventPort(eventPort),
observer(eventPort, fd, UnixEventPort::FdObserver::OBSERVE_READ |
UnixEventPort::FdObserver::OBSERVE_WRITE) {}
Promise<size_t> send(const void* buffer, size_t size, NetworkAddress& destination) override;
Promise<size_t> send(
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const byte>> pieces, NetworkAddress& destination) override;
class ReceiverImpl;
Own<DatagramReceiver> makeReceiver(DatagramReceiver::Capacity capacity) override;
uint getPort() override {
return SocketAddress::getLocalAddress(fd).getPort();
void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length) override {
socklen_t socklen = *length;
KJ_SYSCALL(::getsockopt(fd, level, option, value, &socklen));
*length = socklen;
void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length) override {
KJ_SYSCALL(::setsockopt(fd, level, option, value, length));
LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel;
UnixEventPort& eventPort;
UnixEventPort::FdObserver observer;
......@@ -838,6 +912,9 @@ public:
Own<ConnectionReceiver> wrapListenSocketFd(int fd, uint flags = 0) override {
return heap<FdConnectionReceiver>(eventPort, fd, flags);
Own<DatagramPort> wrapDatagramSocketFd(int fd, uint flags = 0) override {
return heap<DatagramPortImpl>(*this, eventPort, fd, flags);
Timer& getTimer() override { return timer; }
......@@ -887,13 +964,46 @@ public:
return lowLevel.wrapListenSocketFd(fd, NEW_FD_FLAGS);
Own<DatagramPort> bindDatagramPort() override {
if (addrs.size() > 1) {
KJ_LOG(WARNING, "Bind address resolved to multiple addresses. Only the first address will "
"be used. If this is incorrect, specify the address numerically. This may be fixed "
"in the future.", addrs[0].toString());
int fd = addrs[0].socket(SOCK_DGRAM);
// We always enable SO_REUSEADDR because having to take your server down for five minutes
// before it can restart really sucks.
int optval = 1;
KJ_SYSCALL(setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof(optval)));
return lowLevel.wrapDatagramSocketFd(fd, NEW_FD_FLAGS);
Own<NetworkAddress> clone() override {
return kj::heap<NetworkAddressImpl>(lowLevel, kj::heapArray(addrs.asPtr()));
String toString() override {
return strArray(KJ_MAP(addr, addrs) { return addr.toString(); }, ",");
const SocketAddress& chooseOneAddress() {
KJ_REQUIRE(addrs.size() > 0, "No addresses available.");
return addrs[counter++ % addrs.size()];
LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel;
Array<SocketAddress> addrs;
uint counter = 0;
Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> connectImpl(uint index) {
KJ_ASSERT(index < addrs.size());
......@@ -957,6 +1067,189 @@ private:
// =======================================================================================
Promise<size_t> DatagramPortImpl::send(
const void* buffer, size_t size, NetworkAddress& destination) {
auto& addr = downcast<NetworkAddressImpl>(destination).chooseOneAddress();
ssize_t n;
KJ_NONBLOCKING_SYSCALL(n = sendto(fd, buffer, size, 0, addr.getRaw(), addr.getRawSize()));
if (n < 0) {
// Write buffer full.
return observer.whenBecomesWritable().then([this, buffer, size, &destination]() {
return send(buffer, size, destination);
} else {
// If less than the whole message was sent, then it got truncated, and there's nothing we can
// do about it.
return n;
Promise<size_t> DatagramPortImpl::send(
ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const byte>> pieces, NetworkAddress& destination) {
struct msghdr msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
auto& addr = downcast<NetworkAddressImpl>(destination).chooseOneAddress();
msg.msg_name = const_cast<void*>(implicitCast<const void*>(addr.getRaw()));
msg.msg_namelen = addr.getRawSize();
KJ_STACK_ARRAY(struct iovec, iov, kj::min(pieces.size(), IOV_MAX), 16, 64);
for (size_t i: kj::indices(pieces)) {
iov[i].iov_base = const_cast<void*>(implicitCast<const void*>(pieces[i].begin()));
iov[i].iov_len = pieces[i].size();
Array<byte> extra;
if (pieces.size() > IOV_MAX) {
// Too many pieces, but we can't use multiple syscalls because they'd send separate
// datagrams. We'll have to copy the trailing pieces into a temporary array.
// TODO(perf): On Linux we could use multiple syscalls via MSG_MORE.
size_t extraSize = 0;
for (size_t i = IOV_MAX - 1; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
extraSize += pieces[i].size();
extra = kj::heapArray<byte>(extraSize);
extraSize = 0;
for (size_t i = IOV_MAX - 1; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
memcpy(extra.begin() + extraSize, pieces[i].begin(), pieces[i].size());
extraSize += pieces[i].size();
iov[IOV_MAX - 1].iov_base = extra.begin();
iov[IOV_MAX - 1].iov_len = extra.size();
msg.msg_iov = iov.begin();
msg.msg_iovlen = iov.size();
ssize_t n;
KJ_NONBLOCKING_SYSCALL(n = sendmsg(fd, &msg, 0));
if (n < 0) {
// Write buffer full.
return observer.whenBecomesWritable().then([this, pieces, &destination]() {
return send(pieces, destination);
} else {
// If less than the whole message was sent, then it was truncated, and there's nothing we can
// do about that now.
return n;
class DatagramPortImpl::ReceiverImpl final: public DatagramReceiver {
explicit ReceiverImpl(DatagramPortImpl& port, Capacity capacity)
: port(port),
ancillaryBuffer(capacity.ancillary > 0 ? heapArray<byte>(capacity.ancillary)
: Array<byte>(nullptr)) {}
Promise<void> receive() override {
struct msghdr msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
struct sockaddr_storage addr;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
msg.msg_name = &addr;
msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(addr);
struct iovec iov;
iov.iov_base = contentBuffer.begin();
iov.iov_len = contentBuffer.size();
msg.msg_iov = &iov;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = ancillaryBuffer.begin();
msg.msg_controllen = ancillaryBuffer.size();
ssize_t n;
KJ_NONBLOCKING_SYSCALL(n = recvmsg(port.fd, &msg, 0));
if (n < 0) {
// No data available. Wait.
return[this]() {
return receive();
} else {
receivedSize = n;
contentTruncated = msg.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC;
source.emplace(port.lowLevel, msg.msg_name, msg.msg_namelen);
ancillaryTruncated = msg.msg_flags & MSG_CTRUNC;
for (struct cmsghdr* cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg != nullptr;
cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg)) {
// On some platforms (OSX), a cmsghdr's length may cross the end of the ancillary buffer
// when truncated. On other platforms (Linux) the length in cmsghdr will itself be
// truncated to fit within the buffer.
const byte* pos = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(cmsg);
size_t available = ancillaryBuffer.end() - pos;
if (available < CMSG_SPACE(0)) {
// The buffer ends in the middle of the header. We can't use this message.
// (On Linux, this never happens, because the message is not included if there isn't
// space for a header. I'm not sure how other systems behave, though, so let's be safe.)
// OK, we know the cmsghdr is valid, at least.
// Find the start of the message payload.
const byte* begin = CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
// Cap the message length to the available space.
const byte* end = pos + kj::min(available, cmsg->cmsg_len);
cmsg->cmsg_level, cmsg->cmsg_type, arrayPtr(begin, end)));
return READY_NOW;
MaybeTruncated<ArrayPtr<const byte>> getContent() override {
return { contentBuffer.slice(0, receivedSize), contentTruncated };
MaybeTruncated<ArrayPtr<const AncillaryMessage>> getAncillary() override {
return { ancillaryList.asPtr(), ancillaryTruncated };
NetworkAddress& getSource() override {
return KJ_REQUIRE_NONNULL(source, "Haven't sent a message yet.").abstract;
DatagramPortImpl& port;
Array<byte> contentBuffer;
Array<byte> ancillaryBuffer;
Vector<AncillaryMessage> ancillaryList;
size_t receivedSize = 0;
bool contentTruncated = false;
bool ancillaryTruncated = false;
struct StoredAddress {
StoredAddress(LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel, const void* sockaddr, uint length)
: raw(sockaddr, length),
abstract(lowLevel, Array<SocketAddress>(&raw, 1, NullArrayDisposer::instance)) {}
SocketAddress raw;
NetworkAddressImpl abstract;
kj::Maybe<StoredAddress> source;
Own<DatagramReceiver> DatagramPortImpl::makeReceiver(DatagramReceiver::Capacity capacity) {
return kj::heap<ReceiverImpl>(*this, capacity);
// =======================================================================================
class AsyncIoProviderImpl final: public AsyncIoProvider {
AsyncIoProviderImpl(LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel)
......@@ -1030,6 +1323,31 @@ Promise<void> AsyncInputStream::read(void* buffer, size_t bytes) {
return read(buffer, bytes, bytes).then([](size_t) {});
void AsyncIoStream::getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length) {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Not a socket.");
void AsyncIoStream::setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length) {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Not a socket.");
void ConnectionReceiver::getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length) {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Not a socket.");
void ConnectionReceiver::setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length) {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Not a socket.");
void DatagramPort::getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length) {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Not a socket.");
void DatagramPort::setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length) {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Not a socket.");
Own<DatagramPort> NetworkAddress::bindDatagramPort() {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Datagram sockets not implemented.");
Own<DatagramPort> LowLevelAsyncIoProvider::wrapDatagramSocketFd(int fd, uint flags) {
KJ_UNIMPLEMENTED("Datagram sockets not implemented.");
Own<AsyncIoProvider> newAsyncIoProvider(LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel) {
return kj::heap<AsyncIoProviderImpl>(lowLevel);
......@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
namespace kj {
class UnixEventPort;
class NetworkAddress;
// =======================================================================================
// Streaming I/O
class AsyncInputStream {
// Asynchronous equivalent of InputStream (from io.h).
......@@ -59,6 +63,26 @@ class AsyncIoStream: public AsyncInputStream, public AsyncOutputStream {
virtual void shutdownWrite() = 0;
// Cleanly shut down just the write end of the stream, while keeping the read end open.
virtual void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length);
virtual void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length);
// Corresponds to getsockopt() and setsockopt() syscalls. Will throw an "unimplemented" exception
// if the stream is not a socket or the option is not appropriate for the socket type. The
// default implementations always throw "unimplemented".
struct OneWayPipe {
// A data pipe with an input end and an output end. (Typically backed by pipe() system call.)
Own<AsyncInputStream> in;
Own<AsyncOutputStream> out;
struct TwoWayPipe {
// A data pipe that supports sending in both directions. Each end's output sends data to the
// other end's input. (Typically backed by socketpair() system call.)
Own<AsyncIoStream> ends[2];
class ConnectionReceiver {
......@@ -70,9 +94,120 @@ public:
virtual uint getPort() = 0;
// Gets the port number, if applicable (i.e. if listening on IP). This is useful if you didn't
// specify a port when constructing the LocalAddress -- one will have been assigned automatically.
// specify a port when constructing the NetworkAddress -- one will have been assigned
// automatically.
virtual void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length);
virtual void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length);
// Same as the methods of AsyncIoStream.
// =======================================================================================
// Datagram I/O
class AncillaryMessage {
// Represents an ancillary message (aka control message) received using the recvmsg() system
// call (or equivalent). Most apps will not use this.
inline AncillaryMessage(int level, int type, ArrayPtr<const byte> data);
AncillaryMessage() = default;
inline int getLevel() const;
// Originating protocol / socket level.
inline int getType() const;
// Protocol-specific message type.
template <typename T>
inline Maybe<const T&> as();
// Interpret the ancillary message as the given struct type. Most ancillary messages are some
// sort of struct, so this is a convenient way to access it. Returns nullptr if the message
// is smaller than the struct -- this can happen if the message was truncated due to
// insufficient ancillary buffer space.
template <typename T>
inline ArrayPtr<const T> asArray();
// Interpret the ancillary message as an array of items. If the message size does not evenly
// divide into elements of type T, the remainder is discarded -- this can happen if the message
// was truncated due to insufficient ancillary buffer space.
int level;
int type;
ArrayPtr<const byte> data;
// Message data. In most cases you should use `as()` or `asArray()`.
class DatagramReceiver {
// Class encapsulating the recvmsg() system call. You must specify the DatagramReceiver's
// capacity in advance; if a received packet is larger than the capacity, it will be truncated.
virtual Promise<void> receive() = 0;
// Receive a new message, overwriting this object's content.
// receive() may reuse the same buffers for content and ancillary data with each call.
template <typename T>
struct MaybeTruncated {
T value;
bool isTruncated;
// True if the Receiver's capacity was insufficient to receive the value and therefore the
// value is truncated.
virtual MaybeTruncated<ArrayPtr<const byte>> getContent() = 0;
// Get the content of the datagram.
virtual MaybeTruncated<ArrayPtr<const AncillaryMessage>> getAncillary() = 0;
// Ancilarry messages received with the datagram. See the recvmsg() system call and the cmsghdr
// struct. Most apps don't need this.
// If the returned value is truncated, then the last message in the array may itself be
// truncated, meaning its as<T>() method will return nullptr or its asArray<T>() method will
// return fewer elements than expected. Truncation can also mean that additional messages were
// available but discarded.
virtual NetworkAddress& getSource() = 0;
// Get the datagram sender's address.
struct Capacity {
size_t content = 8192;
// How much space to allocate for the datagram content. If a datagram is received that is
// larger than this, it will be truncated, with no way to recover the tail.
size_t ancillary = 0;
// How much space to allocate for ancillary messages. As with content, if the ancillary data
// is larger than this, it will be truncated.
class DatagramPort {
virtual Promise<size_t> send(const void* buffer, size_t size, NetworkAddress& destination) = 0;
virtual Promise<size_t> send(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const byte>> pieces,
NetworkAddress& destination) = 0;
virtual Own<DatagramReceiver> makeReceiver(
DatagramReceiver::Capacity capacity = DatagramReceiver::Capacity()) = 0;
// Create a new `Receiver` that can be used to receive datagrams. `capacity` specifies how much
// space to allocate for the received message. The `DatagramPort` must outlive the `Receiver`.
virtual uint getPort() = 0;
// Gets the port number, if applicable (i.e. if listening on IP). This is useful if you didn't
// specify a port when constructing the NetworkAddress -- one will have been assigned
// automatically.
virtual void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length);
virtual void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length);
// Same as the methods of AsyncIoStream.
// =======================================================================================
// Networks
class NetworkAddress {
// Represents a remote address to which the application can connect.
......@@ -87,6 +222,14 @@ public:
// The address must be local.
virtual Own<DatagramPort> bindDatagramPort();
// Open this address as a datagram (e.g. UDP) port.
// The address must be local.
virtual Own<NetworkAddress> clone() = 0;
// Returns an equivalent copy of this NetworkAddress.
virtual String toString() = 0;
// Produce a human-readable string which hopefully can be passed to Network::parseRemoteAddress()
// to reproduce this address, although whether or not that works of course depends on the Network
......@@ -123,26 +266,15 @@ public:
// `portHint`, if provided, specifies the "standard" IP port number for the application-level
// service in play. If the address turns out to be an IP address (v4 or v6), and it lacks a
// port number, this port will be used. If `addr` lacks a port number *and* `portHint` is
// omitted, then the returned address will only support listen() (not connect()), and a port
// will be chosen when listen() is called.
// omitted, then the returned address will only support listen() and bindDatagramPort()
// (not connect()), and an unused port will be chosen each time one of those methods is called.
virtual Own<NetworkAddress> getSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) = 0;
// Construct a network address from a legacy struct sockaddr.
struct OneWayPipe {
// A data pipe with an input end and an output end. (Typically backed by pipe() system call.)
Own<AsyncInputStream> in;
Own<AsyncOutputStream> out;
struct TwoWayPipe {
// A data pipe that supports sending in both directions. Each end's output sends data to the
// other end's input. (Typically backed by socketpair() system call.)
Own<AsyncIoStream> ends[2];
// =======================================================================================
// I/O Provider
class AsyncIoProvider {
// Class which constructs asynchronous wrappers around the operating system's I/O facilities.
......@@ -284,6 +416,8 @@ public:
// `flags` is a bitwise-OR of the values of the `Flags` enum.
virtual Own<DatagramPort> wrapDatagramSocketFd(int fd, uint flags = 0);
virtual Timer& getTimer() = 0;
// Returns a `Timer` based on real time. Time does not pass while event handlers are running --
// it only updates when the event loop polls for system events. This means that calling `now()`
......@@ -328,6 +462,30 @@ AsyncIoContext setupAsyncIo();
// return 0;
// }
// =======================================================================================
// inline implementation details
inline AncillaryMessage::AncillaryMessage(
int level, int type, ArrayPtr<const byte> data)
: level(level), type(type), data(data) {}
inline int AncillaryMessage::getLevel() const { return level; }
inline int AncillaryMessage::getType() const { return type; }
template <typename T>
inline Maybe<const T&> AncillaryMessage::as() {
if (data.size() >= sizeof(T)) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(data.begin());
} else {
return nullptr;
template <typename T>
inline ArrayPtr<const T> AncillaryMessage::asArray() {
return arrayPtr(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(data.begin()), data.size() / sizeof(T));
} // namespace kj
#endif // KJ_ASYNC_IO_H_
......@@ -797,6 +797,16 @@ public:
inline operator T*() { return isSet ? &value : nullptr; }
inline operator const T*() const { return isSet ? &value : nullptr; }
template <typename... Params>
inline void emplace(Params&&... params) {
if (isSet) {
isSet = false;
ctor(value, kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
isSet = true;
private: // internal interface used by friends only
inline NullableValue() noexcept: isSet(false) {}
inline NullableValue(T&& t) noexcept(noexcept(T(instance<T&&>())))
......@@ -959,6 +969,14 @@ public:
Maybe(decltype(nullptr)) noexcept: ptr(nullptr) {}
template <typename... Params>
inline void emplace(Params&&... params) {
// Replace this Maybe's content with a new value constructed by passing the given parametrs to
// T's constructor. This can be used to initialize a Maybe without copying or even moving a T.
inline Maybe& operator=(Maybe&& other) { ptr = kj::mv(other.ptr); return *this; }
inline Maybe& operator=(Maybe& other) { ptr = other.ptr; return *this; }
inline Maybe& operator=(const Maybe& other) { ptr = other.ptr; return *this; }
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
caffeinate )
# Re-run preventing sleep.
exec caffeinate $0 $@
exec caffeinate -ims $0 $@
tmpdir )
# Clone to a temp directory.
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