Commit 58b920ec authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Extend 'capnp const' to support evaluating field default values as well as inner…

Extend 'capnp const' to support evaluating field default values as well as inner members of a value.
parent 9fbc28f8
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "../message.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <kj/main.h>
#include <kj/parse/char.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
......@@ -204,10 +205,17 @@ public:
annotationFlag = Compiler::DROP_ANNOTATIONS;
kj::MainBuilder builder(context, VERSION_STRING,
"Evaluates the `const` declaration <name> defined in <schema-file> and outputs the "
"value in text or binary format. Since consts can have complex struct types, and "
"since you can build a const using other const values, this can be a convenient way "
"to write text-format config files which are compiled to binary before deployment.",
"Prints (or encodes) the value of <name>, which must be defined in <schema-file>. "
"<name> must refer to a const declaration, a field of a struct type (prints the default "
"value), or a field or list element nested within some other value. Examples:\n"
" capnp eval myschema.capnp MyType.someField\n"
" capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant\n"
" capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant.someField\n"
" capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant.someList[4]\n"
" capnp eval myschema.capnp someConstant.someList[4].anotherField[1][2][3]\n"
"Since consts can have complex struct types, and since you can define a const using "
"imporst and variable substitution, this can be a convenient way to write text-format "
"config files which are compiled to binary before deployment.",
"By default the value is written in text format and can have any type. The -b, -p, "
"and --flat flags specify binary output, in which case the const must be of struct "
......@@ -1036,16 +1044,127 @@ public:
kj::MainBuilder::Validity evalConst(kj::StringPtr type) {
kj::MainBuilder::Validity evalConst(kj::StringPtr name) {
KJ_ASSERT(sourceFiles.size() == 1);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(schema, resolveName(sourceFiles[0].id, type)) {
if (schema->getProto().which() != schema::Node::CONST) {
return "not a const";
auto parser = kj::parse::sequence(
kj::parse::IteratorInput<char, const char*> input(name.begin(), name.end());
kj::Array<kj::Tuple<kj::String, kj::Array<uint64_t>>> nameParts;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, parser(input)) {
nameParts = kj::mv(*p);
} else {
return "invalid syntax";
auto pos = nameParts.begin();
// Traverse the path to find a schema.
uint64_t scopeId = sourceFiles[0].id;
bool stoppedAtSubscript = false;
for (; pos != nameParts.end(); ++pos) {
kj::StringPtr part = kj::get<0>(*pos);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(childId, compiler->lookup(scopeId, part)) {
scopeId = *childId;
if (kj::get<1>(*pos).size() > 0) {
stoppedAtSubscript = true;
} else {
Schema schema = compiler->getLoader().get(scopeId);
// Evaluate this schema to a DynamicValue.
DynamicValue::Reader value;
word zeroWord[1];
memset(&zeroWord, 0, sizeof(zeroWord));
kj::ArrayPtr<const word> segments[1] = { zeroWord };
SegmentArrayMessageReader emptyMessage(segments);
switch (schema.getProto().which()) {
case schema::Node::CONST:
value = schema.asConst();
case schema::Node::STRUCT:
if (pos == nameParts.end()) {
return kj::str("'", schema.getShortDisplayName(), "' cannot be evaluated.");
// Use the struct's default value.
value = emptyMessage.getRoot<DynamicStruct>(schema.asStruct());
if (stoppedAtSubscript) {
return kj::str("'", schema.getShortDisplayName(), "' is not a list.");
} else if (pos != nameParts.end()) {
return kj::str("'", kj::get<0>(*pos), "' is not defined.");
} else {
return kj::str("'", schema.getShortDisplayName(), "' cannot be evaluated.");
// Traverse the rest of the path as struct fields.
for (; pos != nameParts.end(); ++pos) {
kj::StringPtr partName = kj::get<0>(*pos);
if (!stoppedAtSubscript) {
if (value.getType() == DynamicValue::STRUCT) {
auto structValue =<DynamicStruct>();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(field, structValue.getSchema().findFieldByName(partName)) {
value = structValue.get(*field);
} else {
return kj::str("'", kj::get<0>(pos[-1]), "' has no member '", partName, "'.");
} else {
return kj::str("'", kj::get<0>(pos[-1]), "' is not a struct.");
auto& subscripts = kj::get<1>(*pos);
for (uint i = 0; i < subscripts.size(); i++) {
uint64_t subscript = subscripts[i];
if (value.getType() == DynamicValue::LIST) {
auto listValue =<DynamicList>();
if (subscript < listValue.size()) {
value = listValue[subscript];
} else {
return kj::str("'", partName, "[", kj::strArray(subscripts.slice(0, i + 1), "]["),
"]' is out-of-bounds.");
} else {
if (i > 0) {
return kj::str("'", partName, "[", kj::strArray(subscripts.slice(0, i), "]["),
"]' is not a list.");
} else {
return kj::str("'", partName, "' is not a list.");
DynamicValue::Reader value = schema->asConst();
stoppedAtSubscript = false;
// OK, we have a value. Print it.
if (binary || packed || flat) {
if (value.getType() != DynamicValue::STRUCT) {
return "not a struct; binary output is only available on structs";
......@@ -1065,9 +1184,7 @@ public:
} else {
return "no such type";
......@@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ ConstSchema Schema::asConst() const {
return ConstSchema(raw);
kj::StringPtr Schema::getShortDisplayName() const {
auto proto = getProto();
return proto.getDisplayName().slice(proto.getDisplayNamePrefixLength());
void Schema::requireUsableAs(const _::RawSchema* expected) const {
KJ_REQUIRE(raw == expected ||
(raw != nullptr && expected != nullptr && raw->canCastTo == expected),
......@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ public:
// - This schema was loaded with SchemaLoader, the type ID matches typeId<T>(), and
// loadCompiledTypeAndDependencies<T>() was called on the SchemaLoader.
kj::StringPtr getShortDisplayName() const;
// Get the short version of the node's display name.
const _::RawSchema* raw;
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