Commit 5c4ed12c authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Refactor: Add keyForRow() callback so that other callbacks don't need to be overloaded for rows.

See map.h changes to see why this makes this cleaner.
parent 9b20a942
......@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ public:
class Callbacks {
inline const Key& keyForRow(const Entry& entry) const { return entry.key; }
inline Key& keyForRow(Entry& entry) const { return entry.key; }
template <typename KeyLike>
inline bool matches(Entry& e, KeyLike&& key) const {
return e.key == key;
......@@ -117,17 +120,6 @@ private:
inline bool hashCode(KeyLike&& key) const {
return kj::hashCode(key);
inline bool matches(Entry& e, Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool matches(const Entry& e, Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool matches(Entry& e, const Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool matches(const Entry& e, const Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool hashCode(Entry& entry) const {
return kj::hashCode(entry.key);
inline bool hashCode(const Entry& entry) const {
return kj::hashCode(entry.key);
kj::Table<Entry, HashIndex<Callbacks>> table;
......@@ -212,6 +204,9 @@ public:
class Callbacks {
inline const Key& keyForRow(const Entry& entry) const { return entry.key; }
inline Key& keyForRow(Entry& entry) const { return entry.key; }
template <typename KeyLike>
inline bool matches(Entry& e, KeyLike&& key) const {
return e.key == key;
......@@ -228,15 +223,6 @@ private:
inline bool isBefore(const Entry& e, KeyLike&& key) const {
return e.key < key;
inline bool matches(Entry& e, Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool matches(Entry& e, const Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool matches(const Entry& e, Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool matches(const Entry& e, const Entry& e2) const { return e.key == e2.key; }
inline bool isBefore(Entry& e, Entry& e2) const { return e.key < e2.key; }
inline bool isBefore(Entry& e, const Entry& e2) const { return e.key < e2.key; }
inline bool isBefore(const Entry& e, Entry& e2) const { return e.key < e2.key; }
inline bool isBefore(const Entry& e, const Entry& e2) const { return e.key < e2.key; }
kj::Table<Entry, TreeIndex<Callbacks>> table;
......@@ -246,6 +232,9 @@ namespace _ { // private
class HashSetCallbacks {
template <typename Row>
inline Row& keyForRow(Row& row) const { return row; }
template <typename T, typename U>
inline bool matches(T& a, U& b) const { return a == b; }
template <typename KeyLike>
......@@ -256,6 +245,9 @@ public:
class TreeSetCallbacks {
template <typename Row>
inline Row& keyForRow(Row& row) const { return row; }
template <typename T, typename U>
inline bool matches(T& a, U& b) const { return a == b; }
template <typename T, typename U>
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ KJ_TEST("_::tryReserveSize() works") {
class StringHasher {
StringPtr keyForRow(StringPtr s) const { return s; }
bool matches(StringPtr a, StringPtr b) const {
return a == b;
......@@ -185,6 +187,8 @@ class BadHasher {
// String hash that always returns the same hash code. This should not affect correctness, only
// performance.
StringPtr keyForRow(StringPtr s) const { return s; }
bool matches(StringPtr a, StringPtr b) const {
return a == b;
......@@ -273,12 +277,7 @@ struct SiPair {
class SiPairStringHasher {
bool matches(SiPair a, SiPair b) const {
return a.str == b.str;
uint hashCode(SiPair pair) const {
return inner.hashCode(pair.str);
StringPtr keyForRow(SiPair s) const { return s.str; }
bool matches(SiPair a, StringPtr b) const {
return a.str == b;
......@@ -293,12 +292,7 @@ private:
class SiPairIntHasher {
bool matches(SiPair a, SiPair b) const {
return a.i == b.i;
uint hashCode(SiPair pair) const {
return pair.i;
uint keyForRow(SiPair s) const { return s.i; }
bool matches(SiPair a, uint b) const {
return a.i == b;
......@@ -376,6 +370,8 @@ KJ_TEST("double-index table") {
class UintHasher {
uint keyForRow(uint i) const { return i; }
bool matches(uint a, uint b) const {
return a == b;
......@@ -628,6 +624,8 @@ KJ_TEST("B-tree internals") {
class StringCompare {
StringPtr keyForRow(StringPtr s) const { return s; }
bool isBefore(StringPtr a, StringPtr b) const {
return a < b;
......@@ -774,6 +772,8 @@ KJ_TEST("simple tree table") {
class UintCompare {
uint keyForRow(uint i) const { return i; }
bool isBefore(uint a, uint b) const {
return a < b;
......@@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ class Table {
// Each index is a class that looks like:
// template <typename Key>
// class Index {
// public:
// void reserve(size_t size);
// // Called when Table::reserve() is called.
// SearchParam& keyForRow(const Row& row) const;
// // Given a row, return a value appropriate to pass as SearchParams to the other functions.
// // In all function calls below, `SearchPrams` refers to whatever parameters the index
// // supports for looking up a row in the table. At the very least, the table row type
// // itself must be supported. However, most indexes will also want to support some sort
// // of "key" type that is not a whole row.
// // supports for looking up a row in the table.
// template <typename... SearchParams>
// kj::Maybe<size_t> insert(kj::ArrayPtr<const Row> table, size_t pos, SearchParams&&...);
......@@ -293,18 +293,22 @@ class HashIndex;
// class Callbacks {
// public:
// bool matches(const Row&, const Row&) const;
// // Returns true if the two rows are matching, for the purpose of this index.
// // In this interface, `SearchParams...` means whatever parameters you want to support in
// // a call to table.find(...). By overloading the calls to support various inputs, you can
// // affect what table.find(...) accepts.
// SearchParam& keyForRow(const Row& row);
// // Given a row of the table, return the SearchParams that might be passed to the other
// // methods to match this row.
// uint hashCode(const Row&) const;
// // Computes the hash code of the given row. Matching rows (as determined by match()) must
// // have the same hash code. Non-matching rows should have different hash codes, to the
// // maximum extent possible. Non-matching rows with the same hash code hurt performance.
// bool matches(const Row&, SearchParams&&...) const;
// // Returns true if the the row on the left matches thes search params on the right.
// bool matches(const Row&, ...) const;
// uint hashCode(...) const;
// // If you wish to support find(...) with parameters other than `const Row&`, you can do
// // so by implementing overloads of hashCode() and match() with those parameters.
// uint hashCode(SearchParams&&...) const;
// // Computes the hash code of the given search params. Matching rows (as determined by
// // matches()) must have the same hash code. Non-matching rows should have different hash
// // codes, to the maximum extent possible. Non-matching rows with the same hash code hurt
// // performance.
// };
// If your `Callbacks` type has dynamic state, you may pass its constructor parameters as the
......@@ -320,19 +324,19 @@ class TreeIndex;
// class Callbacks {
// public:
// bool isBefore(const Row&, const Row&) const;
// // Returns true if the row on the left comes before the row on the right.
// // In this interface, `SearchParams...` means whatever parameters you want to support in
// // a call to table.find(...). By overloading the calls to support various inputs, you can
// // affect what table.find(...) accepts.
// SearchParam& keyForRow(const Row& row);
// // Given a row of the table, return the SearchParams that might be passed to the other
// // methods to match this row.
// bool matches(const Row&, const Row&) const;
// // Returns true if the rows "match".
// //
// // This could be computed by checking whether isBefore() returns false regardless of the
// // order of the parameters, but often equality is somewhat faster to check.
// bool isBefore(const Row&, SearchParams&&...) const;
// // Returns true if the row on the left comes before the search params on the right.
// bool isBefore(const Row&, ...) const;
// bool matches(const Row&, ...) const;
// // If you wish to support find(...) with parameters other than `const Row&`, you can do
// // so by implementing overloads of isBefore() and isAfter() with those parameters.
// bool matches(const Row&, SearchParams&&...) const;
// // Returns true if the row "matches" the search params.
// };
// =======================================================================================
......@@ -456,24 +460,29 @@ public:
if (skip == index) {
return Impl<index + 1>::insert(table, pos, row, skip);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(existing, get<index>(table.indexes).insert(table.rows.asPtr(), pos, row)) {
auto& indexObj = get<index>(table.indexes);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(existing, indexObj.insert(table.rows.asPtr(), pos, indexObj.keyForRow(row))) {
return *existing;
bool success = false;
KJ_DEFER(if (!success) { get<index>(table.indexes).erase(table.rows.asPtr(), pos, row); });
KJ_DEFER(if (!success) {
indexObj.erase(table.rows.asPtr(), pos, indexObj.keyForRow(row));
auto result = Impl<index + 1>::insert(table, pos, row, skip);
success = result == nullptr;
return result;
static void erase(Table<Row, Indexes...>& table, size_t pos, Row& row) {
get<index>(table.indexes).erase(table.rows.asPtr(), pos, row);
auto& indexObj = get<index>(table.indexes);
indexObj.erase(table.rows.asPtr(), pos, indexObj.keyForRow(row));
Impl<index + 1>::erase(table, pos, row);
static void move(Table<Row, Indexes...>& table, size_t oldPos, size_t newPos, Row& row) {
get<index>(table.indexes).move(table.rows.asPtr(), oldPos, newPos, row);
auto& indexObj = get<index>(table.indexes);
indexObj.move(table.rows.asPtr(), oldPos, newPos, indexObj.keyForRow(row));
Impl<index + 1>::move(table, oldPos, newPos, row);
......@@ -872,6 +881,11 @@ public:
memset(buckets.begin(), 0, buckets.asBytes().size());
template <typename Row>
decltype(auto) keyForRow(Row&& row) const {
return cb.keyForRow(kj::fwd<Row>(row));
template <typename Row, typename... Params>
kj::Maybe<size_t> insert(kj::ArrayPtr<Row> table, size_t pos, Params&&... params) {
if (buckets.size() * 2 < (table.size() + 1 + erasedCount) * 3) {
......@@ -1411,6 +1425,11 @@ public:
inline auto begin() const { return impl.begin(); }
inline auto end() const { return impl.end(); }
template <typename Row>
decltype(auto) keyForRow(Row&& row) const {
return cb.keyForRow(kj::fwd<Row>(row));
template <typename Row, typename... Params>
kj::Maybe<size_t> insert(kj::ArrayPtr<Row> table, size_t pos, Params&&... params) {
auto iter = impl.insert(searchKey(table, params...));
......@@ -1537,6 +1556,9 @@ public:
uint pos;
template <typename Row>
Row& keyForRow(Row& row) const { return row; }
void reserve(size_t size);
void clear();
inline Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(links, links[0].next); }
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