Commit 5f1bd21b authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Require fixed struct data section size to be in bytes, not words, for clarity.

parent d63388ce
......@@ -283,16 +283,16 @@ struct TestInline8 fixed(1 bytes) { f0 @0: Bool; f1 @1: Bool; f2 @2: Bool; }
struct TestInline16 fixed(2 bytes) { f0 @0: UInt8; f1 @1: UInt8; }
struct TestInline32 fixed(4 bytes) { f0 @0: UInt8; f1 @1: UInt16; }
struct TestInline64 fixed(8 bytes) { f0 @0: UInt8; f1 @1: UInt32; }
struct TestInline128 fixed(2 words) { f0 @0: UInt64; f1 @1: UInt64; }
struct TestInline192 fixed(3 words) { f0 @0: UInt64; f1 @1: UInt64; f2 @2: UInt64; }
struct TestInline128 fixed(16 bytes) { f0 @0: UInt64; f1 @1: UInt64; }
struct TestInline192 fixed(24 bytes) { f0 @0: UInt64; f1 @1: UInt64; f2 @2: UInt64; }
struct TestInline0p fixed(1 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline0); p0 @1 :Text; }
struct TestInline8p fixed(1 bytes, 1 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline8); p0 @1 :Text; }
struct TestInline16p fixed(2 bytes, 2 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline16); p0 @1 :Text; p1 @2 :Text; }
struct TestInline32p fixed(4 bytes, 2 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline32); p0 @1 :Text; p1 @2 :Text; }
struct TestInline64p fixed(8 bytes, 2 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline64); p0 @1 :Text; p1 @2 :Text; }
struct TestInline128p fixed(2 words, 3 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline128); p0 @1 :Text; p1 @2 :Text; p2 @3 :Text; }
struct TestInline192p fixed(3 words, 3 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline192); p0 @1 :Text; p1 @2 :Text; p2 @3 :Text; }
struct TestInline128p fixed(16 bytes, 3 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline128); p0 @1 :Text; p1 @2 :Text; p2 @3 :Text; }
struct TestInline192p fixed(24 bytes, 3 pointers) { f @0 :Inline(TestInline192); p0 @1 :Text; p1 @2 :Text; p2 @3 :Text; }
struct TestInlineLayout {
f0 @0 :Inline(TestInline0);
......@@ -738,8 +738,8 @@ enforceFixed (Just (Located pos (requestedDataSize, requestedPointerCount)))
16 -> return DataSection16
32 -> return DataSection32
s | mod s 64 == 0 -> return $ DataSectionWords $ div s 64
_ -> makeError pos $ printf "Struct data section size must be a whole number of words \
\or 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes."
_ -> makeError pos $ printf "Struct data section size must be 0, 1, 2, 4, or a multiple of \
\8 bytes."
recover () $ when (dataSectionBits actualDataSize > dataSectionBits validatedRequestedDataSize) $
makeError pos $ printf "Struct data section size is %s which exceeds specified maximum of \
......@@ -255,13 +255,9 @@ combineFixedSizes (_, Just _) (FixedPointers _) =
fixedSize = do
size <- literalInt
-- We do not allow single-bit structs because most CPUs cannot address bits.
(exactIdentifier "byte" >> return (FixedData (8 * size)))
<|> (exactIdentifier "bytes" >> return (FixedData (8 * size)))
<|> (exactIdentifier "word" >> return (FixedData (64 * size)))
<|> (exactIdentifier "words" >> return (FixedData (64 * size)))
<|> (exactIdentifier "pointer" >> return (FixedPointers size))
(exactIdentifier "bytes" >> return (FixedData (8 * size)))
<|> (exactIdentifier "pointers" >> return (FixedPointers size))
<?> "\"bytes\", \"words\", or \"pointers\""
<?> "\"bytes\" or \"pointers\""
structLine :: Maybe [Located Statement] -> TokenParser Declaration
structLine Nothing = usingDecl <|> constantDecl <|> fieldDecl <|> annotationDecl
......@@ -278,11 +278,11 @@ dataSizeToSectionSize Size16 = DataSection16
dataSizeToSectionSize Size32 = DataSection32
dataSizeToSectionSize Size64 = DataSectionWords 1
dataSectionSizeString DataSection1 = "1 bits"
dataSectionSizeString DataSection1 = error "Data section for display can't be 1 bit."
dataSectionSizeString DataSection8 = "1 bytes"
dataSectionSizeString DataSection16 = "2 bytes"
dataSectionSizeString DataSection32 = "4 bytes"
dataSectionSizeString (DataSectionWords n) = show n ++ " words"
dataSectionSizeString (DataSectionWords n) = show (n * 8) ++ " bytes"
data DataSize = Size1 | Size8 | Size16 | Size32 | Size64 deriving(Eq, Ord, Enum)
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