Commit 683dd3be authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Remove obsolete ObjectReader/ObjectBuilder classes.

parent c44c9276
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ class StructReader;
class ListBuilder;
class ListReader;
class OrphanBuilder;
struct ObjectBuilder;
struct ObjectReader;
struct WirePointer;
struct WireHelpers;
class SegmentReader;
......@@ -279,10 +277,9 @@ public:
bool isNull();
StructBuilder getStruct(StructSize size, const word* defaultValue);
ListBuilder getList(FieldSize elementSize, const word* defaultValue);
ListBuilder getList(FieldSize elementSize, const word* defaultValzue);
ListBuilder getStructList(StructSize elementSize, const word* defaultValue);
template <typename T> typename T::Builder getBlob(const void* defaultValue,ByteCount defaultSize);
ObjectBuilder getObject(const word* defaultValue);
// Get methods: Get the value. If it is null, initialize it to a copy of the default value.
// The default value is encoded as an "unchecked message" for structs, lists, and objects, or a
// simple byte array for blobs.
......@@ -297,7 +294,6 @@ public:
void setStruct(const StructReader& value);
void setList(const ListReader& value);
template <typename T> void setBlob(typename T::Reader value);
void setObject(const ObjectReader& value);
// Set methods: Initialize the pointer to a newly-allocated copy of the given value, discarding
// the existing object.
......@@ -339,7 +335,6 @@ public:
ListReader getList(FieldSize expectedElementSize, const word* defaultValue) const;
template <typename T>
typename T::Reader getBlob(const void* defaultValue, ByteCount defaultSize) const;
ObjectReader getObject(const word* defaultValue) const;
// Get methods: Get the value. If it is null, return the default value instead.
// The default value is encoded as an "unchecked message" for structs, lists, and objects, or a
// simple byte array for blobs.
......@@ -363,6 +358,7 @@ private:
friend class StructReader;
friend class ListReader;
friend class PointerBuilder;
friend class OrphanBuilder;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -666,65 +662,6 @@ private:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
enum class ObjectKind {
NULL_POINTER, // Object was read from a null pointer.
struct ObjectBuilder {
// A reader for any kind of object.
ObjectKind kind;
union {
StructBuilder structBuilder;
ListBuilder listBuilder;
ObjectBuilder(): kind(ObjectKind::NULL_POINTER), structBuilder() {}
ObjectBuilder(StructBuilder structBuilder)
: kind(ObjectKind::STRUCT), structBuilder(structBuilder) {}
ObjectBuilder(ListBuilder listBuilder)
: kind(ObjectKind::LIST), listBuilder(listBuilder) {}
inline word* getLocation() {
switch (kind) {
case ObjectKind::NULL_POINTER: return nullptr;
case ObjectKind::STRUCT: return structBuilder.getLocation();
case ObjectKind::LIST: return listBuilder.getLocation();
return nullptr;
ObjectReader asReader() const;
inline ObjectBuilder(ObjectBuilder& other) { memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this)); }
inline ObjectBuilder(ObjectBuilder&& other) { memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this)); }
// Hack: Compiler thinks StructBuilder and ListBuilder are non-trivially-copyable due to the
// inheritance from DisallowConstCopy, but that means the union causes ObjectBuilder's copy
// constructor to be deleted. We happen to know that trivial copying works here...
struct ObjectReader {
// A reader for any kind of object.
ObjectKind kind;
union {
StructReader structReader;
ListReader listReader;
ObjectReader(): kind(ObjectKind::NULL_POINTER), structReader() {}
ObjectReader(StructReader structReader)
: kind(ObjectKind::STRUCT), structReader(structReader) {}
ObjectReader(ListReader listReader)
: kind(ObjectKind::LIST), listReader(listReader) {}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class OrphanBuilder {
inline OrphanBuilder(): segment(nullptr), location(nullptr) { memset(&tag, 0, sizeof(tag)); }
......@@ -766,14 +703,10 @@ public:
Data::Builder asData();
// Interpret as a blob, or throw an exception if not a blob.
ObjectBuilder asObject();
// Interpret as an arbitrary object.
StructReader asStructReader(StructSize size) const;
ListReader asListReader(FieldSize elementSize) const;
Text::Reader asTextReader() const;
Data::Reader asDataReader() const;
ObjectReader asObjectReader() const;
static_assert(1 * POINTERS * WORDS_PER_POINTER == 1 * WORDS,
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