Commit 6418de1d authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Tweak timer implementation:

- Define separate times for durations vs. absolute times.
- Make more consistent with existing precedents in KJ style.
parent 8d6b39c8
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ under the same BSD license terms as the rest of the library.
Kenton Varda <>: Primary Author
Jason Choy <>: kj/threadlocal.h and other iOS tweaks
Remy Blank <> (contributions copyright Google Inc.)
Remy Blank <> (contributions copyright Google Inc.): KJ Timers
This file does not list people who maintain their own Cap'n Proto
implementations as separate projects. Those people are awesome too! :)
......@@ -743,13 +743,13 @@ class TimerImpl final: public Timer {
TimerImpl(UnixEventPort& eventPort): eventPort(eventPort) {}
virtual Time steadyTime() { return eventPort.steadyTime(); }
TimePoint now() override { return eventPort.steadyTime(); }
virtual Promise<void> atSteadyTime(Time time) {
Promise<void> atTime(TimePoint time) override {
return eventPort.atSteadyTime(time);
virtual Promise<void> atTimeFromNow(Time delay) {
Promise<void> afterDelay(Duration delay) override {
return eventPort.atSteadyTime(eventPort.steadyTime() + delay);
......@@ -199,7 +199,12 @@ public:
// much at once but I'm not sure how to cleanly break it down.
virtual Timer& getTimer() = 0;
// Returns a Timer interface for the underlying event loop.
// Returns a `Timer` based on real time. Time does not pass while event handlers are running --
// it only updates when the event loop polls for system events. This means that calling `now()`
// on this timer does not require a system call.
// This timer is not affected by changes to the system date. It is unspecified whether the timer
// continues to count while the system is suspended.
class LowLevelAsyncIoProvider {
......@@ -276,7 +281,12 @@ public:
// `flags` is a bitwise-OR of the values of the `Flags` enum.
virtual Timer& getTimer() = 0;
// Returns a Timer interface for the underlying event loop.
// Returns a `Timer` based on real time. Time does not pass while event handlers are running --
// it only updates when the event loop polls for system events. This means that calling `now()`
// on this timer does not require a system call.
// This timer is not affected by changes to the system date. It is unspecified whether the timer
// continues to count while the system is suspended.
Own<AsyncIoProvider> newAsyncIoProvider(LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel);
......@@ -321,30 +321,29 @@ TEST_F(AsyncUnixTest, SteadyTimers) {
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto start = port.steadyTime();
std::vector<Time> expected;
std::vector<Time> actual;
kj::Vector<TimePoint> expected;
kj::Vector<TimePoint> actual;
auto addTimer = [&](Time delay) {
expected.push_back(start + std::max(delay, Time()));
auto addTimer = [&](Duration delay) {
expected.add(max(start + delay, start));
port.atSteadyTime(start + delay).then([&]() {
}).detach([](Exception&& e) { ADD_FAILURE() << str(e).cStr(); });
addTimer(30 * MILLISECOND);
addTimer(40 * MILLISECOND);
addTimer(20350 * MICROSECOND);
addTimer(30 * MILLISECOND);
addTimer(-10 * MILLISECOND);
addTimer(30 * MILLISECONDS);
addTimer(40 * MILLISECONDS);
addTimer(20350 * MICROSECONDS);
addTimer(30 * MILLISECONDS);
addTimer(-10 * MILLISECONDS);
std::sort(expected.begin(), expected.end());
port.atSteadyTime(expected.back() + MILLISECOND).wait(waitScope);
port.atSteadyTime(expected.back() + MILLISECONDS).wait(waitScope);
ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) {
EXPECT_LE(expected[i], actual[i]) << "Actual time for timer " << i << "("
<< actual[i] / MICROSECOND << ") lower than expected time ("
<< expected[i] / MICROSECOND << ")";
EXPECT_LE(expected[i], actual[i]) << "Actual time for timer " << i << " is "
<< ((expected[i] - actual[i]) / NANOSECONDS) << " ns too early.";
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits>
#include <chrono>
#include <set>
#include <time.h>
namespace kj {
......@@ -83,6 +84,16 @@ pthread_once_t registerReservedSignalOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
// =======================================================================================
struct UnixEventPort::TimerSet {
struct TimerBefore {
bool operator()(TimerPromiseAdapter* lhs, TimerPromiseAdapter* rhs);
using Timers = std::multiset<TimerPromiseAdapter*, TimerBefore>;
Timers timers;
// =======================================================================================
class UnixEventPort::SignalPromiseAdapter {
inline SignalPromiseAdapter(PromiseFulfiller<siginfo_t>& fulfiller,
......@@ -166,36 +177,38 @@ public:
class UnixEventPort::TimerPromiseAdapter {
TimerPromiseAdapter(PromiseFulfiller<void>& fulfiller, UnixEventPort& port, Time time)
TimerPromiseAdapter(PromiseFulfiller<void>& fulfiller, UnixEventPort& port, TimePoint time)
: time(time), fulfiller(fulfiller), port(port) {
pos = port.timers.insert(this);
pos = port.timers->timers.insert(this);
~TimerPromiseAdapter() {
if (pos != port.timers.end()) {
if (pos != port.timers->timers.end()) {
void fulfill() {
pos = port.timers.end();
pos = port.timers->timers.end();
const Time time;
const TimePoint time;
PromiseFulfiller<void>& fulfiller;
UnixEventPort& port;
Timers::const_iterator pos;
TimerSet::Timers::const_iterator pos;
bool UnixEventPort::TimerBefore::operator()(TimerPromiseAdapter* lhs, TimerPromiseAdapter* rhs) {
bool UnixEventPort::TimerSet::TimerBefore::operator()(
TimerPromiseAdapter* lhs, TimerPromiseAdapter* rhs) {
return lhs->time < rhs->time;
UnixEventPort::UnixEventPort() {
: timers(kj::heap<TimerSet>()),
frozenSteadyTime(currentSteadyTime()) {
pthread_once(&registerReservedSignalOnce, &registerReservedSignal);
frozenSteadyTime = currentSteadyTime();
UnixEventPort::~UnixEventPort() {}
......@@ -278,7 +291,7 @@ private:
int pollError = 0;
Promise<void> UnixEventPort::atSteadyTime(Time time) {
Promise<void> UnixEventPort::atSteadyTime(TimePoint time) {
return newAdaptedPromise<void, TimerPromiseAdapter>(*this, time);
......@@ -316,22 +329,23 @@ void UnixEventPort::wait() {
threadCapture = &capture;
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &newMask, &origMask);
constexpr Time MAX_TIMEOUT =
std::numeric_limits<int>::digits < std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::digits ?
int64_t(std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1) * MILLISECOND :
Time(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) - MILLISECOND;
// poll()'s timeout is an `int` count of milliseconds, so truncate to that.
// Also, make sure that we aren't within a millisecond of overflowing a `Duration` since that
// will break the math below.
constexpr Duration MAX_TIMEOUT =
min(int(maxValue) * MILLISECONDS, Duration(maxValue) - MILLISECONDS);
int pollTimeout = -1;
auto timer = timers.begin();
if (timer != timers.end()) {
Time timeout = (*timer)->time - currentSteadyTime();
if (timeout < Time()) {
auto timer = timers->timers.begin();
if (timer != timers->timers.end()) {
Duration timeout = (*timer)->time - currentSteadyTime();
if (timeout < 0 * SECONDS) {
pollTimeout = 0;
} else if (timeout <= MAX_TIMEOUT) {
} else if (timeout < MAX_TIMEOUT) {
// Round up to the next millisecond
pollTimeout = (timeout + MILLISECOND - unit<Time>()) / MILLISECOND;
pollTimeout = (timeout + 1 * MILLISECONDS - unit<Duration>()) / MILLISECONDS;
} else {
......@@ -404,16 +418,17 @@ void UnixEventPort::gotSignal(const siginfo_t& siginfo) {
Time UnixEventPort::currentSteadyTime() {
return Time(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(
TimePoint UnixEventPort::currentSteadyTime() {
struct timespec tp;
KJ_SYSCALL(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp));
return origin<TimePoint>() + (tp.tv_sec * SECONDS + tp.tv_sec * NANOSECONDS);
void UnixEventPort::processTimers() {
frozenSteadyTime = currentSteadyTime();
for (;;) {
auto front = timers.begin();
if (front == timers.end() || (*front)->time > frozenSteadyTime) {
auto front = timers->timers.begin();
if (front == timers->timers.end() || (*front)->time > frozenSteadyTime) {
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include <signal.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <set>
namespace kj {
......@@ -85,8 +84,8 @@ public:
// needs to use SIGUSR1, call this at startup (before any calls to `captureSignal()` and before
// constructing an `UnixEventPort`) to offer a different signal.
Time steadyTime() { return frozenSteadyTime; }
Promise<void> atSteadyTime(Time time);
TimePoint steadyTime() { return frozenSteadyTime; }
Promise<void> atSteadyTime(TimePoint time);
// implements EventPort ------------------------------------------------------
void wait() override;
......@@ -98,21 +97,18 @@ private:
class TimerPromiseAdapter;
class PollContext;
struct TimerBefore {
bool operator()(TimerPromiseAdapter* lhs, TimerPromiseAdapter* rhs);
using Timers = std::multiset<TimerPromiseAdapter*, TimerBefore>;
struct TimerSet; // Defined in source file to avoid STL include.
PollPromiseAdapter* pollHead = nullptr;
PollPromiseAdapter** pollTail = &pollHead;
SignalPromiseAdapter* signalHead = nullptr;
SignalPromiseAdapter** signalTail = &signalHead;
Timers timers;
Time frozenSteadyTime;
Own<TimerSet> timers;
TimePoint frozenSteadyTime;
void gotSignal(const siginfo_t& siginfo);
Time currentSteadyTime();
TimePoint currentSteadyTime();
void processTimers();
friend class TimerPromiseAdapter;
// Copyright (c) 2014, Kenton Varda <>
// Copyright (c) 2014 Google Inc. (contributed by Remy Blank <>)
// Copyright (c) 2014 Kenton Varda <>
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
......@@ -31,38 +32,52 @@
namespace kj {
namespace _ { // private
class MicrosecondLabel;
class NanosecondLabel;
class TimeLabel;
class DateLabel;
} // namespace _ (private)
using Time = Quantity<int64_t, _::MicrosecondLabel>;
using Duration = Quantity<int64_t, _::NanosecondLabel>;
// A time value, in microseconds.
constexpr Time MICROSECOND = unit<Time>();
constexpr Time MILLISECOND = 1000 * MICROSECOND;
constexpr Time SECOND = 1000 * MILLISECOND;
constexpr Time MINUTE = 60 * SECOND;
constexpr Time HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
constexpr Time DAY = 24 * HOUR;
constexpr Duration NANOSECONDS = unit<Duration>();
constexpr Duration MICROSECONDS = 1000 * NANOSECONDS;
constexpr Duration MILLISECONDS = 1000 * MICROSECONDS;
constexpr Duration SECONDS = 1000 * MILLISECONDS;
constexpr Duration MINUTES = 60 * SECONDS;
constexpr Duration HOURS = 60 * MINUTES;
constexpr Duration DAYS = 24 * HOURS;
using TimePoint = Absolute<Duration, _::TimeLabel>;
// An absolute time measured by some particular instance of `Timer`. `Time`s from two different
// `Timer`s may be measured from different origins and so are not necessarily compatible.
using Date = Absolute<Duration, _::DateLabel>;
// A point in real-world time, measured relative to the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
constexpr Date UNIX_EPOCH = origin<Date>();
// The `Date` representing Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
class Timer {
// Interface to time and timer functionality. The underlying time unit comes from
// a steady clock, i.e. a clock that increments steadily and is independent of
// system (or wall) time.
// Interface to time and timer functionality.
// Each `Timer` may have a different origin, and some `Timer`s may in fact tick at a different
// rate than real time (e.g. a `Timer` could represent CPU time consumed by a thread). However,
// all `Timer`s are monotonic: time will never appear to move backwards, even if the calendar
// date as tracked by the system is manually modified.
virtual Time steadyTime() = 0;
virtual TimePoint now() = 0;
// Returns the current value of a clock that moves steadily forward, independent of any
// changes in the wall clock. The value is updated every time the event loop waits,
// and is constant in-between waits.
virtual Promise<void> atSteadyTime(Time time) = 0;
// Schedules a timer that will trigger when the value returned by steadyTime() reaches
// the given time.
virtual Promise<void> atTime(TimePoint time) = 0;
// Returns a promise that returns as soon as now() >= time.
virtual Promise<void> atTimeFromNow(Time delay) = 0;
// Schedules a timer that will trigger after the given delay. The timer uses steadyTime()
// and is therefore immune to system clock updates.
virtual Promise<void> afterDelay(Duration delay) = 0;
// Equivalent to atTime(now() + delay).
} // namespace kj
......@@ -219,6 +219,10 @@ class Quantity {
inline constexpr Quantity() {}
inline constexpr Quantity(decltype(maxValue)): value(maxValue) {}
inline constexpr Quantity(decltype(minValue)): value(minValue) {}
// Allow initialization from maxValue and minValue.
inline explicit constexpr Quantity(Number value): value(value) {}
// This constructor was intended to be private, but GCC complains about it being private in a
// bunch of places that don't appear to even call it, so I made it public. Oh well.
......@@ -362,6 +366,63 @@ inline constexpr auto operator*(UnitRatio<Number1, Unit2, Unit> ratio,
return measure * ratio;
// =======================================================================================
// Absolute measures
template <typename T, typename Label>
class Absolute {
// Wraps some other value -- typically a Quantity -- but represents a value measured based on
// some absolute origin. For exmaple, if `Duration` is a type representing a time duration,
// Absolute<Duration, UnixEpoch> might be a calendar date.
// Since Absolute represents measurements relative to some arbitrary origin, the only sensible
// arithmetic to perform on them is addition and subtraction.
// TODO(someday): Do the same automatic expansion of integer width that Quantity does? Doesn't
// matter for our time use case, where we always use 64-bit anyway. Note that fixing this
// would implicitly allow things like multiplying an Absolute by a UnitRatio to change its
// units, which is actually totally logical and kind of neat.
inline constexpr Absolute operator+(const T& other) const { return Absolute(value + other); }
inline constexpr Absolute operator-(const T& other) const { return Absolute(value - other); }
inline constexpr T operator-(const Absolute& other) const { return value - other.value; }
inline Absolute& operator+=(const T& other) { value += other; return *this; }
inline Absolute& operator-=(const T& other) { value -= other; return *this; }
inline constexpr bool operator==(const Absolute& other) const { return value == other.value; }
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const Absolute& other) const { return value != other.value; }
inline constexpr bool operator<=(const Absolute& other) const { return value <= other.value; }
inline constexpr bool operator>=(const Absolute& other) const { return value >= other.value; }
inline constexpr bool operator< (const Absolute& other) const { return value < other.value; }
inline constexpr bool operator> (const Absolute& other) const { return value > other.value; }
T value;
explicit constexpr Absolute(T value): value(value) {}
template <typename U>
friend inline constexpr U origin();
template <typename T, typename Label>
inline constexpr Absolute<T, Label> operator+(const T& a, const Absolute<T, Label>& b) {
return b + a;
template <typename T> struct UnitOf_ { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T, typename Label> struct UnitOf_<Absolute<T, Label>> { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T>
using UnitOf = typename UnitOf_<T>::Type;
// UnitOf<Absolute<T, U>> is T. UnitOf<AnythingElse> is AnythingElse.
template <typename T>
inline constexpr T origin() { return T(0 * unit<UnitOf<T>>()); }
// origin<Absolute<T, U>>() returns an Absolute of value 0. It also, intentionally, works on basic
// numeric types.
} // namespace kj
#endif // KJ_UNITS_H_
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